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My Wishes Will Be My Destiny

A new opportunity

In a palace in a space isolated from everything, surrounded by a semi-transparent layer which shows different images of different entities in your daily life, there are two people who speak about the destiny of each of

the entities seen in the images.

-So you have already decided?

-Umm yes, first we will send the unlucky ones!

-Sure? You know that probably not even 3% of those sent will survive, right?

-So what? After all, it wouldn't do much to send them later, the faster the let's ship faster, we'll get rid of future hassles!

-Ahis... well if that is your choice I have no choice but to follow it father.

-At least you understand that, now get going and go activate the systems!

-Okay, they will be ready in 8 minutes and 37 seconds! The person responded as she gave He turned around and left the palace taking slow, rhythmic steps as if he had practiced since he was in his mother's womb giving

him an incredible view of art in a few simple steps.

Seeing that the man walked away until he disappeared, the person who remained closed his eyes for a moment, he took a deep breath and said.

-Boy, you don't understand, the most unfortunate, desperate, helpless, in need of power and comfort are the ones that fight the most and shine when obtaining a simple thread of hope.

As he muttered to himself, he opened his eyes which were so deep and brilliant, with an inexplicable fatal attraction which would make anyone who sees them cringe he was left in a trance never to return.

 Looking at the layer with billions of characters he made himself laugh. "Hahaha! Come on, Show that just as they trampled you, you will crush the rest, my 3%."

While the scene was passing in the isolated space, at the same time at the entrance of a convenience store on earth, a boy of about 20 years old, brown hair, 1.70 brown eyes, was checking a change “I have to spend

about three days with this”

While he said that he began to walk and think without knowing the exact time that was passing, with slightly stiff steps crossed a corner and he was stunned as he saw a person that he hadn't seen in a few weeks.

As she also looked at him, she was the first to snap out of the trance and said.

-Hello Deivid.

-thut s-yes hello Shelsy, long time no see! Deivid replied after biting his tongue without able to look away from the girl in front of him, with rediscovered emotions reflected in her eyes.

Seeing that the boy had not changed by biting his tongue every time he surprised them He couldn't help but laugh at him as he said.

-Yes, you don't seem to have changed much.

-Yes, it seems so hehe.

As he responded to his joke, Deivid couldn't help but remember those moments, which filled with regret and sadness, forcing himself to suppress those memories and emotions deep inside herself, and looked away

from his eyes.

 Shelsy, seeing the changes in her face, couldn't help but bite her lip as she said.

-You never thought about forgiving me... I won't forget you! And I do not want! Don't hare it!

Seeing the girl with her outburst of words out of nowhere, Deivid couldn't help but turn to look to the other side while he felt someone place a heavy weight on his chest and tie him down a lump with his throat.

-You haven't... While the girl was saying that, she turned around and ran away, leaving behind small drops falling, which reflected the moonlight before falling to the ground.

As Deivid watched her, he began to think.

"Is that what I want? Am I really that pathetic to make her cry? Am I even worthy of Those feelings?"

Just as he finished thinking those questions, he heard someone shout in front of him who he recognized very well, which made his body move before thinking and leaving shot towards the two shadows in front of him.

-I already gave you my money and bag! What else do you want!

-This is not obvious, of course.

A guy with a hood and a gun in his hand answered him, pointing and pressing with She Shelsy's breasts.


Shelsy hearing him say that, along with the tension of the moment and the feeling of the cannon of the gun pressing against her chest, he couldn't help but scream.


Upon hearing the girl's scream, the thief couldn't help but approach her and drop the her cell phone while he tried to silence her, causing the girl to step back and fall on her back while she was terrified.

-Hahahaha, you don't know how much fun I'll have with you, I had run out of my daily dose and no I thought that when I went out to look for more, I would find such beauty hahaha.

Watching the maniac approach her as he wipes it with the sleeve of her sweatshirt drool running down the corner of her dry, damaged lip.

Shelsy didn't know what to do other than back away as she crawled with his hand right across the floor full of glass from Shelsy's cell phone screen that the guy shot trying to prevent her from screaming, causing cuts on her hand and leaving light red liquid from it.

Unaware of her own injured hand, Shelsy continued to back away as the thief He extended his left hand towards her and held the gun in the direction of her with his right hand to her.

Shelsy, not knowing what to do, closed her eyes and thought.

“I do NOT want this, why is this happening to me?”

-Come on, let yourself be and you will see that you will enjoy it as much as I do, you will be my bonus for my hard work tonight hahaha I'll make you-pushh.


Before she could finish her sentence, Deivid managed to hit the guy in the jaw with his hand right hand formed into a fist and driven by the anger that grew within him, plus the pain two or three broken fingers let out a scream that halfway turned into a growl near a lament.

AHHUUUU!!! That really hurt! Damn!! Today I will kill you POOP!


Out of nowhere Deivid felt the pain in his hand disappear followed by a sting in his stomach going through his back, knowing what it is, instead of turning to see his stomach He sees the girl lying on the ground looking at him with a pale face and terrified eyes.

-YES, I forgive you and I LOVE you! I always did it and I never stopped doing it-pushh.

His confession is cut off midway due to the coming of a liquid clogging his throat of him and being expelled by his last words, he leans forward and watches as the guy got up.

"No! If I leave it like this, it will hurt Shelsy."

Taking the last energy he has left, he stands up straight and pushes himself with a stomp to the ground ground with her right foot and ran towards the guy who shoots her, while she sees him with a single thought.


 He tries to shout it, but instead more blood comes out, staining his mouth and shirt, causing him to stumble half a step away and collide his head with the guy's jaw.


 As he listened to his cry, he grabbed his right arm and pulled him towards him, which generated another puncture, this time in his chest followed by unbearable pain.

However, this time he didn't vomit and instead he lifted hi arm and bent it towards him, generating a stretch in his wrist which causes him to pull the trigger followed by flesh and blood splattered everywhere including

his face.


 Hearing Someone shout his name and assuming it is Shelsy, Deivid falls next to the man who has half of his neck destroyed while he thinks.

“Haahh, that's good, I managed to protect her and I said what I felt, at least I'm leaving without Regrets, I just wish I could have spent more time with her.”

-NO! Deivid, don't do this to me! No Please! It's not fair! Hey! You tell me that just now if this is so then… I will follow you! You hear me, I won't be with anyone else in this or that life if you leave I will go with you like this, “Nif” so wait for me you hear “Nif” just wait.

Shelsy holds Deivid's face with both hands, making the blood red Deivid's dark skin with the blood from his light red right hand mixed together, sliding down his neck and falling to the ground creating a beautiful deep scarlet color!

It's a pity that none of them could see such a beautiful color of his blood because Shelsy was lamented and Deivid's consciousness slowly faded as she felt small warm drops falling towards his face, covering it completely, giving him a feeling of sadness and warmth.

-Nif Nif. Shelsy, with blurred vision due to her tears, manages to see the gun that hurt the man she has been longing for, generating a sense of hatred along with remorse and madness grow inside her.

Which causes a clash of emotions between them, causing her mind to stay blank white without being able to think properly, and her body moves on its own as she extends a hand to take the weapon.

While the gun is placed under her neck pointing towards her head... a noise and a white light that manage to bring her out of the trance, along with a strange  sensation of waves occurring around the area, like the sea tide crashing into the body of her but instead of being furious and fast she is slow and soft.

-Oh heck, what do we have here? It hasn't even started and you're already in such a state,  alone I

can say that your luck is Amazing since the remodeling of the body, of each traveler also comes with the recovery of each wound or scar... Although thinking about it good.

Looking at what awaits you on that side, maybe your luck is terrible instead of good…? No who cares, anyway, now we will be together until one of us dies from So take this as a small favor and make sure this opportunity is not wasted.

-But what the hell happened to you? How does your neck end up this way?





-I SPEAK FIRST!!! How come another system is here?

-Do I want to know that too?

As both voices were heard, 2 distorted balls appeared floating each one over Deivid's head and the guy with half his neck destroyed, both balls they were like a mirage but without being one, like tangible air, or like crystalline wáter, about the two men.

-So that's what happened... While a voice similar to that of a man seemed to murmur to himself, the other woman-like one spoke.

-Both are considered among the most unfortunate on this planet and along with blood and the fading consciousness of both combined, created a bug in the system of transport and take them as one, which I place the coordinates of different people as one, thus generating the error in the shipping systems docking program two in the same direction when both are so close to each other.

-Hahahaha if you don't tell me I wouldn't know, idiot! In addition, it helps to emphasize the obvious in this situation.

-Yes, that's why they sent two systems so close, when the rule is that each traveler is separated from each other both in personality, knowledge, distance, and familiarity.

-Hey, aren't you listening? Well, wait until it devours you on the other side.

-Okay boy, from now on you will be one with me, you lose and I lose, your desire and I win, I hope we are eternal and not short...

While the woman's voice ignored the man's and muttered to herself, a strange semi-transparent golden glow from one of the energy balls which It became a thread entering Deivid's forehead, causing him to begin to float while his body healed so quickly that you could see the tissues regenerating at simple view and a bullet coming out of Deivid's chest.

In the same way the same thing happened with the subject who only had half of his neck, while all this was happening, Shelsy, who was watching and listening attentively to the entire scene, she could not avoid dropping the weapon which due to the impact of the collision against the pavement and poor maintenance of the gun, it shot itself into the air.

But this did not generate anything, since the balls did not stop doing what they were doing and Shelsy did not he snapped out of his trance. As she continued to watch the scene before her eyes in disbelief and happiness reflected on her face.

Before Shelsy could say anything, she heard the sound of a male voice again.

-Boy, I gave you another chance so you owe me a life, when you get to the other side You'll finish what you started, kill the idiot and give me his system.

Hehehe I must be the luckiest system of all to be able to consume another without having It's been a day since they sent me.

When the voice finished saying its words, a large flash appeared swallowing the two balls and the two boys, generating a crack in space and passing over it.

Everything returned to normal, leaving Shelsy alone, who she would surely think that everything It was an illusion if it weren't for the blood scattered all over the place.

-W-wait where you're taking it... you're going. Well, he's fine, the blood is proof that I'm not crazy...

“Wait for me Deivid, we will be together, I promise you!” While Shelsy thought about everything happened, she wiped her face with her shirt, took her broken cell phone plus her purse and left running from there.

After a few minutes, sirens were heard along with blue and red lights blinking.

The other side

-Oh where... am I? Deivid, after being unconscious, found himself at the foot of a hill surrounded for what appears to be a dead forest.

The only thing that could be seen were remains of ashes, charred stones and burned roots next to what It seemed to be a river channel, only it was completely dry.

-Is this perhaps hell?

-No, what you are seeing right now are the consequences of the total burning of a natural area, judging by the amount of ash and the slight heat in the air I would say that it hasn't even been three days since that this forest burned.

-Oh I see.. NO! Wait, who said that? As Deivid looked around trying to search for the origin of the voice, it sounded again.

-Calm down, try to sit down and breathe deeply, but try to calm down and listen, you should know that not I am your enemy.

-If so, why don't you show yourself then!

-If I could I would have already done it and no, I'm not a ghost, just listen, we don't have much time and You should try to understand what situation you are in.

… ”He was supposed to be dying right now, or at least in the hospital or even in an ambulance if I somehow survived that situation... but if not and I'm not Dead only means that someone kidnapped me and healed my wounds

somehow so yeah If I wanted to hurt myself, they would have already done it without needing to cure me." While Deivid analyzed the situation and his own body realizing that the wounds on his body were no longer there it rang


-Wow, at least you're not stupid, if you already know that I won't hurt you because you don't listen to me one bit moment.

-Is this a dream?


-I'm dead?


-If that's the case then how come I'm alive and in this place.

-That's what I'm trying to say, ahh well let's start from the beginning, your name is Deivid 20 years old You live alone and without family, unemployed and few friends, you fell in love with Shelsy since you were here at school but you never mentioned it to him so you were never comfortable in your life, that's without mention the fact of her affair between you were pathetic for not telling her that you love her even before you walked away from her for something so trivial.

-How come you…

-How do I know your life? Simple when a system is attached to the carrier, it reads the memories of it and learns everything there is to know, while the wearer chooses the system that best suits their will of him.


-If system we are tens of billions and we are sent to carriers like you with the goal of helping them become stronger and try to survive in the universe, by the way currently We are in a small world called the autumn garden, although I said it is small it is 7 times bigger than your home planet the earth.

-Wait! Wait a minute, systems and carriers? Another planet? And survive!

-YES, to summarize it this is your situation

 You were chosen to be transported to another planet, your only objective is to try to survive, but given the limited conditions of humanity on earth, those who elected you gave you a gift, not only you but all travelers were granted a

system which adapts to the best tool for you to become stronger in the most efficient way... and so that you don't die so fast.

Deivid after calming down and analyzing the situation he is in for a few minutes he answered.

-Well, I more or less understand my situation, I have some questions... in the event that I am not crazy and all this is a simple hallucination then.

Who sent me? Why me? Do you have your own conscience? And what is the reason why we sent?

-Due to your low capacity that is directly intertwined with me, the database to which access is very limited and I can only answer one of your questions.

Yeah; I have my own conscience, I just have restrictions imposed on me like our relationship symbiotic, which makes me incapable of having free will, in other words, if you die, I will still have it and If you nourish yourself and become more powerful, the same happens with me.

Deivid who remained silent again could not help but frown while he analyzed the information provided by the system.

-Good. "If that's so, let's discard all the unanswered questions and focus on what You really have answers right now.” Tell me if you are aware of what... you are? A artificial intelligence, or a person?

-I am a somewhat more complex existence that I may not even fully understand what I am.

-If so, then why do you identify with the gender of woman?

-It is not that I am a woman, but that I am programmed to satisfy and achieve comfort and compatibility with my bone carrier you!

-It's like that then... how would you identify yourself?

-To put it in simple words, it would be similar to a newborn human baby which is a genius with the learning capacity of an adult... of course that is without counting the abilities that humans cannot in using but I do.

-I more or less understand, you are like an adult with a photographic memory, a great capacity for understanding, and my assistant who has lost his memory and only remembers certain things, to achieve see more memories I have to improve my ability.

-Strange way to look at it, but that works too.

-Well, to all this, what is your name?

-I have not only been categorized as a sector 3 system.

-Mmmm it would be strange to call you that way... I have it from now on I will call you SISI!

-Well from now on I will call myself Sisi.

-That's great! Sisi, don't you think I'm great at naming?

-I... I think you should better pay attention to the other guys right now, and if I managed it absorbing the other system will be of great help to you.

-Two other guys?

-It's a story that I will tell you later, at this moment you should ignore the man who told you Shooting.

-Man who shot me? Wait! Its alive? Impossible! Half of his neck was smashed I should be able to survive that!

-You are fine and uninjured even though they shot you twice.

-You mean... he has a system too?

-If you don't hurry up and let him wake up, he'll probably kill you and I'll end up being absorbed into his system.

-So what are we waiting for!! Guide me there.

-You see the 20 meter hill behind you, climb it and you will see a body.

Deivid, upon hearing that, ran away without waiting any longer. When he managed to reach the top of the hill, he managed to see that clearly on the other side there was a body lying on the ground, they take a breath deep, he picks up a charred stone from the ground and fixes his gaze on the body.

He began to go down slowly, trying to make as little noise as possible, 20 meters, 15 meters, 10 meters, 5 meters... when I reached 5 meters from the body I was able to see that there was a red liquid coming out from his head under his face staining his neck.

-Is dead?

Deivid got 3 meters closer and seeing that the body was not moving, he got closer, managing to see that Under his neck was a pointed stone slightly stained with blood.

-So that's why he hasn't woken up... she said sternly when he rolled off the top of the Hill That's why he hasn't woken up yet.

-He? How do you know he rolled down the hill?

-You also rolled, both were sent over the hill next to him and each one went down on one side while he was unconscious, it was your luck that you didn't crash into anything like that.

-I see, wait! Why doesn't his system cure him then the same as his neck?

-His wounds like yours were healed due to integration with the systems, and such an act would not It only heals recent wounds if not old ones too, if you checked yourself you would find that you don't have any scar on your body, apart from the fact that since it is the installation that can only be done once after from that it all depends on the wearer, although the system wants to help it, it cannot do so.

-Or I see well he will die anyway he just consumes his system and let's go.

-I can't do it, it is only possible to consume another system once the bearer is dead, already Since this serves as a shield, I also recommend that you kill it yourself and quickly  that although his wound looks serious, it is not actually fatal and I think he will wake up at any time moment.


-I know what you think, but remember this is no longer the earth here you will live by the law of the strongest if the situation were the opposite, he would not hesitate after all, he shot you for a single hit from you and tried Will you let rape Shelsy happen?

-Deivid, when I heard that, I knew that there was no other way, also without knowing the general situation and only knowing what Sisi informed him, he had no choice but to believe in her.

-You have to do it correctly, because if you try to suffocate him you will be able to wake him up and if that happens you will surely die, remember that your best blow caused two of your fingers to break and a third fracture.

-Well... that's not entirely true, I remember dislocating his jaw.

-That was because you tripped and the momentum of your race plus the hardness of your head collided against his jaw, if that hadn't happened they would have really killed you.

-UHH… Deivid, upon hearing his response and remembering the scene, was embarrassed because what he said It was true “Damn I have to exercise.”

Completing the Symbiosis.

After listening to Sisi, Deivid stared at the man for half a minute unconscious on the floor before taking a deep breath and directing his gaze to the sharp stone under the man's neck.

-You can't blame me since you started this, you tried to hurt Shelsy and almost you manage to kill me.

I take the sharpened stone with extreme care to prevent the man from waking up, which It fit perfectly inside one of his hands.

He redirected his gaze to the man's neck with a determined view and taking courage from the thought of “either I die or you die” Deivid nailed the stone to the guy's neck with his better strength from him, causing him to wake up with a sudden jump.

- EITHER! !!!shit!!!

-!!Fast!! Finish it or it will merge with his system!!

After hearing Sisi's scream Deivid came out of his trance and suppressed the growing fear inside him, he ran again towards the newly awakened man, grabbed him by the waist and fell with him back to the ground.

-You… pushh

After hearing a single word from the person below him, Deivid felt a liquid hot on his face that blocked his view, so he closed his eyes.

And when he tried to open his eyes again, the only thing he saw was a layer of red with his eye straight and without waiting any longer, he stabbed the person in the chest again, followed by another stabbed in the neck, feeling the hands that try to stop him lose their strength, a sigh of relief comes out of his mouth, but even so, he didn't stop stabbing the guy.

-Now Deivid, he is already dead.

Hearing Sisi say that the man is already dead, Deivid stopped hitting the man after which she turned to look at his hands and wiped his face with her shirt full of holes.

-Ahhh, ahh, ahh well all yours now, consume his system.

-Of course, in fact you could even consider yourself a lucky guy because the system inside it, the fusion has not yet been carried out, so it would be as if you had two systems for yourself, after you manage to consume it.

-Ahhh bitch! It's all your fault.

Just as Sisi finished speaking, a man's voice was heard shouting curses.

-If it weren't for you, I could have reigned in this world with the best guy, now I can't! This! All for you!!!

-The same if I hadn't done anything, you would always have your bearer come for me, so It is better to get rid of future problems before they arrive.

After Sisi finished saying that, a thread of lasting light shot out from the Deivid's forehead towards the forehead of the dead man on the ground.

-AHHHHH!!!! Damned!!

Deivid, upon seeing what was happening, did not make a sound and just stared into the man's eyes dead man who had a face marked with hate on him.

- “I… really killed him… It wasn't my fault after all\, if he hadn't done it I would have killed because of what happened between us before… NO! I killed him\, it doesn't matter Reason still killed him and I need to live with that.

According to what Sisi said, this is a world at war, so I will need to kill again, now I must not hesitate.”

-There, it's time for us to merge and complete the symbiosis.

After about 10 minutes and endless cursing from the other system, the voice Sisi's voice sounded again, taking Deivid out of his thoughts.

Taking a deep breath he stood up and looked away from the body lying on the floor ground, with a mind without doubts and with a new determination.

-Sure, tell me what to do.

-It will take some time, it would be best to find a place to take refuge to avoid unnecessary setbacks, although there does not seem to be life all over the place, it is still Better safe than sorry.

-Okay, I'll go back to the dry river behind the hill then.

-Good idea, everything should be fine once you manage to find a place where the water It was deep to hide us and complete the fusion.

Deivid began to head off just as Sisi finished speaking, beginning to search for river down, after about 15 minutes I managed to find a place where there was a cave right on one of the river walls.

-Sit down, this will take a while.

After sitting down, Deivid listened to Sisi explain the situation.

-Well normally once the system and its hosts come together, as long as it is If the latter is conscious, the fusion will begin and the system will be molded to the best shape in that the user wants to operate,

For example, a cook who loves to cook will make the system take a form that is beneficial for a cook and will help him become stronger every time he cooks or perform other tasks in relation to his greatest passion, which is preparing meals.

-So for a murderer, his system would be updated to one that helps him kill?

-Not necessarily, the system is updated, becoming the best tool that help grow the user's greatest passion, in other words,

If the murderer loves to murder, if a system designed for murder were created but if the Murder does not kill for other reasons such as money, then the system will take a form that Help the murderer earn money, in a way that he enjoys and finds it easy to obtain.

-I understand now... so my passion is?

-In your case it is a little more special, since you have two possible systems because your passion or desire, is to create a world in which the inhabitants do not suffer but neither suppress your emotions and instincts,

In fact, it is a great dream only because of your bad decisions in your life and because you have been around the wrong people you are afraid of being betrayed, so don't you had been able to complete it in your world,

But that also makes you have the desire to be surrounded by people in whom You can trust, because of these reasons, you have two decisions to create a system.

-I see. “Damn he actually read my mind and saw my memories!”

-You know that from now on we will be together and we will be able to listen to all your thoughts right?

-Que! You didn't tell me before!

-Well, now you know it.

-Well, getting back to the topic... I really don't know what to choose for my system.

-In fact you shouldn't worry about that, since since you managed to kill the previous one subject before it merged, you managed to obtain a blank system which gave me allows you to create an extra system for you.

-Oh really! That's great! That means if I get more systems I'll get more opportunities for other desires!

-You are thinking too much, if you manage to get another system you will only be able to update the existing since the other systems will have already taken the form of the passion of each carrier and can only absorb the essence of them,

That's why I told you that you're lucky to have gotten a blank system, that and You managed to kill the guy.

-Well! I understand, I started daydreaming very early.

-Well, it's time for the fusion so get ready, because once the fusion starts it won't can stop.

-Okay, start!

Around noon a young man of 20 years old with brown hair and brown eyes with a touch in green, along with a face adorned with a smile, emerged from a dry river located in the middle of the forest all covered in dirt with torn and tattered clothes covered in dried blood.

-I didn't think it would take that long.

-In fact, it usually doesn't take that much only about 2 to 5 minutes if the desire of the bearer is simple and small or half an hour if the bearer's ambition along with his desire is large, 1 hour if they are huge, in your case it took 5 hours because your ambition It's huge and it had to be two systems so coupling the second system with your Second wish took more time than it would take just one.

-There won't be any problem with the second system, right?

-In theory, it shouldn't be possible to have two systems on one carrier, so your case is special plus you will have to put in double your effort to achieve both wishes.

-It doesn't matter, as long as I have hope and it is possible, achieving my desires is just a matter of time.

-Well, it's late and your body needs to replenish energy, head upstream following the canal dry and hopefully you can find a source of water and food.

-Good! New world it's time for you to meet me!

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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