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The first time I saw her, I thought she was beautiful yet lonely. Divine like the morning sun yet alone like the moons' shadow.

Day by day, she sat at the parks bench where I could see her on my way to school.

Then, I wondered who is she, and why she was always alone? She swung her legs in slow motion as she watched the grass with a sad gaze. I thought then, Haa, I want to be close to her, I want to talk to her and know what was bothering her.

My prayer was answered the day she walked into my class as the teacher told us to settle down and announced her as a new student I was overjoyed. She looked beautiful in her yellow sundress and blonde curly hair, which was left down as it cascaded down her waist. She easily drew in attention from all of us, yet she didn't seem to want it afraid of our stares, timid even.

I squinted at this and watched her find a seat next to Norman. He was a little friendly yet sometimes over the edge. He was the best seat partner at the moment as he seemed to start a conversation with her yet was quickly shut down.

I looked away as a teacher came in and started to discuss last week's class. It was going to be a long day, and I knew it.


The first time I saw him was when I walked into my class and the teacher introduced me. His stare was innocent yet filled with curiosity and passion. I became uncomfortable under that gaze as the other students' stares didn't seem as piercing as his.

This is the first time I meet him, but not the first time I noticed him. He always walks by the park in the morning on his way to school and sometimes on the weekends. It was then I noticed him and he, me.

His staring began, then from the moment he noticed me and I him. but he never knew I noticed his stares.

His stares were at first inquisitive and curious, but then, it grew deeper, longer, and more passionate. Every time, I felt his gaze. It brought fear and expectations to me, shaking my core. Fear that I won't be able to talk to him and my father will realise this boy I keep glancing at.

Expectations that we would one day communicate or become friends. Which has been my life-long goal since my time in this world.

It's a cold world when you don't have people surrounding you. Craving that closure has always brought me fear. It makes me confused, but yet I want it. This is why I became excited when my father told me I will be attending this school. I swallowed down my joy as he stared at me with his black, cold, dead eyes.

I took a lot of willpower not to squirm under his gaze, trying to keep my emotions in check so he wouldn't notice. Cause to my father anything that brings me joy must be destroyed. No matter what it is, I am not allowed to be happy.


My week went by slowly, and I can count the number of times I've seen Reya. Aside from the fact that my week had been hectic, My eyes always found its way to her watching as she tucked strands of her hair behind her ear, bringing out the outline of her oval face or, how she bit her lip while solving math equations.

I smile at how beautiful and cute she looks.

She always finds a way to put a smile on my face and filles me with energy whenever I see her, yet I haven't had the opportunity to talk to her. This unrequited love is really a pain in my ass.

Jamie put his arm across my shoulder. He is a good friend of mine. I've known him for two years. He takes a different set of classes from mine. So we met during lunch and shared free periods.

We have the same height, both brown haired except his is darker, green eyed, handsome, and 6ft while I am light brown eyed, handsome as well, and 6ft. Jamie is lean muscled while I'm more on the lanky side. Shame, I know.

"We going for lunch? or are you going to keep staring? " He said with a grin as he glanced at me before looking in the direction of where my gaze was.

She was quiet and rarely related with people but, this didn't stop her popularity and influence from growing as She managed to talk to a few people and, I can't say she has -- Friends, they feel more like companions that she walks with a few times mostly for lunch.

She still is not much of a talker, and I wonder why.

"You ignoring me, lover boy," Jamie smirks at me, bringing me out of my thoughts. I shrug his arm off my shoulder, walking fast paced into the cafeteria.

"Yo, what you running for?"

"Ren -" Jamie called jogging to catch up with me. "Wait up man," I rolled my eyes as we walked to join the cafeteria queue.

"I'll go get us trays." Jamie taps my back. I agree watching him jog to the stack of trays in the corner of the hall.

I move forward as the line progresses and search around for Reya's table. I found her quickly. Her presence still attracts a lot of attention as the new pretty face of LakeHigh.

She sat at one of the tables close to the centre of the cafeteria away from the jocks.

Who obviously still found it easy to stare at her like a new piece of meat.

"Fucking dogs". I hissed irritated

"Woah! Who got you upset?" Jamie asked as he glanced around while passing me my tray.

We were already at the front of the line. I glanced at him waiting for him to tell me what he wanted to get so I could get mine.

"Ooh" He said smiling "I get it" He wiggled his brows before angling his head at Saints table. I looked away ignoring his gesture.

He laughed "Man what are you even getting jealous for? They have the right to stare you know. She is pretty"

I glare at him.

"Hey easy" he said raising his tray filled hand. "Don't take it out on me, it's a nice compliment. 'sides if you aren't going to make a move, those guys will do it for you"

Jamie and his love advice everyone.

"Whatever man." I shrug ignoring his statement.

"Really" He raised a brow in disbelief. He always finds a way to piss me off.

"They won't be able to talk to her anyway. What are you having?" I asked glancing at the menu plastered for today,

Soup? Eww

"Damn! nice way to put that she is a snob. I will have whatever you're having".

"I'm not saying she is a snob. I will have a sandwich". I said reaching out to grab two and sliding away while he does the same. We take juice boxes, an apple for me and two bottle waters.

"I'm just saying they are not worth her time"

We navigated towards the cafeteria centre, greeting Saint and his team members we walked to a free table across from Saints table yet close to where I can see the back of Reya's head.

"Sure dude. Whatever you say." He says opening his sandwich and taking a bite.

He glanced back his eyes searching round then tuning to face me again.

"So -' I look up after fixing my straw into my orange juice box.

"So?" I stare at him

"When are you going to confess?" He bluntly asks.

I choke back on my drink.

"The fuck" I shout wiping my mouth.

Jamie just laughs out wiping away a fake tear. "I mean it man, You've had this sick crush for months. She is finally in our school, make your move already. Get it over with"

"It's not that easy" I hiss out dropping my juice in the tray.

"How?" He looks at me like I've got two heads. I shake my head.

This guy is an idiot, he thinks it's that easy as he is on the basketball team which gives him access to a lot of chicks.

I won't lie, we have both had our fare share of women and girlfriends his ration, being a lot higher than mine. But, my feelings for Reya is special.

Jamie looks at me waiting for my answer. "It's just different man."

"Right." He nodded his head "You said the same thing about your Ex, Loren wake the fuck up." He argued looking at me strangely.

"Don't stare like that man I can't help it she is special"

"Then, if she is that special, tell her. I'm already tired of your staring man. She's is gonna think you are a creep"

"I will" I say. He nodded to that and dug into the rest of his sandwich "that if she doesn't already know I'm a creep". I mutter under my breath.


Life in this new school LakeHigh has been well, some what peaceful except for the powerful scorching gaze that follows me 'almost' everywhere in school.

He became my stalker in some way. Although i don't mean it in an offessive way, it might come off like that.

The school is a breath of new air. Although I'm still not used to the place I'm adjusting at my own pace. The extra stares I keep getting as the new girl feels unnecessary to me.

As I don't know when I will disappear again, be forced to leave here and go into hiding again or moving to another city.

Because of my father, I try to make my presence very scarse and try not to make any friends in this school. Sadly, that plan  is going awry.

Guys, keep coming to strike up conversations, which I immediately turn down, yet they still keep coming.

Some girls I see on occasions give me death stares, which I shrug away. For me, those death stares are just simply cute.

Nothing scares me or gives me chills except for my father. His stare alone is deadly, and if they see him, they too will pee on their designer skirts in fear of him.

I had already guessed some of them were popular girls because I had read about in books and watched them on TV. I managed to sneak and watch some of  these shows while my father was away from home.

Another set of girls managed to strike up conversations with me, and as much as I wanted to turn them down, I couldn't.

Don't ask why. They were nicer, period.

So, they became my lunch buddies, and I just conversed with them 20% of the time we had lunch together. I barely concentrated on the conversations they had, but the ones I could catch on and had some knowledge about, I replied

They didn't seem to mind, which was odd, but I felt their good intentions and hung out with them more. Which was just me increasing my friend conversation levels to 30% and To me, that is a passable level for friends.

Blissful weeks have passed by with my stay in school, and my stalker has never  once come up to me to have a proper conversation. All he does is stare at me in hallways, lunch, and class.

Though, I am sure the rumours of the pretty new girl keeps turning down conversations with guys have spread throughout the school with, the courtesy of no one other than my loud seat partner Norman.

He is sweet, but he was going to be the death of me. His protection was absolutely unnecessary as I was doing a good job myself.

I would have told him myself, but we'll that would break the rumour of me not having conversations with guys. There is only one who can break it, though, and he is doing a terrible job.

Well, if this keeps up and I end up leaving, we are both going to regret it. I'm not going to be the bigger person and go up to him saying 'HI'. There is also no cliché shit like him and I doing a project together or whatever.

He seems to be part of the sports boys, though he wears some kind of frown every time he is with them. I tilt my head to the left, getting a better view of his face.

He is indeed handsome, but the degree of shyness in that man's body is astronomical. He talks to other girls fine, so what is his problem. Even his best friend is a social fly,'whatever they call it' as he drags my stalker around the table, and all he does is sigh and roll his eyes.

He looks 'cute'. I smile at that thought

Vanya, who is sitting across me, looks up from her food. Seeing me smile, she chokes. My smile feezes on my face and then fell.

Does she have to make it weird for me. Her coug

hing alerts the other two girls who look at her worried

"You okay, Van?" Cassey asks brows furrowed in worry

"I'm fine, just not expecting the day. I will see a smile on Reya face."

Water is spat on my face as casssey chokes on the water she was drinking.

"Did you say smile? When?" Lory, the third girl who sits beside me and across from cassey, searches my face like she lost her locker keys on them.

It's not like I have a smiling phobia. What's with the reaction.

Cassey just finished her coughing fit and started to apologise, taking out her napkin dabbing away her spit water from my face.

"Sorry about that, but what Van said really startled me."

"Right!" Lory added. I glanced at her with brow raised.

She shrugs "Really we have never seen you smile before even when we tell jokes, and then you do it out of no where of course, it will cause a choking reaction."

"It's nice of you to tell me that my smiley face has a choking reaction. I will keep it in mind." I roll my eyes before going back to my lunch meal.

The tomato spaghetti was delicious. Meals in this school are better than the ones I eat at home.

Van smiles." Don't worry, keep doing it, and it will have a better reaction from us."

I look up with a blank face and spat "No Thank you."

They all laugh at this, and I shake my head. We all continue to eat our meals.

"Wait a minute. What made you smile?" Lory asks, staring at me with twinkling blue eyes.

Great, my counter plan was ineffective. Damn.

"Vanya, did you see what made her smile?" Lory asked, looking into Vanya's dark eyes.

The love of what is with this child. I stare at her like she grew two heads.

"I don't know." Vanya answered. "She was staring behind me, and I don't know what it was since, I obviously don't have eyes at the back of my head."

Lory pouted, "Of course I know that."

"Reya, were you staring at a jock boy who was it?". She asks me, staring at me with an innocent look blinking her eyes like a baby.

Leave me out of this, please. I looked away, drinking my bottle water.

Cassey turns her head, looking back to the jock table. The guys at the table were jeering and laughing about something.

"I don't know either but, it can't be any of those dumb boys who, don't know how to fuck off when one says I'm not intrested. It could probably be Jamie I guess." She shrugs and concluded looking back at us

I smirk inwardly.

"Can't be him. He is a player" Vanya says frowning still looking at their table.

Cassey glances back. " Really? he is somewhat decent though."

"Decent my ass" Vanya hisses putting spaghetti in her mouth. While we all stare at her. She might hate Jamie but, well I don't know the full reason or I tuned out when she had mentioned it.

But Cassey was right. He is a decent guy even though he is a player, at least he played right. Those wannabe mean girls were out of the list and, he was smart enough to stay away.

I licked my dry lips and took my bottle opening it, I began to drink. Lory was still staring at the jocks table.

"Then is it Loren."

It was my turn to choke.

But I did it smoothly so they had not noticed my watery eyes. I then forced my cough to a deep breath.

Lory had made that statement without being sure but she had hit the mark.

Mental Note: Avoid telling Lory Spades secrets. She is a detective on her own.

"Him" Cassey gestures with her head to where Loren sat with Jamie beside him and some other guys around the table whose name I will never know or remember.

He looked bored from my observation and lacked appetite. What happened to him?

"I don't feel him though"  Vanya said

Excuse me

"Why not he looks cute though"

Thank you Lory.

"I don't know he feel off at times I see him staring at Reya." Vanya says looking at me and I look away.

Leave him be then.

"Right! I've seen him too many times. But the stares are usually innocent like he is shy to meet her."

Thank you again Lory. I like you more now. 40% conversation increase

"He shouldn't cause he asses of friends are already on Reya ticked off list."

I nod at Cassey's words. Those guys were starting to piss me off.

"Well then he should work her and try talking to Reya."

I nod again to Vanya words agreeing.

General assessment increasing conversation to 45%.

The bell rings for the next period and we all stand up going to drop our trays at the counters arranged at the entrance of the hall to keep the used ones.

I wave goodbye to the girls who had different classes from mine. Well next up is,


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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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