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Episode-1- The first glance

My Second First Love 


## Scene 1: Hallway Encounter

**Setting:** A bustling high school hallway filled with lockers and chattering students.


* Julia: A bubbly and energetic girl with a secret crush.

* Justina: Julia's sarcastic but loyal best friend.

* Eleanor: Julia's quiet and observant friend.

* Drake: The school's star swimmer, known for his charming smile and athletic prowess.


**(Julia, Justina, and Eleanor walk down the hallway, giggling.)**

**Justina:** So, are you going to confess today, Juls? 

**Julia:** (Blushing) Maybe. Maybe not.

**Eleanor:** (Nudging Julia) Don't chicken out! Here he comes...

**(A group of students, including Drake, approach from the opposite direction. Julia's heart starts to race.)**

**(Julia accidentally bumps shoulders with Drake as they pass. They both turn and lock eyes for a moment.)**

**Drake:** (Smiling) Hey, sorry about that.

**Julia:** (Flustered) Oh, no worries! It was my fault.

**(A beat of comfortable silence hangs in the air.)**

**Julia:** (Looking away shyly) Well, uh... I gotta get to class.

**Drake:** (Chuckles) Yeah, me too. See you around, Julia.

**(Julia smiles back at Drake before turning and walking away with her friends. She can't help but feel a flutter in her chest.)**

**Justina:** (Smirking) See? Not so bad, right?

**Eleanor:** (Nodding) He totally noticed you!

**Julia:** (Trying to act casual) Maybe. But it doesn't mean anything.

**(Despite her words, Julia can't stop replaying the encounter in her mind. A small spark of hope ignites within her.)**

## Scene 2: Flashback - A Snowy Christmas

**Setting:** A cold, snowy night outside a dimly lit hospital. 


* Young Julia: A small girl bundled in a winter coat, tears streaming down her face.

* Young Drake: A kind-hearted boy holding a red umbrella.


**(Young Julia sits huddled on a bench outside the hospital, shivering and crying. Snowflakes fall gently around her.)**

**(A red umbrella suddenly appears overhead, blocking the snow. Young Julia looks up to see Young Drake standing beside her.)**

**Young Drake:** Hey, are you okay? You shouldn't be sitting out here in the cold.

**Young Julia:** (Sniffling) My mom... she's in the hospital. I don't know if she's going to be alright.

**Young Drake:** (Offering her a warm smile) My mom's a nurse. She says strong people like your mom always fight their way back. Here, take this.

**(Young Drake hands Young Julia a small teddy bear.)**

**Young Drake:** It'll keep you company. Whenever you feel scared, just hug it tight.

**(Young Julia takes the teddy bear, a flicker of hope returning to her eyes.)**

**Young Drake:** You know, my dad says that even on the darkest nights, the stars always shine through.

**(Young Julia looks up at the star-filled sky, a newfound strength filling her.)**

**Narrator:** (Voiceover) That was the day I met Drake. The day a simple act of kindness blossomed into something more. It was the day I fell in love for the first time.

## Safe Harbor

**Scene 3: Escape**

The storm raged outside, mirroring the chaos within the house. Shouts turned into screams, punctuated by the sickening thud of something hitting the wall. Julia huddled in her room, tears streaming down her face. The door burst open, revealing her father, his face contorted with rage.

"Get out!" he roared, shoving Julia towards the door. Rain lashed in through the open doorway. Julia stumbled outside, the cold a stark contrast to the burning on her cheek. Her mother appeared, eyes red-rimmed, a hand pressed to her bruised arm.

"Julia, no!" she cried, but before she could reach her daughter, the door slammed shut.

Standing in the pouring rain, soaked and alone, Julia felt a wave of despair threaten to engulf her. Just then, a familiar car pulled up beside her. It was Drake.

"Get in!" he shouted, opening the door.

Julia didn't hesitate. She scrambled inside, relief washing over her as the car pulled away from the house.

**Scene 4: Healing and Hope**

At the hospital, Drake waited patiently while Julia was examined and treated for her minor injuries. The doctor gently questioned Julia about the situation at home. Though hesitant at first, Julia found herself confiding in him.

"How long have you been putting up with this?" Drake asked softly, his voice devoid of judgment.

Julia looked away, shame welling up inside her.

**Scene 5: A New Beginning**

At home, Drake recounted the events to his mother, Marian, a kind-faced woman with warm eyes. Marian, a nurse by profession, took charge. They contacted a lawyer and sent a legal notice to Julia's father, ensuring he couldn't come near them.

For the time being, Julia and Floria moved in with Marian. The house was filled with a newfound warmth. Marian and Floria, both survivors in their own way, bonded over shared experiences and whispered dreams.

**Scene 6: Building a Future**

Fueled by a newfound determination, Floria secured a small loan and began the process of opening her own cafe. The aroma of freshly baked goods soon filled the house, a comforting fragrance that replaced the echoes of fear.

Julia, wanting to contribute, found a part-time job at a cozy bookstore. Surrounded by stories, she found solace. She spent her evenings helping her mother with the cafe, learning the secrets of brewing the perfect cup of coffee and creating mouthwatering pastries.

Though the scars of the past remained, a fragile hope flickered within them. Together, they were building a new life, one filled with strength, resilience, and the promise of a brighter future.

Episode 2- Unexpected events

My Second First Love


**Scene 1 - At Drake's House**

Marian, Drake's mother, and Floria, Julia's mother, engage in a lively conversation about Julia's skills and pleasant demeanor. Marian invites Julia to call Drake for dinner.

Julia, absent-mindedly forgetting to knock, enters Drake's room to find him just out of the shower, water dripping from his hair. He's dressed in a towel, revealing his toned abs.

Drake, with a playful grin, says, "Well, well, if it isn't my unexpected guest. Admiring the view, Julia?"

Julia, blushing slightly, stammers, "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to intrude."

Drake chuckles softly, "No worries. Next time, just give a guy a heads-up before you barge in."

Julia, regaining her composure, retorts playfully, "Maybe I was hoping for a surprise."

Drake raises an eyebrow teasingly, "Oh, is that so? Well, consider this your lucky day then."

Julia giggles nervously, feeling a mixture of embarrassment and attraction.


**Scene 2 - Dinner Conversation**

Later that evening, they all gather around the dinner table, enjoying a delicious meal cooked by Marian.

Marian beams at Julia, "You know, Drake, Julia is quite the charmer. She's been a delight to have around."

Drake smiles warmly at Julia, "I can see that. Maybe she's not as innocent as she seems, sneaking into my room and all."

Julia rolls her eyes playfully, "Oh please, it was an accident."

They laugh together, sharing a comfortable moment.

Floria joins in, "Julia, how's school going? Drake, any plans after graduation?"

Julia and Drake exchange glances, sharing a knowing smile.

Drake replies, "Actually, I was thinking of starting my own business. Julia here has been helping me with some ideas."

Julia nods enthusiastically, "It's been fun brainstorming together. Who knew Drake had such entrepreneurial spirit?"

The conversation flows smoothly, filled with laughter and shared stories from their school .

**Scene 3: Early Morning at Drake's House**

*Setting: Drake's house, early morning. The kitchen is buzzing with morning activity.*

**Marian:** (calling out) Drake! Hurry up, or you'll be late for school!

**Drake:** (rushing in, grabbing his backpack) I'm coming, I'm coming!

**Marian:** (placing a plate of breakfast on the table) Eat quickly. And take Julia with you since you're classmates.

**Drake:** (grabs a piece of toast, nodding) Sure, Mom.

*Drake finishes his breakfast hurriedly. Cut to the front of the house where Julia is waiting.*

**Julia:** (hesitantly) Morning, Drake.

**Drake:** Morning, Julia. Ready to go?

**Julia:** (nodding, shyly) Yeah.

*Julia sits on the back of Drake's bicycle, hesitantly holding onto his shoulder as they start their ride to school.*

**Julia:** (breaking the silence) Thanks for taking me along. I know it's out of your way.

**Drake:** (smiling) No problem. It's actually nice having company for a change.

*They continue chatting and grow somewhat closer during the ride. Suddenly, Julia spots someone struggling on the road.*

**Julia:** (urgently) Drake, stop!

*Drake stops the bicycle and Julia rushes forward to help an elderly woman who has dropped her groceries.*

**Julia:** (kindly) Let me help you, ma'am.

*Drake watches with a smile, feeling his heart race for some reason he's not sure about.*

**Elderly Woman:** (grateful) Thank you, dear. You're very kind.

**Julia:** (smiling back) It's nothing. Have a good day!

*They resume their ride to school, both feeling a little closer than before.*

**Drake:** (teasingly) You're like a superhero, you know that?

**Julia:** (blushing) Oh, stop it.

*They arrive at school where Julia's two best friends, Justina and Eleanor, are waiting.*

**Justina:** (mockingly) Well, well, if it isn't our little lovebirds.

**Eleanor:** (giggling) How was the ride, Julia?

**Julia:** (flustered) Stop it, you two!

*The girls laugh and continue to tease Julia as they head to their classes.*


**Scene 4: After School at the Bookstore**

*Setting: A cozy bookstore where Julia works part-time. Julia is arranging books on a shelf.*

*A customer enters, resembling Drake. Julia glances over, intrigued.*

**Customer:** Excuse me, could you help me find this book?

**Julia:** (smiling) Sure, let me check.

*Julia climbs a ladder to reach a book on a high shelf. She grabs the book but loses her balance and falls, landing in the customer's arms.*

**Julia:** (embarrassed) Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!

**Customer:** (chuckling) No problem. It's not every day a beautiful girl falls into my arms.

**Julia:** (blushing) Um, here’s your book.

**Customer:** (smirking) Thanks. By the way, I'm Noah.

**Julia:** Nice to meet you, Noah.

*They exchange a playful look before Noah leaves the store.*


Scene 5: Later at the Cafe**

*Setting: Julia is helping out at her mother's cafe. She is wiping down tables when her mother walks over.*

**Julia's Mother:** Did you hear? Drake's brother is coming back from New York.

**Julia:** (surprised) Drake has a brother? I didn't know that.

**Julia's Mother:** Yeah, I think his name is Noah.

*Julia's eyes widen in realization.*


**Scene 6: Evening at Drake's House**

*Setting: Drake's living room. Julia enters and sees Noah sitting on the couch.*

**Julia:** (shocked) You... wait a minute, you're Drake's brother?

**Noah:** (grinning) The one and only.

*They engage in a playful, mocking conversation.*

**Noah:** So, what do you think of the big brother? Better looking, right?

**Julia:** (rolling her eyes) You're impossible.

*Drake walks in, noticing the interaction and feeling a pang of jealousy.*

**Drake:** (interrupting) Julia, you ready to go?

**Julia:** (smiling) Yeah, let's go.

*As they leave, Drake can’t help but glance back at Noah, feeling a mix of emotions he can't quite understand.*

**Drake:** (thinking) What is this feeling?


The episode ends with Drake and Julia walking out of the house, their relationship subtly shifting as they navigate these new dynamics.

I hope u guys like the part 2 💖


Episode-3- Picking a fight

**Episode 3 - Scene 1**

*Setting: Julia and Drake are walking together under the soft glow of a street lamp, the night quiet around them.*

**Drake:** (casually, with a hint of curiosity) So, Julia, what was your first impression of Noah? You met him just today, right?

**Julia:** (smiling awkwardly) Yeah, today. He showed up at the bookstore unexpectedly. I had a... clumsy moment and ended up falling into his arms. (laughs nervously) His charm is undeniable, but his constant teasing can be a bit much.

**Drake:** (raising an eyebrow playfully) Falling into his arms, huh? Sounds like quite the entrance. Did he make you blush with his smooth talk?

**Julia:** (rolling her eyes) More like annoyed me to no end. (pauses, realizing) Why do you ask, Drake?

**Drake:** (a touch defensively, trying to mask his jealousy) Oh, no reason. Just curious how you handle such... charming encounters.

**Julia:** (noticing Drake's tone, teasingly) Jealous, are we?

**Drake:** (smirking) Maybe a little. But only because you're the only one who should be falling into my arms.

**Julia:** (grinning) Smooth, Drake. Very smooth.

**Drake:** (grinning back) Hey, I try my best.

**Julia:** (softening) Thanks, Drake. It's nice to know you're looking out for me.

*They walk on in comfortable silence, the street lamp casting a warm glow as they navigate their feelings and the night together.*


Scene 2**

*Setting: Julia and Drake are still walking when Noah calls out from a distance.*

**Noah:** (with a sense of humor) Am I interrupting something?

*Julia and Drake turn to see Noah approaching with a playful grin.*

**Julia:** (smiling) Hey, Noah. We were just taking a walk.

**Noah:** (flirting) A walk, huh? Mind if I join you? Or is this a private stroll?

**Drake:** (jealous, cutting in) Actually, we were heading back. Dinner time, right?

**Noah:** (still playful) Ah, yes, dinner. Don't want to miss that. Shall we?

*They head back to the house for dinner.*


Scene 3**

*Setting: Dinner table. Noah, Julia, Drake, Marian (Noah and Drake's mother), and Floria (Julia's mother) are seated.*

**Marian:** (smiling warmly) Julia, Floria, I have some news for you. You two will be moving to your new house within a month. And the crazy part is, we’re going to be neighbors!

**Julia:** (excitedly) Really? That’s amazing!

**Floria:** (grinning) Looks like we’ll be seeing a lot more of each other.

*As dinner progresses, Noah and Drake both try to sit next to Julia.**

**Drake:** (moving quickly to sit next to Julia) Here, Julia, you can sit next to me.

**Noah:** (cutting in smoothly) Actually, I think Julia would prefer this seat. (pulls out the chair for her) Ladies first.

**Julia:** (caught off guard, but smiling) Oh, um, thank you, Noah.

*Drake glares at Noah as he takes the seat next to Julia.**

**Drake:** (forcing a smile) Lucky you.

**Noah:** (grinning, leaning closer to Julia) Seems like tonight's my lucky night.


Scene 4**

*Setting: After dinner. Marian decides where everyone will be sleeping.*

**Marian:** Alright, everyone. Here’s the sleeping arrangement for tonight...

*She pairs up people in unexpected ways, creating a mix of humor and tension.*


Scene 5**

*Setting: Noah and Drake have a private conversation related to Julia.*

**Drake:** (serious) So, are you after her?

**Noah:** (smirking) Why? Are you dating her?

**Drake:** (defensive) No, but—

**Noah:** (interrupting) I'll back off if you are. But you're not, right? So let's have a fair game.

**Drake:** (annoyed) This isn't a game, Noah.

**Noah:** (grinning) Maybe not for you. But I'll play fair. May the best man win.

**Drake:** (intensely) Julia's not a prize, Noah.

**Noah:** (raising an eyebrow) I know that. But you can't deny we both like her. Let's see who she likes back.


Scene 6**

*Setting: Later in the evening, Noah, Julia, and Drake are in the living room.*

**Noah:** (flirting with Julia) By the way, I’ll be attending my senior year at the same school as you two. Permanently moving back from New York and living here with the family.

**Julia:** (surprised) Really? That’s... unexpected.

**Drake:** (trying to hide his jealousy) Yeah, great news.


Scene 7**

*Setting: Midnight. Julia, unable to sleep and having a nightmare about her abusive father, sits outside on the lawn. Noah joins her.*

**Noah:** (softly) Hey, you okay?

**Julia:** (startled, then relaxing) Just a bad dream. Couldn’t sleep.

**Noah:** (sitting beside her) Want to talk about it?

**Julia:** (shaking her head) Not really. But thanks for asking.

**Noah:** (smiling) You know, Julia, you don’t have to face things alone. (pauses, then flirts) I’m here now. And I’m not as annoying as you think.

**Julia:** (laughs softly) You have your moments.

**Noah:** (grinning) I’ll take that as a compliment. Shall we go back inside, or is there something else on your mind?

**Julia:** (feeling better) Thanks, Noah. Maybe we should head back.

*They get up, and as they walk back inside, Julia feels a little flutter in her heart.*

hey readers I know you guys expected more from part 3 but I promise there is something I'm preparing for which is more fun.... wait for part 4 guysss 💖

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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