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School Love (Taekook) _INF


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Heyo.... my lovelies..... here iam with my new book...
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I hope you will love it like my other books....
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this book is specifically for Hell games.... by Infamous hometown...
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hope this book will grab your attention and will be upto your expectations...
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so let's start the journey.. which will be short and crisp..
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It's a school/university love story where you will see the drama of Fake love........ why fake love??? you will see in this book... ... it's a BL story..
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before starting the book.., let's see our MLs
Kim Taehyung - University student and the top ML
Jeon Jungkook - University student and bottom MC
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other characters in the story are obviously our BTS members and some other idols too.... they all will enter the story one by one in upcoming chapters..
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here is the poster of the contest in which I have participated....
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and special mention to-HBC
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so let's start....... whoooooo❤❤❤❤❤

The beginning

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let's start the story... ❤
By the time Jungkook makes his way downstairs he’s already 10 minutes late. He doesn’t really have time for breakfast so he grabs a banana from the counter and begins to peel it as he heads out, passing his mom on the way out the door.
Mrs Jeon (Jungkook
Mrs Jeon (Jungkook's mom)
You better hurry.
She teases and grins at her son, who leans in and kisses her on the cheek quickly, a bit of banana smearing on her face.
He can hear a car starting up from the house next door and he looks over to see his neighbor Taehyung pulling out of his driveway in a rush.
As Taehyung drives past he shares a look with Jungkook but then his eyes are back on the road and in a second he’s gone.
Mrs Jeon (Jungkook
Mrs Jeon (Jungkook's mom)
Apparently you’re not the only one who’s late.
She says to him.
Mrs Jeon (Jungkook
Mrs Jeon (Jungkook's mom)
Why don’t you two talk anymore? You used to be so close.
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
Mom that was a long time ago!
Jungkook yells over his shoulder, walking towards his car.
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
We have a different friends now.
Mrs Jeon (Jungkook
Mrs Jeon (Jungkook's mom)
Oh, too cool for him?
She teases again and Jungkook rolls his eyes before opening up the back seat of his car and throwing his bag inside.
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
No, just… interests change. It’s not like we had a fight or decided to stop being friends, we just drifted apart.
Jungkook says simply and gets in the front seat, shutting the door behind himself quickly. He doesn’t want to talk about this anymore and she gets the hint, waving at him through the window as he drives off.
He pulls out his phone on the way to school, holding it in one hand and dialing Ken.
Morning babe.
His boyfriend says on the other end of the phone.
Kinda early, isn't it?
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
Sorry, did I wake you?
Jungkook replies and he hears Ken laugh softly on the other end.
If I said no would you believe me?
He asks.
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
Jungkook says honestly, pausing for a moment before he can continue.
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
I was just calling to apologize.
He feels like he’s been doing that a lot lately.
For what?
Ken teases, dismissing everything that happened the night before.
Jungkook loves Ken, they’ve been dating for almost three years now and Ken was pretty much his first everything but things between them haven’t been easy.
Lately they haven’t been meshing very well and they fight more than they get along. But he’s thankful that Ken can at least let fights go this easily.
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
Alright, well I guess since things are okay with us I should let you go back to bed.
Jungkook drawls.
Ken grunts in response.
Too bad you weren’t here with me.
Jungkook smiles at that. Things with Ken are complicated but he’s thankful to have someone that understands. As one of the only out gay kids in school, knowing he has someone to turn to when he needs is comforting…
Not that anyone at school is particular mean to him. He’s not hiding anything from anyone and it’s public knowledge that he’s into guys, and perhaps it’s his confidence that still makes him so popular.
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
Maybe after school?
Jungkook responds, then saying goodbye and hanging up the phone.
Ken is a year older than Jungkook and the age difference has never really been an issue until now. They’re on completely different schedules and it’s been hard adjusting. But Jungkook only has one year remaining until he heads off to college so he’s trying to stick it out. Hopefully things will get better between them once that time comes around.
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soooo.. how's the beginning...?
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hope you will love this....
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see you in next update

Not Friends anymore

Taehyung manages to get to school before the bell and even with time to spare. When he gets to his locker his best friend Jimin is there waiting for him.
Cutting it close eh?
Jimin says to him and Taehyung just rolls his eyes and mutters something about his alarm going off late.
Jungkook comes in soon after and Taehyung catches his eye for a brief moment before he turns the corner. They share a small smile but it’s gone before it even appears.
He looks good today huh?
Jimin says from behind him and Taehyung is about to ask
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Who, Jungkook?
But then his gaze shifts over to Seokjin, who is not much further away. He’s standing next to another girl their age, Jennie, and even though he can't tell what’s being said he knows it’s probably something flirtatious.
Seokjin is probably the biggest flirt in the school. And everyone can see why, he’s popular and gorgeous and maybe Taehyung has a little crush. If little means huge.
He turns to see Jimin staring and he wonders what his friend thinks about the slightly taller, dark haired, outgoing guy. Everybody loves Seokjin, he just has one of those personalities that seems to mesh with everyone, but sometimes he wonders if there’s more to it than that.
Jimin’s acknowledged Seokjin’s beauty on multiple occasions but he's never flat out admitted his attraction, or any attraction to other males for that matter. But Taehyung isn’t one to talk. Jungkook’s pretty much the only openly gay kid in school. Even though Jimin knows the truth about Taehyung’s sexuality and his feelings for Seokjin.
Maybe that’s the reason Jimin’s so hesitant to tell Taehyung how he feels about Seokjin, because he knows how strongly Taehyung feels for him? Maybe he doesn’t want to turn it into a competition?
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Or maybe Taehyung’s just delusional.
On their way to class Jimin won’t stop talking about their first school dance of the year coming up on the weekend and how excited he is and Taehyung wishes he could tell Jimin to kindly shut up about it. He has no interest in dances.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Let me guess, ‘everyone will be there!
Taehyung imitates what he knows Jimin is about to say
Jimin responds, shoving Taehyung lightly in the shoulder with his own.
Also… Jungkook.
He says it with hesitancy, as if Taehyung’s going to react badly.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
You can say his name, Jimin.
Taehyung says quickly, glancing at his friend. He shrugs his shoulders.
Well whenever I bring him up you never want to talk about him.
Jimin explains.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
What’s there to say? We used to be friends… we aren’t anymore.
Taehyung grumbles. It’s not that he has anything against Jungkook, it’s just… complicated.
Other than Jimin no one really knows how close they used to be. They weren’t just neighbors, they were best friends. They did everything together. Jungkook was the first person that Taehyung ever confided in about his sexuality and Jungkook had understood because they were the same.
He was the only person that really knew that facet of Taehyung’s life, other than Jimin. And when they drifted apart Taehyung had blamed Jungkook for it. Jungkook was the one that made all these new friends and became popular.
You act like he’s rude to you or something though and he’s not.
Jimin continues and Taehyung doesn’t feel like talking about this anymore.
He’s a nice guy.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
I wouldn’t really know that would I?
Taehyung huffs. Sure, Jungkook is charismatic and friendly with everyone but he hasn’t truly spoken to him or had an actual conversation with him in over two years.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
We’re different people now. I don’t really know anything about him anymore.
They get to class and Seokjin strolls in behind them just as the buzzer goes off.
He sits right behind Taehyung and eventually Taehyung can feel a finger at his back, Seokjin’s poking him.
It would be annoying if he didn’t find everything about Seokjin so endearing.
You guys wanna come to Yoongi’s party tonight?
He asks devilishly, a glint in his eye as he looks back and forth between Jimin and Taehyung.
Taehyung’s reluctant to say yes, he’s not exactly a party guy, but it’s Seokjin whose inviting him and how can he refuse that?
He’s not exactly sure what he's done in the last few months to get noticed by Seokjin but he and Jimin had slowly formed this strange friendship with him over the course of the school year.
It helped that Seokjin was so outgoing and so was Jimin but Taehyung often wondered what Seokjin thought of them. If he was only being nice to them because he felt bad for them or if he genuinely thought they were interesting?
Can’t pass up an opportunity to see Kim Seokjin smashed.
Jimin says under his breath and Taehyung looks at his friend to see him smiling widely at Seokjin, who’s actually smiling back with almost equal enthusiasm.
Can’t wait.
Seokjin says and actually winks at Jimin, and Taehyung almost has to do a double take. Are they actually flirting with each other? Right in front of him?
Jealously stirs in Taehyung’s gut and he wishes he had the courage to act the way that Jimin did sometimes. He wishes he could subtly hit on Seokjin the way that Jimin has seemingly been able to master in the past few weeks.
Taehyung stares at Jimin as his brain wanders. He’d never flat out said anything to Taehyung about liking Seokjin too but Taehyung can’t believe that he’s never really seen it before, it’s disgustingly obvious. And Taehyung’s not exactly thrilled about it.
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Do like and comment..
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Byee lovelies.... and take care

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