NovelToon NovelToon

Lust: Deadly Desire

Ch 1 - romantic night !!

Dark room....,             a girl who was wearing a red coloured short dress at this moment. The dress was slightly slipped from her shoulder due to which her neck was looking very attractive and broad.

      The girl was unconscious at this time but it was not as if she was unconscious. She was looking at the 28 year old boy standing in front of her with her blind eyes.

     The charming look of that boy was looking very classy, ​​shining in the moonlight coming from the window. The deep black eyes of that boy were now focused on the body of that angel lying on the bed.

   The girl's dress was short due to which her whole body was revealing. Seeing the boy looking at her like this, the girl started moving here and there because she was feeling a strange shyness. Then the boy said in a very heavy voice, "Don't move Mugdhaal" 

     The girl's name was Mugdha. Mugdha was feeling weird seeing the boy looking at her like that. Her cheeks had turned red. The boy opened two or three buttons of his shirt and came over the girl. Mugdha's hands tightened on the bedsheet.

    The boy slowly came over Mugdha and started touching her lips with his fingers. Then a slight sigh came out of Mugdha's mouth due to which her stomach also rose slightly. Feeling the kiss of that boy, Mugdha felt as if butterflies were flying in her stomach. 

       Mugdha's lips had opened slightly. The same boy's finger started moving down from her neck while moving on her soft lips. Mugdha quickly removed his finger and lay down with her back towards him.

    The boy got angry with Mugdha's action but still he smiled crookedly and embraced Mugdha from behind. Then Mugdha turned her head and started looking at the boy's face. 

        There was no expression on that boy's face. But the intoxicating desire in his eyes was making Mugdha intoxicated.

  That boy's hand was now on Mugdha's waist. While looking at Mugdha, he put her under him and came on top. Mugdha's face was tilted to one side. That boy started wetting Mugdha's neck slowly and giving her light love bites.

        Now Mugdha's soft sighs were coming out in that room. Mugdha would turn her little face here and there sometimes, because that boy's touch was very restless. Due to which her heart beats had picked up speed.

   Mugdha mumbled softly, "ummmmmm please stop it."     

Mugdha was squirming in the boy's arms like a fish and was gently pushing him away from herself because the boy was tormenting her by biting her.

    The boy did not say anything after listening to Mugdha. But he got up and pulled Mugdha towards himself in one go. Mugdha also sat down and started looking at the boy while panting.

  When that boy slowly lifted her face and started caressing her lips with his hands, Mugdha's grip on that boy's shirt tightened. Mugdha's eyes also closed tightly. 

    The same boy hugs Mugdha and pulls down the zip of her dress, and Mugdha's eyes widen. 

      Mugdha was just looking at that boy. That boy started staring at Mugdha's Makamli-like body with love-filled eyes like a mad person. Which was lying in front of him without clothes at this time. 

   The boy slowly removes both of Mugdha's hands from her face and holds them in his hands. Mugdha had shut her eyes tightly.

   The boy holds both her hands in his hands in a strange way and presses them, and places his lips on her stomach.  This action of his made Mugdha sigh. The boy, listening to Mugdha's sigh, moves his lips over her waist. 

   Gradually the boy's movements increased and Mugdha's sobs also started coming out louder. Slowly the distance between them decreased. The heavy breathing of the two bodies started echoing in the whole room. 

"Mugdha......!!!" Mugdha, who was sitting in the pavilion, heard her father Harshvardhan Sehgal's voice and she looked ahead.

 Harshvardhan Sehgal was the father of Mugdha Sehgal and was the current Finance Minister of the country.    

Mugdha took her eyes off Harshvardhan and started looking around. Thousands of people had gathered there who belonged to powerful families from all over the world. Apart from them, Sehgal and Thakur families, enemies of both the families, were also present in that grand wedding palace. Because all of them were also invited by the Thakur family.

The wedding was being conducted in a very traditional and luxurious manner as Mugdha, daughter of the country's Finance Minister Mr. Harsh Vardhan Sehgal, was getting married to Sarvansh Thakur, younger son of the country's President. 

While looking at everyone, Mugdha turns her head and looks at the 29-year-old boy sitting next to her. There was no expression on his face at this time. But his lifeless, deep black eyes were fixed on Mugdha since long after hearing Harshvardhan's voice. 

Mugdha was just staring at him. Just then her mother Mihika Sehgal came and placed her hand on Mugdha's cheek and said softly, "Don't be so nervous child, complete the marriage rituals properly."

After listening to Mihika, Mugdha did not say anything. Then the Pandit said, "It is time for Kanyadan, the bride's parents should come forward."

        Pandit had just said this when Harshvardhan and Mihika came forward and placing Mugdha's hand in Sarvansh Thakur's hand, took Mugdha's dupatta and put a coin, a flower, whole turmeric, Durva gas, some raw rice in it and tied it with the traditional dupatta worn by Sarvansh. By tying it in this way, Mugdha got married to Sarvansh. 

After Kanyadan, Pandit ji asked both of them to stand for phera. Mugdha was sitting lifeless at this time but her deer-like eyes which had no light did not move away from Sarvansha even for a moment. 

Sarvansh looked at her once and stood up for the rounds but Mugdha was still sitting like that. Then her mother Mihika came forward to help her stand up. Mugdha's hand was still in Sarvansh's hand. 

She stood up again while looking at him and the Panditji asked them to take seven rounds. Mugdha was in the lead for three rounds and Sarvansh was in the lead for the rest of the rounds from fourth to the last. 

After the rounds, the Pandit asked them to sit. Mugdha was still looking at Sarvansh. She sat down while looking at him. The      Pandit started chanting the holy mantras and then asked Sarvansh to fill Mugdha's maang with sindoor.         After listening to the Pandit, Sarvansh looked at his grandfather Digvijay Thakur sitting in front of him. He was happily enjoying the wedding.    Sarvansh then took a pinch of sindoor and filled it in Mugdha's maang. 

Just then when the pandit started reciting the marriage mantra, Sarvansh's younger sister Savi came forward and placed the mangalsutra chain in Sarvansh's hand, then Sarvansh, looking at Mugdha, picked up the chain and ties it around her neck. 

"The marriage is over." Panditji said as soon as he put the mangalsutra on her.

Hearing this from Pandit ji, Mugdha starts looking at the mangalsutra around her neck. At the same time, a crooked smile appeared on Sarvansh's face. 

The same Pandit said, "Now both of you go and take blessings from the elders."

Sarvansh came down from the pavilion with Mugdha and went to his grandfather. Then both of them bowed down and took the blessings of Digvijay. 

"Always be happy children." Digvijay said. 

Sarvansh took Mugdha and stood next to his father Prithviraj Thakur. Then both of them touched Prithviraj's feet and took his blessings.

The same Prithviraj placed his hand on the cheeks of both of them and said, "Be happy."

Sarvansh's mother Charu was standing next to Prithviraj. Mugdha and Sarvansh bowed down and took her blessings and then came to Harshvardhan and Mihika and took their blessings too and then went on stage.

The guests who came to the wedding met Sarvansh and Mugdha one by one and congratulated them on their marriage and left.   

As soon as all the wedding rituals were over, Harshvardhan came to Mugdha, caressed her head and looked at Sarvansh and said, "Take care of my daughter Sarvansh!!!"

Sarvansh just blinks his eyes and looks at Mugdha. Mugdha glances at Harshvardhan and then looks at Mihika who was standing behind Harshvardhan. 

Mugdha went and hugged her again. Then Mugdha whispered into Mihika's ears, "Tell both of them that today this Mugdha has died for them.

"Mugdha...!!" Mihika separates Mugdha and scolds her softly by calling her name, then Mugdha separates from her without saying anything.

The same Sarvansh came out of the wedding hall holding Mugdha's hand. It was time for the wedding and all the people of the Thakur family were waiting for him outside.

Mihika and Harshvardhan get their daughter married. All the expensive cars parked outside which belonged to the Thakur family members left for the Thakur mansion. After a journey of about four hours, Sarvansh's car arrived and stopped in front of his private villa. 

 Sarvansh was sitting on the driving seat at this time. He comes out of the car and opens the passenger seat door, then Mugdha raises her head and looks at Sarvansh, who was standing in front of her with his hand extended. 

 Mugdha then comes out of the car holding his hand and looks at the villa. Sarvansh had brought her to his private villa instead of Thakur mansion. 

Seeing this, Mugdha looked at him once. Then she started going inside with him without saying anything. 

There were no lights on in the villa at this time. Due to which Mugdha's grip on Sarvansh's hand had tightened. 

Vanshi Sarvansh takes her to the hall and switches on the lights. Then simultaneously the lights of every corner of the villa switch on. 

Sarvansh leaves Mugdha's hand while looking at her. Mugdha's eyes were moist but she quickly hid her tears and started walking towards the room told by Sarvansh.

As soon as he leaves, Sarvansh goes and sits on the same sofa and takes out a cigarette from his pocket. Then he lights the cigarette and starts taking puffs of it. 

      What is the secret of this mysterious story? How will be the journey of this marriage? Keep reading Lust : Deadly Desire        to know more 







Ch 2 - Oh!! Are you craving so much to touch me? " 


   Sarvansha's private villa ...,

    At this time, Mugdha had come and stood in front of the room mentioned by Sarvansh. Her flower-like face looked completely wilted and tears had rolled down her cheeks.

      With a heavy heart, Mugdha stepped forward and went inside the room.

   At that time Sarvansh was sitting blowing the smoke of cigarette round and round. Till now he had taken three or four puffs of cigarette due to which there was smoke all around him.      Sarvansh's eyes had turned slightly red. He was about to get up and leave after puffing cigarette for a while when his phone rang. 

     Sarvansh stops again and checks his phone. This time the call was from his father Prithviraj Thakur. Sarvansh kept staring at the phone screen for a while. Then he took a deep breath, put the phone on silent mode and headed towards his room.

  Thakur Mansion.....,

     At this time, the whole family was waiting for Sarvansh and Mugdha to come to the mansion. But by now two hours had passed and Sarvansh had still not brought Mugdha. 

      "Where is Sarvansh, Prithvi? Both the kids should have come by now." Sarvansh's grandfather Digvijay asks Prithviraj. 

  Prithviraj was still calling Sarvansh repeatedly. After listening to Digvijay, he said, "I don't know father, this boy is not even picking up my phone."

       Digvijay was looking at him. He then signals something to his elder grandson aka Sarvansh's elder brother Ashutosh Thakur, so Ashutosh went out with his head up and down. 

     Sarvansh's sister Savi, looking at Ashutosh's wife Ashwini standing next to her, said, "Bhabhi, when brother and Bhabhi come then you will wake me up, right now I am very tired so I am going to my room."

    There were some customs of Thakur family in which the tradition of welcoming the bridegroom's sister as the daughter-in-law was still going on. By now it was almost 10 in the night but Sarvansh had still not returned. Due to which Savi could not wait any longer and she went to her room to sleep.

    The guests who had come to the house waiting for Sarvansh went back to their homes one by one. Now only Sarvansh's grandfather, father Prithvi, mother Charvi, Ashutosh's wife Ashwini, Sarvansh's elder sister Sheetal and her husband Avinash were left there.

   After some time, Ashutosh came there and said to Digvijay, "Daddu, Sarvansh has taken Mugdha to his private villa." 

     Digvijay's teeth clench. He angrily takes out his phone and calls Sarvansh. 

   Private Villa .....,

     Mugdha was sitting on the sofa in the room and looking at the luxurious room. It looked like a penthouse to her. The color of the walls was brown and the room was set up in an Arabian style. It was not that Mugdha was surprised to see this. She was the daughter of a rich family and she had grown up in such an environment.      

     Mugdha was lost in her thoughts and looking around the room. Suddenly she felt someone's gaze on her face and she turned her head and looked ahead. 

  At this moment a boy was standing in front who had become Mugdha's husband just a few hours ago by applying vermillion in her parting.

     Mugdha kept looking at him but she could no longer tolerate the heat of that man's deep gaze, so she quickly moved her gaze away from him.

     A crooked smile appeared on the face of Sarvansh who was standing in front of her. He then came towards her, running his hands over his small beard. Then he said to her in a heavy voice, "Why are you sitting here?"     

  To answer Sarvansh's question, Mugdha turned to look at him again when her gaze collided with Sarvansh's deep black eyes. I don't know why at this moment there was a different attraction in Sarvansh's eyes which Mugdha's heart was trembling to even make eye contact with his eyes, let alone feeling it.  

      Mugdha again looked away from him and said, "_ That's me....!!!!"

        Mugdha was speaking when Sarvansh came near her with long steps and extended his hand forward and Mugdha started looking at his hand. 

       The same Sarvansh himself held her hand, lifted her and took her to the bed. Then he gestured her to sit on the bed and Mugdha sat down while looking at him. 

    As soon as she sits, Sarvansh also sits very close to her and starts looking at her, then Mugdha lowers her eyelids.     

   "The lust of this fragrance coming from your body is driving me crazy Mugdha!!!" Mugdha heard a heavy voice of a boy in her ears so she raised her eyelids and started looking into the eyes of that boy.

     At this moment, there was only lust in the boy's eyes. He moved his hand forward and touched Mugdha's lips and said, "Mugdha, I am craving for these lips of yours, just like the moon craves for the night."

   Mugdha shivered at the boy's kiss. She slowly removed his hands and turned her face to the other side because she was feeling very shy. 

      Then the boy put his hand around her waist and hugged her tightly and while humming he said, "Mugdha, I am craving for your whole body, just like the ocean craves for salt."

     Mugdha's lips trembled. Her hands slowly tightened around the boy's shirt. The boy slowly slid from her lips to her neck and said, "Mugdha, I am craving your love, just like the heart craves for beats."

   Hearing these lines from the boy, Mugdha started laughing out loud. Seeing her laughing, the boy's eyebrows wrinkled. He held Mugdha's thigh, lifted her face slightly and said while blowing hot breath on her lips, "Why are you laughing Mugdha?"

    Mugdha slowly raised her hand to touch the boy and took it close to his cheek when she heard Sarvansh's heavy and sarcastic voice in her ears, "Oh!! Are you craving so much to touch me?" 

    Hearing Sarvansh's heavy voice, Mugdha looks around. The whole room was completely dark. Only the moonlight coming from the window was falling on her and Sarvansh's faces. With the help of which both of them were looking at each other's faces.

     Suddenly a very sweet smile appeared on Mugdha's face. But after hearing Sarvansh's words, her smile disappeared as if it had never appeared on her face.     

   The same Sarvansh came very close to her and said, "By the way, you don't need to think about it, I am your husband, right?"

      Mugdha did not say anything. She lowered her head and sat down, repeatedly interlocking her hands. Sarvansh was noticing her every move. He then took her hand in his hand and started removing her bangles.

   Mugdha looked at him once and then started looking around without saying anything. Then her eyes went to the dressing table where Sarvansh's phone was ringing continuously. 

      She then looks at Sarvansh and he says, "hmmm I know Mugdha, my phone is ringing right now."

   Sarvansh took off the bangles from one of her hands and holding her other hand also started taking off the bangles worn in that hand. Mugdha did not say anything to him. But she was looking at him whose full attention was on taking off her bangles. 

       Sarvansh then kept her bangles aside and asked Mugdha, "Don't you want to ask why I brought you here instead of taking you to the mansion?"

      Mugdha kept quiet after hearing Sarvansh's question. Sarvansh put his hand around her waist and brought her very close to him and bending a little towards her ear, touched her earlobe with his lips and said, "_ Mugdha..!!"

     Mugdha's breathing almost stopped when Sarvansh touched her ear like this. She felt as if a shiver ran down her spine. Sarvansh continued his talk and said, ""_ Have I asked you something?"     

    Mugdha slowly separated from him and said, "_ No."

   " Hmmmm..!! " After saying this Sarvansh started looking at Mugdha.       There was no expression on Mugdha's face at this time or rather say that her face was very pale. There was no light in her eyes but being so close to Sarvansh her heart beats had picked up a different pace. 

      Sarvansh placed his hand on her cheek and pushed her gently towards the bed and said, "_ sleep Mugdha."

   Mugdha lay down while looking at him. Sarvansh kept looking at her while taking his hand back. Seeing him looking at her like this, Mugdha shrinks into herself and hides her face, and Sarvansh's lips curl up.

    He then got up and went to the dressing table. Sarvansh's phone was still ringing. He then took the phone and went to the balcony. 

    Sehgal Niwas.....,

   Harshvardhan was now sitting in the hall, exhausted by the wedding rush. Although tiredness was visible on his face, he also looked very happy. 

    Remembering Mugdha in his mind, he said, "Mugdha, my Mugdha...!!! No no, now she has become Sarvhansh's Mugdha." 

     Harshvardhan got up with a slight smile and was going towards his room when Mihika was seen coming out of the room. 

       Harshvardhan then stopped and looked at Mihika and said, "What happened Mihika? You look a bit worried?"

    Mihika said, "Did you talk to those two?"

    When Harshvardhan started looking at her while moving his head up and down, Mihika said angrily, "Tell him that there is no need to come to Sehgal residence anymore." 

   Mihika went back to her room. Harshvardhan was staring at her. He shook his head and said, "_ Nowadays, melodrama is seen everywhere. Sometimes in the whole country, sometimes in the Rajya Sabha. If you get bored of this, then you can see a different kind of drama in your own house....ufff...!!"

       Harshvardhan was recently the finance minister. Every day he would come home tired of listening to the news in Parliament, Rajya Sabha and every TV news channel. He would witness a different kind of drama at home. Remembering all this, he went to his room laughing at his own condition.        

    Why Villa...,

   Sarvansh takes his phone and goes to the balcony to pick up Digvijay's call.    Calls were still coming from Digvijay's number but now Ashutosh was calling from the other side on Digvijay's request. 

  As soon as Sarvansh's call was picked up, Ashutosh said from the other side, "_ Ansh ....!!! Why are you not picking up the call?"

       "Shhhhhh.....!! How many times have I told you not to call me Ansh but still...!!!" On hearing Ashutosh's words, Sarvansh says in a very cold voice. Ashutosh remained silent for a while. Then he said, "_ Daddu, Sarvansh is waiting for you. When are you coming?"

    Sarvansh said, "Whenever I feel like it." 

  "And when are you going to feel like doing this?" Ashutosh asked from the other side in a slightly angry tone and Sarvansh cut the call without saying anything. 

     Digvijay was sitting on the bed and looking at Ashutosh, whose face had now become sad. Digvijay said, "What did that useless fellow say?"

   The same Ashutosh kept the phone aside and said to Digvijay, "_ hmmm he said that he will come whenever he feels like it, Daddu."

   Digvijay's hands became fistful. 

   Why Villa ...,

    Sarvansh stood in the balcony for a while and kept looking at the sky, which was shining with many stars and the moon at this time.

    Sarvansh then turns and looks at Mugdha who is sleeping on the bed, curled up in her own thoughts. Her pale face looked like an innocent angel at this moment.

       Sarvansh came back to the room. The night was getting darker but there was not a drop of sleep in his eyes. He looked at Mugdha once and went out of the room. 


   What is the secret of this lust filled story? How will their marriage go? To know more keep reading  " Lust ❤️‍🔥: The Deadly Desire "      

   Thank you guys, it felt very good to see your comments, please read this story and also share it,   


Continue Reading To Next Chapter

Ch 3 - Sarvash's fear..!! / Come closer to me Mugdha | "



Villa ....,


    At this time, Sarvansh was standing in a secret room built in the study room. His eyes had turned light red and he was staring at a video playing on the screen in front of him while taking a puff of cigarette. 

     Mugdha's room.....     

     Mugdha was sleeping, curled up in her own body. But she was repeatedly trying to change sides, tossing and turning.          "Mugdha, I get intoxicated as soon as I touch you, and this intoxication drives me crazy." When a very intoxicated voice echoed in Mugdha's ears, her lips blossomed, but the very next moment, Mugdha got up quickly and started looking around.

       There was no one except her in that dark room. Mugdha took a relieved breath and putting both hands on her ears, looking ahead with moist eyes, said, "Lust..!! He did not want the soul but only the body, in the name of love he only wanted to satisfy his lust......!!!"       Tears flowed from Mugdha's eyes and rolled down her cheeks. 

  Secret room....  

    Sarvansh was staring at the video playing in front of him without any expression. Then he threw down the cigarette that he was holding in his hand, put his foot on it and kept on crushing the cigarette while watching the video which had restarted again.         Sarvansh took a step forward and deleted that video and came out of the room. 


  Thakur Mansion ....,

    Charvi was sitting on the sofa and thinking about Sarvansh. His not coming to the mansion and going to his villa with Mugdha was making Charvi feel bad.

   Mother.....!!! " As soon as Ashutosh came out of Digvijay's room, his eyes fell on Charvi, he went calling her but Charvi turned and looked at him. 

  The same Ashutosh came to her and said, "What happened mother? It's so late and you still haven't slept?"  

     " Did you talk to Sarvansh, son?" Charvi asked her own question ignoring Ashutosh's question, so Ashutosh said, " Yes mother, he said that he has some important work so he will finish it and come soon.      

     Seeing Charvi in ​​so much tension, Ashutosh consoles her and says, then Charvi calms down a bit. At the same time, Ashutosh says to her, "Come on mom, I will drop you to your room." 

     Charvi was not able to sleep but she felt a little relieved after hearing Ashutosh's words. She then got up and walked towards her room. 

   Why Villa...

       Sarvansh was leaning on the door and was staring at Mugdha, who was standing near the window. He went to her and said, "You still haven't slept?"

       Mugdha turned around and looked at Sarvansh. Sarvansh was looking at her worried face. Mugdha was a little scared hearing Sarvansh's voice suddenly. 

   Sarvansh placed his hand on her cheek and brought her face very close to his face and said in a very harsh tone but softly, "Why do you look so nervous?"

    Mugdha stared at Sarvansh's deep black eyes. His eyes looked lifeless as if there was only emptiness in them but it was not so.

       When Mugdha removed his hand from her cheek and turned to leave from there, one of Sarvansh’s hands wrapped around her waist. 

   The same Mugdha quickly turned her head and looked at Sarvansh and before she could say anything, Sarvansh held her waist tightly, pulled her towards himself and hugged her and then he placed his tudi on her shoulder.    

    Mugdha was feeling very uncomfortable. She tried to push Sarvansh's hand away but Sarvansh turned her towards himself in one go and holding her waist lifted her face and said, "_In this room where there is strange silence, is it your silence that is making noise Mugdha?"

     Mugdha did not understand and started looking at Sarvansh. She again said, "_ Meaning ...!!!"

    Sarvansh's lips were twisted. He started moving towards Mugdha's lips while shaking his head in denial, but Mugdha turned her face away. Due to this action of hers, Sarvansh started looking at Mugdha with a very cold look.    

    Then Mugdha said hesitatingly, "I am feeling sleepy."     

   Mugdha was about to leave after saying this when she heard Sarvansh's heavy voice and she stopped at her place.        "Come closer to me Mugdha!!"

    Mugdha then turned to look at Sarvansh. Sarvansh was looking at her but his aura looked very scary. Seeing him like this, Mugdha took a step back and said in fear, "_ I......!!!"    

   "Do what I said!!!" Sarvansh said in a very harsh tone emphasizing on every point and Mugdha's words got stuck in her throat. She again went to him swallowing her spit out of fear. 

   Sarvansh was still looking at her in the same way. Mugdha would go closer to him and lower her eyelids, then Sarvansh would stick her to himself in one go and take her lips in his mouth very joyfully, then Mugdha's eyes got shut in pain. Her hands got clenched into fists. 

   Sarvansh was kissing her while looking at her and biting her lips. Mugdha was also moaning in pain but her voice was getting muffled inside because of Sarvansh's kiss. 

     In a little while, Mugdha's breathing became heavy and Sarvansh left her lips. Mugdha started looking at Sarvansh with her moist eyes while panting loudly. Sarvansh said while looking at her lips, "_ Don't make the mistake of ignoring any of my questions Mugdha or else...!!!"     

  Tears started flowing down from Mugdha's eyes. Sarvansh left his conversation midway and was staring at her without any emotion. But anger was still clearly visible in his eyes.   

      After a while Mugdha became normal and then Sarvansh, wiping Mugdha's tears, asked in a very low voice, "_ you get my point Mugdha?       

      Mugdha nods her head in affirmative, then Sarvansh looks into her tearful eyes and kisses her on the forehead. 

     Mugdha stood lifeless in his arms. Sarvansh picked her up in his lap and took her to the bed. 

  Sarvansh then makes Mugdha lie down comfortably on the bed and comes on top of her, both of Mugdha's hands get entangled in the bedsheet. Sarvansh gently holds both her hands in his hands and kisses her by placing his lips on her cheeks.   

   Mugdha kept lying quietly. Tears were still flowing from the corner of her eyes. Sarvansh kissed her all over the face slowly and in one jerk he turned her over so that Mugdha was on top of Sarvansh and Sarvansh was between her and the bed. 

    The same Mugdha was looking at him with her deer-like eyes, twinkling. The same Sarvansh took her face in both his hands, brought his lips close to hers and said in a very magnetic voice, "_Go to sleep."

  "Like this…?" Mugdha asked softly, then Sarvansh kept her head on his chest and said, "No, like this.   

      Mugdha was feeling strange to sleep like this but out of fear of Sarvansh, she did not say anything. 

    One of Sarvansh's hands was on Mugdha's head and the other on her cheek. He gently patted her cheek and closed his eyes. 

   Mugdha lay quietly with her head on his chest. She was as wounded as she was silent.


   other side.......

   Around three o'clock in the night, a red Jaguar car stopped in front of a big villa. Then a 30-year-old boy came out of the car.   

     That boy was wearing a black shirt and pants and a black mask on his face. At this time, only his blue eyes were visible in which only anger was visible.

   It was night time due to which there was complete silence there. The boy then takes his phone and turns on the torch and looks at the nameplate of the villa.  

       Where it was written, " Mihida Niwas "

  The boy while caressing the name plate said softly, "_ Mihida Niwas, hmmm Mugdha+ ....\= Mihida..!!!"

     The name of that luxurious villa was made by mixing the name of Mugdha with the name of a person. The boy stopped just before saying it on his tongue.

    That boy kept looking at the nameplate of the villa like a mad person for some time. Then he went to the main door of the villa. 

    The door was locked. The boy then took the key from his pocket and opened the door and went inside. It was dark in the villa so the boy turned on the lights.     

      As soon as the light was switched on, the boy's eyes went to Mugdha's photos on every wall of the villa.             On seeing Mugdha, his eyes got intoxicated. The boy rubbed his chest badly with his hand and said in a very harsh voice expressing regret, "Minister sahab, how did you take such a wrong decision? Mugdha belongs to this MD? Then why did you hand her over to that Sarvansh Thakur?"

      MD's words started echoing in his ears over and over again. He then took one of Mugdha's photos hanging on the wall in his hand and said while caressing her face, ""_ you ....!!!! "   

   MD's face showed anger. He said again, "You are in his arms right now, right? Hmmmm, this is wrong, you did wrong Mugdha!!" 

      Then he angrily took Mugdha's photo and threw it against the wall. The photo hit the switch board and fell down on the floor and with this all the lights of the villa also went off.

       MD's heavy breathing was now echoing in the darkness. He shouts Mugdha's name, "_ Mugdha.....!!!! 


  Morning time......,

   The soft rays of the sun started falling on the faces of Mugdha and Sarvansh coming from the window. Mugdha was lying on top of Sarvansh. But as the sunlight fell on her face, she hid her face in Sarvansh's chest and lay down. 

      Sarvansh had woken up by then. He was lying quietly, feeling Mugdha's slow and warm breaths in his chest. 

    After a while, Mugdha wakes up and slowly opens her eyes. Then she realizes that she is lying on top of someone, so she looks up.

        Sarvansh was looking at her. But there was no expression on his face or in his deep black eyes. Mugdha kept looking at him as if she wanted to read him. 

   The same Sarvansh held her neck and said, "Won't you say good morning?"

    Hearing Sarvansh's question, Mugdha quickly looked away from him and said while looking here and there, ""_ Good morning...!!! "

   When Mugdha was about to get up again, Sarvansh put her under himself and came on top and said, "Who wishes like this, Mugdha?"

  " I..!!! " Mugdha mumbled softly and Sarvansh kept staring at her for a while. The girl's face still looked sad but there was some attraction due to which Sarvansh was not able to stop himself from looking at her. He just kept leaning towards her. 

    Seeing Sarvansh looking at him like this, Mugdha slowly placed her hand on his chest and tried to push him away and said, "I have to go to the washroom Sarvansh..!!!"    

  "Hmmmm go away..!!!" said Sarvansh and Mugdha started looking at him waiting for him to move away from her. 

     Sarvansh had told her to go but he had not yet freed her from his arms. Even after a long time Sarvansh did not let go of her so Mugdha said, "Will you get off me...?"

 "Hmmm, don't you want to ask me anything else......?" Sarvansh said very sternly but softly looking into her eyes, and Mugdha started looking at him in not understanding. 

       Seeing Sarvansh looking at her like this, he pressed her face lightly and asked, "Mugdha, it is the first day of marriage and you don't want to hear 'Good Morning' from your husband?"       

   While speaking, Sarvansh's facial expressions became a little strange. Was he angry or not? It was difficult for Mugdha to understand this. She then slowly moved her head up and down and replied yes, then Sarvansh's lips slightly curled.    

    He started looking at her while tapping his finger on her lips. Mugdha was also looking at him while blinking her big eyelashes.     Sarvansh bent over her and took one of his hands towards her waist. Mugdha was looking at him while sighing softly.     

    Sarvansh put his head on her neck and smelled her alluring fragrance and then softly bit her ears which made a soft scream out of Mugdha. She started sobbing suddenly.         Sarvansh pulled her close to himself and kissed her neck and whispered into her ears, ""_ Good day to you Mugdha ||     

   The same Sarvansh then looked into her eyes and said, "This is how I wish."

  Mugdha did not say anything. After being silent for a while she asked, "Shall I go now?" 

  When Sarvansh moved away from her, Mugdha got up and went to the washroom.      Who is MD? What was in that video? Why is Mugdha afraid of Sarvansh? What is the secret of this story? To know, keep reading,       " Lust : The deadly desire " 

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