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His Lost Ex

Chapters 01: he's back

...In a dark room, having a slight dim of light two naked souls making ou, the whole room filled with their moans, with him on top of her, giving her his strongest thrusts, together reaching their climax, falling ontop of her, giving her deep kisses which left her breathless...

"that was wow!" she said

"awesome than the first round" he said getting off her, laying beside her

"Van, what are you trying to say?" with questioning eyes which made him feel a bit guilt

"that we should go with the third round" putting on his pitiful puppy eyes

"big no" she said getting off the bed

"but why not?" his voice sounding a bit disappointed

"I got modelling classes tomorrow Van" walking in the bathroom and closed the door behind


"no Van"


The next day Elsa getting off a blue sports car outside Dream College which made everyone focus on them

"so you're gonna leave like that?" Van who was on the driver seat asked, getting back in, Elsa gave him a wet kiss of about three minutes

"satisfied?" with a seductive smile on her "love you" with a wink getting off the car waving goodbye at him, Van just stared at her fading figure in the college, shaking off his head helplessly and drove off

The Montero mansion

Van rushing in a castle like white mansion, after getting off his car, he wore black trousers and shirt with a blue leather jacket on along with his serious face he was smoking hot and handsome

"Mom! did something happen?, I rushed here as soon as I saw your text" his tone desperate while scanning his mother to see if she is okay

"son... it's your father ... he is back"

"what!? Dad is back?" not believing his ears

"yes am back" a manly voice heard from upstairs making both mother and son turn to him, a tall handsome man in his forties slowly getting off the stairs in a dark grey suit both his hand in the pockets, his face resembling Van's a bit

"Dad!" he uttered in surprise

"I told your mother to call you here, I've something important to say to you, come have a seat " saying this he was already seated on the couch, his long legs crossed, looking at his mom, he went to seat beside him

" You've already finished your studies, it's a perfect time for you to fulfil our family legacy " Van's dad uttered

"What do you mean dad?" in confusion

" Tomorrow you'll go to Italy, there you'll meet your Uncle, Leonardo, he will teach you everything you need to know to become a Mafia" Van couldn't believe his ears to what his dad has just said

"What? dad no, I can't,... I ..have dreams to fulfil, I don't want to become a Mafia ... I .. never wanted to"

"dreams? what dreams?" he asked sarcastically

"I..I want to become the world's best sports car racer, and am so close to fulfil that"

"don't be stupid son, being a Mafia you'll have the power, money and mighty, everything that everyman in this world desires"

" I can't leave he.." but he stopped in his tracks realising what he was about to do, but it was already too late

" so she is the reason you're destroying your future?" putting his hand in his coat he took out pictures and threw them to Van

"Elsa?!" standing up from the couch, his heart stopped beating for a second after seeing Elsa in the pictures, looking up to his dad " Dad, no don't " feeling pressured

"You know I can take her breath with just a flick of my fingers " he said with a smirk

"Don't touch her" getting furious his face red from anger

"then don't force me to do something you won't like, do as I say " his expression calm as ever

"Franco don't do this to our son" saying this she received a cold deadly stare from her husband which silenced her in an instant

"I'll do as you say... just don't lay a finger on her, not even her hair

"that's my son" getting up adjusting his suit "tomorrow's first flight to Italy, don't miss"

Chapter 02: I HATE YOU

Night the same day Van parked his car outside Elsa's apartment, his eyes focused on her balcony, but his mind preoccupied, completely lost in thought, as if knowing he was there, Elsa got to the balcony, surprised to see Van's car outside, wearing a white sweater she got out to where Van was

"Babe what's wrong?" Van was already out of the car

"it's nothing " forcing a smile

"what do you mean nothing?" giving him a peek on the lips wrapping arms around his neck "you came and parked here without getting in, why?"

" just wanted to take some fresh air" his arms around his waist

" don't even bother lie to me, just tell me the truth what's bothering you exactly?" caressing his cheeks

" am... I'll be leaving tomorrow " diverting his eyes away from hers

"where to?"


"it's okay, it'll just take few days maybe two or three like you used to, then you'll be back, so why you seem so down?"

"Elsa ...this time it's not two to three days " taking his hands off her and starts massaging his temple

"then what is it?" asked somehow confused " one or two months?"

" no, ... three years "

"what!" taking few steps back " Van what kinda joke is this?"

" it's not a joke, that's why I..I wanna tell you that we should just .. part ways" diverting his eyes from hers

"wh.. what do you mean by that?" his voice a bit trembling as if knowing his answer, her expression getting serious

"let's .. let's brake up" a heavy slap landed on his left cheek

" f*ck you" tears were already falling down her face as she shouted

"am sorry"

"sorry yourself, dare you?, so this was your plan all along?, to ditch me after playing with me, I should've known how you richguys are" her tone revealing how painful she felt

"Elsa.. it's not like that, I'm being forced he..." tried to touch her but she moved back

"don't you dare touch me, don't make me see your face ever" turning her back at him to leave but stopped after hearing him say

"Elsa listen to me "

" you know what... I HATE YOU VAN" stream of tears flooding from her eyes, running back to her apartment

"Elsa, Elsa" but she didn't look back


The next day at the airport, Van with his mother saying bye to his mom, but all his eyes were at the entrance hoping to see Elsa thinking that she might come to give him farewell but unfortunately she didn't appear, getting on the plane,looking at window

'I don't care if you won't wait for me, but I will come back for you ' at that time Elsa was rushing in the airport, only to find out that it was too late for her, the plane has already left, with her teary eyes looking at the plane in the sky

' selfish jerk, you really left'

Chapter 03: Going back


...Midnight, along the dark streets, a red sports car running on a high speed being attacked by bullets from behind by five men in black on motorcycles, reaching a dead-end, the car stopped and the car door opened, a tall figure in a black Italian suit got off ...

"Van Montero, you're dead meat today " one of the men said, getting off while the other four followed

"tsk tsk tsk, I was planning on letting you guys go, while you're still breathing, but since you've hurt this beautiful lady her.." he said touching the bullet holes behind his car " I won't let you off easily" saying he started gifting them with heavy punches, one after another, with all five of them down, groaning in pain, he took them to his car, tied them up, taking a lighter from his coat, setting them on fire, taking one of the motorcycles and left, leaving a great explosion behind

Reaching Devils Casino, straight to the counter "Uncle Leo" he uttered

"My nephew, you did a great job today, you surely deserve a reward" Leo said sitting next to Van

" there's no need for that Uncle" taking a glass of wine

" No no no Nephew, this time I won't take no for an answer, you must be rewarded today, let's have some drinks"

After some drinks, feeling tired, he decided to go to one of the rooms in the casino, taking a long shower, getting out of the bathroom in a bathrobe, surprised to see a naked woman sitting on his bed

" who are you, and what are you doing here? pushing his wet hair backwards, the wine still in his head

' Did I have too much wine that am now seeing things?'

"Your Uncle sent me here" saying this she already started moving closer to him, slowly loosening his bathrobe

"what are you trying to do?" narrowing his eyes

..."rewarding you of course" she tiptoed and started planting kisses on his face and now to his lips , slowly getting lost in their kiss, and now they were on the bed, Van hovering over her,trailing kisses on her, biting, sucking on her neck, down to her collar bone, his big hands massaging her boobs, which made her let out a moan ...

"aargh" biting her lips, trying to prevent another moan from escaping her mouth, as his long cold finger touched her wet p*ssy , but she couldn't help it anymore, this man was just too good, as if his hands were made to do this " aargh... mmnh ..haa pl..please just it aaah.. I can't take it.. any..m..ore just get in..side ..meh argh... nmmh" arching her head backwards, but he didn't do as she pleaded

"what's your name?" his voice husky yet demanding, his hands still teasing and playing with her

"aaaaaah's Ev..Evana" after hearing this he placed his erect shaft and went in her in one go " aarggh haaaa" she cried after feeling how big he was inside her, raming with all his might, mercilessly in an animalistic speed, she has been used to doing this but her whole life, but she has never came across such a man like him, huge, skilled and with such stamina


The next day, Van opening his eyes, sitting on the bed, his hand on his head, feeling the hangover, he then noticed something, there was someone sleeping on his bed, quickly getting off the bed, putting on his bathrobe, taking his gun, pointing at the woman sleeping on the bed

"get up" his face cold as ice

"wh.. what's wrong?" stunned, after waking up founding a gun pointed right in front of her

" get out of here before I blow your brain out"

"bu.. but"

"I said get out!" this time he shouted, his face deadly serious, seeing that he was furious and could kill someone with just his stare, she took he clothes in her hands and rushed out of the room immediately

After taking a shower, he put on a dark blue suit, making him look elegant and holy, ready to go down where his Uncle was

" Uncle Leo" walking towards him

"ooh nephew"

"morning Uncle"

"good morning, did you enjoy the reward I sent you?" he asked teasingly

"Come on Uncle I told you I don't want it" a bit annoyed

" hahaa but you still used it" with a wink, but Van rolled his eyes in disapproval

" Uncle I wanna tell you something " a bit serious

"sure tell me?"

"am planning on going back"

" you sure with it?"

"yes I am" giving a reassuring smile

"alright then, you know that no matter what I'll always support you, do what you want" patting Van on the shoulder

"thanks Uncle" giving him a hug

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