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The CEO's Regret: His Contracted Wife Returns

1: Joy Turns to Numbness


"Congratulations Mrs. Snow! You're 4 weeks pregnant." The nurse's words echo in my ears and I can't help but feel dazed. Four positive at-home pregnancy tests led me here. Now getting confirmation from a nurse... I can't believe it. After nearly two years, I am finally pregnant.

I can't wait to tell my husband, Ivan Snow. Mister CEO will be so pleased after so much disappointment over the years. I need to make him a big dinner in celebration.

"You should schedule an appointment with your OB. Your first ultrasound should also be between 10 to 14 weeks along." She goes on and hands me a prescription. "You will also need to get some vitamins. They will be tailored for an omega like you."

Being born a recessive omega has caused me so many issues over the years from the beginning of my life to now. I've always hated being the way I am having to suffer through alpha pheromones when I don't want to and heat cycles.

With this body though I'll be able to give Ivan the child he's always wanted. He is the love of my life and I don't see that changing any time soon. While this arrangement is through a contract, I'm happy to be by his side as his 'wife'.

As far as everyone knows, I'm a lady named Nala rather than a guy named Nalin. Ivan made sure he wasn't seen as gay to the outside world due to his status as the CEO of Snow International. I'm just known as Ivan's quiet omega wife who keeps to herself.

I walk out with the nurse and am given a bottle of vitamins and my report that I can show my husband later tonight. "Be sure not to do anything that stresses you out or strains your body. You're rather skinny so be sure to eat plenty, especially any odd cravings you may have. Congratulations again."

I start feeling giddy and a smile forms on my face. I can't believe this is real. To think Ivan's child is growing inside of me. "Thank you for your help. Have a lovely day." I wave and turn to leave.

"You as well, Mrs. Snow!" She calls back to me and I giggle softly placing a hand on my stomach. I can't wait to see the joy on Ivan's face. After so much disappointment, I'm sure he'll be proud of and happy with me.

"Hey there, little one... I'm so happy to have you with me... I can't wait for you to be born." I whisper to my baby even if they're too small to know what's going on in the outside world. "I'll make sure to protect you."

I suddenly feel a wave of worry and stress. The reason I'm so skinny is because I don't feel hungry. I was starved a lot in my childhood and it's to the point that I have reminders programmed on my phone. If I don't have this, I won't remember to eat especially as I go deep into my work.

As I drive myself to the grocery store, I decide to make Ivan's favorite: ribeye steak, roasted carrots, and loaded mashed potatoes. He will end up eating most of the meal but my greatest joy in life is to make my husband happy.

As I buy everything I need for dinner, I pause as I stand in the Asian section. I eye the boxes of Pocky and my mouth starts to water. Is this what the nurse meant by cravings? I hesitate as I hate buying junk food for myself but eventually cave grabbing one box. One won't hurt...

After I purchase all the items, I drive back to the penthouse. Never in my life did I think I'd be living in such a luxurious home like this. My dreams of being a simple social worker would never fund such things. Having a rich husband has its perks even if I don't take advantage of his money.

Ivan always complains that I don't spend enough money. He ends up buying my outfits himself because I don't have any taste at least according to him. His wife should never dress in cheap clothes or have a plain face. All this self-care always makes me more subconscious than if I do nothing at all. I feel more comfortable that way but I follow everything he says. Anything for Ivan Snow.

I make my way inside the penthouse and go over to the kitchen. Rather than hiring help, I take it upon myself to clean and cook meals. I'm rather picky when it comes to a clean home so it works out well for me while Ivan is picky when it comes to food.

His coffee has to be just right as does all of his meals. I'm sure if he had it his way, I'd work as his secretary too but I'd rather not get involved in his work life. What if I mess everything up? I don't want him to ever hate me.

I hum as I start to cook and I call Ivan. When he doesn't answer, I frown and try again a few more times. He always answers or calls me back right away. If he can't answer, he'll leave me a text. Feeling something must be wrong, I panic and keep calling him. "Come on... pick up!" I whisper.

Finally, he answers and I feel relieved but only for a second. "What do you want?" His tone sends chills down my spine. I've never heard him sound so cold.

"I-I'm sorry." I find myself feeling small and insignificant. "I-I have some news tonight! And I made your favorite to..."

"Yeah, I get it. I'll be home later so don't call me again." Ivan clicks his tongue. "How annoying..." Then he hangs up without letting me talk.

My heart pounds in my chest and I start to feel numb. What's going on? He's never been so dismissive of me before.

I finish the meal and sit in the living room to wait. Why do I have a bad feeling about this? I haven't felt this way since I was young and never before with Ivan.

I sit in silence for a while and then perk up when I hear the door open. "Hey! Welcome home..." I tense as I see him walk in with a bag and another woman. I recognize her immediately: Kassandra Smith, Ivan's old flame and a beta.

What takes me off guard most of all is what she's carrying. I stand in stunned silence. "I-Ivan...?" I choke out. Why did he come home with Kassandra behind him? And why do they have two newborn babies with them?

Dread comes over me. No... there's no way... Ivan wouldn't do that... he wouldn't cheat on me. "W-why...?" When Ivan meets my eyes, I know the truth. That guilty look tells me everything I need to know.

"Nala... we need to talk," Ivan says carefully. The smug look on Kassandra's face makes me feel numb. My world is turning upside down and all she can do is show off like always.

"... Yeah... I guess we do." I say staring at them feeling nothing at all. I never thought Ivan would make me feel so defeated and numb before. I guess I should have known. My life has never been joyful for long.

2: Ending This Contract Marriage


I stare at my husband as he gets his mistress seated. Ivan can't seem to meet my eyes now which I find funny. He's ashamed only now when he should have been while he cheated? How laughable! I can't help but chuckle bitterly which makes Ivan frown.

"Why are you laughing?" He asks as he picks up one of the babies and turns to face me. One big happy family for them it seems. I'd be really angry if I wasn't so numb to it all.

"It's nothing. I just find this all amusing. You act all guilty now when you should have felt it long ago." I say and Ivan frowns deeply. "What? Am I wrong? What did you expect when you gave me no warning and just came one with your mistress huh?"

I watch him hesitate before reaching into his bag. As he pulls out a yellow envelope, I know what's inside. I only start to laugh again and shake my head. To think I thought Ivan was better than this! He's no different from any other man out there.

"I'm glad you're finding this so amusing, Nala," Ivan mutters and pulls out the papers from inside. He walks over to the kitchen table and sets them down.

To think I thought tonight was going to be me giving Ivan the best news possible. I know he's been distant lately but I thought it was just work. He was merging his company with another that he bought so his late nights made sense to me.

He never slept with me without a reason. He had to be drunk or in a rut or I had to be in heat. It was all strictly business with no emotions behind it. I love... no I loved Ivan with all my heart and soul. Ivan felt nothing for me.

I stare at him blankly. "Oh, it's very amusing. For someone who prides himself on being an honest man, to see you now is just so funny. Coming home to your wife with your whore and bastards? Have you no shame at all? If you didn't want this marriage anymore, why didn't you just end things before it came to this? Or did you not put my feelings into consideration at all?"

I should be angry. I should be screaming and hitting Ivan with all my might. Maybe that's what he was expecting too which is why he's just so dumbfounded. However, it's Kassandra who speaks up.

"Don't you dare insult me or our children." She says 'our' to rub it in my face I'm sure. "I know all about your arrangement! Ivan told me during one of our many meetups. You only married him for money. In exchange, you were to give him a child yet you couldn't even do that! You're disgusting!"

"Kass!" Ivan snaps but the damage is done. Her words stabbed me in the heart. He told her about the contract. He is just a piece of trash huh? I continue to laugh lowly to myself.

My reaction must make him feel bad but I wince hearing one of the babies start to cry. Ivan immediately turns his attention to his children and ends up holding them both together. The one who cried starts to calm down.

"Ahh... it's ok little one. Dada's here. Don't cry, Ru. You missed your brother huh?" Ivan coos. He's a natural father and it makes my heart ache. That's how he would have been with our child.

"Don't look at my children." Kassandra snaps. "Jealous aren't you? An omega like you can't even bear a child when a beta like me can. You're useless!" Betas usually can't handle carrying an alpha's child. It's rare for it to even happen but it's not impossible.

Ivan clears his throat. "Kass, stop it now." His eyes go all business. Of course, our whole relationship is just one big business deal to him. Looking at the man I love now makes me feel nothing at all. Maybe later I'll break down.

"I'm sorry but she's given me what you promised." His eyes hold some guilt but not enough. "This was never going to work anyway. Two years and you never even got pregnant. Just cut your losses and let's move on. Sign the divorce papers."

Seeing him hold his newborn twins hurts me more than he'll ever know. Especially because their mother isn't me. Two years... I asked him for two years and yet he cheated long before it was even up.

"... Ok," I say quietly. "I'll sign... I don't need anything. Just what's on my person." I pick up the pen next to the papers and sign the papers. I then walk over to him. "... Goodbye, Ivan," I whisper then walk over to the front door.

"Nala..." I hear him whisper but I don't look back. I don't think I'll be able to hold back my tears if I do. I have to be strong now... I'm all alone in this.

They can eat the dinner I made. I was going to celebrate some good news because I finally did it. I was finally pregnant. But I can't risk telling him. I won't let him take my baby away.

Kassandra snickers as I step outside but I only shut the door gently to not disturb the newborns and walk away. I feel like my heart is slowly tearing in two. "... I'm sorry, baby. Looks like it's just you and me." I whisper.

I'm about to get into the car before I pause. Ivan had bought it for me and it was only in his name. I leave the car keys on its hood and start to walk away. I don't know where I'm going but I know it's far away from here. I'm sure Ivan is over the moon that he doesn't have to deal with me anymore.

As it starts getting darker, I realize I have nowhere to go. I take out my phone. I need help. I know this and only one person comes to mind. One of my oldest friends and the person who saved my life before.

I dial her number and wait before I hear a click. "Your slut! What are you doing calling so late?" Her face makes my breaths turn shaky. It's finally hitting me and my eyes start to turn. "Nalin? What's going on?" Her voice changes to concern.

"K-Kai... can you please pick me up? Please? I-I'm sorry to do this..." I feel tears start to drip down my cheeks. When did I start crying? I don't even remember. "I-I'll owe you one, I... I..."

"Don't sweat it! Where are you? I'll come pick you up and take you to my place! Owen won't mind at all, he loves having you around." Kai's voice is so sweet. Everyone calls her a bitch but she's never been anything but sweet to me.

"T-thank you. I'm at the café off of Main. Sally's I believe." I whisper and tremble a bit. "I'll be right there! Don't move, sweetheart." With that, she hangs up and I sit down.

How did it come to this? I close my eyes and start to think back to when I suggested this contract in the first place. Was it then? Ivan didn't even recognize me even though I knew it was him from the beginning.

3: Sorrow Over a Broken Marriage


Kai soon pulls up to the café in her fancy bright pink Maserati convertible and rushes out to me. Her car and appearance turn heads immediately. "Oh, you poor thing!" She hugs me tightly. Anyone who meets Kai for the first time usually has two things to say: she's supermodel hot and she's a bitch.

With an hourglass figure, a large bust, long, thick locks of blonde hair, big emerald blue eyes, and flawless creamy, Kai is a drop-dead gorgeous alpha woman. The only problem is that she knows how good she looks and she flaunts it. She's arrogant and proud of it so everyone sees her as a cocky bitch. They aren't wrong and she never denies it either. I even affectionately call her my bad bitch.

"Come on, sweetheart! You're ice cold. And your face looks dreadful!" Kai coaxes me into her car and then takes off. "What did that bastard Snow do this time? He always makes you cry!"

That feels like a slap to the face. Ivan did make me cry more than he made me smile. He wasn't an abusive man at all nor did he raise his voice to scare me but he did make me feel small and insignificant.

Every time I failed to get pregnant, he'd act like everything was my fault. I wasn't trying hard enough or I was barren and just trying to trap him. Stupid thing to say since if I failed to produce him a child, I'd have to pay him back all the money he gave me. Since he broke the terms by cheating, I don't have to pay him back. Go figure!

"H-he cheated on me," I mutter and close my eyes. "He brought home his mistress... and his newborn twins tonight. Pulled out divorce papers... and told me to sign and cut my losses." When I open my eyes again, I look out the window. "Heh... he's such a pig."

Kai squeezes the steering wheel. "The nerve of that guy! I hope you took everything from him!" She looks over to me. "No... of course you didn't." She sighs in frustration. "Nalin, you don't just take the minimum like this. Stop being so kind!"

I laugh flatly and shake my head. I feel like crying again but I hold it in. "I told him I'd leave with what I had on my person." Kai lets out a groan. "I'm pregnant... by the way." I then gasp when she slams on the brake. "Kai! Don't do that!" I hold my chest feeling my heart pounding.

"You're pregnant..." Kai mumbles mostly to herself and frowns. She stays still for a moment then starts to drive once more. "You found out today I hope?" At my nod, she sighs. "Oh sweetheart... what are you going to do? I mean I'll gladly support you! But... are you keeping it?"

I feel myself turn cold. How can she ask that with a straight face? The corners of my eyes burn and I blink them a few times. "... Yes. Of course, I'm keeping it... who knows if I'll ever have another chance?" I put my hand on my flat stomach.

Kai nods and sighs. "Of course... I apologize. I just mean... can you handle this? I know how much you loved him... even if I don't understand why." She mutters.

I only shake my head and look out the window. Why indeed... why do I love Ivan so much? Why did I offer myself like this in the first place? Looking back now it was stupid of me to put my heart on the line like this. To me, Ivan was everything. He saved me when I was drowning and wanting so badly to end it all. He just doesn't know who I was to him back then.

"... I want a girl." I suddenly say. "I will name her after my old friend who isn't with us anymore." I keep my hand over my stomach. "Do you think Kita is a stupid name?" Memories make my vision blur as tears start to drip down my face.

"Nalin..." I can barely hear Kai's voice as I break down. I miss her so much. She left this world before she had a chance to live... poor Akita. She was just a lovely soul.

"I-I'm sure he would have been flattered... and surprised too! He never figured out... who I was to him. H-he's so cruel... a cruel bastard and liar...!" I soon start to break down and cover my mouth to stifle my sobs.

I know Kai is looking at me with pity. I know she's feeling enraged and wants to give Ivan a piece of her mind. Even if she's a bit selfish in her own right, when she cares about someone, she'll do anything for them.

The car soon pulls into a garage and I know I'm at Kai's house. She walks over to my side and opens the door. "Come on, sweetheart. Owen's made us some tea. Little Toya is looking forward to seeing you too." She murmurs gently and helps me out.

I am still trembling with tears running down my face but I start to wipe my face upon hearing Toya's name. He's Kai's little two-year-old son and while she is raising him with her lover, Owen, he's also my child.

It's hard for an alpha to have a child with another alpha so I offered to help them out. It went smoothly and on the first try, Kai became pregnant and gave birth to a healthy baby boy who was luckily an alpha too. As far as he knows though, I'm just his godparent.

"Don't worry... let it all out. Holding it in won't do you any good." Kai murmurs gently and helps me into the living room. Her house is a big mansion decorated by top designers. Kai loves to flaunt her money too but at least she has a sense of style.

"Nalin!" I look up as Owen stands up. He is a tall and buff man with black hair. We look a lot alike funny enough. If I was a strong alpha, I'm sure I'd look exactly like him. The only difference we have besides that is the fact he has mismatched eyes: one blue and one green.

"Oh geez... what the hell did he do to you?" Owen frowns deeply. Kai sits me down and sets Toya in my lap before walking off to explain the situation to her lover.

"Nana!" Toya squeaks and looks up at me with wide eyes. I smile gently and hold the little toddler gently. He's an adorable little boy. He has my black hair and funny enough mismatched eyes like Owen. The only difference is that his blue eye matches mine and his green eye reminds me of emeralds like Kai's.

I close my eyes and sigh enjoying this little tot's presence but nothing can take away this pain. It will dull with time but right now it's raw and suffocating. "Nana..." Toya pats my cheek and smiles. "It ok!" He says cheerfully.

I smile sadly and nod. "Yeah... I know... thank you for cheering me up, buddy..." He giggles and hugs me. I try to push back these feelings so I don't upset the little boy.

I'm used to doing this. Holding back everything to give the illusion of being fine. It was the way I lived during my marriage with Ivan. So why not fall back on old habits if it makes everyone else feel better? Who cares if I'm slowly falling apart? Right?

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