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Thank God It's Not Happen

one day before the day

"Mum, where is my Miss World costume? I need to practice hard... Mum, are you listening or not? Oh God, I am so nervous! Could you bring me some water, please?" Arina's voice quivered with anxiety.

"Calm down, kiddo. Look at yourself—you’re looking so stressed. But I have something for you." Her mother smiled warmly as she reached into her bag and pulled out a shining royal crown, placing it gently on Arina's head.

"Thank you so much, Mumma. This is precious. I love you!" Arina exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with joy.

"I love you too, kiddo. Now, dinner is ready. Go and have your meal," her mother replied, guiding her toward the kitchen.

"Alright, Mum."

After dinner, Arina's exhaustion caught up with her. "Mum, I’m tired. I’m going to bed. Good night."

"Good night, sweetheart," her mother replied, giving her a gentle kiss on the forehead.

Lying in bed, Arina couldn’t stop her mind from racing. She practiced her routine in her head over thirty times, but the confidence still eluded her. "I’m just six years old. How can I walk like a model?" she whispered to herself. "I know it’s just a ramp show, but I have to give my best. After all, he will be there. I can't embarrass myself in front of him. Oh God, please help me! Relax, Arina, relax..."

Despite her nerves, excitement bubbled up inside her. "Apart from the nerves, I’m so excited for my dress! A cute little Miss World—wow. This would never have been my dream because it’s beyond my imagination. Well, I like this, but now I have to sleep. Good night, see you tomorrow."

With that, Arina closed her eyes, clutching the precious crown, and drifted off to sleep, dreaming of the big day ahead.

Arina woke up early, her excitement barely contained. Her mother dressed her in a stunning white, shiny gown. She looked so pretty that her dad, still groggy, was fully awake the moment he saw her.

"Wow, Arina, you look like a princess," he said, smiling proudly.

The driver was already waiting to take her to school. In her hurry, Arina turned to her mother. "Don’t be late, Mum! Remember, my performance is at 11:30 at the school annual function. Okay, bye Mumma!"

"Best of luck, kiddo!" her mother called out, waving as Arina hurried to the car.

As the car drove off, Arina's thoughts drifted to him. "Will he like me in this costume?" she wondered. "I wonder how he looks in his cute bunny costume. He must look funny," she giggled to herself.

On the way, she spotted him at a zebra crossing. Her heart skipped a beat, and without thinking, she quickly bowed her head, hiding from him. Moments later, she questioned her reaction. "Why did I do that?" she thought, confused and clueless about her own actions.

Lost in her thoughts, she couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness about the day ahead. Her mind raced with images of the performance, the costumes, and the hope that everything would go perfectly.

Shattered Illusion

Arina reached school, her heart pounding with nerves. "Oh my God, I'm so nervous," she whispered to herself. She saw him coming her way, and her anxiety spiked. Just then, her teacher's voice cut through her thoughts.

"Arina, come here! You need a touch-up. Get in the queue."

She sighed with relief and joined the line. To her surprise, he joined the same line. There was something off about him—his trousers were a bit loose, and he kept busy pulling them up. As he moved closer, he suddenly looked at her, mesmerized. Without warning, he kissed her on the cheek. Time seemed to stop. Shocked, Arina turned and ran away, her cheeks burning.

An hour later, it was time to rock the stage. "Don't get distracted by that incident. You have to perform well," she told herself, taking deep breaths. Summoning all her courage, she stepped onto the stage. Her performance was flawless, and everyone was amazed by her confident walk.

Next, it was time for the bunny walk. He had to hop like a rabbit, but his loose trousers made it difficult. He struggled throughout his performance, tugging at his pants.

At the end, all the participants gathered on stage for the final judgment. The judges, with their lists in hand, were ready to announce the top five participants. The air was thick with tension, and everyone was nervous. But Arina was zoned out, still thinking about the unexpected kiss.

"And the winner is... Arina!" The announcement jolted her back to reality. She took her prize, her face lighting up with joy. "Thank you, everyone," she said, tears of happiness in her eyes.

Her mum and dad were waiting backstage, beaming with pride. "Congratulations, Arina!" they said, hugging her tightly. To celebrate her victory, they took her to a pizza restaurant, her favorite treat.

That night, as she lay in bed, Arina couldn't stop thinking about the kiss. The memory replayed in her mind over and over, making it impossible for her to sleep. She hugged her pillow, a smile creeping onto her face despite the confusion. It had been a day full of surprises and triumphs, one she would never forget.

Years passed, and now Arina was 16. Yet, everything felt the same—her love for him, the promises they made, her unwavering loyalty—all of it existed vividly in her mind. She clung to her childhood dreams, ignoring the reality of growing up. In her heart, he remained her "bunny," even though they had grown into different people. He now loved football and had shed his innocence, becoming more self-absorbed. Their schools were different; he was a junior in another school. They barely spoke, but her love for him had only deepened.

Arina had become the most popular girl in her school, known for her intelligence and arrogance, making it nearly impossible for anyone to win her heart. She had two close friends, Pilyee and Tessa, who were the epitome of true friendship. They loved Arina dearly but did not share her fondness for her bunny. They often warned her about his selfish and flirtatious nature, but Arina defended him, insisting he was just naïve.

One day, Arina decided to surprise him with a gift—a red checkered shirt. The choice of red had a special meaning. Once, while they were at the market, he had pointed at a mannequin wearing the shirt and said, "I like that shirt. It would suit me, but I don't have the money right now." Arina remembered his words and thought it would be a wonderful surprise.

She was so excited to give him the shirt, imagining his reaction, hoping he might hug her out of gratitude. When she handed him the gift, he simply said, "Thanks," and walked away. Arina was taken aback by his cold reply but chose to ignore it.

Later, as she lay on her bed, she received a video from an unknown sender. Arina watched in horror, her heart sinking. She dropped her phone and burst into tears. The video revealed her bunny, wearing the shirt she had gifted him, laughing and flirting with another girl. The reality of his true nature hit her like a ton of bricks, shattering her childhood dreams and leaving her heartbroken.

Broken Trust

She was broken. She had never thought this could happen, not even in her worst nightmares. As she looked around her room, the weight of the situation pressed down on her. The next day at school, she was unusually quiet. Her friends, Pilyee and Tessa, noticed immediately.

"Arina, what’s wrong? Why are you so quiet today?" they asked.

With grief in her eyes, she replied, "I’m not feeling well. It might be due to the weather."

She went home, scrolling aimlessly through her phone. Suddenly, a message popped up on her screen. It was from him.

"Hi baby, where are you? Why aren't you replying?" he wrote.

She replied, "I’m sick."

Bunny responded, "Oh, okay. Take care. Talk to you later. Today is my football match. Wish me luck. After all, you are my lucky charm."

"I wish I could be lucky for myself," she thought. She replied, "Good luck."

He laughed. "I’m your partner. What else do you want? Many girls want me, but I chose you, so you have to be grateful. Anyways, bye."

"Bye," she replied, her heart breaking further. She started crying again, wondering why God had let this happen. "Am I not good enough for him? Am I not good-looking enough? Why does he need someone else? Why?" She cried, lying on her bed.

Her mother knocked on the door. "All okay, kiddo?"

"Yeah, Mumma, I’m fine. Actually, I’m tired, so I’m going to sleep."

"Alright, take rest," her mother replied.

Arina buried her head in the pillow and cried harder, muffling her sobs so they wouldn't be heard outside her room. After an hour, she got up, wiped her tears, and washed her face. But whenever she cried, her eyes and nose would swell, making it hard to hide her emotions.

The trauma printed itself on her mind, trapping her in a nightmare. Deciding to confront him, she texted him about the incident. He replied that he was busy and would talk later. At 9 PM, she texted again.

"Are you free now?"

"Oh, I forgot about you. Yeah, I’m free."

"Good. Now explain why you cheated on me."

"I didn’t cheat. It was just a casual meeting. We met, had lunch, and went home. Why are you overreacting?"

"Overreacting? You wore the shirt I gifted you."

"You gave it to me, so it’s mine now. Those girls are nothing to me. They’re just for chilling. But you are special to me, and I love you. So, baby, please let it go."

Arina was speechless at his defense and his seemingly heartfelt declarations of love. Despite the pain, she felt her resolve weakening. Against her better judgment, she melted and forgave him.

"But you have to promise this won't happen again," she said, her voice trembling.

"I promise, baby. It won't happen again," he assured her.

The girl who had been broken just a few hours ago now felt a semblance of peace. Her love for him was so intense that it overshadowed her doubts and insecurities, at least for the moment. However, deep down, she couldn't entirely ignore the lingering sense of betrayal.

Arina's willingness to forgive showed how deeply she was in love with him, but it also marked the beginning of a slow, painful erosion of her faith in love. The incident left an indelible mark on her heart, casting a shadow over the pure, innocent love she had once cherished.

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