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Episode 1 "The beginning"

Introduction Every human being has some dream, and every human wants to fulfill their dream. One wishes to become a pilot and take people to their destination; one wishes to become a doctor and treat people; and one wishes to become a successful businessman and earn lots of money. This story is also about a girl who wants to fulfill her dream, and her dream is to become a cricketer. The name of this girl is Aisha, and she's 23 years old. Aisha wanted to become a cricketer since her childhood aisha mother and father died in her childhood when she was only 11 years old. Ayesha had no one in this world except her big brother. Ayesha's brother's name is Ali, and Ali is 10 years older than Aisha. When Ali's parents died, he was 21 years old. Ali is a very hardworking person and has been working in the company for the past 12 years. Ali wanted to become a doctor but after the death of his parents, he forgot his dream and began to fulfill his sister's dreams. Episode 1 Aisha: brother wake up, today is my graduation ceremony. We have to go University. Ali: But today is Sunday Aisha: 😑 Ali: What happened, why are you looking at me like that? Aisha: I think you have forgotten that the university is open on Sundays Ali: 😕 oh! I am so busy with work that I don't remember anything anymore Aisha: oh! 😞 I understand Ali: 🙂 I have to make breakfast. Aisha: Don't worry about breakfast, I have made breakfast

Ali: 🤔 Guess? I'll have to eat burnt food today

Aisha: 😑 My food doesn't always burn, it used to burn only 20 or 30 times 🙂. but today I made chicken lasagna which is very delicious Ali: Well, let's see how you made lasagna 😊 Aisha: "Phone ringing" 📱 Aisha's friend sara: Ayesha, where are you? Everyone has come with their parents Aisha: Just reaching in half an hour Aisha's friend sara: Okay. Aisha: Hurry up brother Ali: Give me just 5 minutes Aisha: ok 😕 Ali: Mother and father why did you leave as so early? You two shouldn't have gone so soon, nothing is the same after you are gone It has been 10 years since you both left this world, but it seems like it was only yesterday It has been 10 years since you both left this world, but it seems like it was only yesterday if both of you were in this world, then our life would not be so difficult I believe we will all be together one day, if not in this world, 🌍then in another world 5 minutes later Ali: This lasagna is so delicious 😄 Aisha: 😎 I have already said that the lasagna is very delicious Ali: What time is it? Aisha: 😧 time! Brother hurry up, it's getting late Ali: you go outside, I'm coming with the car keys

Aisha: Okay brother 🙂

Episode 2 " graduation day"

Aisha: Hello, Sara! (friend)

Sara: Hi! 😄

Aisha: Sara, what's your GPA?

Sara: 3.1 GPA

Aisha: Oh, that's great! 👍

Sara: Aisha, this is my mother.

Sara's mother: Aisha, where are your parents?

Aisha: 😫 (sadly) My parents... (pauses)

Sara: Mom, Aisha's parents passed away when she was just 11 years old. She only has an older brother

Sara's mother: Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that.

"Announcement on stage" Professor: And the student who achieved third position is Ayesha!

Sara: congratulations aisha "Aisha goes up to the stage"

Aisha: 😆 (smiling) I'm over the moon today!

Professor: Aisha, congratulations and all the best on your graduation day. More great journeys await you after graduation! 👍

Aisha: Thank you! 😄

Aisha comes down from the stage.

Aisha's brother Ali: Congratulations, little princess. Today is your big day! 😊

Aisha: Thank you, brother. You've done so much for me. If I've achieved this degree, it's only because of you. You sacrificed your dreams to make my dreams come true. You're the best brother in the world.

Sara: So, Aisha, when's the party?

Aisha: Tomorrow! at delicious restaurant, near my house

Aisha: brother can we have a party tomorrow at a restaurant near our house?

                                             Aisha's brother Ali: Okay, I'll invite my best friend and your brother Adam and his wife too. they are also our family 😃

Aisha: Great! After all, it's a family party.

Sara: So, I'm not a part of your family?

Aisha: You're my sister and best friend, that's why I'm inviting you! And of course without you my family is incomplete 😄

Sara: That's great! I'll definitely come tomorrow. 😀

Aisha: Sara, can you come with us now?

Sara: Mom, can I go to Aisha's house?

Aisha: Auntie, we're having a party tomorrow. You're invited too Sara's mother: I will not be able to come tomorrow because I have a lot of work tomorrow but sara will definitely come tomorrow

Sara: Mom! Mom! Can I go with Sara right now?

Sara's mother: Okay, today is your graduation day, so enjoy your day with her. 😊❤️

Sara: Thanks, Mom. You're great!

Sara's mother: Aisha, whenever you miss your mom, come to my house. After all, you're like my daughter. 😄 God bless you and your brother! 💕

Aisha: 😊 Sara: Aisha, let's go

Two hours later:

"Phone ringing"

Adam: Whose call is it? Oh, it's Ali's call. Yes, Ali, how are you?

Ali: I'm fine, and you?

Adam: I'm also fine. What's up?

Ali: Tomorrow at 7 o'clock, you and your wife have to come to Delicious Restaurant. It's near my house.

Adam: Why?

Ali: There's a party tomorrow because Aisha has graduated and earned a bronze medal!

Adam: Ali, congratulating Aisha from me 😄

Ali: So, you're coming tomorrow?

Adam: Of course, my wife and I will definitely come. Tomorrow is our little sister's graduation party! 😄

Ali: I'll wait for you 😄

Episode 3 "graduation party"

Sara: Aisha, we have been waiting for your brother adam and sister zara for the past hour, and they still haven't arrived

Aisha: when will they come, now I am felling hungry 😞

Aisha: Sara, they will be here in just 10 minutes.

Sara: How did you know?

Aisha: Because I called them, and they said they would be here in 10 minutes.

Sara: Aisha, now that our graduation is complete, what do you plan to do next?

Aisha: You know what my dream is 😀

Sara: Your dream is to become a cricketer. Aisha, have you seen the stadium near my house?

Aisha: Yes, it's a beautiful stadium.

Sara: I heard that our cricket board is looking for talented bowlers for the women's national team. The auditions started two days ago and will end on Saturday.

Aisha: Why didn't you tell me earlier?

Sara: I just found out today, but don't worry, you still have two days left to give your audition, before Saturday.

Aisha: "I'll definitely go to the stadium tomorrow. This is my chance to make my dream a reality."

Aisha: Brother Ali, Sara has told me that there's an audition for the women's national team at the stadium near her home. The girl who takes the most wickets will be selected for the National Women's cricket Team. Brother, can I go for the audition tomorrow?

Ali: You can go tomorrow. Becoming a cricketer is your dream, and if you achieve it, then I'll be the first person to be happy about your success.

Sara: I'll be the second person to congratulate you when you succeed! 😊

Adam: Hello guys, how are you?

Ali: I'm great, 😃 it's wonderful to see you're here.

Adam's wife, Zara: Congrats, Aisha! Oh, hello Sara!

Sara: Hello! 👋

Sara: Aisha, can we order food now?

Aisha: Yes, we can order food.

Sara: Waiter! Waiter!

Waiter: Yes, what would you order?

Sara: I'll have one lasagna, one pizza, one zinger burger, french fries, chicken spaghetti, one cold drink,a donut, ice cream and one molten lava cake.

Waiter: Is this order just for you? 😅

Sara: Why are you looking at me like that? just take the order, I'm starving 🤤

Aisha: "Are you sure you can eat all this?"😐

Sara: "Yes, I can!"😀

Waiter: "And what about the rest of you? What would you like to order?"

Ali: "I'll have a burger and fries."🍔🍟

Aisha: "I'll have fries, pizza, and ice cream." 🍟🍕🍧

Zara: "I'll have fries, a burger, and a milkshake." 🍟🍔🍨

Adam: "I'll have a sandwich, ice cream, and pizza." 🌯🍨🍕

Waiter: "Great, thank you for your orders! Your food will be ready in 15 minutes."

Adam: Ali, when are you planning to get married?

Ali: Adam, I've told you before - no talk of marriage!

Zara: Brother Ali, I think it's time to consider marriage now. Aisha is growing up, and in a few years, she'll be of marriageable age too. It's the right time, brother. I'll send you some photos of potential matches.

Ali: Okay, I'll think about it.

Zara: Aisha and Sara, now that you've both graduated, what are your plans?

Aisha: I want to become a cricketer.

Sara: I want to become an artist.

Zara: Wow! May God bless you both in your careers.

Zara: Aisha, this gift is for you.

Aisha: Thank you! ❤️

Sara: Aisha, open it!

Zara: Yes, Aisha, open the gift. I'm sure you'll love it.

Aisha: (opens the gift) It's so beautiful! I remember my parents gave me a crystal ball like this, but I accidentally broke it! 😢

Zara: You were just a kid when you broke your parents' gift, it's okay. Aisha, I'm sorry if this gift upsets you. I didn't mean to make you cry😶

Aisha: It's not your fault, Zara. I'm just getting emotional.

Sara: Seeing you cry makes me want to cry too, but I won't because I'm strong! 😜

Aisha: I'm strong too! 😛

Zara: Your dream is to become a cricketer, and you know that cricket can bring you both happiness and sadness. As a cricketer, you need to control your emotions, because the game can be unpredictable - you can win or lose a match in an instant. So, it's essential to keep your emotions in check and not show your opponents your feelings. Do you understand, Aisha?

Aisha: Yes, I understand. I will control my emotions, even if I lose a match, and try harder to win the next one.

Adam: It's getting late, Zara. We should head home.

Zara: Bye, Aisha! Take care!

Crystal ball

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