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The Second Lead's Love


What would you do if u had to help the person u love to confess their love to someone else . To make it worse if it was Your best friend, could you do it without them finding out

Let's see what happens if u are not the fated love of the person u love the most .

Chapter 1

On an evening after rain . Under the maple tree was sitting a handsome young man , good looking enough to be mistaken as a model.

He was sitting peacefully until he was smacked on his head from behind . he shrieked "what the heck ....?.." without looking behind him as if he knew the person . He called out "Ryan , what is wrong with you? why are u out so early..? " .

In front of him came a beautiful young man Looking the same age as him, he replied "What do u mean, why am I out so early, how long do you think they could keep me in there ."

The pretty boy namely Ryan stood there staring at him with a raised eyebrow" OK so you were waiting for me to bunk my detention class. Dave replied "no,I was.." before he could complete

Ryan grabbed his arm as the teacher came out looking for him and ran away with Dave. Poor soul couldn't even think and started running with him.

These two have been friends for a very long time, to be precise , ever since childhood. Dave a young prince who grew up in castles and mansions but was lonely and Ryan a young soul who had none of it but was lucky enough to be adopted by adopted by rich people. These two had been friends but are quite different from each other Dave,an introvert and Ryan,a huge Extrovert

Personality, that's what has been told right now . but what about their hearts . Are their feelings for each other the same . Dave , the introvert who is shy around everyone but is completely honest with Ryan but what about Ryan . What if Dave is told that the Ryan who is talkative ,outgoing and honest with everyone else actually is not being the same with him .

Ryan is the one responsible for bringing Dave out of his shell . This shy introverted boy had grown up into a handsome, out going and a confident boy . And all thanks to Ryan. But only if Dave knew that his best friend like him from very long time, then what .

Ryan started liking Dave in last year of their middle school and right now they are in last year of high school and soon enough they will be joining college. But for how long could Ryan hide his feelings for.

Ryan" come on, how long does takes it takes to grab some lunch, we'll be back with in 10 min "Ryan exclaimed. While Dave was focused on his book trying to learn something "I'm not holding you . Just go grab your lunch, I'm not hungry anyway . "

Ryan sighed as he grabbed Dave's book "you made me do this so Don't blame me later." he snatched Dave's book and ran with it . Dave wasn't even startled as it was nothing new for him, and he started chasing Ryan" YOU, .....wait come back here ..." they were running through the corridors when suddenly Dave crashed into someone and oh boy it was a huge Crash . Dave fell down and so did the other person . Dave held his head while groaning in pain "I'm really …sorry "

He tried to help the other person up and held his shoulder , gave him support and helped him up . But the moment he laid his eyes on the opponent he was stunned at the sight of this boy .

He was mesmerized , unable to speak . The boy squealed " it's alright and no worries I'm fine." It was the first time Dave had this feeling. His heart was pounding like crazy and his face had a red tint after hearing the boy's voice.

The boy freed himself from Dave's hands and was about to leave but he stumbled due to his sprained ankle . Dave at once held him and said " Oh God, I think you are injured. I'm really sorry.. " Dave kept apologizing as they boy said " no you don't have to worry about this.. I'll just go to the infirmary and it will be fine ..."

Chapter 2

  I'll just go to the infirmary, and it will be fine ..."

Not wanting to let go of the boy, Dave insisted on helping him, and they went to the infirmary.

 On the other hand after not finding Dave chasing him Ryan went back to check upon him only to find out that Dave had crashed into someone and took him to infirmary.

Aware about the behavior of Dave he rushed to the infirmary and found Dave and a young boy who seemed someone new in school. He went in and asked the boy.

" This idiot didn't even tell you his name did he?" Ryan questioned. After looking at their faces he knew he was right. " God... *sighs* Hi I'm Ryan and this is Dave. I heard about what happened in the corridor . Are u alright now."

The boy replied "yeah I'm fine .I'm Elvin and am a fresher ." Ryan and Elvin kept talking to each other, but Dave kept pondering about something looking at the boy he had met . Being the best friend he is Ryan was quick to notice . " So you are our junior, right. Since we are in our last year." Dave asked Elvin .

" Oh, I'm sorry senior . " Elvin was quite shocked .

He just started his high school and on the very first day he crashes into his senior. Dave smiled at him and said" it would be great to have a younger friend right, Ryan." Ryan looked at Dave and was quite amazed by his behavior. Dave had become a little confident, but he could never start a conversation until Ryan did .

"Yup, I bet we can teach you a lot. " Ryan said . Elvin was flushed and started smiling" thank u*in low tone* ".

" Alright It's the time for our class . Dave let's go', and You ,our young friend rest well" . Ryan said and glanced at Dave who had a weird expression on his face, an expression Ryan had never seen .

"Dave... "he called out again Dave snapped out "yeah, coming ...." . Before going out he once again glanced at Elvin and a red tint appeared on his face. "I'll be going " he said as if he wanted attention ".See you soon senior and thanks."

Dave left for his class following Ryan .

" This is so boring .....ugh... "Ryan said complaining about the lecture . But Dave was concentrated, completely serious . But little did Ryan know Dave was focused but not on the lecture . "Hey… Dave the lecture is over .... heyy…DAVE!!!..." . Ryan shouted. Dave was startled at sudden shouting. " What the heck . Dude so u finally lost it ...huh . I told you to not be that serious about studies. " Ryan kept scolding Dave, but Dave was lost, he was thinking of something but soon shrugged it of "Sorry... C'mon let's go ".

After school was over they parted their ways and Ryan went home, but Dave had some errands to run so he decided to enter the convenience store nearby. As he entered he saw a familiar face . It was Elvin . Without knowing it Dave felt a tiny bit of happiness within him .

Dave headed straight towards Elvin" I thought you had an injury". Elvin flinched at sudden voice in silence. " Oh it wasn't that bad . I'm all better now .all thanks to you. " There was an awkward silence until "Are you here to get something" Elvin asked . Dave was reminded of the purchase he hadto make.

"Yeah ... I forgot. " Feeling a bit embarrassed Dave was about to go fetch his things until he saw a basket extended towards him . Elvin was offering a basket to him . Dave chuckled at this sight" I'm not here for shopping u see . I just need some cat food ."

Elvin was flushed due to embarrassment, but Dave accepted the basket as he smiled" but I'll take that anyway . Thanks for the help" Dave chuckled and went towards the sections. Elvin was Red, but this time not due to embarrassment. He was blushing, his heart fluttered when Dave smiled at him .

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