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Pixels And Pistols (HBC)

Teaser: Pixels and Pistols

Teaser: Pixels and Pistols
Strange Messages
"Darling, You have always been mine"
"Come running to me"
"Let me read your story"
? ? ?
? ? ?
God dammit, who are you???
? ? ?
? ? ?
Why are you sending me these messages???
What happens when a world-class hacker gets his own system hacked?
But the person who's hacked into his system isn't stealing anything
But sending him super cheesy lines instead
"Is your name Wi-Fi? Because I'm feeling a strong connection."
Hmmmm he'll certainly fall for me
Won't he?
*thoughts* you mean die of cringe?
*coughs* well I did tell you this was a bad idea, but whatever you think, my queen
*chuckles* you don't know the reality, people love some good old cheesy lines
*thoughts* god, you just make me suffer more and more every day, don't you?
Will the hacker figure out who is sending the messages?
Or will he think of this as just a playful prank?
Or will he never know, that this was actually a carefully made trap by someone dangerous
You'll be mine sooner or later, little pup
? ? ?
? ? ?
? ? ?
? ? ?
God, just who is this!????
A gun shot wound proves to be the beginning of a love story
Get a doctor!!!!!
Doctor, there's an emergency operation!!! Please come!!!
*wears gloves and rushes into the operation theater*
Huff... it was a success
*hours later, opens eyes*
You alright?
The right-hand man was beyond surprised, after all he had never been in such a situation before
Can their hearts collide?
What happens when these 4 individuals collide?
Will a love story be written?
Or will it just unravel a misfortune?
I don't like seeing you injured
How else can I see you if I'm not injured?
Fools in love
? ? ?
? ? ?
I think I love you
And I always have
Come watch, as their love story is written with a sprinkle of happiness, sadness and a lot of humour
Hola!! This book is written for Heart Beat: A Writing Contest!
The prompts I have chosen are from Regulus and Bloom!
So the initial plot credits go to both of them!! Thank you!!
You can check out the book too! It has many more interesting plot ideas!!

∆1. An Ordinary Day

Chapter 1: An Ordinary Day
On an ordinary morning, the sun has risen, the birds are chirping, and everyone's already started their schedules
Quite Unfortunately, one person is sound asleep, unaware of the things he's about to encounter today
Alpha  ⟨Alvin Jones⟩
Alpha ⟨Alvin Jones⟩
Alpha  ⟨Alvin Jones⟩
Alpha ⟨Alvin Jones⟩
*has been snoozing his alarm clock for god knows how many times*
The persistent alarm clock keeps ringing, until Alpha finally wakes up from his slumber.
Alpha  ⟨Alvin Jones⟩
Alpha ⟨Alvin Jones⟩
Alpha  ⟨Alvin Jones⟩
Alpha ⟨Alvin Jones⟩
God damnn---- Let me sleep in peace!!!!! *yeets his clock across the room*
Alpha  ⟨Alvin Jones⟩
Alpha ⟨Alvin Jones⟩
*looks at the clock that he just threw away, and realization dawns upon him*
Alpha  ⟨Alvin Jones⟩
Alpha ⟨Alvin Jones⟩
Sh!t!!!! I'm late, I'm late, oh I'm so, so dead!!!!!
Alpha scampers off his bed, rushes to get ready, comes out, dresses up at the speed of light, picks up his bag and jets out of his house
Alpha  ⟨Alvin Jones⟩
Alpha ⟨Alvin Jones⟩
Rushing past the crowd, bumping into a couple of people to get on the subway train, he runs and runs. The minute the doors open, he runs once more and aims to reach his office
Mommy, Mommy, who's that??? Did black haired Naruto come to our world??? Do ninjas exist???
*Looks at Alpha sprinting* Haha No dear. That's just a bad boy who's late to work. See? He's bumping into people and running ahead
*confused* So do bad boys who are late become ninjas? (⁠?⁠・⁠・⁠)⁠σ
*facepalms* No dear, he was just well..... *thinks* (Who was that guy!? ತ⁠_⁠ʖ⁠ತ Now my boy thinks being late makes us a ninja. No no, I can't let him get influenced by such people)
Meanwhile, Alpha bumps into another random person, falls to the ground, gets back on his feet and apologizes and runs once more
Alpha  ⟨Alvin Jones⟩
Alpha ⟨Alvin Jones⟩
I'm so, so sorry, I didn't mean to----- Excuse me-- I need to hurry!!!! *runs*
See? Bad people who are late fall down like that. Promise to mommy you'll never be late?
O… Okey... Promise (*internal thoughts: Hah no way, I need to become a ninja too, I'll definitely try that one day (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)*)
Alpha finally reaches his office, huffing and panting, gets into the lift, straightens his clothes and gets ready to enter the conference hall
Alpha  ⟨Alvin Jones⟩
Alpha ⟨Alvin Jones⟩
*Huff* *thinks* *Calm down, you can do this. This is an important meeting, don't mess this up, you got this*
Alpha  ⟨Alvin Jones⟩
Alpha ⟨Alvin Jones⟩
*takes in a deep breath* *smiles gently and pushes the door*
People sitting in the conference round table turn around to see Alpha standing at the door. Their faces turn into severe frowns seeing a late person entering.
Head <Mr. Walker>
Head <Mr. Walker>
Well, well, if it isn't the greatest hacker of all time? *sarcastic* You really did us a favor by coming to the meeting 1 ½ hour late, didn't you?
Alpha  ⟨Alvin Jones⟩
Alpha ⟨Alvin Jones⟩
*scratches head* well, I do apologize for the delay sir. I got held up on the way. We can start the meeting straight away
Straight away? *scoffs* You really have no respect, making us wait for so long and acting like it's alright
All the men were giving Alpha looks of disapproval at his unprofessional behavior. Alpha, a man with a short temper, tries to keep himself calm and says
Alpha  ⟨Alvin Jones⟩
Alpha ⟨Alvin Jones⟩
Well sir, I've already apologized. I can do nothing else to make up for the lost time. The best way to tackle the situation is by starting straight away so that we don't waste any more time
Alpha  ⟨Alvin Jones⟩
Alpha ⟨Alvin Jones⟩
If you expect me to bow down and beg for mercy, sorry for disappointing you, but this is the 21st Century and not a monarch's kingdom.
Alpha  ⟨Alvin Jones⟩
Alpha ⟨Alvin Jones⟩
The fact that I'm the country's best hacker still remains solid. You can't replace me, so let's get this started shall we?
All the board members grumbled but couldn't really disagree as Alpha was an invaluable resource after all. They proceed with the meeting
Let's have our first Character Introduction!!!
Name: Alvin Jones Code-name: Alpha ~Male Lead ~29 Years Old ~The best hacker of country X ~Quick witted, Man of his words ~Oversleeps and hence is late many times ~Friendly, Confident, Kind: but when his patience is tested, becomes extremely serious ~Single till date because he stays in front of his computer most of the time. Had he stepped out, with his handsome face and kind behavior, he would have had swarms of admirers ~Sings extremely well, plays an instrument.

∆2. A Not so Ordinary Night

Chapter 2: A Not so Ordinary Night
Alpha  ⟨Alvin Jones⟩
Alpha ⟨Alvin Jones⟩
The fact that I'm the country's best hacker still remains solid. You can't replace me, so let's get this started shall we?
All the board members grumbled but couldn't really disagree as Alpha was an invaluable resource after all. They proceed with the meeting
Head <Mr. Walker>
Head <Mr. Walker>
*Ahem* Well. Here's the thing. Country Y's defenses have improved lately and there's movement within their internal structures.
Head <Mr. Walker>
Head <Mr. Walker>
And for that very reason, it is important that we look into their databases. They must have obtained some information. We need to---
*interjects* --Find out what that is. For that very reason, we've called you. Long story short, We need you to hack into their databases and get us what they've found
Alpha  ⟨Alvin Jones⟩
Alpha ⟨Alvin Jones⟩
*contemplating, frowns slightly* Are you sure though sir?
Alpha  ⟨Alvin Jones⟩
Alpha ⟨Alvin Jones⟩
Country X has been our friend for decades. And their encryption is also very strong. If they even find out about my attack to get into their systems, it could risk our friendship and--
*interrupts again* We know the consequences better than you young man. We just want you to do your job, don't worry about the rest. You'll get paid well, and you won't be in risk
Alpha  ⟨Alvin Jones⟩
Alpha ⟨Alvin Jones⟩
Alpha  ⟨Alvin Jones⟩
Alpha ⟨Alvin Jones⟩
*annoyed* *thinks* This guy only knows how to annoy and interrupt others, doesn't he? ಠ⁠益⁠ಠ
Alpha  ⟨Alvin Jones⟩
Alpha ⟨Alvin Jones⟩
*sighs* Very well. Whatever you say Sir. I'll get on with the work. It'll take me some time, but I'll be back with the results as fast as I can.
Alpha  ⟨Alvin Jones⟩
Alpha ⟨Alvin Jones⟩
*gets up and walks away, banging the door hard as he leaves the room*
The officials looked at the head in doubt, unsure of Alpha's capability as his behaviour had made them doubt his professionalism
Head <Mr. Walker>
Head <Mr. Walker>
*sensing their worries, he looks at them with confidence and says* Don't worry Everyone. Alpha is the best in the country, perhaps even the world. He's the best man for this job. Have faith in him
Alpha mumbled curses under his breath while heading towards his cubicle
Alpha  ⟨Alvin Jones⟩
Alpha ⟨Alvin Jones⟩
=⁠_⁠= damn these old men, why do they think they are so entitled?
Alpha  ⟨Alvin Jones⟩
Alpha ⟨Alvin Jones⟩
*opens the door* ah well nevermind them. Cursing them will only take up extra braincells. They don't deserve that
Alpha  ⟨Alvin Jones⟩
Alpha ⟨Alvin Jones⟩
*takes in a deep breath* ah… Much comfortable. Computer screens are so much more pleasing to see than people
Alpha  ⟨Alvin Jones⟩
Alpha ⟨Alvin Jones⟩
*sits down, stretches a little and begins his work*
Alpha  ⟨Alvin Jones⟩
Alpha ⟨Alvin Jones⟩
Hmmm this could get a little tricky....
Alpha continues to hack into Country Y's primary defenses. Time passes by, but he was so absorbed into breaking through their defense that he didn't realize it
Minutes turned into seconds, and soon the morning turned into afternoon and night
Alpha was too engrossed until he heard a sound.......
Alpha  ⟨Alvin Jones⟩
Alpha ⟨Alvin Jones⟩
Huh? What was that??
Alpha looks around trying to find out the source of the growl, until he realizes it was his stomach that was growling.
Alpha  ⟨Alvin Jones⟩
Alpha ⟨Alvin Jones⟩
Alpha  ⟨Alvin Jones⟩
Alpha ⟨Alvin Jones⟩
I really need to eat food I guess
Alpha  ⟨Alvin Jones⟩
Alpha ⟨Alvin Jones⟩
*he looks at his screen, and sighs* Well, I am getting closer. I'll eat something and continue. I should be able to make an initial breakthrough before tonight, I'll run another set of code and eat till they execute
He gets up and heads over to the cafeteria to get some food
Unknown to him, his screen starts flickering
Somewhere far away, two people are having a conversation
Alright. We've hacked into his system, my queen
*chuckles* Well done, I knew you could do it
Hmmm.... From his activity, it seems like he's been struggling to hack into Country Y's database
Oh? Interesting~~~
Well dear, lend him a hand will you?
(⁠ー⁠_⁠ー⁠゛⁠) *thoughts* *oh all the things I need to do under the disguise of your orders*
Very well, On it
*starts hacking into Country Y's database, breaks into their information logs. Immediately begins to transfer the access to Alpha, so that it seems like Alpha is the one who has hacked into the database*
*chuckles* my little pup will be happy with my gift, won't he?
Alpha returns after having a meal, only to be surprised that he hacked into country Y's database
Alpha  ⟨Alvin Jones⟩
Alpha ⟨Alvin Jones⟩
*rushes towards the table* Yes!!!!! That last algorithm did work!!!! Yoohoooo!!!
Alpha starts transferring the data to a hard disk so that he can present it later to the officials
Alpha  ⟨Alvin Jones⟩
Alpha ⟨Alvin Jones⟩
*yawns* well, today was a success. I better head off home.
He's finished transferring the data, my queen
Very well, send him a message from my side will you? *bends down and whispers it into his ears*
(⁠-⁠_⁠-⁠;⁠) we-well... *sighs* alright, I'll send that through
Alpha's screen begins to glitch
Alpha  ⟨Alvin Jones⟩
Alpha ⟨Alvin Jones⟩
What the----
The message is displayed
""Are you Netflix? Because I could binge-watch you all night""
Alpha  ⟨Alvin Jones⟩
Alpha ⟨Alvin Jones⟩
To be continued...

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