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Goodnight, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 1:Lin Hanxing

Chapter 1: Lin Hanxing

Author: Snowhite Nalan

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

On the high seas...

Lin Hanxing felt something amiss the moment she boarded the cruise.

As she exited the fitting room calmly after changing, she saw Little You cupping her flushed face and looking toward the second floor.

“Someone booked the entire cruise?”

The cruise was a luxury cruise that travelled the high seas all year round.

It was a well-known tourist spot and there was an endless stream of tourists every day. Never had she seen the cruise as empty as that.

Suddenly, a voice was heard and it shocked Little You. She quickly turned around and looked at Lin Hanxing.


Little You ran over happily when she saw her.

Lin Hanxing boarded the cruise half a month ago.

No one knew where she came from and she was very quiet most of the time.

However, her silence did not mean that her presence was not felt.

There was one simple reason for that—she was incredibly beautiful!

The ultraviolet rays near the high seas were brutal and the skin of the girls on the ship were tanned, just like Little You.

It was a huge contrast compared to Lin Hanxing who stood opposite her.

“Someone forked out a large sum of money and booked the entire cruise today.” Little You’s eyes fell on Lin Hanxing’s face as she spoke.

‘Lin Hanxing is so beautiful!’ she thought.

Her skin was as fair and delicate as porcelain, just like a doll in a picture book. Her thick dark lashes, and the mole under her right eye…

“On the second floor.” Little You seemed to recall something and she blushed again.

‘The man who was standing there when I entered… He’s just too handsome!’ Little You thought.

Lin Hanxing remained silent—she was not interested at all.

The bar had prepared the beverages to be sent to the second floor. The bartender waved at Lin Hanxing as she was on duty that day.

However, a shadow flitted before her—someone else had reacted faster than Lin Hanxing.

“Let me do it.”

Having gotten a better look at who it was, Little You subtly pursed her lips.

The person who spoke was the head waitress.

The scope of responsibilities of a head waitress did not include serving beverages, which made it abundantly clear that she had ulterior motives.

The head waitress cleared her throat and pulled her neckline slightly lower.

Little You groaned as soon as the head waitress had gone up the stairs.

Lin Hanxing remained indifferent and distanced herself from it the entire time.

“Why are you angry?” Lin Hanxing looked at Little You’s fuming and dissatisfied expression.

“She obviously wants to seduce...”

Little You’s words were muffled in Lin Hanxing’s indifferent eyes.

“Why would someone who can afford to rent the entire cruise ship care about a measly waitress.” Lin Hanxing’s words revealed the sense of maturity that did not match her age.

Little You was stunned and her initial thoughts of meeting that man had completely dissipated.

“Hanxing, why did you board the cruise to be a waitress?”

Unbeknownst to everyone else, she remembered very clearly Lin Hanxing voiced out and helped her out of a difficult situation when a few days ago. That time, she felt distressed when she could not understand the language of a few foreign tourists who asked her about something.

She looked up to Lin Hanxing’s fluent accent.

Lin Hanxing was like a maze. No one knew where she was from nor how long was she going to stay there.

Lin Hanxing looked askance at Little You as she heard the question.

Those amber pupils looked ridiculously beautiful…

Suddenly, a high-pitched scream sounded in the initially quiet space.

It was the head waitress’ voice!

Little You trembled with fear. However, she saw Lin Hanxing looking alertly toward the second floor. Following that, heavy footsteps were heard.

Soon, several well-trained men with guns spread out all around them.


Moments after Lin Hanxing warned, the back of a madman appeared near the staircase at almost the same time.

Chapter 2:Game

Chapter 2: Game

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“I want to live! Let me go!”

The violent gasps and shouts signified fear and dread!

The madman pulled the woman in his arms to act as his human shield. The collar that the head waitress had intentionally pulled down earlier had completely exposed her neckline as a result of the tugging.

“I gave you one chance!” That sentence sent chills to the bone.

Everyone who heard it was stunned.

The deep and mellow voice was so pleasant that it raised everyone’s hackles.

Even so, they could distinctly feel the iciness and threat in his voice!

At that time, all the other waiters on the first floor hid except Lin Hanxing. They were all trembling in fear.

“Save me… Save… Mr. Lei… Save me...”

The makeup on the head waitress’ face was smudged by her tears. She remembered how the people around that man addressed him with such reverence and mimicked them.

‘Save her?’ Lin Hanxing sneered softly.

She sensed something amiss as an aggressiveness flitted toward her.

That was an unforgettably charming face. The profound lines on his face seemed to be carved with a knife. He stood there alone, yet oozed an aura of supreme power and prestige, making those around him to have no choice but to bow before him.

The man who held the head waitress hostage carefully walked downstairs. He had clearly reached a dead end.


As Little You—who was shivering in fear—saw Lin Hanxing standing still, she hesitated for a moment before running toward her.

A sudden plot twist happened at that very moment!

Knowing that she might very soon be dead, the head waitress who was held in the desperado’s arm struggled madly and broke away from him when he was unattentive.

A gunshot was heard!

Silence resumed thereafter...

A fishy smell permeated the cabin. Those well-trained bodyguards who had dispersed quietly earlier stood silently beside the desperado!

Lin Hanxing’s finger twitched as her gaze fell on Little You not too far away.

Little You’s eyes widened in panic…

She did not close her eyes until the moment of death!

“Ah… Ah… Ah…”

The head waitress who broke away from the desperado in panic then wanted to use Little You as a shield…

She screamed out loud!

“Shut up!” Lin Hanxing’s voice was stiffened and seemed to have held back her anger!

She walked to Little You’s side and saw blood oozing out heavily from her back…

Lin Hanxing stared at it for a moment before slowly lifting her head. Her sight fell upon the head waitress.

It was her! She killed Little You.

The head waitress shivered as that indifferent look fell upon her.

She did nothing wrong. People were selfish. If she wanted to stay alive, she would not care who died on behalf of her!

Lin Hanxing sneered out loud all of a sudden.

It sounded obtrusive in the quiet space.

“She will come back to haunt you.”

Though it was just a simple warning, the head waitress felt as if she was being choked by a pair of invisible hands, making her unable to breathe!

Lin Hanxing looked at the dead body on the ground.

No one knew what she was thinking.

Suddenly, Lin Hanxing made a move.

She emotionlessly walked toward the dead body of the desperado. The bodyguards intuitively wanted to reach out their hands and stop her but paused with a stern look instead.

Lei Xiao’s condescending and falcon-like eyes fell on her thin figure.

Lin Hanxing slowly knelt, reached out her hand, and took the gun from the dead desperado’s hand.

The bodyguards around her became highly alert the moment they saw her move!

Lin Hanxing’s facial expression remained unchanged.

The next second, she...

Chapter 3:She Was Very Smart

Chapter 3: She Was Very Smart

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

In the next second, Lin Hanxing pointed her gun toward the ceiling…

Four shots were fired without hesitation!

Her actions seemed so natural that even the experienced bodyguards were stunned.

Then, there was a moment of silence…

Lin Hanxing raised her head and looked at the unusually indifferent man.

She then threw the blank gun to the side.

“Give my friend a grand funeral.”

The waiters on the cruise were all locked in their rooms. They had their phones confiscated and were supervised by some people.

The cruise ship stopped on the high seas.

As darkness fell, light shone upon the water.

“That woman is interesting.”

Yan Beixiao was holding a cigarette with one hand, glancing at Lei Xiao—who was looking afar—as he spoke.

“She’s very smart.”

After a while, Lei Xiao spoke in a low voice.

“Smart?” That remark piqued Yan Beixiao’s interest.

Ice cubes immersed in amber-colored spirits hit the rim of the glass with a crisp sound.

Lei Xiao’s slender finger held onto the rim of the glass. His expression was cold as ever as his sharp eyes glanced past his best friend and scanned the beautiful scenery.

“Do you remember how many shots she fired?” he asked patiently.

Yan Beixiao was taken aback for a moment, then he thought about it for a while before his expression turned serious.

“Four shots?”

“That was a Glock 43. It comes with single-row magazines for the bullets with a bullet capacity enough for six shots.”

The hard liquor entered his throat—it was cool and spicy!

Yan Beixiao did not speak. The desperado fired two shots at her friend…

She returned four shots, which accurately added up to six bullets in total—no more, and no less.? It did not seem like a coincidence.

“No wonder you said she’s smart...”

Yan Beixiao smiled as though he thought of something again. His handsome face looked even more dazzling.

“These four shots weren’t only for her friend but also for herself!” She was worried about being killed!

The moment she held the gun indicated that she was on the same side as them.

“A woman like her can’t possibly just be a normal waitress.”

Lei Xiao did not speak, yet that woman’s face appeared before his eyes.

She was very beautiful, even the mole by her eye seemed tantalizing...

“Send word to those below. It is no longer necessary to supervise her.”

After a pause, Lei Xiao continued, “Also, give her friend an elaborate funeral.”

Late that night...

The head waitress who had escaped a catastrophe hid in the corner of the room.

The room was brightly lit. She trembled all over, thinking about the image of her pulling Little You over and having her chest shot by bullets.

“It’s not my fault… It’s not my fault… It’s not my fault...” The head waitress was like a broken record.

Suddenly, the bright lights in the room went out with a pop.

She stiffened in the dark.

After a short while, the light came back on again. However, a noise that sounded like a short circuit was heard from the lamp post.

The light shone and dimmed, just like the head waitress’ nerves.

‘She will come back to haunt you.’

Fear acted as a fuse, igniting her breakdown as it swept through her body.


At the main switch of the cabin’s circuitry...

Lin Hanxing slowly flicked the switch of a room. Her beautiful pair of eyes sparkled like stars.

She looked emotionless, as though her mind was thinking of something else…

The next day, the seas were calm.

The waiters who had been locked up the day before were all released from the room. There were no rules or instructions other than to get off the boat.

Lin Hanxing did not leave her room.

The boat was still anchored there, seemingly waiting for someone’s arrival…

Knock knock knock…

As she thought of that, there was a knock on the door.

“Mr. Lei wants to meet you.”

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