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Secret Crush On A Bad Boy

Chapter 1: First meeting

*There in a room a girl with brown long hair and the sun shining through the windows and as she is getting ready and packing her clothes.

From Downstairs she hears her mother* calling.

Mother: Marie! Hurry up we are all already packed and ready to leave.

*Marie sigh as she's thinking to herself(why do we have to move in first place. I will be leaving all my friends behind,but I can't be selfish)

She then grab her luggage and before leaving she looks around the empty room that once was hers, and then she close the door and walk down. As she walks out the house and put all her bags in the car and as she gets in and sit down and all her family are in the car as her father start the car and as the car is driving. She sees her house getting further and further and gone as she feels a bit sad.

Time skip 5 hours


She sighs as they have been driving for 5 hours, but it felt like days, and she's bored. Her little brother next to her has been making sounds for the past 1 hour, and she holds her hands on her ear. It felt like a clock is ticking as she feels like she is suffering from this annoyance but she doesn't want to be rude so she kept her mouth shut and as her little brother Jack asks every hour*

Little Jack:Mommy when are we going to get there

*Marie's mother Emile smile and says with a sigh*

Emile:We are almost there my little sweet bean

^^^*The father while driving is just quite with a tick on his forehead as he just drives.*^^^

...Time skip 3 hours later...


They get out of the car as they finally reach their destination and Marie sigh as she thinks(finally we here, Arg my butt is sore of sitting so long)she thought while rubbing by the sore spot and as her quite sister Ruby gets out. They get in the house. The is not too small, but it's perfect and beautiful for a family.

They all start to unpack and choose their rooms and decorating. After, they're done they look around thinking now it looks like a home.

Everyone settled down and Marie tells her family she is going out to get familiar with the neighborhood, and they told her to be safe.

...Time skip 10 minutes later...


Marie has been walking around getting herself familiar with the place and finally decided it's time to go home. As she is walking she bumped into someone and falls on her butt, and she yelps as she looks up and flinch as she see a boy with black hair, tattoos and piercings and bad boy look and cold icy eyes staring down at her and that tall height and dangerous bad boy vibe and unnatural unmatched looks but his coldness ruins it all that makes any girl want to run away but it doesn't effect Marie, and she looks up and stand up and shyly with a soft voice as she is unfamiliar with new people. She tried to say sorry but he left without even looking at her and hands in his pockets.As she looks at his departing back and figure.She sighs thinking(rude much but who is he) she thought while with a slight blush and she then left going home before looking at the place where she saw him disappeared to and frown but looked and went home while his features and presence in her mind is still there but she shakes the thoughts away.

To be continued

Chapter 2 First blossom.

Marie arrived back home and as she gets in and walk upstairs to her room. She changed into a cute pajama pants and shirt and lay on the bed thinking.(Today's been a long day)

She close her eyes and slowly fall asleep.



As he walks wondering deep in thought about the girl he encountered for a split second. She didn't look scared of him like other girls. He then doesn't think about it anymore as he finds such thoughts insignificant.

He felt a hand on his shoulder as his cold eyes flashed. He turned to beat up the one having a death wish. But pause as he sighs as he saw his best friend Tom.

His best friend Tom holding up his hands saying." Luke Wow, wow are you trying to kill your handsome honey. My darling" As he teased Luke.

A tick appears on Luke's forehead as his calm cold expression gets colder. Tom then backed away saying with a nervous smile." Just kidding, I mean it's a joke. Anyway did you hear that we are getting a new classmate tomorrow. I wonder if she's smoking hot." Tom change the subject quickly with an excited playboy smile.

Luke frown saying with a cold voice without interest. "Who cares it doesn't matter. I am not coming to class it's boring. A waste of time".

Tom give a sigh, you know I feel jealous of your IQ then I could be skipping classes too.

Tom then says with a teasing sigh." You know with your unrivaled looks. Girls would be flocking to you, but that coldness ruins it all. No wondering your parents worry if your gay."

Luke's eyes turn cold as he turned to his best friend Tom". You want to die today. I would be happy sending you to your early grave." Tom shakes his head while backing away smiling nervously at his best friend.No one will marry this Coldly."

They then walk off the distance and as Tom sigh mumbling softly to himself." Sometimes, I wonder how we became friends".

Time skip next day


In class the teacher started talking about a transfer student joining. Luke is sitting next to his friend with a more serious cold expression and dangerous distant bad boy vibe. Clearly he is not in a good mood.

Tom smile with a teasing expression and saying to Luke." I thought your skipping today What did your mother force you again."

A tick appear on Luke's forehead as Tom was right on the mark.

Tom choose to keep quiet seeing as Luke is not in a good mood but happy he was right.

The teacher Mr Adam look at the class and says,"Students we will be getting a new student. Come in miss."

Everyone looked at the girl walking in. Some curious and some uninterested.

The new girl standing in front of the class seeming nervous and shy and trembling slightly as she says softly. "Hi everyone I am Marie Andrewson. Nice to meet you all."

To be continued

Chapter 3 The Worst day of school

FL pov

Marie sighs and as she is still standing in front of the class. Mr Adams look around and saw a empty seat. Mr Adams says to Marie, "Marie you may take a seat next Luke Goldman." While pointing at the seat.

Marie walks and sit now at the seat Mr Adams pointed at. MrAdams then started class. She takes her book out and search her bag for a pen but couldn't find one.

Then she looks next to her to ask for a pen, but she flinched in a daze as she looks at looks face. She's shock as she remembered their encountered yesterday. His cold eyes stare at her. "Why are you staring at me, is there something on my face" he said with a slight frown.

"N-No i just wanted to borrow a pen so ur um", Marie stuttered with a nervous face as she looks down fidgeting.She wanted to ask him, but he turned away ignoring her like she's invisible.

She then heard flirty voice,"beautiful young lady don't mind is this old goat.Hi I am Tom Frames. Here's a pen my lady".She see him wink at her and she blush while fidgeting,as she thanks him while the pen in her hand.

Time skip Lunch time


She's washing her hands as she hears giggles. Groups of girls come in they had on short skirts and high heels and looking fashionable. Marie tried to walk past them, but the leader of lackeys pretends to be in pain while holding her foot and fell.

Marie stuttering while nervous,"I am sorry miss." Trying to give her a helping hand, but the girl slap her hand away angry." How dare you. Don't fucking touch me". The girl stand up and slap Marie." Bitch do you know who I am. My father own this school and I can get your ass kicked out".

Marie hold her slapped cheek while trembling and teary. She then looked at the girl and said."I am sorry, but my foot never even touched yours".

"Huh are you saying I am blind".the girl shout in anger. Then one of the lackeys says."Jennifer that's enough". Before the lackey could continue she got a glare which made her sweat from fear, and so she shut her mouth.

Jennifer breath in and out to calm down before she shout at her lack."You guys clearly saw this bitch step on my foot."All lackeys nod immediately while sweating of fear.

Marie get grabbed by the chin and as Jennifer smirk evily while shouting angerly."Do you have any idea how much this shoes cost".

Marie shakes her head and Jennifer smile saying to her lackeys. "Girls grab hold of her". Marie trembling as she gets held down as she screamed in pain and as Jennifer grabbed her by the hair.

"Of course not. A small brain like yours wouldn't understand. Marie Andrewson i will make your life a living hell".Jennifer smirked darkly before she laughed with her lackeys as they left the girl's bathroom.

Marie sob thinking,(why me)as she sighs and as tears falling while running out of the bathroom.She bumped into someone and fell.Looking up while tears falling she saw Luke.

But mumble softly sorry as she run past him.Luke's cold icy eyes stare at her disappearancing feature with a slight frown.As he shrugged his shoulders and walked off with a cigarette in hand.

To be continued

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