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Worship Me, I Can Make You Rich

Xia Fan, God of Wealth is lost

On the edge of the piles of trash, stood abruptly a boy out of place.

The juvenile does not look very old, about seventeen or eighteen years old. A simple casual dress makes him appear young even when he is young. The delicate and handsome facial features seem to be reproduced from the painting.

He is not as clean as someone who would appear on a junk planet.

The young boy's eyes were clear, and he looked at Wen Xiaoyun with shining eyes: "Worship me, I can make you rich."

Wen Xiaoyun silently pocketed the damaged mecha parts he had just picked up, and continued to search through the garbage dump.

The young man blinked suspiciously and continued to persuade: "look at your face, you are a person of great blessings. As long as you worship me, you will be able to make a fortune from now on."

Wen Xiaoyun remained silent.

The young man said painfully: "We, as men, can't be so unambitious. You can't pick up trash for a lifetime, right? Otherwise, how will you marry a wife in the future? How will you support your family?"

Wen Xiaoyun finally stopped, turned around, and looked at the boy.

He didn't understand a word of the language spoken by the boy.

But the soft and pleasant tone of voice flowed slowly through his spiritual world.

Seeing him looking at him, the expectant light in the youth's eyes lit up, as if pretending to be filled with stars.

Wen Xiaoyun opened his mouth, and his deep voice was calm and quiet: "Who are you?"


The scanning sound of the little robot sounded. The scanning sound was actually very small, but in the ears of Wen Xiaoyun, who had an SSS mental strength, the sound was infinitely amplified, awakening him from his dream.

Wen Xiaoyun opened his eyes, and the little robot was waiting for his instructions.

Wen Xiaoyun broke the world and didn't get up as soon as he woke up. He raised his eyebrows slightly, recalling his dream last night.

He rarely dreams. As the youngest admiral in the empire, he has been fighting against the Zerg on the front line. He obviously has little time to rest. He sleeps in preparation for battle.

After never wanting to fight the Zerg queen, the catastrophe did not die on this abandoned planet, but went idle, and dreamed of a weird boy.

Thinking that the clean and good-looking boy and the language that he didn't understand were incompatible with this abandoned planet, it was only a dream.

Wen Xiaoyun didn't think much anymore, grabbed the small robot next to him, and rolled out of the rescue capsule.

The moment Wen Xiaoyun just left the rescue capsule, Wen Xiaoyun's body shook suddenly, his muscles tightened instantly, and his dark and deep eyes looked straight at the person who suddenly appeared in front of him.


The clean boy who appeared in his dream last night stood in front of him in such a grand manner.

But Wen Xiaoyun was very sure, now, it's not a dream.

There is no dream in a dream.

With SSS mental power, it is impossible for him to fail to distinguish between dreams and reality.

Wen Xiaoyun squinted his eyes and stared at the young man calmly.

Zhuang Zhou pulled the hem of his clothes, seemingly embarrassed, and took the initiative to say hello to Wen Xiaoyun: "Hello."

Wen Xiaoyun didn't speak, looking at Zhuang Zhou's dark eyes without fluctuations.

Zhuang Zhou didn't get a response, and looked a little embarrassed. He bit his head and asked, "I'm sorry to ask, where is this? How can I get out of here?"

Wen Xiaoyun still stared at him intently.

The man was born tall and handsome, and his facial features were extremely outstanding, especially this pair of dark and deep pupils, which seemed to be able to see through everything, making people nowhere to hide, and adding to his aura for no reason.

Under such gaze, Zhuang Zhou began to be a little cautious...

Why look at him like this?

Is this recognizing yourself?

But this is unlikely.

When he gave this man a dream, he cast a spell.

After waking up from the dream, a man only remembers that if he wants to get rich, he has to worship the God of Wealth, instead of remembering what he said and did in the dream.

God entrusts people with dreams, and entrusts a kind of mystery, and gives you a kind of spiritual belief.

God will not let people remember his face.

Just like when many people wake up from a dream, they can't always see who the person in the dream is, but they don't know who it is, but they don't remember what it looks like.

Although Zhuang Zhou is a newly appointed intern little God of Wealth, he has no believers, and his divine power is meager, but he won't fail to cast spells, right?

Zhuang Zhou pretended to be suspicious and touched his face, and asked, "Is there something on my face?"

This is the first day of his new appointment. He set off early, and then he came here.

When he saw this man, he was sleeping, and Zhuang Zhou had a dream in his hand.

Well, let's not let anyone else who might become their own believer!

It's just that he lost his way quickly. This weird and big garbage dump couldn't get out, and it was still dead.

Zhuang Zhou estimated the time, and if he didn't rush it, he would be late on the first day of work.

So he came back to look for the only human being, hoping to get a way to leave here from the other party.

In the short time when Zhuang Zhou spoke, Wen Xiaoyun was enough to judge the level of the young man in front of him-

-Weak physical stamina, there is no strength to attack him suddenly.

But Wen Xiaoyun still did not lower his vigilance, after all, the young man appeared in his dream inexplicably, so clearly.

Wen Xiaoyun asked in a deep voice, "Who are you?"

Zhuang Zhou was stunned. He didn't understand what this man said.

Zhuang Zhou asked seriously: "Can you speak Mandarin?"

Wen Xiaoyun narrowed his eyes slightly.

Zhuang Zhou's eyes widened slightly: "Don't you know how to speak Mandarin?"

Wen Xiaoyun said: "Please use Interstellar Common Language."

Zhuang Zhou: "..."

Ah, this, he really doesn't seem to speak Mandarin!

Zhuang Zhou muttered in his heart: "No wonder you said so much when I asked you to dream last night, and you didn't ignore me a word..."

It turned out to be a language barrier!

Zhuang Zhou thought for a while and switched English flexibly: "DoyouspeakEnglish"

Wen Xiaoyun was silent.

Zhuang Zhou switches French: "Tuparlesfranais"

Wen Xiaoyun remained silent.

Zhuang Zhou switched between the two languages ​​again, and both ended in failure.

Zhuang Zhou looked at Wen Xiaoyun silently, his eyes were like a caveman looking somewhere.

These years, the gods are also not easy to mess with, and the gods have to grab performance. If you don't learn a few crafts or languages, it's hard to grab believers.

However, he never expected that he could not communicate in any language.

"Do you only speak dialect?"

But obviously, Wen Xiaoyun didn't understand this sentence either.

Zhuang Zhou pulled his hair in anguish. Mistakes.

There are at least thousands of dialects in various parts of China. How could he learn a few if he didn't know it before! When you go back, you must advise the great priest to let all the gods learn dialects!

No wonder that there are fewer and fewer believers in God nowadays, and the lack of integrity is due to language barriers!

In many backward and poor small mountain villages, the elderly grandparents can only speak their native dialect, not Mandarin.

Think about it, if a believer makes a wish with you, it turns don't understand! How does this help believers fulfill their wishes? Do you still expect believers to believe in you again? !

It's just a bit troublesome now that the language doesn't communicate.

Zhuang Zhou couldn't help but said and gestured: "I mean... I'm here, walking around, can't get out, and then... lost my way."

He pointed to his mouth, then walked around the place a few times 'dada da', and finally made a dazed and confused expression to show that he was lost.

After talking and making gestures, Zhuang Zhou looked at Wen Xiaoyun expectantly: "Do you understand if I say this?"

Wen Xiaoyun raised his eyebrows: "You said you are an aboriginal on this planet?"

Turning so many circles in place is to express that he has always been on this planet.

What does that dizzy expression mean?

Going fainted in a circle?

Wen Xiaoyun thought for a while, then turned and left.

Behind him, a small robot with an adult's knee-high, creaking and rolling wheels that would fall off at any time, followed him 'dididi'.

The robot Zhuang Zhou has seen a lot in the world before, almost all of which are played by children. Some are very smart and can talk to their masters. This robot was a little different from the ones he had seen before. It seemed to be assembled in pieces, and it looked tattered.

It's just that Zhuang Zhou is not in the mood to observe this little robot. He quickly asked, "Where are you going?"

Wen Xiaoyun stopped, turned his head and motioned for him to follow.

Is this to take him out?

Zhuang Zhou quickly followed.

Five minutes later, Zhuang Zhou and Wen Xiaoyun stood together in front of a garbage mountain.

Zhuang Zhou looked confused.

With his super memory, Wen Xiaoyun found out an atlas he accidentally saw in the trash when he was looking for parts a few days ago.

The round book is very torn and dirty.

Nowadays, interstellar people rarely use this kind of paper objects, and only a few people still like the feeling of flipping through books.

And in the early childhood, when it is not suitable to watch too many electronic devices, this kind of atlas will be given to children.

There are a few large characters on the album "Interstellar Universal Children's Enlightenment".

He handed the album to Zhuang Zhou: "Study carefully."

Zhuang Zhou was even more confused: "Ah, this is?"

That night.

In the rescue capsule, Wen Xiaoyun continued to record the emergency landing on the junk planet-

The eighth day of the forced landing β-324 of the abandoned planet.

The signal tower repair is 2/3 complete, and it can be repaired tomorrow.

There are 4 bottles of nutrient remaining.

There is an urgent need to find food that is not contaminated by radiation, but the possibility is extremely low.

One person was found, suspected to be a native of the abandoned planet β-324, who does not understand interstellar language.

Doubt: The body is clean and there is no trace of radiation.

β-324 The possibility of other aborigines on the abandoned planet: high.

Note: This aboriginal danger: low.

After a pause, Wen Xiaoyun thought of the small arms and legs of the young man with red lips and white teeth, and blankly crossed out the word 'low' and re-written-'extremely low'.

The author has something to say: PS-

Zhuang Zhou: QAQ is he connoting me...

Can’t he provide for himself?

Zhuang Zhou followed Wen Xiaoyun through the garbage dump for a day.

He had never seen such a large garbage dump, and he wondered if something accident happened when he went down to the earth, and he came to such a wilderness like a no-man’s land.

Halfway through, he tried to find a way to leave by himself, but after walking for more than three hours, he was still **** except for rubbish.

Had to return to this man again.

According to his observation, all men are picking up things and repairing things at the end of the day.

Zhuang Zhou guessed that either he could not get out, or this person lived here.

It seems that only the sound transmission note can be used.

The sound transmission talisman was given by the great priest before departure. There are three in total. If you encounter difficulties, you can transmit the sound to the great priest for help.

But there are few little gods who can use it during the internship.

Three cards are equivalent to three opportunities to ask for help. If you use them three times in a row during the internship, it means that you can't solve the problems three times. The internship directly judges unqualified.

But now there is no way.

Today he was absent from work on the first day at work!

If you don't leave here, you will have to continue absenteeism tomorrow.

In the rescue cabin, Wen Xiaoyun finished recording and found that the boy was still outside.

He packed up his notebook and jumped out.

Wen Xiaoyun said in a deep voice, "You won't go back?"

As aborigines, young people should have a place to live here.

After speaking, he remembered that the other party didn't understand Interstellar Common Language. He looked around and found that the album he had given to the boy was at his feet. Obviously, the boy hadn't read it.

Wen Xiaoyun stepped forward and picked up the enlightenment education album.

Zhuang Zhou naturally didn't understand. After seeing Wen Xiaoyun came out, he subconsciously hid the sound transmission talisman behind his back, and then thought that the sound transmission talisman seemed to outsiders to be an ordinary piece of paper, and humans could not see it clearly. Of runes.

He immediately relaxed again and smiled at Wen Xiaoyun: "Hello."

Although they couldn't understand each other's words, Wen Xiaoyun couldn't help taking another look at the young boy's clear smile.

It smells bad here, there are messy garbage planets everywhere, and the boy is like a flower of life blooming here.

Seeing that Xiaoyun didn't speak any more, Zhuang Zhou carefully laid out the sound transmission notes, and put his hands in his pockets pretendingly, but actually took out a lighter from Qiankun's sleeve.

Before it ignited, Wen Xiaoyun had already walked up to him, her long legs straight and strong.

Zhuang Zhou looked up and saw the man's deep eyes staring at the lighter in his hand.

Zhuang Zhou's face flushed.

Even if the other party didn't know, he was still embarrassed.

Relying on the fact that the other party did not understand, Zhuang Zhou whispered to defend himself: "I am not a fire god...Without a divine fire, I can only use a lighter to burn magic charms..."

Besides, he was just a little God of Wealth during the internship, and he hadn't had a godhead yet, and his divine power was meager.

I use a lighter to ignite the sound transmission talisman. After the sound transmission talisman burns, it turns into a touch of aura that is invisible to human eyes. The aura will be conveyed to the great priest who needs sound transmission.

However, under Zhuang Zhou's expectant eyes, the aura floated in the air for ten seconds, slowly dissipating in place.

Zhuang Zhou's eyes widened: "?"

Huh, why did it fail?

Wen Xiaoyun reflexively took a step back at the moment when the aura appeared.

He vaguely felt that a strong energy wave appeared in the air, but he could not see or touch it.

Just when he wanted to explore this energy fluctuation again, the energy disappeared again.

He looked at Zhuang Zhou, and the dark ink pupils took another look.

Zhuang Zhou stared blankly at Parallel, the failure of the sound transmission made him look blank, hesitated for a while, he took out another one to light it.

Then, just like just now, the human invisible aura floated in place for a while, as if looking for a direction. After looking for a while, it didn't find the direction and slowly disappeared.

Zhuang Zhou: "???"

what's happenin?

Why did you get lost even the sound transmission note? !

The powerful energy appeared again and disappeared abruptly. Wen Xiaoyun took a deep look at Zhuang Zhou. Even if he knew that the young man could not understand, he still couldn't help asking: "What are you doing?"

Before Wen Xiaoyun got a response, he saw the young man staring blankly in the air, looking like he was hit hard, his eyes were red, he seemed to be crying soon, and he stubbornly endured it.

Wen Xiaoyun's tone was indifferent: "The big man, don't cry at all."

Of course Zhuang Zhou didn't cry, he just collapsed a little.

The sound transmission notes are all lost.

He will continue to absent from work and lose his job.

Being lost and not being able to arrive in time, leading to absenteeism and unemployment...

He is going to be the joke of the gods!

Wen Xiaoyun looked at the young man with his back to him, his whole person was pitiful, like an abandoned little beast, even the dull hair on his head exuded a little pitiful aura.

Wen Xiaoyun stretched out his hand blankly and pressed it down.

"You, what are you doing?" Zhuang Zhou clutched his head and looked back at him, like a frightened little beast.

Wen Xiaoyun retracted his hand if nothing had happened.

Zhuang Zhou stared at him for a long time, and saw that he didn't do anything anymore, and slowly moved to the other side, continuing to feel sad.

Wen Xiaoyun looked at the young man's back and thought.

β-324 is an abandoned junk planet. According to records, β-324 has been abandoned for more than 50 years. The interstellar route has closed all routes to and from this planet.

A planet will be abandoned only after it has high radiation and is no longer suitable for human habitation, and β-324 was originally a planet used to dispose of garbage.

However, there are too many interstellar populations and too few resources. The garbage disposal and recycling system is far from reaching the speed of human production of garbage. The planet's garbage piles become fuller, especially the radiation produced by energy garbage, which can no longer adapt to human survival.

So they evacuated the people who were dealing with garbage here, and completely closed the route, allowing the planet's self-purification function to consume radiation on its own.

Since β-324 was originally in a remote galaxy, this closed route has completely become an abandoned planet.

In the past few decades, there have been many battles between the empire and the Zerg. Some spacecraft have been involved in accidents, and many people on the spacecraft have been missing.

In the beginning, Wen Xiaoyun regarded him as a teenager and accidentally landed on the descendants of humans on this abandoned planet. Because there was no route to return, he directly became a resident of β-324.

And such people may not be rare.

But Wen Xiaoyun suddenly remembered something he had overlooked before.

Even the descendants of humans living here will not fail to understand the interstellar language.

There is no trace of radiation on the body.

After he stayed here for eight days, his body was already affected by radiation.

And the energy that the boy just got out...

Who is he?

Where did it come from?

Wen Xiaoyun thoughtfully hid his doubts in his heart.

Zhuang Zhou was depressed by himself for a while, his head sank again, and a warm palm covered his furry head.

Zhuang Zhou raised his head and looked at the man: "What's the matter..."

Wen Xiaoyun pointed to the rescue capsule behind him, and said in a deep voice, "Go to the rescue capsule to sleep."

Knowing that the teenager does not understand interstellar language, Wen Xiaoyun deliberately slowed down his speech and made a gesture to sleep.

Zhuang Zhou understood the gesture and was slightly stunned.

It was dark all around, not even a star, only a small lamp, emitting light in the darkness.

Zhuang Zhou glanced at the opponent and slowly followed Wen Xiaoyun into the'space capsule'.

The conventional rescue cabin can only accommodate one person, and Wen Xiaoyun is more special and can accommodate two people.

After making an emergency landing here, Wen Xiaoyun used the existing resources of the garbage dump to remodel the rescue capsule, which was doubled the size of the original. It was used as a tent, and the style of the rescue capsule was no longer visible, which seemed a bit nondescript.

However, Zhuang Zhou was quickly attracted, and looked around curiously.

His gaze followed the man around, and saw that the man took a long transparent tube from the wall and stuffed it into his hand with a green liquid inside.

Zhuang Zhou blinked and asked with his eyes.

"Nutrition." Wen Xiaoyun made a ‘drink’ action: "Drink."

Zhuang Zhou repeated his pronunciation: "Drink?"

Wen Xiaoyun said ‘um’.

Zhuang Zhou wrote down the pronunciation. Is this asking him to drink a drink?

Zhuang Zhou touched the bottle, but didn't drink it immediately.

When Wen Xiaoyun saw that he was learning his own pronunciation, he pointed to himself and said: "Wen Xiaoyun."

Zhuang Zhou also pointed at him and repeated after him: "Wen Xiaoyun?"

Wen Xiaoyun: "Yeah."

Zhuang Zhou nodded seriously: "Yeah."

One is the name and the other is affirmative. Zhuang Zhou noted it down.

He put the nutrient in his pocket. Although he was very depressed, he smiled at the man and said, "I'll drink it later, thank you."

Wen Xiaoyun probably understood what he meant, frowned and thought.

Teenagers may rarely eat food, so they are reluctant to eat food right away...

Also, how can β-324 abandoned planets have normal food.

Otherwise it won't be so thin, with small arms and legs.

Wen Xiaoyun stopped talking, lay down and closed his eyes.

Seeing that Xiaoyun closed his eyes and went to sleep, he even gave up a place.

But Zhuang Zhou did not lie down to sleep.

He glanced at the "drink" in his pocket, then at the sleeping man, waiting patiently.

Zhuang Zhou waited for a long time, guessing that the man should have fallen asleep, and sneaked out of the rescue capsule.

Although it was dark all around, Zhuang Zhou was a **** after all, so he was not afraid.

Smearing came to the edge of a trash mountain next to him, Zhuang Zhouzi carefully took out an incense burner, three incense sticks, and two candles from the Qiankun bag.

Finally, he put on his own idol.

He took out the bottle of nutrient and placed it in the position of tribute.

After doing this, he exhaled, lighted the candle and put it on the side, and went to light the incense.

After the incense burned, he took a sip of the incense, and then seriously worshipped his idol three times, muttering words in his mouth.

Suddenly, a low voice came from behind: "What are you doing?"

Zhuang Zhou did not understand, but was also taken aback, almost unable to hold the incense in his hand.

He hurriedly turned around and saw Wen Xiaoyun standing behind him at some point.

Wen Xiaoyun's gaze shifted from the incense in his hand to the incense burner and candle, and finally fell on the **** and nutrient.

The more I look at my eyes, the more complicated it becomes.

Zhuang Zhou: "..."

He, he just wanted to make a confession to himself...

Although he has no godhead, he is also a god.

God eats human food and cannot taste it.

Only by supplying his offerings can he thoroughly taste the essence of the food.

No one else here...

He can only make a confession to himself, can't he...

The author has something to say: Zhuang Zhou: I must be the poorest god of wealth!

You forgot your dad

With Wen Xiaoyun's complicated eyes, Zhuang Zhou bit his head and tried to put on a posture of ‘I’m normal, if you find it strange, you must be abnormal’, and silently inserted the incense into the incense burner.

The tribute is complete.

Zhuang Zhou vaguely felt the connection between himself and the "drink".

He breathed a sigh of relief, Chong Wen Xiaoyun smiled, but because of a little embarrassment, his voice was dry: "You, you are here..."

Wen Xiaoyun glanced at Zhuang Zhou, and his gaze fell on the idol on the ground again.

In Wen Xiaoyun's eyes, the interstellar people have no beliefs, and the interstellar people only advocate strength.

Whoever is strong is the idol they worship in their hearts.

So when he looked at the idol, he just looked at it as a statue.

On the largest square in the Capital Star, the statue of his father was placed there. Every day, citizens of the Empire sent a bouquet of flowers to the God of War Wentian to show respect and mourning.

The statue worshiped by the young man was carved like a life, and it was seven or eighth similar to the young man.

Wen Xiaoyun understood something in his heart.

He asked: "This is your father?"

Zhuang Zhou was actually very nervous.

He saw that Xiaoyun didn't speak, and when he kept staring at the statue, his little heart trembled and trembled.

Did he see that the statue was me?

It seems that I am going to give him a dream again at night to make him forget about it...

Hearing Wen Xiaoyun's voice at this moment, he felt extremely guilty. Fortunately, he didn't understand his dialect, so he didn't need to answer.

Seeing Zhuang Zhou did not answer, Wen Xiaoyun frowned.

It is indeed a big problem for teenagers not to understand interstellar language.

Wen Xiaoyun took out the "Interstellar Universal Children's Enlightenment" that he had given to the teenager before, and sat next to Zhuang Zhou, and turned to the first page, which showed a family of three.

Wen Xiaoyun pointed to the words on the album and said to Zhuang Zhou: "Follow me."

Then, a deep voice slowly sounded in the dim light of the candlelight: "Dad, mom, and me."

The album is simple and easy to understand. First recognize the names of family members, and Zhuang Zhou will understand what it means at a glance.

But Zhuang Zhou began to feel incredible.

its not right.

Isn't this person speaking a dialect?

There are special enlightenment books for dialects?

Under normal circumstances, only a complete language system can teach this way!

Zhuang Zhou was in a daze as if he had come to the wrong place, but he secretly looked at Wen Xiaoyun.

Black hair, black eyes, and those facial features, a typical oriental look.

He can also speak Japanese and Korean, which is not the case.

He... he can never go to other countries in Asia, right?

Zhuang Zhou was a little panicked. At this moment, he was eager to know where he was. He obediently followed Wen Xiaoyun to learn his pronunciation:

"Dad, mom, and, and me?"

The juvenile's voice is soft, it is a very calming voice, and the pronunciation is also very standard, but with a hint of uncertainty, for fear of making a mistake.

Wen Xiaoyun calmly praised: "That's a good point."

After thinking about it, he pointed to himself: "I, Wen Xiaoyun." Then he pointed to him: "You?"

Zhuang Zhou understands, this is asking for the name.

He quickly said: "Zhuang Zhou."

He uses Mandarin pronunciation.

Wen Xiaoyun followed with a silent sentence: "Zhuang Zhou."

Zhuang Zhou nodded, eyes bright.

Wen Xiaoyun looked at him, retracted his gaze, and continued to teach.

Soon Wen Xiaoyun discovered that the teenager was really quick to get started with the language. As long as it was the pronunciation he had said, he could basically memorize all the pronunciations, and he had even begun to learn some simple daily expressions.

Wen Xiaoyun said: "Very powerful."

Zhuang Zhou could already understand this sentence.

He has a little pride, of course it is powerful, but he is the fastest learner in their Wealth Department!

You know, their God of Wealth has three hundred and sixty lines, so at least they have to learn three hundred lines!

If learning is too slow, how can you get on the job? !

These years, God is really too difficult to do.

Especially in the 21st century, there are too many materialists, and few believe in gods.

Others say that they are the best friends, because since ancient times, few people don't like money.

Everyone is thinking about getting rich, and if you want to get rich, don't you just ask the **** of wealth.

So all the gods said that other gods have to rely on robbing achievements to live, but the God of Wealth alone does not need to rob achievements.

But they don't want to think about the God of Wealth... there are so many gods!

There is not only the God of Wealth, but also God of Wealth. If you go further, there are five Gods of Wealth: East, West, South, North, and Middle Road.

Zhuang Zhou himself belongs to the God of Wealth Department of East Road.

The God of Wealth that every creature believes in is different! This belief is divided, and it is not as good as other gods!

The most frightening thing is that there are also Pai Yao, lucky cats who come to grab their faith...

Even those who believe in Koi have more beliefs in the God of Wealth on the East Road!

So if these three hundred and sixty lines have not been learned more than three hundred lines, how can you rob believers from other districts? !

Thinking of this, Zhuang Zhou relied on Wen Xiaoyun's inability to understand Mandarin, so he couldn't help but complained to Wen Xiaoyun: "Our great priest said that there was a mobile phone chip before, but it's miserable and he is about to go bankrupt. , In desperation, begging for God everywhere, hoping to get an investment, and also looking for someone who can upgrade the chip technology to save their company...this person is from our Eastern District..."

"But in the God of Wealth on the East Road, none of us understands this he was snatched away by the God of Wealth in the Southern District..."

"Because there is a God of Wealth in the Southern District who went to the world early and went to a very good university. He solved the problem of that person, and that person can worship him and become his believer... a big boss like him can The power of faith brought is very much, because he provides jobs for many people, his faith power is very strong...The business ability of the southern district, immediately dumped us in the eastern district."

"But the South District is not the best, the best is the West District... They sent a super good-looking God of Wealth to participate in some drafts in the world, and became a big star. There are a lot of people like him. He is already It is the **** of wealth with the most believers among our five gods of wealth."

When talking about this, Zhuang Zhou's tone was full of envy.

"Since then, the great priest has asked us to learn three hundred and sixty lines, at least three hundred lines, so that in the future, regardless of people from all walks of life, if they wish to make money from us, we will be able to respond to their requests. But this is not easy to learn. Ah, as soon as this request came out, our East Road God of Wealth resigned nine gods, two suffered depression, and one suffered from schizophrenia... Hey, our East Road God of Wealth department was under too much pressure, and it was really short of people..."

"Wish God often complains to us, saying that we rob their believers..."

Since Zhuang Zhou was speaking Mandarin, Wen Xiaoyun didn't understand what he was talking about. He only heard the little boy nagging. He was proud and envious for a while, and finally sighed.

Like a kid.

Wen Xiaoyun suppressed the dull hair on his head.

"Huh?" Zhuang Zhou held his head and looked up at him.

Wen Xiaoyun calmly retracted his hand and turned to the next page: "Continue."

"Yeah." Zhuang Zhou's little chicken nodded like a meter by meter, too obediently.

Wen Xiaoyun was about to read, when the surroundings suddenly went dark.

I saw that the candle that Zhuang Zhou had just inserted on the incense burner was completely burned out, and the darkness was restored.

In the darkness, unable to continue studying, Wen Xiaoyun left the album to Zhuang Zhou and said, "Go back and rest."

"Okay." Zhuang Zhou was a little bit jerky when he said'dialect', and he was a little embarrassed.

He stood up holding the picture book, put the nutrient in his pocket, and then looked at the incense burner and statues on the ground, he hesitated a little.

It is impossible to take them back into Qiankun's sleeves now, if Wen Xiaoyun finds out that it is difficult to explain... or wait a moment and then sneak them out and put them away.

Zhuang Zhou did not squint, silently following Wen Xiaoyun.

Wen Xiaoyun has a high spirit level, and the darkness does not affect his vision. After walking a few steps, he found that the child hadn't put away the things on the ground.

He stopped and turned around.

Zhuang Zhou was thinking with his head lowered, and later he would find an excuse to come out, and then take the idol back, completely unaware that the man walking in front had stopped.

Zhuang Zhou hit Wen Xiaoyun's chest directly.

"I'm sorry..."

Wen Xiaoyun said ‘um’, "Watch the road."

Zhuang Zhou's cheeks were a little red: "Why, why don't you leave?"

He is still a bit unaccustomed to speaking interstellar, and he is always a little stumbling when speaking.

Fortunately, the meaning can be expressed very clearly.

Wen Xiaoyun reminded faintly: "You forgot your dad."

Zhuang Zhou was a little at a loss: "...Huh? Me, my father?"

Wen Xiaoyun stretched out his hand and pointed behind him.

Zhuang Zhou turned his head, looked in the direction of his fingers, and saw that the idol was placed there alone on the ground, and the incense was about to burn.

Zhuang Zhou: "...?"


My dad?

Perhaps it was Zhuang Zhou's expression that was too shocked and unthinkable. Wen Xiaoyun looked at his unconcealed little face and asked, "Not your father?"

Is it Zhuang Zhou's brother?

Zhuang Zhou touched his nose embarrassingly: "Well...then, then you treat him as my father..."

Wen Xiaoyun: "?"

Just assume it is?

Can this dad still be wronged?

He wanted to raise his doubts, and then suddenly thought that the boy had just learned interstellar language, maybe the language is not clearly expressed in words, which is not surprising.

Zhuang Zhou had no choice but to go back, silently picking up the idol, holding the censer in one hand and the idol in the other.

What can I do, will he hold it every day from now on?

Wen Xiao was surprised to see that Zhuang Zhou didn't put things in the space and twisted.

Perhaps it is not willing?

Wen Xiaoyun stopped asking more, and took Zhuang Zhou back to the rescue cabin like a tent.

Wen Xiaoyun said: "There are still 3 bottles of the nutrient and no other food. We have to try our best to leave here and be completely exposed to energy radiation. We..."

He wanted to say that our body might not be able to hold it up, and suddenly he thought that there was no trace of radiation on the teenager's body. His appearance was too weird, and the fact that his body was not affected by radiation at all was shocking.

If it wasn't for the boy's emotions to hide, he could see clearly, innocent and straightforward at a glance, he would never let the boy stay.

On the contrary, his body was greatly affected by the radiation.

So he changed his rhetoric and said: "My body will not last long under exposure to energy radiation. I am going to repair the tower now. You stay here to rest."

In fact, the inner compartment of the mecha can isolate the radiation source, but his mecha Voss was seriously damaged and almost torn apart during the battle with the Zerg queen.

Voss is made by Gruen, the most powerful mecha master in the empire. Every part of his body is made of the most precious materials. It is not so easy for Voss.

Moreover, the nutrients in the rescue capsule were not enough for him to support him for long.

Therefore, Wen Xiaoyun could only withstand the danger of being completely exposed to energy radiation and choose to repair the signal tower first. After the signal tower can send a signal, he can repair the mecha while waiting for rescue.

Zhuang Zhou was stunned to understand, because he hadn't learned many words and words that Wen Xiaoyun said in the enlightenment book. He only heard Wen Xiaoyun say what he was going to repair, and asked him to stay and sleep.

Zhuang Zhou hesitated: "That..."

He wanted to ask Wen Xiaoyun what he repaired, maybe he would do it too.

He is the **** of wealth who understands three hundred lines.

Wen Xiaoyun raised his eyebrows, thinking that Zhuang Zhou was scared alone, but he was still young.

He pointed to the statue of God placed on the wall by Zhuang Zhou, with a rare touch of comfort in his tone, and said:

"Don't be afraid, your father will be with you."

Zhuang Zhou: "..."

The author has something to say: PS: Little Theater—

Zhuang Zhou: I am my own father. Is my own father still my own father? o(╥﹏╥)o

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