NovelToon NovelToon

The General's WIFE

Episode 0: Alexis & Magnus

Alexis Francis Basilio

\= 18 years old this year

\= he has a secret about his body (uniqueness) including his blood

\= starting his first year of college this year in UC university

\= has been with his adopted grandma since he can remember.

Magnus Carlos Fegsar

\= 33 years old this year

\= Nickname - The Reincarnation of The God of War/ The War God

\= Has been looking for someone for some unknown reason, for more than 10 years

\=Has been in the war when he was 7 years old because of •••


Alexis Francine Basilio POV

I was sitting in a military vehicle, like a small jeep. I think it's called a jeep, with the man who owns it. He forced me to go with him somewhere. Saying it should be done now.

The vehicle was parked in front of the Marriage Bureau. I don't know him, but he said I was his fiancee and that he had been looking for me for years, so he brought me here in front of the Marriage Bureau. It was like he was rushing something, I don't know?

He got out of the vehicle without saying anything. I didn't want to ask him if I should get out or not. I didn't want to die yet, with that cold expression on his face, it seemed like he wanted to kill someone but still looking so handsome somehow. I snapped back to reality when I heard the door of the vehicle open.

"Get down now, Butterfly," he said coldly, which I did. I don't know why I'm listening to what he says and what he wants me to do, I don't even know him. I just met him this morning when he came to our house saying I'm his fiance and also grandma recognizing him as the boy who carried me when I was a baby and leaving me to grandma without saying anything.

"Are you going to get out yourself or do you want me to carry you out, Butterfly?" he said ask again.

"Ah... Um... It's not necessary, I can do it myself." I got out on my own, he was waiting outside for me so we could enter the building together. He even offers his hands to me.


We've been here inside the Bureau for hours now for the marriage certificate, the only thing left now is taking a picture of both of us and we are ready to leave.

If you are asking why am I here? It's because...



Hep.. hep.. Let's continue to the next episode

Note: The pictures I use are not mine, credit goes to the original owner, and also I don't know these people so don't ask me 🤧🤧

Sorry for this a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t y v w x y and z now I know o my abc.... ♪♪♪

Episode 1

Alexis Francis Basilio POV

"Grandma, are these yours? I just saw them along with the old baby clothes upstairs inside a metal box." I asked. I was holding a ring and a necklace while going down.

"What is it, dear?" she asked me back.

"This, grandma I just found them while cleaning" I said, showing the necklace and ring.

She looked at what I was holding. I couldn't understand her expression when she saw what I was holding, whether it was surprise or sadness.

"Where did you find this, dear?" she asked me with that expression.

"I found them in a metal box under the cabinet. I'm cleaning up the room and then I found them." I replied. "Is this yours?"

"Ah.. sit down, it's probably time for you to know everything." grandma said.

Know everything? Didn't she already tell me everything about how she found me on the street when I was a baby? Is there more?

••18 years ago•••

...3rd Person POV...

In a quiet street, an old woman was walking home when she heard a baby crying. She followed the sound of the baby's cry to the side of a dumpster. There, she saw a young man carrying a baby wrapped in thick cloth.

"Son, what are you doing here? Are you okay?" The old woman asked as she approached, concern evident in her voice. The young man seemed hesitant as he responded. The old woman then noticed the wounds on him and the bloodstains on his clothes.

"Oh dear, are you okay? What happened to you?" The old woman asked with a mix of worry.

Before the young man could answer, the old woman spoke again.

"Come, let's go to my house first so we can treat your wounds. And I'll carry the baby for you." The old woman said worry, reaching out her hand to take the baby. The young man hesitated, unsure if he could trust the old woman. The old woman noticed his hesitation and withdrew her hand.

"Don't worry, son, I won't do anything to harm you. I just want to help you get better." The old woman reassured the young man.

"It's okay if you don't want to hand the baby to me. Just follow me to my house nearby then. We can treat your wounds and feed the baby too; it seems like the little one is hungry." the old woman reassured the young man.

The young man's gaze softened as he looked down at the crying baby, recognizing the signs of hunger. With a nod to the old woman, he slowly rose to his feet, his legs trembling from both exhaustion and relief. Sensing his struggle, the old woman offered her support, gently guiding him as they made their way to her nearby home. The young man held onto the baby with a protective grip, his determination to care for the infant unwavering amidst the chaos that had brought them together.

Once inside the old woman's house, she quickly gathered the supplies needed to treat the young man. As the old woman tenderly cleaned his wounds, he held the baby protectively in his arms, his eyes reflecting a mix of fear and relief. After the treatment was complete, the old woman sat down beside them, her gentle gaze filled with concern and curiosity. She asked the young man what had happened to them, inquiring about their parents and whether they were in danger. She wanted to know where they lived and who their parents were, hoping to piece together the puzzle of their circumstances and offer them the help they needed.

However, the young man remained silent and did not provide any response. When the old woman mentioned calling the police, the young man shook his head vehemently, signaling his refusal. It was clear that he did not want the old woman to involve the authorities, likely out of fear of the potential danger it could bring. Respecting his wishes, the old woman refrained from calling the police. She was curious to ask the young man the reason behind his reluctance, but she sensed that he would only remain silent if questioned.

•••••Back To The Present•••••

...Alexis Francis Basilio POV...

"That night, I told him that you both could stay for the night and rest." Grandma recounted, her voice laced with nostalgia and a hint of mystery. "However, the next day, he was nowhere to be found, as if he had vanished into thin air, leaving you in my care along with this necklace and ring, along with a note meant for you when you grew up. He also has a note to me explaining that you are in danger and that if the person who wants you dead finds you, he will kill you. He also advised me to move house. So since I was planning to move from the beginning, I sell the lot and move in here. And to be honest other than the ring and the necklace, there were three pieces of gems that he also left saying that I can sell them but never the necklace and the ring. It was also where I discovered your full name, Alexis Francis Basilio."

As I listened carefully to Grandma, her eyes glistened with a mixture of emotions, reflecting on what had happened that fateful night. "I kept the necklace, the ring, and the letter hidden away, waiting for the day when you would come of age. But with the passing of time and the mov of years upon me, I had nearly forgotten about these precious mementos" she confessed, a touch of regret in her voice.

Her wrinkled hands trembled slightly as she continued, "I never dared to open the letter, for it was meant for you and you alone." she revealed to me.

I hold the necklace and the ring tight, processing what my grandma has told me.

"So Grandma, you're telling me that someone wants me dead? For what?" I asked

"I don't know, dear. But maybe you come from a wealthy family that's why?" she answered.

I was taking a back on what she said and thinking, if I was then what happened. If someone wants me dead, then who wants me dead. What happened to my parents? Who are they then?

"If you have some questions maybe that piece of paper in the box can answer it." Grandma suggest. I smile at her giving her a sign that I will read the letter.

·····•••Hours Later•••••••

I had already read the letter and in that letter, I should have addressed him as brother Carlos, and also he wrote that I can wear the necklace however the ring cannot be worn but if I want to wear it, then I should wear it as a necklace, so I wear it like that. He even wrote that I need to smear a bit of my blood to the necklace so that he can track me. However, with a condition that I need to be 18 and above when I do it, because it will also alert the person who wants me dead.

So I was thinking if I should do it?. I'm already 18, so I can do it, but is blood really necessary? Yes it should be blood and nothing more. It's not that I don't want to, I'm just scared to do it, maybe I can't stand the pain.

I'm in my room holding a needle, so it would be easy to make my finger bleed a little. I'm scared of using a knife. Because you look like you're going to kill someone when you're holding a knife. Anyway, here it comes.


...To Be Continue...

...C you In The Next Episode 😚😚...

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