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Against The Flow

Note 1

Other notes are still working in progress. I am looking for Book Cover artist, please contact me thru this email:


“Sir, everything is ready. Would you like to have your caffeine shot on the go or would you prefer to have it at the office?”

“I’ll have it at the car.” I replied.

I am Paul Ian Tan, 27 years old, one and only son of Mr. Mark Chua Tan and Mrs. Pauleen Cruz Tan. A son of Filipino-Chinese Conglomerates based in the Philippines.

Just the fact that I am a son of conglomerates means I have everything. I get everything with just a snap of my fingers. I never strive for anything nor need to work hard for anything since everything is just at reach of my hand.

But did I ever need any of this? I do not know.

I took a sip of my coffee and stared at the car window blankly. I wonder where will this stream take me again?

“Sir? Off to go?” My secretary asked as he opened the car door.

I stood out of the car and buttoned my suit, entering a huge building. “What’s for today, William?” I asked.

He then updated me for todays schedule nonstop, until we reach the top most floor where my office is located.

I sat on my swivel chair then inquired Wil for the contract papers that needs to be reviewed and signed today.

Nothing is new, tirelessly reading contracts, finding loopholes that might be overlooked by other executives assigned.

I was then interrupted by William as he enter my office. “Sir? It’s about time for your board meeting. May I remind you that Mr. Mark Chua Tan will be present too.” I just give him a nod and answered, “Yeah, sure. Thank you, Wil.”

“It’s a pleasure to be of use to you Sir Paul.” He babbled with a wide smile.


“Good day, everyone, Sir Mark Chua Tan. Sorry for keeping you waiting.” I greeted them as I enter a very formal yet modern and minimalist looking executive boardroom.

They all greeted back as they sat down, making few subtle noises from their swivels.

Sir Mark Tan gazed at me then said, “You may start presenting for today’s agenda, Sir Caleb our Chief Information Officer.”

Sir Caleb then thanked Sir Mark Tan as he proceeds to present information about our international businesses and things that requires urgent attention.

They exchanged words and ideas, not ending the chatter. I breathe a heavy sigh hearing things about business that somehow made it to be part of my daily routine now.

Did I ever reject their ideas? Is there any chances that I denied my father’s decision? I don’t think there is ever an instance that I made an effort to even bat an eye whenever he is involved.

I may be able to locate any failure or anything that is wrong to any deal and contract they made, I may be able to suggest resolution but Sir Mark, my father always have the last say to it.

...Note 1 End...

Note 2

Other notes are still working in progress. I am looking for Book Cover artist, please contact me thru this email:


“Sir Paul? What do you think about it?”


“Oh, sorry, yes, I agree. I think someone should oversee everything about the progress of the real estate projects at Russia personally.” I answered.

Damn, I was out of it. Why am I dwelling with those thoughts that won’t matter anyway?

“If I may suggest, whoever we decided to send at Russia, should take the opportunity to review contracts with other shareholders there and some other internal affairs. It wouldn’t hurt to also review the background of those are involved with the money circulating throughout the development of the constructions.” I continued, I at least need to share some words since I was not really attentive anyway.

“Why do you suggest to do so, Sir Paul? It’s long due for that, and our legal team from Russia were able to review everything that needs to be done before proceeding to any deal.” Sir Mark answered as if mocking me, as if I didn’t know it from the first place.

“Upon reviewing the documents, I’ve seen some questionable accounts and contracts that seems to pushes the company at the end cliff of failure. I believe it wouldn’t hurt to be cautious since we’re talking about billions of dollars here.” That’s another rebuttal for me, I guess?

I just wouldn’t want to see and meet them again here in this boardroom talking about how are they going to resolve matters that they are the one who made right after slacking off.

It’s not like I give much a fuck about it but then again it will all just fall to the fact that I do not want to see them again.

“Well, point taken. Then it’s decided. I will send you, yourself at Russia, son.” He said with finality in his voice.

“Ok, Sir.” I just raised a suggestion but I didn’t know I’ll be the one who will end up being thrown at the hell fire myself. Will I ever have a say to this?

“Before this meeting ends, I would like to announce that I’ll be ascending from my position and shall have my son inherit it.”

He joyfully rejoiced as the people of the company inside the boardroom congratulated me with huge smiles plastered on their faces.

I responded them with a smile, I just gazed at my father. We didn’t talk about any of this, he just claimed that I will happily accept everything.

“I will formally held a celebration for that and announce it to everyone as I formally retire from this position right after you come back from Russia. So you better make it quick son, fix everything you can there.”

I just give him faint smile as an answer. Everything is decided for me anyway. I don’t see the point of trying to argue about it.

“Meeting is done. You can all go back to work now.” He declared which serves as a signal for everyone to leave. “Son? Stay for a second.” He said.

He give his secretary a glance and so I do the same with Wil which they took as a sign to give us a room for conversation.

“Yes, sir?” I inquired as I took a step closer to him.

“You need not to be formal, Son.” I just gave him a faint smile again. “Make sure you make time to visit your Mom for dinner before you leave for Russia.”

“Yes, Dad. I’ll give her a call too.”

“Good. You just keep being a good son, everything will follow smoothly.”

“Ok, Sir. I’ll keep that in mind.”

...Note 2 End...

Note 3

Other notes are still working in progress. I am looking for Book Cover artist, please contact me thru this email:


It’s weekend today and I am on my way now to my parents’ house. Due to sudden changes in my schedule, I have to rush and end things here so I can fly to Russia. That’s why I have decided to meet my mom for lunch the day I am going to leave.

There have been things back there that requires immediate attention so I had to quickly end things here.

As we arrived, Wil was quick with his feet as he hurriedly open the door for me. “You can have your lunch with us, you go with me.” I instructed him.

“Thank you, Sir.” I nod as an anwer.

I was greeted by few house personnels as well as the bodyguards that is situated all over the vicinity for extra security.

Walking through the high ceiling hallway inside the house, everything I can see screams luxury and unnecessary extravagance.

“Hi, Mom. I’m glad to see you.” I greeted my mom with a light hug, “Good afternoon, Sir.”

“Not the formalities, Son.” He retorted.

“Pardon my behavior Dad.”

Old habits die hard. I was so used to call him ‘Sir’ since I grew up with a very strict environment. I consistently called him that way that I can’t remember now when was the last time I comfortably call him dad.

William, my secretary, greeted both my father and mother and gave the a slight bow as a sign of respect.

“Let’s go now, food’s ready. Join us too, William.”

The table was filled with foods that is mostly a dish that Mom definitely prepared herself. She likes cooking, especially when she learns that I’ll be here.

“I cooked everything that you like, Ian darling. Come and eat.” My Mom happily stated.

I give her a smile. “Thank you, Mom.”

“How are you these days? Are you taking care of yourself well? Mom is not with you, make sure that you eat on time, ok?” She worriedly asked.

“Right back at you Mom. I am ok.”

We started eating with my Mom’s endless chatter and jabber. William made sure he listens to her as me and Dad just agrees with everything she’s saying, trying not to disappoint her in any way.

“This may be out of the blue, but Ian, I want you to meet someone later this night. Is that ok?” Mom asked.

“I am sorry Mom but as you can see, Wil is with me and that is because we need to catch our flight to Russia later this afternoon.” I calmly explained trying to make a point.

“Russia? Why? This soon?” She frustratedly asked.

“So you’re scheduled to leave today? You could’ve told me earlier.”

“Sorry sir, I mean Dad. You know there have been issues growing there, if you were not informed, there have been urgent matters that needs attention that resulted me to push through this schedule.”

There have been things that causes commotion throughout the sites, the cops was quick to investigate things but I wouldn’t just sit back down.

“Yeah, I am aware about it. Good thing that you can go there immediately, keep me informed about it so we can mediate everything properly.” Dad sternly answered with a hint of prideful yet subtle authoritativeness in his voice.

“Yes Dad”

“But Mark, he’s about to see her today!” Mom stubbornly retorted.

“Who?” Dad frowned as he curiously asked Mom.

“The daughter of my amiga!”

Daughter? Who? Why? What’s with it?

“Ohh that, but Pauleen, have you informed your son anything about it?” He asked again but mom just answered with a shake of her head.

“See? You couldn’t expect him to go if you did not even give him a heads up about it. Just cancel it, they can do it later on.”

I squinted my eyes, eyeing the both of them. “Would you guys mind if you give me an idea about this?” I sarcastically asked.

“Just a marriage candidate, son. Your Mom has been busy meeting her amigas for this. I also thought that it’s about time for you to think about it so I just let her in it.”

“Ohh.” I glanced at my watch, “Sorry, I know it may sound rude but I think we need to go now.” I give Wil a gaze and good thing he’s quick.

“Yes, Sir.”

I just smiled and bid my father and mother goodbye. Although mother was hesitant to let me go, she gave in later on as this is work related matter.

“I couldn’t believe it.” I utter in silence when the car moved off to airport.

“What, Sir?” William asked.

“Nothing.” I let out a heavy breath.

I wonder how long will I be able to keep up with all of these. Everything falls to its place, as if its already given that I will take this path. They be drawing me in to all these.

I have been their living puppet ever since the day I was born. Up to these days, they be still unknowingly deciding things for me, not giving me any options.

I am already barely living and now I have to deal with another hurdle, called marriage. Why do I even have to suffer like this?

People thought that you’d be the happiest when you can buy everything.

People thought I am the luckiest son alive for having a supportive parents who willingly offer me all the riches in the world.

Despite these, why do I feel so empty? My bank accounts may be filled with overwhelming amount of money but my heart feels like it’s suffering from drought, it’s desolated.


We safely arrived at Russia. Gladly, I was able to have a good rest during the 10 hour plane ride. A little yawn escaped my mouth while we were making our way out of the airport.

“You seemed so out of it Sir, perhaps you need some rest? Should we go straight to our hotel if you don’t have any place in mind you want to go?” He stated out with a pinch of concern evident in his voice.


We went straight to the group of men wearing reputable suits, whom I supposed are the bodyguards who will keep me company for my few months stay here at Russia.

[Note: From here on, every italicized dialogues are considered to be in Russian language. Thank you and enjoy reading.]

“Good day, Sir!” They all greeted in unison, I nod as an answer.

They hurried over and stole the luggages from Wil’s hand and put them inside the car trunk as they open the door for us.

They keep yapping in Russian trying to greet me and William but after a few more seconds they all just zip their mouths.

I do understand and speak Russian but I am not as confident with my pronunciation but I wouldn’t say that I am not effective enough to exchange few words.

I diligently studied and learned Russian as teenager for this. It is because even from then, everything are already written in stone. I just walk through this path, I do not create any of this. I do not ceeate me. I was made, like a doll.

...Note 3 End...

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