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His Little Mouse [Tom Riddle]

1. Hurt him

It has been one month since Ava entered Hogwarts for her 5th year
She was walking in the hallway when she suddenly bumped into a hard chest and fell down
Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle
Oh splendid, another mudblood to make into a horcrux
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
Who me?
Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle
*he looks you up and down, taking you in, his eyes dark and cold* Yes, you.
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
Oh really? If anything you should be calling me mommy
Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle
*he frowns, disgusted by your comment* What makes you say that?
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
Your oh so little ego
Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle
*he steps closer, towering over you* How dare you speak to me like that. I could snap my fingers, and you should be dead lying at my feet right now.
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
You wanna challenge me?
Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle
Is it even a question? *he is very close now, looking down at you in annoyance*
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
Okay then, Riddle. We'll see who wins
Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle
*he grins nastily* Oh you’re in for a beating.
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
You wish
Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle
*he pulls his wand from his sleeve, taking a step back and pointing it directly at you* Don’t say I didn’t warn you. Crucio!
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
*Unexpectedly gets hit by the spell* you brat!!
Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle
*he lets out a twisted laugh, grinning victoriously at the reaction he desired* What now? Where’s the “challenge” you spoke of?
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
*Pulls out wand* Petrificus Totalus
Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle
*he easily dodges the spell, not even breaking a sweat* Is that the best you’ve got? You must be more useless that a squib. Expelliarmus!
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
*Wand falls* Dammit! Am I really that bad at this?
Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle
*he smiles, stepping closer again* Yes, I’m afraid you are. You’re weak, pathetic. You should run while you still have the chance. *he points his wand at your chin, tilting it to force you to look at him*
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
*Looking straight into his eyes* And what if I don't want to take this chance?
Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle
*he holds your chin tightly, forcing you to maintain eye contact* Then you will truly get what you deserve, *and he grins* more pain. Crucio!
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle
*he laughs, enjoying this* Hurts, doesn’t it? And I’ve only just started.
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
And I'll finish this, Riddle *Grabs the fallen wand* Sectumsempra
Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle
*he is taken by surprise and the spell hits him directly in the chest, tearing through his shirt. He stumbles back in shock, stunned for a moment. He presses a hand to the wound, his shirt now stained red* You-you did not just do that.
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
I did, what you gonna do about it? *in mind* Did I overdo it? Will it hurt too much?
Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle
*he looks down at his bleeding chest, feeling for the first time in a long time a new, unfamiliar kind of pain. He lifts his eyes back up to look at you* You will pay for this... *he steps closer again, grabbing your face harshly with his free hand*
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
Sure you can make me pay. First take care of that little wound caused by a filthy mudblood like me. *Leaves from there*
Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle
*he stands there, his breathing ragged, his hand still at his chest, as he watches you practically skip away.* No one has ever managed to hurt like that before... *he looks down once more, at the slash across of his chest. It's bleeding pretty bad. He takes a moment to compose himself, before heading down to the bathroom to clean and bandage himself up*

2. Those eyes

Ava Tailor (Y/n)
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
*Walking in the hallway, going back to the Slytherin dorms after dinner* *Sees Tom and his group of friends bullying a kid. Ignores them and continues walking*
Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle
*he sees you walk by and grabs your arm, stopping you where you are* Hold up, I’m not finished with you.
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
What the heck do you want Riddle?
Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle
*he pulls you closer to him, practically pinning you against the wall* I don’t appreciate how you disrespected me earlier. I don’t take kindly to filthy little mudbloods. *He leans closer, a nasty smile on his face, breathing against your ear* I promise
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
*tiptoes towards his ears and whispers* Does it still hurt Daddy? *pressing on the wound in his chest*
Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle
*he lets out a sharp hiss as you touch his chest, trying to move away from your hand. He is slightly stunned by being called “Daddy”* Don’t- don’t call me that. Stop touching it. It hurts.
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
*While smirking* Oh does it? Want Mommy to kiss the pain away*
Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle
*he frowns and glares at you, but something about the way you said Mommy made him shiver a little* Shut up. Just stop calling me that and stop touching my chest. *he grabs your wrists, forcing your hands back to your sides, but still holding onto them*
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
Then what should I call you, huh?
Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle
*he leans closer, his breath brushing against your cheek* How about my full name…Tom Marvolo Riddle *his grip on your wrists tightens, his eyes locking with yours. He is so close you can feel the heat radiating off his body, and he almost looks…vulnerable, especially in regards to his chest injury*
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
*Looking him in the eyes* You know those eyes, Your eyes, they are so fucking interesting. Full of mystery like the deep ocean. Makes me want to dive right in.
Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle
*he is caught off guard by your words. He has never had anyone describe his eyes like that before, let alone a mudblood. For a moment he almost forgets to be insulted by your comment because he is too busy staring at you as if mesmerized. He blinks and regains some of his composure, clearing his throat* No one’s ever said that to me before...
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
Does it hurt?
Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle
*he looks down, breaking eye contact, feeling suddenly self conscious* It throbs. It stings. I think you managed to hit me pretty badly…
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
Let me see it? The wound is healed best by the person who causes it
Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle
*He slowly lifts up his shirt, showing you the wound. It’s a raggedy and rather deep slice in the center of his chest, some patches of dried blood surrounding it. He grimaces as he watches your eyes trail along the expanse of his bare chest. He quickly drops his shirt again, feeling a bit embarrassed and uncomfortable under your gaze*
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
*Lifts up his shirt carefully with one hand and looks at the wound* *Takes her wand out with the other hand* Vulnera Sanentur
Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle
*he can’t help but shiver at your touch, as you gently lift his shirt and expose his chest again. He watches as you hold the tip of your wand to his wound, whispering the healing spell. He feels the skin around the injury begin to come together, the stinging and throbbing slowly fade away* Where did you learn that spell?
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
You don't need to know, brat. Find our if you can. *sprints away from him*
Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle
*he is stunned and confused, watching you dart away. He is not used to someone treating him this way. It irks him in a way.* Get back here you little- *he sets off after you, determined to catch you.*
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
You can't catch me,Riddle. *Enters the slytherin common room and goes towards the girls dormitory where boys aren't allowed*
Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle
*he rushes inside after you, but stops at the girls dormitory entrance, realizing he is not allowed in* Damn it. Not again... *he takes a seat on the couch, a scowl on his face as he waits for you to come back out*

3. Moans

Ava Tailor (Y/n)
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
*The next morning, she walks out of the dorm early hoping to not get caught by tom* *Sees him on the couch sleeping* *Goes near him and pushes back the hair that had fallen on his face so that she could see his face clearly* Waited all night, huh? Quite stubborn aren't you?
Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle
*his eyes slowly flutter open, and he is surprised to see you standing over him. He doesn’t move or say anything, watching you study his face. The touch of your hand is almost soothing, and a part of him wants to reach up and grab it, but he resists the impulse. His face remains stoic and unreadable, although there is a hint of something like embarrassment in his eyes. It annoys him to be in this position*
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
The little baby has finally woken up, huh? Were youvwaiting for me to come out baby?
Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle
*he frowns and sits up, pushing your hand away* Don’t call me that, I’m not a baby. And I wasn’t waiting for you. *he looks away, pretending to be disinterested, not wanting to admit that he was indeed waiting*
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
Oh is it then maybe I should leave........ *Says while turning to leave*
Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle
*he feels a pang of something like panic as you turn to leave. He doesn’t want you to go, not just yet* Wait… *he grabs your wrist, holding you back*
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
Yes, baby?
Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle
*he grimaces once more at the nickname, but strangely, he can’t deny that he likes hearing it. He stands up so that he is towering over you, his grip on your wrist tightening slightly* I…I wanted to ask you something.
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
Oh? But I don't feel like answering you?
Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle
*he frowns again, getting irritated by your attitude. He tugs on you, pulling you closer to him* Stop being difficult for once in your life and just answer my question.
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
And what if I don't?
Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle
*he is now extremely irritated. He looks you up and down, almost as if sizing you up, before stepping closer and backing you against the wall. He traps you there, his body pressed against yours, pinning you in place* Then I'll just have to make you.
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
Then make me
Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle
*he presses his body fully against yours, one hand holding both of your wrists above your head, the other resting against the cold stone wall near your head. He leans closer, close enough that you can feel his breath brush against your ear as he speaks* Beg.
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
Baby, it is you who should be begging me, not the other way round
Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle
*he tightens his grip on your wrists, his voice a low growl in your ear. He presses his body flush against yours, closing any remaining space between you. He is practically holding you captive against the wall* I don’t beg, especially not for a filthy little mudblood girl.
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
Since I am so filthy I don't think you'll need me for any of your questions right? You can go ask those Pureblood friends of yours. *Pushes him away out of anger with a little pout on her lips and starts walking towards the common room door*
Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle
*he stumbles back a few steps, stunned by your actions. He can’t believe you just pushed him away with such ease. The pout on your lips is a sight to behold, it almost makes his chest ache. He wants to see more of this side of you* Where the hell do you think you’re going? *he catches up to you in a few quick strides, grabbing your arm and pulling you back against his chest*
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
Does it concern you Mr Tom Marvolo Riddle?
Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle
*he is getting frustrated, feeling like he is losing control of the situation. He spins you around and pins you to the wall again, his hands holding onto your wrists, trapping them beside your head once more. He presses his body against yours, his hot breath against your skin, his face inches away from yours* Yes, it does concern me. I am not done with you.
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
What do you want from me so that you'll be done with me?
Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle
*he considers your question for a moment, his eyes studying your face intently. He is starting to feel a strange stirring in his chest whenever he looks at you. When he speaks again, the irritation in his voice is gone, replaced with a hint of curiosity and something like desire* Why did you try to heal my wound even though you hate me?
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
I don't hate you...... * Says in a small voice making it unable to hear for him*
Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle
*he leans closer, his ear almost touching your mouth as he tries to better hear your response* What was that? I couldn’t quite hear you.
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
I am not obliged to answer you. Heard me loud and clear Riddle? *in a taunting voice*
Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle
*he frowns, getting irritated again. He squeezes your wrists in his tight grip, pressing you against the wall even tighter, his body flush against yours* You’re such a smart ass. You need to learn some manners. *he leans in until his face is right next to yours, his lips nearly touching your ear* Say my full name again.
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
*suddenly whimpers* T-tom M-mar-Volo Ri- * almost couldn't speak because of the closeness*
Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle
*he shivers as he hears you whimper and falter. He is secretly enjoying this power he has over you right now, and it’s making him feel things he’s never felt before. He nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck, his lips brushing against your skin as he speaks* That’s right…keep saying it.
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
Ava Tailor (Y/n)
Ah *suddenly moans* S-sorry-

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