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A Different Deku - Boku No Hero

Boku no Hero - A Different Deku Chapter 1 | Izuku Midoriya

Midoriya receives a strong hit from Bakugo, who wipes his mouth and says:

─ I hope you understand your place now.

Midoriya stands up and responds:

─ Yes, I understand. I’m the victim of a coward who uses his friends to harass me. I don’t care what your quirk is; with that shitty attitude, you’ll never be a hero.

Bakugo gets angry and considers attacking him with his quirk, but knows he would be penalized for it. So he simply burns the notebook that he had previously snatched from Midoriya and throws it out the window, saying:

─ I'm going to be the number one hero and surpass All Might. You, born without a quirk, will always be a trash. Maybe you should follow your notebook's example and jump out this window.

his classmates laugh at this, but Midoriya ignores them. He grabs her backpack and walks away, which only makes Bakugo angrier. After leaving the place, Midoriya sees that her notebook had fallen into a pond where some fish were planning to eat it. He recovers it quickly, murmuring:

─ Damn it. Well, at least only the cover is damaged. I can still read what I wrote.

Midoriya opens his backpack and sees that most of his supplies and books are ruined. He tucks the notebook between his books, thinking:

─ Since I started standing up for myself, things have only gotten worse. At least this year is almost over. I hate to admit it, but sometimes I think that if I had a quirk, it would definitely destroy Bakugo.

Midoriya he punches himself his face and tells himself:

─ I can’t think like that. Even if it frustrates me, if I ever want to be a hero, I can’t think that way. I may not have a quirk, but I hope to one day become someone who helps others, just like the heroes do.

Midoriya breaks a cookie he had and tosses it to the fishes, saying:

─ You'll like this better. Consider it compensation.

The boy continues on his way, reflecting on his dream, which seemed like nothing more than a childish fantasy. Midoriya looks up at the sky and says to himself:

─ Ever since I was little, I admired All Might; I always wanted to be like him, to be the strongest hero and protect everyone. That was my dream, but it didn’t last long. I soon found out that I didn’t have a quirk. When I asked my mom if I could still be a hero, she just cried and hugged me.

─ But I just wanted her to say yes. That day, I was genuinely depressed and stayed that way for a while, but then I convinced myself that I would become a hero even without a quirk. After all, the number one hero said we could all be heroes. If I was strong, then I could protect them. With that thought in mind, I started training my body from a young age. Then I studied martial arts and thought I was ready, but I wasn’t. Even though I think I’m strong, there’s not much I can do. I still don’t have a quirk, which makes my efforts count for very little. Even though I know my dream is futile, I still want to be a hero...

Midoriya’s self-reflection is interrupted when the manhole cover flies off and a strange green slime comes out of it. The boy tries to back away, but before he knows it, that thing grabs his leg. In a panic, he tries to attack it, but his punches just go through its body. Given This the villain laughs, saying:

─ Try all you want. I'm liquid; you can't do anything.

Midoriya sees that no matter how hard he tries, there’s no way to hurt this thing. Still, he keeps fighting, while thinking:

"Why? Why can’t I do anything? Am I really going to die like this? I wanted to be a hero and I can’t even salve me..."

─ The villain tries to enter Izuku’s mouth, and he doesn’t know what to do. His hope fades until he sees the manhole cover and, using all his strength, he manages to grab it and throw it at the villain, freeing himself from the thing that was suffocating him. This angers the villain, who grabs Izuku forcefully, seemingly intending to tear him in two. Izuku starts losing consciousness, but even though he can’t do anything, Midoriya keeps fighting. However, his body no longer has the strength; the villain doesn’t allow him to move or breathe. Izuku sees his end, but when all seems lost, a voice says:


The villain recognizes the voice and tries to flee, but before he can think or do anything, the great number one hero concentrates his strength, saying:


The hero’s powerful attack creates a great pressure in the air, completely obliterating the villain. The young man looks at his hero, utterly impressed by the imposing figure of the number one hero. Midoriya wants to ask for an autograph, but before he realizes it, his body collapses and he loses consciousness. All Might props the boy against a wall and then picks up the villain. As he does, the young man wakes up to see All Might putting the villain into some plastic bottles. Midoriya stands up, saying:

─ ¿All Might? ¿Is it really you?

All Might stands up quickly, saying:

─ ¡OF COURSE!. I’m surprised you’re standing so soon. You’re a strong boy. I’m sorry you got involved in my fight with that villain. I usually don’t make these mistakes. Anyway, you were a big help. Thanks to you, I was able to capture him.

Midoriya looks at All Might’s pose. It seemed to him incredible, though it also reminded him of a soda commercial pose. All Might sees the boy doesn't respond, so he says:

─ Alright, now that I see you're okay, I'm going to take my leave.

Midoriya, hearing this, quickly shouts:

─ WAIT, PLEASE! I need to ask you something.

All Might looks at the boy, saying:

─ Sure, tell me what is it about.

Midoriya swallows hard and then says:

─ From childhood, I’ve admired heroes, but I was born without a quirk. Even so, I worked hard to become stronger and help others, but I’ve reached a point where I feel lost. I don’t know what to do. That’s why I want to ask you, do you think I can be a hero even without a quirk?

All Might looks at the boy, remains silent for a few seconds, and then responds:

─ You seem to be someone mature and smart. So I’ll tell you straight up. Without a quirk, you can’t be a hero. No matter how hard you try, in the end, you’ll only put yourself in danger, and that will make the heroes’ job harder.

These words from the figure he had admired for so long make the young man feel a deep sadness. Even though he knew he couldn’t be a hero, this time it felt like he had been hit with a reality smash. All Might notices that his words have affected the boy, so he asks:

─ Tell me one thing, kid. Why did you want to be a hero?

Midoriya takes a deep breath and responds:

─ I’ve admired you since I was a childboy. You always save everyone with a smile. That seemed incredible to me, but when I grew up, I realized why you did. It was to show that you weren’t afraid, to show everyone that everything would be okay, that they were safe. You’re a true hero to me. You lend a hand to everyone and always manage to save them no matter how hard it is. I admire the kind of hero you are. That’s why I wanted to be like you. That’s why...

The young man makes a slight bow, saying:

─ Thank you for being so honest and direct. I know I can’t be a hero, but...

All Might was about to touch the boy’s shoulder when Midoriya stands up straight again and, showing a smile, says:

─ I'll do what I can to help others.

All Might sees the boy’s smile, which was like his own. It showed great confidence, but he knew that behind that smile, he was hiding his pain, just as he often hid his fear. But still, he had to respond to the boy’s courage. So All Might raises his thumb, saying:

─ Well said! I know you'll be someone amazing.

Midoriya makes a slight bow, saying:

─ Thank you for saving me and for everything else.

The young man quickly slips past the hero and continues on his way. All Might watches him, feeling that he had crushed that child’s dream, but it was also for his own good. Before leaving, All Might says:

─ What’s your name?

Midoriya stops, but doesn't turn around and just replies:

─ Izuku...My name is Izuku Midoriya.

All Might smiles, saying:

─ It was a pleasure, Izuku Midoriya! No need to thank me for the autograph.

After saying this, All Might leaps away and disappears. Hearing this, Midoriya searches for his notebook and finds that All Might’s signature is between two pages. The young man smiles at this, saying to himself:

─ Now that I remember, when that villain attacked me, he threw all my stuff. All Might picked it up while I was unconscious. I can’t believe I forgot to ask for an autograph.

The young man feels tears welling up, but he holds them back, telling himself:

─ Come on, Izuku, he didn’t say anything you didn’t know. At least he was honest. This only means that even though I can’t be a hero, I’ll be able to help others in my own way. There must be something I can do.

At the same time, All Might continued on his way, remembering that boy, and thought:

"He certainly has the spirit, but I'm not sure if he would make a good hero. After all, he lacks a quirk. Although I'm not the one to say something that, maybe I should go back and talk to that boy. Only then will I rid myself of this doubt."

All Might considered returning when he felt his time limit. Before he realized it, his power faded, leaving him floating in mid-air. He quickly flailed his arms and legs as if trying to swim. Fortunately, All Might managed to land on a building's rooftop, sustaining only a few bumps and scratches. He stood up with some difficulty, saying:

─ That was close. I should carry a stopwatch or something to avoid getting so distracted. Anyway, I suppose I’ll have to find that boy another time. Thankfully, the villain was captured.

All Might checked his pockets and realized the plastic bottles were missing. Looking down from the rooftop, he saw they hadn’t fallen with him. They must have dropped during his rough landing. Meanwhile, Bakugo walked with his two cronies, who looked disheveled and covered in various injuries. One of them looked at Bakugo and asked:

─ Didn’t that punch from Izuku hurt?

Bakugo touched his jaw and replied:

─ A punch like that can’t hurt me. No matter how much Deku trains, he’ll always be a trash. What about you two? That idiot beat you up; you just had to hold him down, and you couldn’t even manage that.

His cronies began to complain, but Bakugo ignored them while thinking:

"That damn Deku! He sure knows how to throw a punch. Even without a quirk, he always manages to slip away from me. And that punch actually hurt."

Angry, Bakugo kicked a plastic bottle, which burst open upon hitting a wall. From it emerged the villain who had attacked Midoriya. Bakugo tried to flee, but the villain caught him, and he reached out to his companions, who ran away in fear.

Meanwhile, Midoriya walked, deep in thought:

"I suppose I could become a police officer or something like that. Even though I know I can’t be a hero, I still can’t shake the idea from my head.  e it’ll take me some time to face reality."

Midoriya’s thoughts were interrupted by a loud explosion nearby. He decided to head towards the noise to see what was happening, pushing through the crowd. The young man saw the villain who had attacked him earlier, but it didn’t make sense; All Might had captured him. What was he doing there? Thousands of questions raced through the young man's mind, but they all stopped when he saw Bakugo.

The villain had taken him hostage, and the explosions he heard were Bakugo's desperate attempts to escape. Midoriya looked at the heroes, seeing that they were telling people to back off until a suitable hero arrived to handle the villain. To him, none of the heroes were doing anything to help. But what could he do? He had no quirk, he wasn’t a hero; he would only get in the way.

The young man couldn’t forget the words of his idol. This prevented him from moving, but everything changed when he saw the desperation in Bakugo’s eyes.

Seeing this, Midoriya couldn’t bear it any longer. His relationship with Bakugo wasn’t the best. Part of him hated him, but no matter who it was, if someone was in danger, he couldn’t just stand by. All Might arrived just in time to see the young man he had told couldn't be a hero running towards the villain.

The villain attacked upon seeing him. Midoriya used his backpack for protection, but due to the villain’s strength, he was nearly knocked to the ground. The villain saw this and tried to take advantage of it, but the boy thought quickly and grabbed a metal rod from the ground. With the strength of his body, he managed to stay on his feet. The villain kept attacking, but the boy continued to move closer to him. Midoriya It not special; he was just another human, but he had gotten close enough to reach Bakugo. Izuku used the metal rod to break part of the villain's body, allowing Bakugo to catch his breath. Bakugo looked at Midoriya and said:

─ What are you doing here, idiot?

The villain tried to take hold of Bakugo again, so Izuku attempted to defend him, saying:

─ I don’t know, my body moved on its own. I couldn’t leave you, I can’t abandon someone who needs help!

Izuku tried to grab Bakugo's hand, but the villain struck him hard, throwing him away. The young man bounced several times across the ground but quickly got up, picked up the metal rod again, and with a smile, ran towards the villain. But before he could do anything, All Might appeared and landed a powerful blow on the villain. Looking at Izuku, he said:

─ Despite telling you that you couldn’t be a hero, despite not having a quirk, you still ran in to save him. You reminded me of that, and now I’m going to return the favor.

All Might grabbed Bakugo and Midoriya, then focused his power in his right arm and shouted:

─ Detroit Smash!

With his powerful Smash, All Might defeated the villain. The force of his blow created a great pressure in the air, which everyone present could feel. A giant heroine protected the civilians from this air current. Everyone stood in silence at this spectacle, and suddenly, it began to rain. All Might’s punch seemed to have changed the weather. The hero stood up and struck his classic victory pose. People went wild, cheering All Might’s name. Midoriya looked at All Might in awe, who smiled at him, saying:

─ We’ll meet again soon, Izuku Midoriya.

The hero looked at the civilians, saying:

─ I hope everyone is okay!

All Might decided to leave, I was exhausted. He still had to talk to that boy and wanted to recover first. With the number one hero gone, the media turned to the boy to create a more interesting story. The media blamed the boy, saying he had interrupted the heroes' work and that, because of him, the heroes couldn’t act. The young man looked at the camera, saying:

─ Maybe you can see someone suffering and do nothing, but I couldn’t stand it. The heroes were only managing the damage. I couldn’t stand to see what was happening, and before I knew it, I ran towards him. I might not be a hero, but at least I gave my all to try and save him while everyone else just watched...

Midoriya couldn’t finish speaking as someone from the crowd threw a rock that hit him directly on the head, causing a wound from which blood began to flow.

The boy's eyes grew vacant, and the assailant started shouting:

─ You’re not a hero! Don’t think you’re better than us just for being a nuisance!

The others began to join in, picking up more rocks to continue attacking him. Bakugo, seeing this, got angry and prepared to intervene when a giant hand from a lady blocked the rocks aimed at Izuku. A powerful shockwave pushed the civilians back, who turned to see the cause. It was the popular young heroine, who returned to her normal size, saying:

─ Enough!. This boy might have done wrong, but that doesn’t give you the right to attack him. If you do, tell me, how are you any different from those villains? I ask you to please leave; the heroes will handle this.

Hearing this, the pedestrians withdrew. Mount Lady approached the boy, saying:

─ Let me see; I think it’s not a deep wound, so you should be okay.

Midoriya looked up at the beautiful Mount Lady. Having her so close, the young man blushed, saying:

─ It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m a fan of yours, even though you’re a new heroine; you’re very popular. If you don’t mind, I’d like to...

Midoriya started looking around to find his notebook. He found it on the ground, picked it up, and returned to her. He searched through the pages until he found Mount Lady’s page, saying:

─ Could you sign an autograph for me?

Mount Lady laughed lightly, saying:

─ You’re very different from what I expected. I’d be happy to give you that autograph.

Mount Lady took the notebook and saw a drawing of herself along with notes about her abilities, fighting style, victories, and more. She looked at the boy, saying:

─ Are you... a stalker?

Midoriya blushed completely, saying:

─ Please don’t think that! It’s more like a hobby; I’ve admired heroes since I was little, so I like learning about them. Let me show you.

Midoriya began flipping through the pages, showing her all the heroes he had noted. Mount Lady was surprised by this, but when she saw the page dedicated to Midnight, she smiled and, taking Midoriya’s marker, drew two horns and a tail. Seeing Mount Lady's smile, Midoriya wondered what was happening, but his thoughts shifted as he admired her beauty. Now he understood why everyone thought she was one of the most beautiful heroines. Mount Lady returned to her page and signed Midoriya’s notebook, then handed it back to him. Midoriya looked at the signature with great joy. Mount Lady, seeing this, noticed the poor condition of the notebook, saying:

─ Something catches my eye. It looks like something you worked hard on. But why does it seem like you tried to burn it?

Midoriya looked at the notebook, saying:

─ I would never burn it. Actually. he he did it

Midoriya looks at Bakugo and says:

─ For some reason, he despises me. I always wanted to be a hero despite not having a quirk. I guess that bothers someone as talented as him.

Mount Lady looks at Bakugo and thinks:

"Even though that boy mistreated him, he still tried to save him. I see, it's a pity he doesn't have a quirk. Without a doubt, he would be an incredible hero."

Mount Lady touches the boy's head and says:

─ Even if you don’t have a quirk, you can still be a hero. Not only those with quirks can be heroes. I know you’ll find a way to support us and become an amazing hero. I’ll be waiting, I would love to work with you.

Mount Lady notices that a bit of blood is still trickling from his wound, so she says:

─ But first, you need to work on the way you express yourself. With that way of speaking, people might misunderstand you.

Midoriya looks at Mount Lady and, with a slight bow, says:

─ About that, I apologize. I didn’t mean to belittle your work; I was just upset and spoke without thinking. I never intended to...

Mount Lady interrupts the young man, saying:

─ I’ll forgive you and give you a little keepsake if you let me treat that wound. You don’t want to worry your mother, do you?

Midoriya touches his forehead and sees a bit of blood on his fingers, saying:

─ I think I forgot in the excitement of meeting you, but I’d like you to forgive me, so I’ll gladly accept.

The young man shows a big smile, which makes Mount Lady smile too, as the empty look that had taken over the boy at that moment was completely overshadowed by that smile. Mount Lady heals Midoriya's wounds, and he thanks her and is about to leave when Mount Lady says:

─ Wait a second. I said I’d give you a little keepsake. Do you have a phone?

Midoriya takes out his phone, saying:

─ Yes, but why?

Mount Lady interrupts him, saying:

─ Lend it to me for a second.

Midoriya gives it to her, and Mount Lady gets closer to him, opening the phone's front camera. She leans in and kisses him on the cheek, then takes a photo. She looks at the photo, seeing the young man completely blushing, which makes Mount Lady laugh lightly. She hands him the phone and then takes the notebook from a still shocked Midoriya. She writes in the notebook and then hands it back to Midoriya. She is about to say something when her colleagues call her, so Mount Lady says goodbye to the boy and leaves to continue her work.

Midoriya comes to his senses and then looks at the notebook, seeing that Mount Lady had written a small dedication that said, "For my future hero." Alongside the dedication was Mount Lady’s signature. This cheers up young Midoriya, who seemed to have completely forgotten about that blow.

The young man leaves with a big smile on his face. His number one hero had told him he couldn’t be a hero, he was attacked after trying to help his companion, but at least he got to see All Might in action again and met one of the most beloved heroines. It was a day with ups and downs, but it ended well. As he walks home, Midoriya hears Bakugo’s voice calling him. He turns around to see an angry Bakugo who says:


Midoriya just smiles slightly. Bakugo looks at Midoriya’s forehead, seeing a small bandage covering his wound. This annoys Bakugo, who leaves angrily. Midoriya keeps walking and thinks:

"I suppose he wanted to thank me."

Midoriya continues walking until a large cloud of dust rises in front of him, and a voice says:


Midoriya recognizes this voice and stops as he sees the figure of the number one hero. Great happiness invades the young man, but his smile slowly changes to a look of uncertainty as he sees smoke starting to come out of All Might. Midoriya points to All Might and, somewhat confused, says:

─ You’re evaporating...

Suddenly, a large cloud of smoke surrounds All Might. After it dissipates, the young man sees a completely thin version of the hero, as if he had deflated. All Might coughs up a bit of blood, which worries the young man, who starts searching his backpack, saying:

─ Wait, I must have something here that can help you.

All Might extends his hand, saying:

─ Don’t worry, I’m fine. This is normal. Let me explain.

All Might shows him his wound, which leaves the young man shocked. Looking at Midoriya, he says:

─ Years ago, I had a battle with a villain that gave me a severe injury. It took part of my stomach, my lung, and several of my bones. I was saved thanks to countless surgeries I underwent. Since then, I can only use my powers for a limited amount of time. I decided to hide all the information about my injury and that battle. Now you’re one of the few who knows my secret. If you think I’m a pathetic hero, I won’t blame you.

The young man responds firmly:

─ It’s quite the opposite, All Might. You kept fighting despite being injured. You continued being a hero and saving everyone with a smile. You’re someone incredible. Knowing this only reinforces my point. I could never think you’re pathetic. I understand you hid your wound so people would always have faith in you. You’re the symbol of peace, and that’s why you fought without hesitation all this time, regardless of the burden you carried. You always smile and save everyone with a smile. That’s why, to me, you’re an unbeatable hero.

All Might returns to his muscular form and laughs lightly, saying:

─ I’ve never been so happy to be wrong!

All Might can’t finish his sentence as his body can’t sustain that form for longer, and he coughs up a bit of blood and reverts to his thin form again.

All Might wipes his mouth and says:

─ Young Midoriya, I’ve come here to thank you, to set things right, and to make you an offer. The truth is, if you hadn’t been there, I wouldn’t have remembered what it meant to be a hero, to be the symbol of peace. When you told me about your life and the effort you put into getting stronger, I ignored your heroic spirit and belittled your effort. Despite what I said, you ran to save that boy.

Midoriya quickly responds:

─ You were right; in the end, I just got in the way of the heroes. I said things I shouldn’t have and belittled the work of the heroes. In the end, I couldn’t do anything.

All Might responds seriously:

─ You’re wrong. You, the boy without a quirk, were the one who woke me up and made me see that I needed to do something. All great heroes have one thing in common: their bodies moved on their own before they could even think. That’s what happened to you today, isn’t it?

A slight smile forms on the boy’s face, while a tear falls from his eyes. The boy looks at his hero and says:

─ Bakugo and I never got along, but when I saw him in danger, I couldn’t help it. I just wanted to save him. Before I knew it, I was already running towards him.

All Might smiles slightly and says:

─ Izuku Midoriya, you can be a hero.

These words evoke a strong feeling in the boy. Before he realizes it, several tears run down his face. He holds his chest while thinking:

"Those were the words I always wanted to hear, but I didn't know I needed them so much. Hearing them from the number one hero, the one I always admired, made all that effort worthwhile."

Boku no Hero - A Different Deku Chapter 2 | First exam

Midoriya is seen on the ground, on his knees, as tears fall down his face. This surprised All Might, as the boy seemed strong, but he understood why he was crying. All this time, he had been fighting against the criticism of others, against all those who said he couldn't be a hero. Despite all that criticism, he had kept trying, convinced of that idea. But no matter how hard he tried, deep down, all those criticisms would affect him sooner or later. When his number one hero told him he could be a hero, the young man's hope had returned. At that moment, All Might understood the importance his words had for this young man.

─ Get up, young Midoriya.

Midoriya slowly stands up, saying:

─ Thank you for coming all this way just to tell me that. Really, I appreciate it a lot.

Midoriya wipes away his tears, saying:

─ I don't know what happened to me, but hearing that really made me happy.

All Might interrupts the boy, saying:

─ I didn't come here just to tell you that, Izuku Midoriya. You are worthy of inheriting my power.

The young man's expression changes to a poker face, saying:

─ Inherit your power? What are you talking about? Quirks can't be passed on. Well, theoretically, there could be a Quirk like that, but it shouldn't be possible. It would be very impractical...

The young man gets lost in his thoughts until All Might touches his shoulder, saying:

─ Listen, boy, this is just a suggestion. You're not forced to accept it. But before stop overthinking things and let me clarify it all.

All Might takes several steps forward and then turns around to look at the young man and say:

─ The power I'm talking about is my Quirk. The media calls it superhuman strength or drive. I always avoided the topic because the symbol of peace had to be a natural-born hero, but, young man, you deserve to know the truth. My power was bequeathed to me on to me like a sacred torch.

All Might stretches out his arms, saying:

─ This power, the One For All, is the power I now want to bequeathed on to you.

The young man is surprised by this, but he doesn’t doubt for a second in the words of his refferer. It was hard for him to believe, but he trusted every single word All Might said. Still, the boy looks at the hero and says:

─ Do you think I am worthy of receiving your power? After all, I don’t have a Quirk...

The young man can't finish speaking, as All Might's voice drowns out his, saying:

─ I was born without a Quirk, I inherited the One For All, which is a power that is passed from one person to another, growing stronger and then being passed on again. This power was born to protect everyone, and therefore, it must be passed on to someone with a brave heart, who responds to the cries for help that need it. I've been looking for my successor for a long time. I admit that today I would see a boy who could be a candidate to be my successor, but then I met you. You are just a boy without a Quirk, and yet you were the most heroic in that situation. You fought with all your might to protect it, and thanks to that, you awakened me. You have the heart of the hero I have been looking for all this time. You are worthy of being my successor, Izuku Midoriya.

The young man is overwhelmed by a thousand emotions. Looking at All Might, he thinks:

"The man I admired all my life was born without a Quirk. He told me his secret so that I would trust myself. He believes I will be a hero, that I am worthy of being his successor. I have fears and doubts, but I cannot hesitate. If he trusts in me, I will give it my all."

The young man, with a firm and secure voice, says:

─ I accept. I will be a hero worthy of being your successor.

All Might smiles, saying:

─ A quick and firm answer, that’s what I thought you would say. Very well now...

All Might looks at the young man, noticing that his body is in very good shape, something that did not surprise him. After all, he was able to stand after being hit by a villain. Even so, the doubts the young man had were something that worried All Might. He wanted to show both the young man and himself that he was a worthy successor, with this idea in mind, All Might says:

─ Very well, before you inherit my power, we need to ensure your body is ready to withstand the power of One For All. Otherwise, your limbs could be torn from your body.

The young man, surprised, says:

─ How is that even possible?! Izuku imagines himself throwing a SMASH while his arm separates off from his body.

A slight bead of sweat appears on the young man, who says:

─ I think that could really happen. So, what do I have to do to keep my body from breaking?

All Might smiles, saying:

─ You'll find out very soon.

Two days passed, days in which the young man had increased the intensity of his training to get used to a faster pace. He didn't know what All Might had in store for him, but being the strongest hero, it  was definitely would be a grueling training. The young man was wiping off his sweat when he received a call. The boy answers and hears All Might's voice, which says:

─ Come to the beach now, don't be late.

After saying this, All Might hangs up. The boy grabs a jacket, saying:

─ Damn it! Did it have to be now? The young man runs out of his house as fast as he can to the municipal beach. Upon arriving, the young man sees a large mountain of waste. He looks at this, saying:

─ I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Besides the trash that comes from the sea and ends up here, people seem to have taken advantage of it to dump their garbage. It’s a real shame.

─ Exactly!

The boy jumps in fright upon hearing that voice behind him. Turning around, he sees All Might, who says:

─Good morning, young Midoriya. Are you ready to start the training?

─Yes,  but why are we here?

The hero laughs and says:

─ Because for the next few months, this will be your training ground. Did you say it was a shame what happened to this place, didn’t you? Well, now you're going to fix that. A hero's job isn't just to fight villains and save people; sometimes we have to do community work and help keep everything in order. So let’s get started. By the way, I won't let you go even if you're exhausted. I can see by your appearance that you've been training. Personally, I would have rested, but well, I hope you can handle the job.

All Might makes a big leap and goes from being at the entrance to being in the middle of the beach. He stands on a large refrigerator from where he waves to Midoriya, saying:

─ Come on, What you waiting for?

Midoriya goes down to the beach, where his training would begin. All Might points to a rope tied around the large refrigerator. The boy understands what he has to do, so he tries to move that heavy refrigerator, which now had the added weight of All Might. The boy's feet sink into the sand as he tries to move that object.

─ How much do you weigh?!

All Might touches his stomach, then laughs and says:

─ I only weigh 562 pounds. You should be grateful. I've lost weight. Are you going to give up, young Midoriya?

The boy just smiles and, gripping the ropes tightly, says:

─ It's my fault that I’m exhausted now, but this is not my limit. If necessary, I'll go beyond.

All Might smiles at this comment, knowing why the boy said it. Young Midoriya uses all his strength, slowly managing to move that heavy refrigerator. After several hours of sheer effort, the boy manages to remove that object from the beach, though with a slight final push from All Might. The boy is exhausted, but he still takes a step forward, saying:

─ Well, let's go for the next one.

Before the boy could continue on his way, All Might stopped him, saying:

─ Actually, that's enough for today. Honestly, I didn't expect you to be able to do that on your first day. It's impressive, but your body doesn't think the same way.

All Might pointed to the young man's hands, which were trembling. Even though he had the spirit, his body needed to rest. All Might handed the boy a soda, saying:

─ It's time to rest. The boy thanked him for the drink, and both of them sat on the beach watching the sunset.

Breaking the silence, All Might asked:

─ Tell me, Young Midoriya, do you want to join U.A.?

The boy was surprised by this, as he hadn't mentioned it, so he replied:

─ That's right, it's the academy you attended, so I've always wanted to go there. Without a doubt, I want to enter U.A.

All Might smiled and said:

─ I thought so. Your fanboy side makes you very predictable, although I admit it flatters me that you're choosing U.A. because of me. Don’t forget that it's one of the strictest schools. You'll have to give it your all and more to get in. Still, I have no doubt you can make it, which is why I want to ask you for one thing. Aim to be the student with the highest score in history U.A.

The boy fell silent for a few seconds. What All Might requested of him was absurd, but seeing how much All Might believed in him, he felt inspired and said:

─ I promise, I’ll do everything I can to get the top spot.

All Might saw the boy's determination, filling him with pride. After that, All Might told the boy to rest, as they would continue with the training the next day. The boy obeyed and left, while All Might reverted to his thin form. Looking at the beach, he said to himself:

─ I'm sorry to place such a large burden, but people need the symbol of peace to shine brightly. Even though it was a great burden, the boy accepted it without hesitation. That determination is something incredible.

The next day, as the boy was leaving school, he spotted All Might in his thin form near the entrance. The boy ran towards the hero, saying:

─ What are you doing here, All...

The boy realized he almost called him by his hero name, so dragging out his words, he said:

─ Everyone, we wonder why you are here..

All Might slapped his own face, saying:

─ That was way too suspicious. Anyway, I came to pick you up for training.

The boy smiled, saying:

─ You shouldn't have come all the way here. I could have seen you in...

The boy couldn't finish his sentence as Bakugo shoved him aside, saying:

─ Move, Deku, you're in the way. Don’t you realize?

All Might noticed that Bakugo was trying to provoke him indirectly, reminding him of the time when he had been hit and called useless. This annoyed All Might, who said:

─ You should be more grateful to the one who helped you.

Bakugo angrily retorted:

─ Stay out of this, skeleton. That idiot didn't help me, he was just a hindrance. Don't forget, Deku, stay out of my way.

Bakugo stormed off in anger, leaving All Might disgusted by the boy's response. All Might was about to respond to Bakugo when Midoriya said:

─ It’s not worth it. We should go. There’s still a lot to do.

All Might simply smiled, seeing that his successor seemed more mature than he the was at that moment. After that, All Might continued with the young man's rigorous training, which the boy followed to the letter. All Might mistakenly used the name Deku throughout those tough months of training. This confused the boy, but he saw it as All Might's way of motivating him. Over time, the word's meaning changed, especially since he realized that All Might had confused it. Bakugo had used "Deku" as a short form of "Dekunobou," meaning "good for nothing" or, in Kacchan's literal words, "someone who can’t do anything." All Might had turned the word, which had been an insult for years, into a term of motivation for the boy. When the boy realized All Might's mistake, he chose to stay silent so that his hero wouldn't feel bad for having indirectly insulted him for so long. Just a week before the entrance exam, the boy completed his training, When the hero arrived to see the beach completely clean, while the boy stood atop the pile of trash, letting out a powerful scream.

Seeing this, All Might said to himself:

─ Well done, Young Midoriya.

The boy was exhausted, so he sat on the pile of trash, contemplating the beautiful view of the beach. The boy looked at this with pride when a voice behind him said:

─ All that hard work was really worth it, wasn't it?

The boy, accustomed to All Might's sudden appearances, replied:

─ Without a doubt, it was worth it. I had never worked so hard, but all of this makes it worth it. So, how does our training continue? There is still a week left until the exam, so we have little time left

All Might smiled and said:

─ The training is over. I'm more than sure your body is ready to receive the One For All.

This surprised the boy, who exclaimed:

─ Are you serious? I didn't expect this. So, what do I have to do?

All Might a hair was pulled out, saying:

─ That's easy. Eat this.

The boy took the hair and asked:

─ Is this a joke?

All Might patted him on the back and said:

─ Do I seem like the joking type? Well, sometimes, but this is serious. To receive the One For All, you need to consume something that has my DNA. I figured a hair was the least gross option.

─ Okay, I get it, here I go.

The boy ate the hair. Part of him expected All Might to laugh and say it was a joke, but instead, All Might smiled and said:

─ Once your body assimilates it, you'll start to experience the power of the One For All. I expect great things from you, Young Midoriya. Now, I think you should rest. take advantage of these weeks to get used to the One For All.

Exhausted, the boy decided to follow All Might's advice and went home to rest. While resting, he dreamed of strange figures watching him. He woke up startled but quickly calmed down, as those presences seemed familiar. They weren't hostile; they seemed to be there to accompany him. The boy looked at his hand, which was glowing.

─ Is this the One For All?

The boy felt an immense pressure and power emanating from his body. He felt that if he threw a punch, he might destroy himself and everything around him. The boy tried to regulate this power and, after hours of activating and deactivating the quirk, he began to understand its nature. While he closed his fist, He said to himself:

─ I'm going to compete against people who have had their quirks for years and know all their strengths and weaknesses. If I want to be on their level, I must use the One For All as best as I can. I can't disappoint All Might; he's counting on me, so I'll give it my all. I have time; I can do it. I'll start slowly.

The boy concentrated his strength, saying:

─ Okay, it should be simple, just a light punch, the one percent It should be no more than a light breeze...

Izuku concentrates his strength on his arm, heat runs through his body, before throwing a punch shouting:


The young man's strike causes a huge shockwave that shatters the door of his room, hurling him against the window and out onto the balcony. He looks at his hand and says:

─ Is this a joke?...,Maybe it doesn’t regulate my power well.

His mother appears, staring at the door lying on the floor and the chaos in her son's room.

"That day, my mom scolded me like never before, but that didn’t bother me. What hurt more was that most of my action figures were destroyed that day... at least I learned one thing: Don't use your quirk inside the house.."

After that incident, Izuku begins his solitary training, trying to mimic the moves used by All Might. The young man realizes that his body wouldn’t be suitable for using brute force like All Might's; after all, their bodies were very different. So he decides to start developing his own fighting style while still learning from All Might's techniques, as it was the same power, and he had to learn from him at all costs. While studying the nature of quirks, Deku starts to recall his last days at school.


Deku begins studying all the information he can find about quirks, trying to understand how they work. This makes his classmates laugh, thinking he's going crazy, but this new enthusiasm and spirit of Deku greatly irritate Bakugo, who waits for classes to end to confront Deku at the school exit. He grabs Deku's shoulder, saying:

─ Alright, Deku. I know you haven't forgotten our talk. I hope all that studying isn't for trying to get into U.A.

Bakugo slightly burns Deku's shoulder, who barely feels it. Deku pushes Bakugo's hand away and, looking him in the eye, says:

─ I will get into U.A., and when you become a villain, I will be the hero who defeats you.

Bakugo is stunned by Deku's words. After saying this, Deku turns around and leaves. Bakugo, regaining his composure, runs after him, but Deku is already gone.

─ I shouldn't have said that, but it was best to leave. After all, this is the last day until we meet again at U.A. I hope by then you prove me wrong. Bakugo, you have an atrocious personality, but I believe you can be a great hero. That's why I will put my grudges aside. You must be a hero because I'll need your strength to face him. All Might didn't tell me his name, but I suspect the villain he faced is still alive. And if he was powerful enough to hurt him like that, I wonder what kind of monster he is.

End of Flashback.

Days pass, and the young man dedicates himself to studying quirks, including his own. Despite understanding how it works, he feels there's still a lot he doesn't know. Even with intense training, he can only use thirty percent of his total power, which disappoints him, as he thought he could fully harness the One For All. But his body couldn’t handle it. however, you must comply the promise he made to All Might, so he decides to use any tactic to gain the necessary points and surpass the number one hero.

The day of the exam has arrived. The young man reaches U.A. Academy, totally awestruck by its imposing structure. Bakugo seems to have seen him but completely ignores him, so Deku thinks he might be angry about the comment he made on the last day of school. Deku is pulled out of his thoughts when a girl says:

─ It's really incredible, don't you think? I'm really nervous. I can't believe I'm here.

Deku looks at the girl and says:

─ Yes, it really is hard to believe. I wonder what kind of exam they'll give us?

The girl looks at Deku, saying:

─ I'm trying not to think about it, but you don't seem nervous.

Deku laughs slightly, saying:

─ That's impossible; inside, I'm shaking, but I promised someone important that I would give it my all, so I need to have nerves of steel.

The girl smiles, saying:

─ I see, let's give it our all then!

The girl walks toward the entrance of U.A., and Deku watches her walk away. She stops and, looking back at Deku, says:

─ By the way, my name is Ochaco Uraraka, and yours?

─ Izuku Midoriya, but you can call me Deku.

─ Nice to meet you, Deku.

Everyone enters U.A., where the pro hero Present Mic explains the rules of the test. Being nervous, Izuku can't enjoy meeting one of his favorite pro heroes, so he just stays silent while listening to the test rules. They are as follows: they will face off against artificial villains, that is, robots, which will give them points when destroyed. The stronger the robot, the more points it would yield. There were a total of three robots: the first one gave one point, the second two points, and the third three points. Logically, the ideal target would be the three-point robot, but it was the most difficult.

One of the students stands up, dressed in a suit, with neatly combed hair and glasses. To Deku, he looked just like an office worker. The boy, with a powerful voice, says:

─ May I speak?

Present Mic allows him to talk. The boy points to a pamphlet showing the image of four robots and asks if this was a mistake, because if it was, then it was something U.A. shouldn't allow.

The boy continues talking until Bakugo, tired of listening, says:

─ Shut up already, you've been talking for an hour. Sit down, I want to get this over with quickly.

The boy gets annoyed at this comment and says:

─ Maybe you don't take being a hero seriously, but all of us here want to become top heroes, and that's why...

Present Mic interrupts, saying:

─ Enough, kids. You're right, there's one more robot, but it's what I call a 'trap robot.'

On the screen, a silhouette of a huge robot appears with the number zero above its head. It was worth zero points and not only that, Present Mic opens his hand, saying:

─ Not only is it worth zero points, but it's also something like a point resetter. What do I mean by this? It's simple: anyone who destroys one of these robots will lose all the points they've accumulated.

This didn’t seem to be a threat; after all, you just had to avoid it, although they likely had some way to ensure students would have no choice but to face it. Maybe it was a test to see how well they followed orders? Or was it a different kind of test? Deku didn’t fully understand the idea behind this villain, but now wasn’t the time to think about it. Everyone is taken to the test area, most appearing calm, which makes Deku think maybe they were all pretending to be calm, just like he was. He manages to see Uraraka among the crowd and thinks about approaching her to talk.

When someone grabs his shoulder, it turns out to be the same boy who had been arguing with Bakugo earlier. He looks at Uraraka, saying:

─ It looks like that girl is trying to concentrate. What are you doing here besides bothering others?

Deku He takes the boy’s hand and says:

─ That should be my line. The only one bothering others is you. I know that girl, I don’t know what kind of obsession you have with controlling people, but you should act with less arrogance.

Uraraka sees Deku and waves at him with a smile. This makes the boy realize that Deku was telling the truth, so he apologizes, saying:

─ I apologize. Since you were with that guy, I thought you were another troublemaker. Sorry for bothering you.

The boy leaves, which surprises Izuku, who thought this guy was just a conceited jerk, but it seems he had judged him too quickly. Izuku looks in his direction, saying:

─ My name is Izuku Midoriya. I apologize for getting off on the wrong foot. I’d like to start over if you don’t mind.

The boy stops and walks toward Izuku with a smile, saying:

─ My name is Tenya Iida. Don’t apologize. I know I have a somewhat stiff personality.

They shake hands. Izuku looks at Tenya and says:

─ Wait, your last name is Iida. Are you related to Ingenium?

Tenya smiles proudly and says:

─ He’s my older brother.

Upon hearing this, Izuku’s nerdy side kicks in, and they begin talking about Ingenium’s feats, while Uraraka watches them from a distance, a bit confused. For a moment, they seemed to be enemies, and then they were talking as if they had been lifelong friends. The conversation is interrupted when Present Mic says:

─ Alright, what are you waiting for? In real battles, there are no countdowns. Move it, let’s go.

Izuku wishes his new friend good luck and rushes into the testing field. Deku focuses the One For All throughout his body; a glow with red lines envelops him and then seems to sink into his body, surrounding him with faint green sparks. He presses his hands together, saying:

─ Alright, I can control thirty percent without any problem.

One of the bystanders hears this comment and says:

─ If he can only use his quirk at thirty percent, then he’s not a threat.

Izuku gets into a running stance; a few kids watch him because they don’t understand what he’s doing. But suddenly, they feel a great pressure in the air; a slight breeze picks up, and when they look up, the boy is gone. Meanwhile, in the distance, several explosions can be seen. Izuku easily takes down the robots, earning a significant amount of points. Since they weren’t human, he didn’t have to think much before hitting, which allowed him to charge at high speed. Although this seemed exhausting for him, it was the first time he had used that quirk to its full extent during a fight. But instead of discouraging him, he seemed to enjoy it. He continues to take down every robot he encounters, stealing points from several kids who hadn’t managed to react in time.

Izuku secures a large number of points within just a few minutes of the test, so he decides to start the second part of his plan, which is to wait. The young man sits on a small pile of robots while watching the others fight. He observes that everyone has incredible quirks, but like him, they are getting tired quickly. at this thinks:

"The best I can do is to attack in the last few minutes of the test. That’s when there will be the most robots, and everyone will be too exhausted to Enough to defend them."

Only a few minutes remain until the end of the test. The robots seem to have multiplied, and that’s when Izuku stands up, activating his quirk. He rushes back into the battle, taking down the robots at an impressive speed. Although he is pushing his body to some extent, it’s something he can manage. He can maintain that pace long enough to secure first place. Everyone watches in amazement at the boy’s strength and speed. At first glance he does not seem to stand out, but he hid an impressive power. Only a few seconds remain until the test ends, and that’s when the largest robot appears, the one that takes all the points. And it’s not just one, there are two of them. Everyone retreats to escape from the colossal robots. Izuku is about to do the same when he sees something in the distance. Focusing his gaze, he sees Uraraka, whose leg is trapped under some rubble. The girl seems to be trying to use her quirk, but she is apparently too exhausted and can’t activate it. She’s in danger. Is there some kind of safety protocol on the robots? She wouldn’t get hurt, right? Deku asks himself. He tries to convince himself, but while he’s thinking, his body moves on its own. From the start, he has been running towards the girl. His body is getting exhausted, so his speed has dropped dramatically. This frustrates Deku, who says:

─ Damn it, she’s too far. I don’t have time to think. I need all the speed I can get. I’ll think about the consequences later.

At the same time, everyone watches in amazement as, while everyone is running away, this boy is running towards danger to save someone. All Might, seeing this, smiles proudly and says:

─ That’s the spirit I saw that day. No matter how rational you are, you always give your all to protect others, because that’s a quality of your heart. No matter what the danger is, a hero sacrifices for others. That’s the essence of a true hero.

Deku channels all his strength into his body, redirecting a large part of it to his legs. He grabs a large piece of metal to launch himself against one of those robots, which, upon exploding, propels Deku into the sky. He concentrates his strength in his legs to push himself and change his trajectory to ensure he doesn’t hurt anyone. Deku tightens his muscles,turning his body a sort of compressed spring that launches him at incredible speed towards where those robots are. Using one of the buildings to bounce off of, Deku changes his trajectory again and launches directly at the robot, which crashes into the other due to the force of the impact. Deku focuses his strength in his right arm and says:


With a single blow, the young man creates an enormous pressure that destroys both robots. He lands on his feet in front of Uraraka, who is astonished by the boy’s strength. Instead of being amazed, the boy is disappointed in himself. Not only had he failed the test, but using one hundred percent of that power had left his arm wrecked. The robots start to fall, so the girl’s admiration turns to panic again. Deku, seeing this, runs to her, freeing her leg, and says:

─ Hold on tight.

Uraraka clings to the boy, hugging him tightly. Deku makes one last effort and channels all the power he can into his legs, moving away from the place at great speed. However, his body pays the price. Using the One For All in such an imprudent way overloaded his body. The boy’s legs can’t handle the enormous pressure anymore, they give out, and he falls to his knees while holding Uraraka, leaving a faint trail of blood. Deku looks exhausted but, looking at Uraraka, he says with a smile:

─ Are you alright?

Uraraka, completely blushing, says:

─ Hold on a second, I should be the one asking that.

The girl notices the trail of blood left by her young hero. She was about to ask if there was anything she could do to help him when time ran out, and Deku knew he had failed the test. Still, the boy didn’t waver and said:

─ I'm glad you're okay, but would you mind coming down?

The embarrassed young woman stands up; the others gather to see the boy who had taken down two of those robots with a single punch. And not only that, but he had also managed to save that girl.

As incredible as it seemed, the boy had lost all his points. Tenya looks at his new friend while thinking:

"Why did he do that? I can't be sure, but I’d say he was among the top ranks. Besides, that speed was definitely something impressive. While we were all running away, he charged at those things to save her. Not only did he lose all his points, but he also got seriously injured in the process. And yet, he's just smiling. There must be something I can do for him."

At least, that’s what he thought until he saw a doctor approaching the boy while handing out sweets to others. Tenya, seeing her, asks:

─ Who is she?

One of the boys hears this and says:

─ That’s Recovery Girl. Her ability is to accelerate the body's natural regeneration. If we can have such a reckless test, it's because she's here.

Upon hearing this, Tenya smiles, knowing that the boy would undoubtedly be in class with him. Tenya decides to leave as Recovery Girl approaches Izuku.

Seeing his wounds, she says:

─ What a spectacle, boy. It seems you don’t know your limits. Fortunately for you, this is something I can fix.

The doctor gives him a kiss on the forehead, and instantly, the boy's body glows softly, quickly healing Izuku, who is surprised to see this. The boy stands up, utterly astonished. Izuku thanks his healer with a smile and then leaves. Uraraka sees that behind the boy's smile, there was great disappointment, so she was about to speak to him but didn’t know what to say. So she decides to follow him from a short distance until she knows what to say. The girl follows Deku to the municipal beach, where he sees the boy standing in front of the seashore. Deku, frustrated, says:

─ Why? How did it end up like this? I tried so hard to meet All Might's expectations, but in the end, I failed him. Damn it! I can’t even look All Might in the eyes.

Deku focuses the One for All in his arm, throwing a powerful punch towards the sea. His strength manages to part the shoreline, revealing the ground beneath. Deku watches as the sea reclaims its place and says:

─ Maybe I can't go to U.A., but I have to become a hero, no matter which school I go to. Even if I disappoint All Might, I must keep moving forward.

Deku leaves the beach, ready to go home and find a new school. When he reaches the base of the stairs, he sees the girl he had saved. He looks at her and says:

─ You’re Uraraka, right? What are you doing here?

The girl makes a slight bow and responds:

─ Thank you for saving me. Because of me, you lost all your points. The truth is, I'm weak; I can't do much in a fight. Today, if it weren't for you, I don't know what would have happened to me. You have an incredible quirk, one that can save many people. On the other hand, my quirk only removes the gravity from objects. You are more worthy of being a hero than I am. Please, take my place at U.A. I think, if I talk to the teachers, maybe I can give you my points. I know they don't compare to what you had, but...

Deku interrupts Uraraka, saying:

─ First of all, your quirk is incredible. You can save many lives with that quirk. It's a wonderful quirk, never doubt that.

Deku focuses the One for All in his fingers and continues:

─ Strength isn’t everything. Every quirk has its strengths and weaknesses. For example, my quirk is very good in combat and can be helpful in a rescue, but it's still quite limited.

Deku deactivates his quirk, saying:

─ The truth is, your quirk has immense potential, both in combat and rescues. I know you’ll be a great hero one day, saving thousands of lives. That's why I can't accept your offer. It’s not something I can forgive, so go to the academy and become a great heroine. That’s all I ask in return.

─ But you...

Deku smiles, saying:

─ I’ll be a hero too. Maybe we won’t go to the same school, but I know we’ll meet again someday, and I’ll be proud to have saved such an amazing hero.

Deku pats Uraraka’s head, saying:

─ Well, I have to go. I’d like you to change that sad look. Heroes should always smile; only then can we show that everything will be okay.

Uraraka shows a shy smile. Midoriya laughs lightly and then says:

─ That’s much better. Until next time, Uraraka.

Deku walks away, while Uraraka blushes completely, remembering the words of that boy. It seemed childish, but the truth is, he was very mature. Uraraka touches her hair, saying:

─ I think he’s someone incredible.

Deku changes his smile, showing some sadness on his face. Looking at the sky, Midoriya wonders:

─ I wonder what face All Might will make when he sees that I failed...

Boku no Hero - A Different Deku Chapter 3 | First test

All Might is seen smiling as he watches the video of Midoriya's test. He looked proud of the actions of his successor. Midoriya had demonstrated that he was a hero worthy of admiration and had far exceeded All Might's expectations.

Principal Nezu looks at All Might and says:

—As I suspected, that boy is your successor, right? He is certainly impressive. To think that he took down two robots with a single punch. It was an unfortunate mistake, but it eventually worked itself out.

All Might looks at Nezu and says:

—You mean you hadn't planned for that?

Nezu responds:

—It was planned, but not like that. There was only supposed to be one, and we were going to use an actress to put herself in danger to test the candidates. But that girl got caught before our actress could arrive, and your boy left everyone in awe with...

Nezu stretches out his arm, throwing a punch into the air and then says:

—TEXAS SMASH. It was incredible. But you know, you could have recommended him from the start if you wanted.

All Might pauses the video he was watching and says:

—Partly, I wanted him to earn his place, but it's not just that. I didn't recommend him because I believe that young Midoriya can shine and inspire others, just as he inspired me. I wanted everyone to see the future symbol of peace in action, and judging by the reaction of those kids, I'd say I wasn't wrong. Thanks to this test, everyone could see a hero's heart in action. The clearest proof is that girl he saved. She didn't mind losing her spot just so young Midoriya could attend U.A.

Nezu's eyes widen even more, and he says:

—That reminds me of something. I believe young Midoriya thinks he wasn't accepted into U.A. My contacts have informed me that this young man has tried to apply to several hero academies, but unfortunately, none accepted him.

Nezu smiles in a way that makes him look like a mob boss and continues:

—We won't let them take one of our students.

A slight drop of sweat appears on All Might's forehead. Looking at Nezu, he says:

—Don't tell me you...

Nezu changes his expression to one of gentleness, and with complete calm and peace, he says:

—I used my influence to ensure he couldn't enroll in any other academy, because Izuku Midoriya already belongs to U.A.

All Might smacked his face and said:

—That explains why young Midoriya has been avoiding me all this time.

All Might began to recall all the times he tried to see Deku, but he always managed to escape. He even went to see him at his house, but when they went to his room, he was already gone. He also tried to wait outside his apartment at night, but had to stop after someone called the police saying a strange man was watching from the shadows. All Might took Midoriya's acceptance letter and said:

—Do you mind if I deliver the acceptance letter in person?

Nezu looked a bit hesitant but then smiled and said:

—I shouldn't allow it, but it's okay, you can do it.

All Might sighed, thinking:

“‘And he says that after what he did.’"

All Might thanked Nezu and then left to look for his elusive successor. Meanwhile, Deku was returning from a long trip where he had gone to apply to the last option he had left. Deku looked at a piece of paper with the names of several academies, all of which were crossed out. He crossed out the last one, saying:

—I don't understand, why did everyone reject me? I improved my studies and my quirk control should help me get in, but they didn't even let me take the test. I was just rejected, and I can't keep avoiding All Might. I don't know what I'm going to do now. Could I be an underground hero or something? No, that's impossible, unless... no, I'd definitely end up getting arrested.

Deku squeezed the paper until it became a crumpled ball and said:

—Not even my bad jokes can lift this mood. I guess I'll go talk to All Might...

The boy arrived at the bus stop where he got off. As he looked up, he saw All Might in his thin form. Seeing him, All Might greeted and said: —Finally, I get to see you, young Midoriya. You've been avoiding me for a long time. Now, follow me, I want to talk to you.

The young man looked downcast and just walked alongside All Might, thinking:

"‘He probably already knows I didn't get into any academy. He must be really disappointed. I suppose he'll ask me to return his quirk. After all, I'm not a worthy successor.’"

All Might stopped when they reached the plaza. He sat down, and Deku sat next to him. All Might broke the silence, saying:

—First of all, allow me to apologize, young Midoriya. The fact that you got hurt during the test was my fault. I gave you the One For All a few days before the exam, but the truth is you were ready for it a long time ago. I needed to see that you were the right one to have that power. Because of that, you were forced to use a quirk you couldn't control and were at a disadvantage against the others. Yet, you used your quirk to save that girl. You inspired everyone present at that moment and reinforced my decision. I know you are my worthy successor.

Deku looks at All Might and says:

—Don't apologize. You told me that the One For All is a power born to save everyone, and now that I have it, I understand how powerful it is. It's natural that you needed to be sure of whom you were passing that power on to. Honestly, I was afraid of disappointing you. I didn't know how to tell you that I failed the exam. I tried to apply to other schools just to show you that I could be a hero, even if it wasn't at the same school as you. But for some reason, they wouldn't let me take the test. That's why I've been avoiding you these days. I even jumped out of the window to avoid seeing you. And about that, I'm sorry that my mom called the police.

A slight drop of sweat falls from All Might's forehead, who says with a nervous laugh:

—So it was your mom. It doesn't really matter. Besides, there's something else I need to tell you. You never failed the exam. That's why I came here. Honestly, I wanted it to be a surprise. But then the principal told me you were looking for another hero school, and he made the other schools reject you. Because from now on, you are a student at U.A.

Instead of getting angry, Deku is deeply happy and says:

—I no longer regret that my mom called the police. Why didn't you say it earlier? You have no idea what I went through to find a school. I was really worried.

All Might laughs lightly and says:

—I apologize, but it wasn't really my fault. I didn't know anything about it until today. Next time, you should face your problems directly. But now I only have one thing to say to you: welcome to U.A., young Midoriya.

All Might hands the acceptance letter to Deku, who takes it with great joy. All Might pulls out a small box from his jacket, wrapped like a gift, and hands it to Deku, saying:

—I was told that moments like this are perfect for giving gifts. Consider this a small compensation from me.

Deku takes the box and asks:

—What is this?

All Might smiles and says:

—During the days you were avoiding me, I decided to visit your house. Your mom showed me your room. You really made a mess. I didn't expect you to use the One For All inside your room.

Deku laughs a bit nervously:

—It was only one percent. I didn't expect it to be so strong.

All Might sighs and says:

—You surprise me sometimes, Midoriya. I was also surprised by the amount of merchandise you had about me. I saw you tried to fix them. You really are a loyal fan, but I think maybe you should start over. Consider this the first item in your new collection.

Deku, upon hearing this, opens the package and sees a small box with a highly detailed action figure of All Might from the hero's golden age. Deku looks at it with great amazement; it was incredibly detailed and seemed like a very expensive piece. But there was something strange; he didn't remember seeing it before. Looking at All Might, he says:

—All Might, don't you think this is too exclusive for me?

The hero only laughs, saying:

—You have a good eye. So you noticed that this is a limited-edition action figure. Only three people in the world have it, and you are one of those three.

Deku looks at the figure in amazement, saying:

—Are you kidding? This is too exclusive. Are you sure you want to give it to me?

Without hesitation, All Might says:

—I believe no one would appreciate it more than you.

Deku, overwhelmed with emotion, instinctively hugs All Might, who is surprised by the young man's attitude. Hugging Izuku, he says:

—Congratulations, Izuku.

These simple words bring great joy to the young man, possibly because he saw All Might as the father figure he never had, and All Might had understood this for a long time. Midoriya says goodbye to All Might, but before he leaves, he hero says:

—From now on, call me Toshinori. You can't call me All Might all the time. But in school, you'll have to call me All Might like everyone else.

This makes the young man happy, feeling closer to his mentor. But one thing resonates in his head:

"‘In school? Wait, that means...’"

Toshinori shifts into his muscular form, saying:

—That's right! From now on, I'm a teacher at U.A.

Upon hearing this, Deku is greatly delighted, but his amazement is overshadowed when he hears the shouts of people who were astonished to see All Might. Everyone runs toward him, so All Might decides to leave, saying:

—Everything else is in the letter I gave you. See you soon.

All Might takes off running, and that's when the group of people runs into Izuku. After that, the boy returns home. His mother hugs him, saying:

—I'm sorry you didn't get into that last academy. I know you worked really hard. I'll support you in any way I can.

Izuku, buried in his mother's arms, says:

—Wait, Mom. There's something I need to tell you.

His mother lets go and says:

—What is it, Izuku?

—It turns out that the reason I couldn't get into another academy is because I already belonged to one. I got into U.A.

The young man shows a big smile, filling his mother's heart with joy.

—I knew it, I knew you could do it.

Izuku hugs his mother to console her. He was already used to her heartbroken sobbing her; he knew it was her way of showing great joy. After his mother calms down, Izuku heads to her room. He decides to throw away all the broken objects from his experiment and start a new collection with the figure All Might had given him. Before doing so, he takes the envelope Toshinori had given him. Upon opening it, he finds a small circular metal object, which confuses Izuku, as he thought he would find some kind of certificate or something similar. He looks in the envelope and sees a paper that possibly contains the exam results, but he doesn't open it since the object caught his attention. When he touches the object, a small projection activates, showing All Might, who says:

—I'm here, in projection form! It must surprise you to see me here. I know you already imagine it, but I'll answer that question. And yes, from now on, I will be teaching at U.A.

Deku smiles and comments:

—He probably recorded this before seeing me. So he was also worried about me. I should have talked to him earlier.

The recording continues, and Deku turns his attention back to it when he hears All Might say:

—You probably think you failed because you destroyed the "Trap Robot," but nothing could be further from the truth, young Midoriya. I'm surprised you didn't realize it yourself. But do you really think U.A. would reject someone willing to risk their life, their chance, and their dream to save others? I would be ashamed. I know you know where this is going, Midoriya, but there's something you don't know. I could have recommended you to U.A., but I wanted you to earn your place. And why? Because I wanted you to touch everyone's hearts, just like you touched this girl's heart.

All Might presses a button, and a screen behind him lights up. On it, Uraraka is seen entering a room, saying:

—Excuse me, there's something I'd like to request. Today, one of the boys in the test, Izuku Midoriya, lost all his points because he saved me. If it weren't for him, I don't know what would have happened to me. So, I beg you, I plead with you to give him my points and my place at U.A. That boy will be an incredible hero! I couldn't forgive myself if the world missed out on that hero because of me.

All Might pauses the video and says:

—That boy will be an incredible hero. That's what I think too! The points earned by defeating villains weren't the only ones; the trap robot was just...

All Might strikes a heroic pose and says:

—A double trap! At no point were you at risk of losing your points; it was a ruse from the start. In fact, it was the opposite, you earned rescue points! Which, by the way, are awarded by a panel I'm not part of. You were given a total of sixty points, which, added to your 141 villain points, gave you a total of 201 points, making you the student with the highest score. Not only did you shine and blind everyone with your light, but you also fulfilled my selfish request. I thank you, young Midoriya, and now I can only say: come, your hero academy is waiting for you.

Midoriya feels immense joy upon hearing this. Even though All Might had already told him in person, he didn't know about Uraraka and the trap behind the trap robot. The last words All Might dedicated to him in that video filled him with pride, completely counteracting the mood he had started his day with.

The next day, Deku was resting when he heard his phone ring. I picked it up and saw on the screen that it was All Might. He answered but couldn't say anything since Toshinori was the one speaking.

—Come on, Izuku, we have a lot to do.

Midoriya looks out the window and sees Toshinori at the apartment entrance waving at him.

—I'll be right down.

Midoriya hangs up and gets dressed to leave. His mother, seeing him so rushed, says:

—Where are you going?

Midoriya puts on his sneakers, saying:

—I'm going to train with Toshinori. I have to be up to U.A.'s standards. Don't forget I just managed to awaken my quirk. I have to work hard.

Inko strokes her son's hair, saying:

—I understand, but tell Toshinori that next time he can come in for breakfast with us. In fact, wait a second.

His mother leaves for a few seconds and then returns with two bentos, which she hands to Izuku, saying:

—You must eat something before training. I packed an extra portion for Toshinori. Just between us, I think he's too skinny.

Izuku laughs at this comment and then bids his mother goodbye, thanking her for the bento. The young man closes the door, thinking:

"I'd like to tell her the truth, but I must keep the secret. Fortunately, she believed the story that my quirk took a while to awaken due to its nature, and Toshinori supported my theory when I talked to her. I can't tell her the truth, for All Might's sake and hers."

Deku goes to Toshinori, who says:

—You took your time, kid.

Deku apologizes, saying:

—Sorry, my mom insisted on giving me this.

Deku shows him the bentos, saying:

—I think we should eat something before training.

Toshinori looks at him somewhat puzzled, saying:

—Training? Personally, I think you're in perfect shape, but I support the idea of eating something.

Deku is surprised by this, saying:

—Then why are you here?

Toshinori looks at him, saying:

—Hey, you make it sound like you don't like my company.

Deku, embarrassed, says:

—No, not at all, that's not it. If it were up to me, you could live with us. I just mean...

Toshinori laughs, saying:

—I know, Izuku. I was just joking. I came to take you to register your quirk. When you join U.A., they create a special suit for your quirk, so they use the registration data to know what kind of materials to use. I wanted to take you to register it so they can make you a suitable suit. I came early so we could talk and create a realistic story for your quirk. So, if you want, we can go to the beach and eat what your mom prepared.

The boy agrees, and they both go to the beach while eating. Toshinori says:

—We can say your quirk is super strength. After that display, I think most people think that.

Izuku eats a bit before saying:

—That's what I thought at first, but I think I could say my quirk is strength accumulation. I can say my quirk allows me to accumulate strength in each of my muscles, giving me great strength and speed. But my weakness is that if I accumulate too much strength, my body can get damaged. What do you think?

Toshinori thinks for a few seconds before saying:

—Actually, that's brilliant. That can also explain why your strength will keep growing. Alright, we'll say that. From now on, your quirk is strength accumulation, and if any of your former classmates ask, we can say it hadn't manifested because your body wasn't ready yet. That way, there will be no doubt.

Midoriya seems convinced by this idea, but Toshinori notices some doubt in him and says:

—Tell me, Izuku, is something bothering you?

Midoriya clenches his fist, saying:

—I trained One For All to the fullest. Since I got it, I use it whenever I can to get used to controlling every gram of power. Even so, I've only managed to control thirty percent of its power. When I saved Uraraka, I could use one hundred percent unconsciously, but my body paid the price. And I even feel that one hundred percent isn't the same as yours.

Toshinori stands up and says:

—The fact that you can use thirty percent is already incredible. Personally, I thought it would take you much longer to master it, but you managed to use it at thirty percent throughout the test. It's true you were exhausted afterward, but that's normal. Your body needs to get used to that power. One For All is a special quirk and behaves differently in each body. It's almost like it has its own consciousness. The fact that you can only use thirty percent for now doesn't mean you'll never be able to use one hundred percent without getting hurt. You just need to be patient and train with the idea of surpassing yourself. I know you'll shine brightly one day, become the symbol of peace, and surpass me. That's my dream.

Deku is moved by this, saying:

—You're right, I must give it my all. Thank you for everything, All Might. I know I've thanked you many times, but without you, I wouldn't have been able to achieve my dream.

Toshinori transforms into his muscular form and strikes a heroic pose, saying:

—I should be the one thanking you. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have achieved my dream either. What I mean to say is...

All Might returns to his thin form and says:

—This is not something you should thank me for. You earned this power with your own hard work and bravery. Never forget that, Midoriya. I'm happy to have found you. Now, let's register your quirk.

Toshinori takes Deku to register his quirk. After doing so, he stays to talk with one of the staff members while Midoriya waits outside the building. A few minutes later, Toshinori comes out, saying:

—Alright, we can go. My car is nearby.

This surprises Deku, who imagines All Might in a vehicle, thinking he might get stuck because of his muscles. Toshinori snaps his fingers in front of Midoriya's face, saying:

—You got lost in your thoughts again. Come on, I want to buy some things.

Deku goes with him. Toshinori takes the young man to a mall and says:

—Alright, let's buy what you need for school. You should also get some new clothes; your style is a bit outdated.

This confuses Izuku, who says:

—Wait a second, I didn't bring any money.

Toshinori raises his hand, saying:

—I'll take care of that.

Izuku shakes his head and says:

—But I can't accept that, you've already done so much for me, and I have everything I need.

Toshinori remains silent for a few seconds and then says:

—If you don't buy it, I'll pick whatever I want, and you'll have to keep it. Deku sighs and then says:

—Alright, I understand. Thank you very much.

Toshinori keeps walking, saying:

—I don't understand why you're thanking me for something you've earned, but okay, let's go, Izuku.

Toshinori decides to buy him a new backpack, clothes, shoes, and other items he thought a boy would use. The boy tried to stop him, but Toshinori seemed very happy while doing it and didn't listen to anything he said. After that, Toshinori takes Deku to his house. He says goodbye to the young man when Deku's mother opens the door. Seeing him, she says:

—Ah, Toshinori, I knew it was you. Would you like to come in for dinner?

Toshinori accepts, and Deku's mother smiles, saying:

—Great, I can finally thank you for all the help you gave my son.

Inko looks at Izuku, who has a lot of bags with him.

—And all that?

—It was a gift from Toshinori. I told him it wasn't necessary, but he bought all this anyway.

His mother, upon hearing this, says:

—We can't accept all this, it's too much.

Toshinori raises his hand, saying:

—This is a gift from me. These months training this boy showed me that he is truly amazing. I know he will be a hero who will shine so brightly that he will blind everyone with his light. This is just a small gift for the future symbol of peace. So I humbly ask you to accept it.

Hearing this, the woman bursts into tears, saying:

—Thank you so much.

Toshinori approaches Izuku, saying:

—Did I do something wrong?

Izuku smiles and says:

—No, that's just how she is.

After dinner, Toshinori says goodbye to them. He looked happy to have spent that day with his young successor. Looking at the moon, he says:

—Now you must prepare yourself, young Midoriya, because U.A. won't be a walk in the park.

Toshinori remembers the entrance exam, saying:

—Although I don't think I have anything to worry about.

Toshinori takes out a book from his coat, with the cover reading "How to Be a Good Father in Simple Steps." He opens it, saying:

—Well, I did everything this book said, so young Midoriya's confidence should have been strengthened. I must be a good teacher if I want my disciple to shine. The torch I gave you has become strong in you, but it still has a long way to go to be fully strengthened.

The next day, Izuku gets ready to go to school. He puts on his U.A. uniform and takes the backpack All Might had given him. He also grabs a phone that seemed to be the latest model, made of an expensive material.

—Why does it shine like that? It's too flashy. And to think All Might would give me a phone too. I think it's even more expensive than the one he has. Well, I guess I should use it.

Deku turns it on and sees that it already has a contact saved, All Might's number. He transfers his data to the new device and realizes he still has the photo he took with Mount Lady. This brings back memories of his past self, and he feels he has come a long way since that day. He decides to set that photo as his wallpaper to remember everything he has overcome. Then, he says goodbye to his mother, who approaches him, saying:

—Izuku, I am proud of you. I shouldn't have given up. I should have told you that you could be a hero. not know what to do, but you never gave up and got stronger and stronger. You are amazing, son.

Izuku smiles and hugs his mother, saying:

—Thank you, Mom.

The young man says goodbye and heads to U.A. When he arrives, he is surprised by the enormous size of the facilities.

—Well, I'm in Class 1-A. I think it's this way.

He reaches his classroom and is very surprised by the huge door.

—What kind of people did they make this door for? I think even Mount Lady could fit through it.

Deku opens the door and sees Tenya arguing with Bakugo.

—I'm telling you to take your feet off the desk. It's disrespectful to the school and the people who made the furniture.

Bakugo laughs and says:

—I don't care. What school did you come from, trash?

Tenya stands firm and says:

—I come from Somei Private Academy. My name is Tenya Iida.

Bakugo laughs and says:

—So, a rich kid, huh? Man, I'm gonna have a great time kicking your ass.

These words seem to horrify Tenya, who is about to respond when a voice says:

—If I were you, I'd give up. Bakugo doesn't usually listen to anyone.

Both Bakugo and Tenya recognize this voice. Bakugo looks disgusted, while Tenya smiles and walks toward his friend, saying:

—I knew I'd see you here. You realized the true nature of the practical exam, didn't you? That's why you went after the zero-pointer.

Deku laughs, saying:

—Not at all. I thought I was out of U.A. In fact, I was looking for other schools until U.A. contacted me to give me my grades.

—You mean you went after it thinking you'd lose all the points you'd earned? I admit that only makes me think you're incredible. I won't lie, I only realized it when the exam was over. I hate to admit that I ran away with everyone else.

Deku smiles, saying:

—Well, that's normal. If I hadn't seen Uraraka, I would have done the same.

A female voice is heard from behind, saying:

—Were you talking about me? Wait a second, that hair looks familiar.

Deku turns around, and the girl smiles, saying:

—DEKU! I knew it, Present Mic was right. Of course you'd get in. They couldn't afford to lose such an amazing hero.

Deku looks at Uraraka, saying:


Uraraka gets confused and says:


Deku covers his mouth, thinking:

"Crap, I said that out loud."

Uraraka was about to speak when a male voice says:

—If you just came here to socialize, get out.

Izuku opens his eyes wider when he sees a strange yellow lump on the floor, pointing at it, saying:

—There's a talking caterpillar on the floor...

This strange yellow lump turns around, revealing his face. Somewhat annoyed, he says:

—Who are you calling a caterpillar?

The man stands up and gets out of the sleeping bag. Tenya, seeing him, says:

—How did a homeless person get into U.A.?

Deku and Uraraka remain silent at this comment, especially since they realized that this person was their teacher. The man looks for something in his sleeping bag, takes out a gym uniform, and throws it to Tenya, saying:

—Get dressed and go to the field. Don't keep me waiting.

Before leaving, the man stops and says:

—By the way, my name is Shouta Aizawa. From now on, I'll be your homeroom teacher. Nice to meet you. Now move, life is short, and you're wasting valuable time.

After getting ready, they go to the school field where Aizawa begins to explain what they must do. They will start a quirk assessment test, and everyone is surprised by this. Uraraka raises her hand, saying:

—But what about the entrance ceremony and orientation?

Aizawa says seriously:

—You came here to be heroes; there's no time for such nonsense. At U.A., we're not bound by those absurd traditions. You're my class, and I'll do as I see fit. Enough talk. I'll start explaining what this test is about. You've done it before; it's the same physical tests you did in middle school. Back then, you weren't allowed to use your quirks, but here it will be the opposite. You must use your quirks as you see fit to pass this test. Izuku Midoriya, you ranked first in the practical exam, right?

Izuku steps forward, saying:

—Yes, sir!

Bakugo is surprised to hear this. He hadn't bothered to look at the scores, as he was sure he had ranked first. How did that piece of trash surpass me?

Aizawa looks at the boy, saying:

—Alright, how far could you throw the ball in middle school?

—About eighty-five meters, I think.

Aizawa throws a ball to him, saying:

—Go to the circle and throw the ball using your quirk. Anything goes as long as you don't step out of the circle.

Deku takes the ball and activates his quirk. His body lights up, and several red marks appear on his body, lines that then turn into green lightning that fluctuates through his body. Bakugo, seeing this, says:

—This is impossible...

Deku concentrates his strength in his body, using thirty percent, as he did during the exam. He throws the ball, releasing great pressure that launches it into the sky. It lands very close to the edge of the field. Aizawa looks at the numbers, saying:

—Well, I guess that wasn't the best example. Anyway, everyone should start with the goal of surpassing 700 meters.

Uraraka raises her hand and asks:

—Excuse me, but what score did Deku get?

Aizawa looks at the girl and answers:

—About fifteen hundred meters. It's impressive, although I admit it's below my expectations.

Everyone is surprised to hear this and thinks in unison:

"And how much did he expect?"

Bakugo couldn't understand what had happened. Deku had surpassed him, but how? Bakugo starts to reflect, remembering the times he had attacked him. Deku had always defended himself and had managed to hurt him more than once. But if he had such a powerful quirk, he would have used it for sure. Bakugo looks angrily at Izuku, thinking:

"There's something very different about him. He's been ignoring me since we got to U.A., but it's not just that. It's like he's a different person. In fact, I had seen this change before. It was shortly before we finished middle school, the last time we talked. He had the same look, full of determination. Why? Why is a guy like him surpassing me?"

As for the others, they seem happy about this test. One of the boys says:

—We'll get to use our quirks as much as we want.

This class is awesome. A girl approaches and comments:

—Yes, this will be a lot of fun.

Hearing this, Aizawa gets annoyed and says:

—Fun? You think being a hero is a game? You have three years to become heroes. You better change that childish attitude. These trials will be your first exam. Whoever ends up in last place will be expelled from the academy. Show your heroic spirit, because if you don’t, I don’t want you here.

Uraraka quickly says:

—This is too much for our first day. Even if it wasn't the first day, this would still be very unfair.

Aizawa responds in a serious tone:

—I’m training heroes, not kids playing at being heroes. Deranged villains, natural disasters, chain collisions. Heroes must constantly face challenges, and if a hero fails to overcome them, lives are lost. You must keep this in mind. Every time you fail, a life could be lost. That’s why we will test you again and again. You must push beyond your limits no matter how difficult it is. That is what it means to be a U.A. student. This is Plus Ultra.

Aizawa looks closely at each student and then says:

—Show me what you're made of.

The trials begin. The first test is a short 50-meter race where they must use their quirks to win. Tenya manages to win with a wide margin over his rival, a small girl with frog-like abilities. Next is Uraraka, who uses her quirk to lighten her clothes. Her opponent is a blond boy with a kind of tail; his body looks strong, possibly from martial arts training. Izuku looks at the boy’s size and quietly comments:

—I trained in martial arts too. But why didn’t I grow like him?

The race begins and the boy significantly outpaces Uraraka. However, this doesn't discourage Uraraka, who is happy to have beaten her time from middle school. The next group is a girl whose quirk Izuku can't identify, against a blond boy Izuku dubs "The Frenchman." The race starts, and the boy uses his quirk to gain a small initial advantage. Izuku points at the girl and says:

—The Frenchman has an early lead, but she will win.

Uraraka watches as the blond boy falls to the ground, and the girl overtakes him to win. Despite losing, the boy seemed happy.

Uraraka looks at Deku and says:

—How did you know he would lose?

—I saw it during the exam. His laser is strong, but it has a major weakness. It seems to fail if he uses it for too long. It's similar to what happens to me. For now, I can only use a percentage of my strength because otherwise, I might damage my body.

—Oh, that's why...

Aizawa interrupts the conversation and says:

—Midoriya, Bakugo, it's your turn.

Uraraka wishes him luck, to which Izuku just smiles. He gets into position, keeps his eyes forward, and activates his quirk, concentrating his strength in his legs. As he takes off, he transfers his power to the soles of his feet, achieving a rapid start that makes him disappear from the others' sight, leaving only a trail of dust. The robot announces:

—0.9 seconds.

Everyone looks in that direction and sees Deku standing up. Bakugo is stunned; he hadn't even seen him. Where did he get that speed from? Aizawa just smiles, thinking about what he had witnessed. The young man had used all his strength at the start, making a small jump that took him beyond thirty meters. Just before touching the ground, he made another small jump with less force, reaching the finish line and decelerating in the process. He distributed the load of his quirk throughout his body to avoid injury. He was certainly an interesting kid. Bakugo can't hold back his rage any longer and runs towards Deku, creating an explosion in his hand, and yells:

—You piece of crap! How did you do that?

Deku, seeing him so close, almost attacks out of reflex until his teacher erases their quirks and restrains them both with those strange ropes hanging from his neck like a scarf.

—Enough, brats. I hate having to work so hard.

Deku looks at Aizawa's goggles and says:

—Of course, you're Eraserhead!

Hearing this name, everyone wonders who he is. The name sounded familiar, but they didn't know which hero he was talking about. Almost as if Izuku were reading their minds, he says:

—Your quirk lets you erase the quirks of those you look at.

Bakugo tries to break free while saying:

—Damn, I didn't know there was a quirk like that.

Eraserhead releases him, saying:

—Bakugo, if you act like that again, I'll expel you from U.A. As for you, Deku, don't use your quirk without thinking first.

Upon hearing this, Deku realizes that he activated his quirk without noticing. If he had hit Bakugo, he might have seriously injured him. Izuku makes a slight bow, saying:

—Thank you very much.

After this incident, the tests continue. Deku manages to pass them without much effort. Aizawa decides that the final test will be the ball throw, and although Izuku had already thrown it, he now has to do it again. Only this time, he will go last. The test is easily passed by most. The only notable case was Uraraka, who, upon throwing the ball, used her quirk, causing it to go to infinity. After everyone had thrown, it was Izuku's turn, who gets into position. Using the same technique as last time, the boy was about to throw the ball. But a second before he released it, Eraserhead erased his quirk, causing it to reach only about 100 meters. Deku looks at his hand, saying:

—What just happened? Did my quirk fail?

Aizawa looks at him and says:

—Not exactly. I'm not entirely sure, but you can't fully control your quirk, can you? During the race, you were outstanding, but during the other tests, although you scored well, you were quite average considering the nature of your quirk. At first, I thought you didn't want to stand out or simply weren't using your quirk, but that wasn't it. You were using it, but at a much lower level than the first time. After observing you, I understood. Your legs were exhausted from your first move, so you tried to regulate your power, but you couldn't avoid that fatigue, and you were about to use all the strength you could at this moment to compensate for your other scores, right? If I'm right, then explain the nature of your quirk.

Deku is surprised by his teacher's quick deduction, but after all, he was a pro hero, so he says:

—That's right. My quirk is the accumulation of strength. My quirk allows me to accumulate strength in each of my muscles. Due to the nature of my quirk, it didn't manifest until my body was ready. That's why I don't know my limit, so I try to compensate for the fatigue as best as I can.

Aizawa throws him a ball, saying:

—Well done. It's not a bad way of thinking, but in a real battle, it's better to use a power that allows you to keep fighting or saving lives for as long as possible. Keep that in mind for future tests. You have another chance. Use all the strength you want, but if you break an arm, a muscle, or even a single bone, I'll kick you out of here.

Uraraka defensively stands up for Deku, saying:

—But, Professor, he just woke up his quirk. You can't expect him to master it so quickly. It's unfair.

Aizawa focuses his gaze on Deku and says:

—He didn't complain, and that's because he knows what he wants to become. He understands that if he wants to be a hero, he'll have to work hard. If he just awakened his quirk, he'll simply have to put in more effort than anyone else. If you want to be a hero, show me your determination, Izuku Midoriya.

Deku nods. He takes a deep breath, closes his eyes, and starts activating his quirk while trying to visualize how it moves within his body. He concentrates all his strength in the center of his body, then visualizes this strength spreading through every fiber of his being. Deku moves his arm back, focusing his strength in his arm at thirty percent, preparing to throw the ball. At the last moment, he channels all the power he can from the base of his body to his arm, concentrating it in his finger. Deku opens his eyes and yells:


In that instant, the ball is launched thousands of meters away. Unlike last time, Izuku's technique didn't create a shockwave, but a loud noise similar to a gunshot was heard. Aizawa watches as the numbers measuring the distance increase rapidly until the ball seems to go out of range. Aizawa smiles, having seen what the boy did. Besides focusing his strength in his arm and finger, he also concentrated it in his legs for a solid base. Then, he expelled all this power through his body to his arm, allowing him to throw with enormous force. Literally, his arm was like a cannon firing a bullet. Deku looks somewhat agitated and in pain, but with a smile, he says:

—I did it, Professor. I can still keep fighting.

Aizawa smiles and says:

—Well done. At least your potential isn't zero like I thought. With this, the test is over. I don't plan to call out each score, especially because I'm not interested in the points. At the beginning of the test, I told you to show your spirit. Since it started, I've been watching each of you and I admit I've been disappointed.

Aizawa points at one of the students, saying:

—You, short purple-haired one, Minoru Mineta, you lack the spirit of a hero. Since the tests began, you've done nothing but harass your classmates. Do you think that's what a hero would do? You lack the necessary motivation for the sacrifices a hero must make. Gather your things and leave. You're out of U.A.

The boy, angry, says:

—This isn't fair! I took the test too. I know I wasn't the last, that's why you don't want...

Aizawa shows the scores, and indeed, the boy had placed last. Aizawa says:

—As I said, the scores don't matter to me. What matters is your spirit, and you lack it. I won't waste my time with you. When you have the spirit of a hero, you can come back and try again next year.

The boy looks at the others, hoping someone would say something, but no one does, especially the girls, who feel uncomfortable around him.

—I understand, I'll leave.

The boy leaves, disheartened. Izuku, seeing him like that, approaches him, saying:

—Wait a second. I'm not one to talk, but I think what the professor meant is that being a hero is dangerous work. So, you have to be sure that's what you want to do. Because when you're a hero, people's lives will depend on you. For example, do you think All Might would be so strong if he didn't have a strong motivation? Every hero must have a motive and an origin that helps them overcome all the difficulties they face.

Mineta looks away, saying:

—I guess I don't have any motivation. Well, my only motivation was to get women, but if there was real danger, that motivation wouldn't help at all. Without a doubt, I would just run away. What's your motivation?

Deku smiles and says:

—To save everyone. I want to create a world where everyone can smile happily. That's why I'll get stronger to protect them all.

Mineta looks at him, saying:

—I see. Compared to you, it's normal they discarded me like that. After all, I didn't even want to be a hero. I don't know what I'll do, but if we meet again someday, I'd like to see what kind of hero you'll become. Maybe you can introduce me to a girl or two.

After saying this, Mineta leaves. Deku hits his face, saying:

—I guess what I said didn't help. Well, at least he left happy.

Deku returns to the group. Uraraka approaches him, saying:

—The pervert left smiling. What did you say to him?

—I just told him what the professor said, but in a different way. Then I didn't understand what happened at the end.

Aizawa approaches Deku and hands him a note, saying:

—I don't think you have anything damaged, but go see Recovery Girl and think about what I said, because I won't be this kind again.

Aizawa walks away and that's when he sees All Might, who was also leaving. Upon seeing him, Aizawa says:

—All Might, what are you doing here?

The hero turns around, saying:

—I just came to see the kids' test. They'll be my students too, so I wanted to meet them.

Aizawa looks at him, saying:

—You know, that kid Izuku Midoriya has a strength similar to yours. Though unlike you, he seems to break his body when he uses it. Clearly, his quirks are different, but still, the nature of his quirk is very similar to yours.

All Might laughs while thinking:

"He can't know that he's my successor, can he?"

Aizawa continues:

—There’s also a strange rumor about you. It’s said that you’ve been reading a book on how to be a good father. Tell me, All Might, is that kid your son?

All Might is taken aback by this, and with no response, Aizawa leaves, saying:

—Well, he looks like his mother. Anyway, you shouldn’t involve emotions in this. You’re still a teacher, and I’m not going to go easy on the kid just because he’s your son.

All Might snaps out of it, saying:

—Wait, he’s not...

All Might realizes that Aizawa is already gone and says:

—Did I clarify that he’s not my son? Whatever, I doubt Aizawa will spread that rumor, so I’ll clear it up when I have the time.

Deku leaves the academy, saying:

—I ended up hurting part of my abdomen. Did Aizawa notice?

Deku remembers only noticing it when he took off the top part of his uniform and saw part of his abdomen had turned purple. Deku looks ahead, saying:

—I thought I had controlled my strength, but I still have a long way to go. I can’t rest on my laurels. I have to give it my all and then some.

Tenya appears, saying:

—Oh, Deku, how are you? Since you took so long to come back, I thought you were hurt, but I see you’re fine.

Deku looks at Tenya, saying:

—Not at all. I exceeded my body’s limit again. I guess the teacher noticed and sent me to Recovery Girl. I suppose he’s kinder than I thought.

Tenya looks ahead, saying:

—Probably. Honestly, I think he’s an incredible hero. At first, I thought he would be dull and that learning from him would be a drag, but he spoke the truth and made it very clear what a hero has to do.

Deku smiles and says:

—Yeah, I think all the U.A. teachers are like that. I can’t wait to see what else we can learn.

Tenya is about to respond when Uraraka runs toward them, calling out to Deku. They stop, and Uraraka says:

—You’re heading to the station, right? Can I join you?

Deku looks at her and responds:

—Sure, no problem.

They start walking. Uraraka looks at Tenya, saying:

—Both you and Deku have amazing quirks. You dominated the 50-meter dash.

Tenya looks at Deku and says:

—Well, my quirk is engine. It allows me to reach great speeds. If I hadn’t won that race, it would have been unacceptable. But Deku’s quirk is super strength. Even so, he uses his quirk in an unconventional way. I already knew he had great speed, but seeing it up close is amazing. From what I saw, you can concentrate your strength in any part of your body, right?

Deku looks at his hand and, clenching his fist, says:

—I can. If I concentrate enough, I can regulate the percentage of strength I use in each of my muscles. The problem is I still can’t do it unconsciously, so I can’t use my quirk with much freedom, at least not during a fight.

Uraraka puts her finger on her chin, saying:

—Is that why you got hurt when you saved me?

—That’s right. You could say that at that moment, I acted on instinct. I knew I had to save you, and I guess I unconsciously released all my strength. But since I had just awakened my quirk, I didn’t know how it worked, and a lot of it is controlled by my emotions. That’s why I reached one hundred percent, and before I knew it, my body had reached its limit.

Tenya looks ahead, saying:

—All quirks have their weaknesses. It’s normal for such an incredible quirk to need more training.

Deku smiles and says:

—You’re right. That’s why we’re at this academy: to learn to strengthen those weaknesses.

Tenya cuts through the air unconsciously and says:

—I know this has nothing to do with what we’re talking about, but what’s up with the explosive kid? I mean, from the way he acts, it seems like he hates you. He didn’t stop glaring at you during the whole class. Honestly, it was annoying, but since you didn’t say anything, I let it slide.

Deku, without hesitation, responds:

—We’ve known each other since we were kids. We used to be friends, at least until he awakened his quirk. After a while, he started picking on others to show off his strength. Once, I tried to defend a kid he was bullying, and since then, he’s had it in for me. Things got worse when my quirk didn’t awaken. From that moment until high school, he dedicated himself to bullying and mocking me. In fact, the name Deku comes from an insult he used to call me. I think it’s like calling me "useless" or something similar. I guess the fact that I got a quirk must have really bothered him. That’s why I decided to ignore him and focus on what I should be doing. I won’t gain anything by paying attention to him.

Uraraka nervously waves her hands, saying:

—Wait a second! If Deku is an insult, why do you let others call you that?

The young man smiles and, remembering All Might, says:

—Before entering U.A., I started intense training with a man I admire. That man confused the name "Deku" with "You can do it." Since then, it has had a different meaning for me. Now it just reminds me that I earned this power through hard work, and it shows me how much I’ve achieved since that day. It also helps me remember that the man who trained me will always be fighting by my side.

Tenya observes Deku’s expression and comments:

—I see. That man must be very important to you. You have the same look I do when I talk about my brother. But still, there’s something I don’t understand. Why don’t you just put that idiot in his place? I mean, you have your quirk now, and I doubt he could rival you. Don’t you feel the desire to settle things?

Deku responds sincerely:

—At first, yes. I admit I wanted to beat him up more than once. But I’m not the same person anymore. I have to leave the past behind and move forward. I want to be a strong hero, and to do that, I have to let go of all that resentment. Personally, I think Bakugo’s quirk is amazing and that he can become a great hero. Although I doubt we’ll ever be able to work together. It’s time to move on and grow. And if someday Bakugo decides to fight by my side, then I don’t see why I should refuse.

Uraraka stays silent while looking at Deku and thinks:

—He’s such an incredible person. Now that he has the power to make Bakugo pay for everything he did, he decided to let it all go. He even compliments him, saying he can be a great hero. I don’t know if I could be that kind to someone like that.

They say goodbye, and Deku heads home, thinking about the trials. That technique he used to throw the ball could be a good attack if he could do it without hurting himself. Deku touches his chin, saying to himself:

—Well, the level of concentration I need is too high. I could use that technique without measuring my power, but that would damage my arm too much. I’m taking too long. I can only use thirty percent of One For All. Even though I told Aizawa that at that moment I used all my strength, the truth is I don’t think I exceeded sixty percent. Although I’m not sure why I lost control at the last second. I know All Might told me it’s just a matter of time, but I want to get stronger. I want to show All Might that he wasn’t wrong in choosing me. That’s why tomorrow I have to give it my all in his class.

Meanwhile, All Might looks at his suit and says to himself:

—You exceeded my expectations. I admit I was worried, but even Aizawa saw your potential.

He remembers the test, also the moment when Bakugo attacked Midoriya. All Might clearly remembers Deku’s expression when he realized he could have hurt Bakugo. At this, All Might smiles and says:

—During those months of training, you were honest with me and said you held a grudge. But even then, you only asked for help to let go of that grudge. I can proudly see that you did it. Today, even though he attacked you, you never wanted to hurt him. Even after everything he put you through, you managed to overcome that grudge.

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