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I'm Big Boss's Wife After Transmigration

Episode-1 Prologue

She was a successful doctor and a tech expert in her field. One of the rare genius of her time but....
Lorillis Leclair/Ana [2nd FL/FL]
Lorillis Leclair/Ana [2nd FL/FL]
(look around at her surroundings with disbelief look)
Lorillis Leclair/Ana [2nd FL/FL]
Lorillis Leclair/Ana [2nd FL/FL]
How did I end up here? (trembling voice)
Before she can think straight she finds herself in one of the turning points that will decide her life, she runs away
Quietly planning her moves and being on the safe side to avoid her death and finally, the day comes when...
Nolan Starling[OG ML]
Nolan Starling[OG ML]
【 It's over between us Lorillis. Let's not meet ever. 】
Lorillis Leclair/Ana [2nd FL/FL]
Lorillis Leclair/Ana [2nd FL/FL]
(smirk) I was waiting for this message
Nolan Starling[OG ML]
Nolan Starling[OG ML]
Ahhh (throw the glasses on the ground)
Nolan Starling[OG ML]
Nolan Starling[OG ML]
(hitting everything with the bat while screaming) Ahhhh...
Zyran Whitlock[OG ML
Zyran Whitlock[OG ML's Pal]
(worried) Calm down. This is what you wanted Nolan so why are you reacting this way when she walked away quietly
Nolan Starling[OG ML]
Nolan Starling[OG ML]
I DON'T (Bloodlust eyes)
Nolan Starling[OG ML]
Nolan Starling[OG ML]
Nolan Starling[OG ML]
Nolan Starling[OG ML]
Zyran Whitlock[OG ML
Zyran Whitlock[OG ML's Pal]
To be on the safe side, she ran away from everything and decided to be with the big boss of this world with whom everyone wished to form a connection.
Roderick Bennett[N-BigBoss/ML/9th Master
Roderick Bennett[N-BigBoss/ML/9th Master
You are playing with Fire, Miss. ❄️ (coldly looking at her)
Lorillis Leclair/Ana [2nd FL/FL]
Lorillis Leclair/Ana [2nd FL/FL]
(smirk) My name meaning is fire itself so how can you expect me to stay away from fire~
Lorillis Leclair/Ana [2nd FL/FL]
Lorillis Leclair/Ana [2nd FL/FL]
I have decided to burn myself in it
Her plan was simple and effective but not for too long
Nolan Starling[OG ML]
Nolan Starling[OG ML]
Lori, I am sorry for what I have done. I can give you an explanation about everything please.... don't leave me...
Nolan Starling[OG ML]
Nolan Starling[OG ML]
(tears fall)
Lorillis Leclair/Ana [2nd FL/FL]
Lorillis Leclair/Ana [2nd FL/FL]
Lorillis Leclair/Ana [2nd FL/FL]
Lorillis Leclair/Ana [2nd FL/FL]
[What's up with this man? Didn't I wake away silently without messing with his new love interest]
Not only he but even the female lead came looking for her.
Lorillis Leclair/Ana [2nd FL/FL]
Lorillis Leclair/Ana [2nd FL/FL]
Aristella Winter[OG FL]
Aristella Winter[OG FL]
No wonder he is crazy over you (thoroughly looking at her)
Aristella Winter[OG FL]
Aristella Winter[OG FL]
Can I touch your cheeks?
Lorillis Leclair/Ana [2nd FL/FL]
Lorillis Leclair/Ana [2nd FL/FL]
Aristella Winter[OG FL]
Aristella Winter[OG FL]
(lean forward with curious expression) They look soft
Lorillis Leclair/Ana [2nd FL/FL]
Lorillis Leclair/Ana [2nd FL/FL]
Not only does the plot drift away from the original track but the bitter and biggest truth stands in front of them....
Leaving them all shocked, disgusted and whatnot because the Betrayer was among them, wearing the mask of their loved close ones and stabbing them in their back...
I don't know what the future holds for me and what happened in the past but I am not going to follow the same plot and end my life
Lorillis Leclair/Ana [2nd FL/FL]
Lorillis Leclair/Ana [2nd FL/FL]
(walk upto him)
Roderick Bennett[N-BigBoss/ML/9th Master
Roderick Bennett[N-BigBoss/ML/9th Master
(hold her hand)
I abandon the original plot and choose to be the Big Boss' wife after my transmigration
Like and subscribe the chapters will come from tomorrow onwards~~
(⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)(⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)(⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)


Year 3075
One of the major medical and tech research organizations in the whole world that is working on various human traits and human parallel characteristics. Developing robots and inventing those machines which will revolutionize the medical world even more till 4000
Ana [Past self]
Ana [Past self]
(looking at the database)
Ana [Past self]
Ana [Past self]
(putting the data of the patient)
Ana [Past self]
Ana [Past self]
Zero mailed this successful attempt using the robot arms to the authority of the research center.
Zero [Ana
Zero [Ana's Robot]
Got it Ana. (functioning on the blue screen)
Ana [Past self]
Ana [Past self]
(smile) Good one Zero.
Zero [Ana
Zero [Ana's Robot]
Mention not Ana. Remember to expand my dataset
Ana [Past self]
Ana [Past self]
Hm. I get it
Ana [Past self]
Ana [Past self]
Finish this here, I have some work in the lab.
Zero [Ana
Zero [Ana's Robot]
Ok. I'll come to find you there. You can go
The cold emotionless mechanical voice coming from a human-like robot was not a surprise here. She developed her first ever human-like robot boy. At first glance, no one can tell that he is a Robot and not a kid
Ana [Past self]
Ana [Past self]
(press the button)
A huge glass capsule-like machine emerges from the ground which takes people all around the center.
Ana [Past self]
Ana [Past self]
(enter) Go to the Lab- E1
➪ This is my last day working today as I have been continuously working on my new project for the past 40 days without sleeping for more than an hour and adding up my sleeping hours in my sleep cycle. Yes, we can collect our sleeping hours and gather them in many capsules if we are too busy to sleep. Everyone on a responsible and powerful post has this kind of capsule. I have accumulated a lot of sleeping-storing capsules.
Ana [Past self]
Ana [Past self]
Will I end up sleeping for a week again? The last time was 9 days. Sigh
Zoom~ You Have reached your destination, Dr. Ana. You can come down now.
Ana [Past self]
Ana [Past self]
(heard the mechanical instructions) Got it.
Ana [Past self]
Ana [Past self]
(came out of it)
Ana [Past self]
Ana [Past self]
(look at the Robot on the desk) Hey Suri can you order a cup of coffee for me.
Suri [Desk Robot]
Suri [Desk Robot]
Sure Dr. Ana, press your thumb for the entry. I'll notify the first floor to send coffee. You get it as soon as you crossed all the doors
Ana [Past self]
Ana [Past self]
(smile) So sweet of you.
Suri [Desk Robot]
Suri [Desk Robot]
That's my work. (typing)
Ana [Past self]
Ana [Past self]
(done verifying) See you later Suri
Suri [Desk Robot]
Suri [Desk Robot]
Same to you Dr. Ana
Ana [Past self]
Ana [Past self]
(enter the next door)
➪ I am working with the other doctors and tech experts on another project along my own but this does not require my all engry. As soon as I entered the main cabin, my Coffee was there for me on the food counter Suri sure is fast. Now that I look around I can see the progress we have made. Hopefully Director grant my leave and let me sleep...
Ana's secretary
Dr. Ana, (come there)
Ana's secretary
I have done the work you gave me. The director said that your leave application has been approved.
Ana's secretary
But...(look at the file)
Ana [Past self]
Ana [Past self]
Got it. (take it and walk away)
The door of the special elevator just for the Robo-staff of this Organization and Zero walked out greeting Ana's secretary.
Ana's secretary
Your Boss is there. Go and help her to finish soon so she can sleep
Zero [Ana
Zero [Ana's Robot]
(nod) Got it. You still need to finish the job on the development of the hollow human article, as I can see in your database, you are not even 40% completed that. (open the blue screen and scan)
Ana's secretary
=⁠_⁠= It's not good to say this out on my face, is it?
Zero [Ana
Zero [Ana's Robot]
(look at her) Ana erased that function from me to make me more efficient.
Ana's secretary
Ana's secretary
Bosses are cruel
Ana's secretary
(bitter laugh)
Zero [Ana
Zero [Ana's Robot]
Do I need to deliver your words to Ana?
Ana's secretary
Please NO! [Even Robots are scary]
Ana's secretary
(run away)


Ana [Past self]
Ana [Past self]
(stretch her hands)
Suri [Desk Robot]
Suri [Desk Robot]
Hello Dr. Ana (picture appear on the blue computer screen)
Ana [Past self]
Ana [Past self]
(look at her) Hey Suri
Suri [Desk Robot]
Suri [Desk Robot]
You have a mail from your sister. I have scanned it. You can open the mail portal to receive it.
Ana [Past self]
Ana [Past self]
Sure. (open the portal)
Fizz~ the parcel slide down.
Ana [Past self]
Ana [Past self]
I Got it, thanks for your hard work Suri
Suri [Desk Robot]
Suri [Desk Robot]
Mention Not (turn off the screen)
Ana [Past self]
Ana [Past self]
(sit back) Did she again send me a book?
Ana's secretary
Dr. Ana when are you leaving? (walks in)
Ana [Past self]
Ana [Past self]
(pick her bag and parcel) Right now
Ana [Past self]
Ana [Past self]
After coming back I will see your process on your project. I don't want it to remain around 70%
Ana's secretary
(sneaky laugh) I get it.
Ana [Past self]
Ana [Past self]
Better. Zero open the passage for parking space.
Zero [Ana
Zero [Ana's Robot]
(Looking at the blue screen before his eyes and pressing the keys)
Zoom~~ Welcome Dr. Ana and Zero, please enter.
Ana's secretary
See you after a Week Dr. Ana.
Ana [Past self]
Ana [Past self]
Don't slack off
Ana's secretary
Haha... I won't (wave hand)
Ana [Past self]
Ana [Past self]
(walls out while pressing the button)
Immediately after the call, a car came to her from the sky. Her ride which will take her to home.
"You can enter now Dr. Ana."
Ana [Past self]
Ana [Past self]
(enter with Zero) contact the convenience store near my place and ask them to send the fresh vegetables and fruits that I usually order.
Zero [Ana
Zero [Ana's Robot]
Got it Ana. (doing work)
Ana [Past self]
Ana [Past self]
(close eyes)
Ana [Past self]
Ana [Past self]
(plug in the battery) Get your energy recharged. I have made some changes to your core system. You can now operate many things on your own.
Zero [Ana
Zero [Ana's Robot]
(eyes closed) Got it, Ana.
Ana [Past self]
Ana [Past self]
(smile) Take a rest Zero. (walk out of the room)
Ana [Past self]
Ana [Past self]
Oh, the parcel. (sat down and open it)
Ana [Past self]
Ana [Past self]
I was right. She again sends me her new book. Oh, a note also
-Hey my dear Younger sister~ I have done working on this novel. Please read this and give me your review. I need to revise it and send it to the editor. Love you baby~~ -Your Booker Prize winner sister
Ana [Past self]
Ana [Past self]
Pfft... Let me wash up and read this. (walks in the bathroom)
As soon as she walked into the bathroom, the book on the table started to glow, bathing in the golden glow and vibrating. After 10 seconds, everything was back to normal once again leaving nothing suspicious behind.
Ana [Past self]
Ana [Past self]
(walks out while whipping her hair) Feels good to wash up with water and not use the drying and sanitizing room for
Ana [Past self]
Ana [Past self]
(turn on the room Robot and lay on the bed)
The robot started to give her a foot massage, helping her to sleep peacefully. She opened the book and started reading it. She decided to read the first half and then take a rest as she has many pending sleeps to complete but...
Ana [Past self]
Ana [Past self]
(engrossed in the story)
As she starts she did not stop until finishing the entire book and when the night changes into the next morning she only knows after stretching her aching and sore body.

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