NovelToon NovelToon

An Unexpected Marriage Contract


In this world it Judges you by how much money you have and what gender you are.
The more money you have the more powerful you are
The less money you have the more you are to get abuse, SA, etc.
In this world the genders are Dominant Alpha, Alpha, Beta, Dominant Omega, and lastly omega.
Dominant alpha's is when a person displays a dominant trait. He/She holds the highest position in a social group. Their pheromones tend to make most people submissive towards them. Only a dominant omega can trigger them to go into rut or their mate and also go into rut every month. A Dominant alpha can trigger a omega as well as a dominant omega to heat. Dominant alpha's can sometimes turn a beta into an omega if he/she pour pheromones on the beta.
An Alpha is a person who also dominates a group but not as high ad a dominant alpha. They go into rut once a week in every month.
A beta is a normal person. (like us humans)
Dominant omegas are like dominant alpha's. He/she holds lots of power and only a dominant alpha can trigger then to heat, but they can trigger an alpha and dominant alpha to their rut.
Omegas are rated the lowest, the ones in society are treated very poorly. Some are lucky enough to get jobs but most are not since it is very hard. Omegas are taught to be submissive towards their alpha's no matter what which makes it scary and hard when faced the reality of this world.
Let's introduce the 3 characters
Reo Salas 17 years old, and about to turn 18 in 2 months Has a sweet tooth, and he is Pure and innocent that he would never hurt a fly Has a brother named Riley (introduced later) He likes vanilla chocolate cake, vanilla ice cream, Sweet stuff, and his family. He hates people who hurt others He is a Omega He is the MC, he is very obedient and has never lied in his life. He currently works at a small clothing shop where he sells clothes that he crochets. He has a speech disorder or known as Aphasia, so he sometimes talks like a kid, he also has been homeschooled. (y'all will know later y)
Alessandro De Santis 25 years old He is very cold in personality He works as a CEO and mafia He has a twin brother named Angelo He likes Italian food because it is where his deceased mom came from. He hates b*tchs, slvts, sweet food, and omegas He is a dominant alpha He is the ML, Fun fact, his name means Defender of mankind and of the saints.
Angelo De Santis He is 25 years old He is cold in personality With his twin brother he works as a CEO and mafia. He likes the same as Alessandro. He hates the same as Alessandro. He is a dominant alpha. He is the ML, and his name means Angel of the saints.
This story is threesome
There will be 18+ in this story so please, if you are uncomfortable don't read, i will always make sure to tell you guys ahead before so you will know which chapter to skip!!
Pictures are not mine, these 3 are from pictures. Credits back to rightful artists.

Proulouge & 1st Chapter

!! Explicit content ahead!!
Stranger 1
Stranger 1
*thrusting his c*ck from the back mercilessly*
Stranger 2
Stranger 2
*Thrusting his c*ck from the front mercilessly*
Reo Salas
Reo Salas
*dehydrated, and in pain*
Reo Salas
Reo Salas
s-stawp.. hic... plwease... (stop please)
Reo Salas
Reo Salas
*says it with no energy while crying*
Stranger 2
Stranger 2
Aghh~ fvck, you feel so fvcking good
Stranger 2
Stranger 2
*says it while pounding inside hardly and deeply*
Reo Salas
Reo Salas
Hic.... Hicc.... *cvmed then went unconscious*
Both of them were inside pounding mercilessly
Reo Salas
Reo Salas
*woke up frightened and then started to cry quietly*
*knocks on the door then came in*
*saw Reo on the bed crying silently then sighed and went to him*
Baby, what's wrong? Cmon, tell me
Reo Salas
Reo Salas
Hic... Hic... B-bwrother, mwe hic.. hwad a dwream... hic.. (Brother me had a dream)
Riley Salas
Riley Salas
Shhh... Baby dont worry
Riley Salas
Riley Salas
*says to Reo then went to him and hugged him*
Reo Salas
Reo Salas
Hic... hic.. b-bwrother w-where awre t-thwe kwids? (Brother where are the kids)
Riley Salas
Riley Salas
Oh they are still sleepin, don't worry
With the kids
Baby Ruby
Baby Luca
Baby Antonio
They are all 4 months old
It has been 1 year and 1 month since that accident
Riley Salas
Riley Salas
Reo look, the kids are being naughty again
Reo Salas
Reo Salas
*giggled cutely* nwoo, they cwute (noo, that cute)
Ruby Salas
Ruby Salas
*sleeping cutely*
Antonio Salas
Antonio Salas
*on the edge of tears*
Luca Salas
Luca Salas
Antonio Salas
Antonio Salas
*crawls towards Reo*
Antonio Salas
Antonio Salas
Ma.... Ma...
Reo Salas
Reo Salas
*pics Antonio up* Awee what iws wrong? (What is wrong?)
Antonio Salas
Antonio Salas
*tugs on Reo's shirt* poo.... poo
|| thought they are 4 months old lets just say they can talk ||
Reo Salas
Reo Salas
Ok, hehe *giggled cutely as Reo picked Antonio up in his arms*
Reo Salas
Reo Salas
*went inside the bathroom to change his diaper*
Riley Salas
Riley Salas
*sigh* now now, Luca what happened
Luca Salas
Luca Salas
*came back from daydreaming*
Luca Salas
Luca Salas
Uncle, my dream, have boyfriend...
Riley Salas
Riley Salas
Awee that is so sweet, wait wha-
Riley Salas
Riley Salas
What did you just say?
Luca Salas
Luca Salas
Boyfriend! Boyfriend!
Riley Salas
Riley Salas
Oh dear god, no no Luca
Riley Salas
Riley Salas
You cant have a boyfriend, you are not even a half a year old
Luca Salas
Luca Salas
AhhHhHHhHhhHh! *shouts for no reason*
Riley Salas
Riley Salas
*covers his own ear*
Riley Salas
Riley Salas
Luca stop shouting!
Ruby Salas
Ruby Salas
*wakes up with tears*
Ruby Salas
Ruby Salas
*started crying because Luca was shouting*
Ruby Salas
Ruby Salas
Riley Salas
Riley Salas
Oh god, Ruby don't cry *still covering his ears*
Reo Salas
Reo Salas
*came out while holding Antonio who was pouting at the screams and crying*
Reo Salas
Reo Salas
Wat hwappen? (what happen)
Riley Salas
Riley Salas
These kids are crazy!
Reo Salas
Reo Salas
*pouts* nwo thwey nwot!
Antonio Salas
Antonio Salas
Mama down, down *wanted to go down on the floor*
Reo Salas
Reo Salas
*puts Antonio down on the floor*
Antonio Salas
Antonio Salas
*crawls toward Luca and smacked his head* stop shouting!
Luca Salas
Luca Salas
*on the verge of tears so he crawled towards reo* M-mama
Reo Salas
Reo Salas
*picks Luca up*
Reo Salas
Reo Salas
Awee dwont crwy (Dont cry)
Ruby Salas
Ruby Salas
Mama! Mama! *crawls toward Reo while wimpering*
Antonio Salas
Antonio Salas
Mama! *crawls toward reo for no reason*
Reo Salas
Reo Salas
*giggled cutely*
Reo Salas
Reo Salas
Bwrother, I hab work towday, swo who will wawtch thwese gwuys? (Brother, I have work today, so who will watch these guys?)
Riley Salas
Riley Salas
I took a day off so I will watch them
Reo Salas
Reo Salas
Antonio Salas
Antonio Salas
Mama, hungry
Luca Salas
Luca Salas
Yah Mama Milky!
Ruby Salas
Ruby Salas
Noo! Mama me first!
Antonio Salas
Antonio Salas
Luca Salas
Luca Salas
Ruby Salas
Ruby Salas
The triplets start to fight each other
Reo Salas
Reo Salas
Nwoo bwaby, dwont fwight (noo baby, dont fight)
Luca Salas
Luca Salas
*decideds to make his mom proud and go towards Reo.* Mama, me good, me go first
Luca Salas
Luca Salas
*said as he tugged on Reo's shirt waiting for bre@stmilk*
Since Reo was an omega he can produce milk
Reo Salas
Reo Salas
Aweee oki
Reo Salas
Reo Salas
*takes off his clothes and started ot bre@stfeed Luca*
Luca Salas
Luca Salas
*happy mood*
Antonio Salas
Antonio Salas
NoOOOoo Mama!!
Ruby Salas
Ruby Salas
Mama!! *Starts crying*
Reo Salas
Reo Salas
*sighs cutely* plwease wait (please wait)
Riley Salas
Riley Salas
Now, What is going on here
Ruby Salas 4 months old, the youngest A big crybaby Love his mom Hates no one Looks like his mom Btw this pic is from I raised a black dragon
Luca Salas 4 months old The middle child Annoying brat Loves his mom a lot lot that he wants his mom to be his boyfriend Hates anyone who hurts his mom Looks like one of his dad's His pic is from No Love zone
Antonio Salas The oldest and most mature according to uncle Riley ???? Unpredictable personality but also a brat Loves his mom Hates ???? Look like one of his dads His pic is from When the yakuza falls in love
Common thing in all of them -Love their mom -Very bratty -Fights for his mom
Their second gender is not revealed yet because they havent turned 1 year old
Riley Salas 22 years old He is sassy, and unholy His brother is Reo Salas He likes Sweet stuff, his brother's cooking, his family, and His boyfriend (introduced later) He hates people that hurt others, hates bullying, etc. He is a dominant omega He works as a Student Teacher in a highschool

Mysterious person?

Now, What is going on here
Reo Salas
Reo Salas
Huh? *looks up*
Reo Salas
Reo Salas
Sissy!! *puts Luca down and ran to Abigail to hug her*
Abigail Castro
Abigail Castro
Aweee my baby *hugs Reo*
Luca Salas
Luca Salas
*pouting then crawled towards Abigail and started to hit her with his little fist*
Luca Salas
Luca Salas
Bad. Bad, bad person!
Reo Salas
Reo Salas
L-luca nwoo, sissy good pwerson (Luca noo, sissy good person)
Luca Salas
Luca Salas
NoOOooOoO! Bad bad bad!!
*picks up luca by the shirt*
Who are you to call my fiancee bad?
Riley Salas
Riley Salas
Iris your back :D
Iris Castro
Iris Castro
Of course I am
Luca Salas
Luca Salas
*pouting because Iris took him*
Luca Salas
Luca Salas
Mama! Mama! *made grabby hands toward Reo*
Reo Salas
Reo Salas
Aweee! *took luca and started to cuddle with him*
Antonio Salas
Antonio Salas
Ruby Salas
Ruby Salas
Ruby Salas
Ruby Salas
Me hungry
Antonio Salas
Antonio Salas
Me too
Antonio Salas
Antonio Salas
Me first!
Ruby Salas
Ruby Salas
Noo me!
Both of them started to fight each other with their cute tiny hands
Reo Salas
Reo Salas
Bwoth owf ywou swame twime twogwethe (both of you same time together)
Antonio Salas
Antonio Salas
*crawls toward reo*
Ruby Salas
Ruby Salas
*crawls toward reo*
Reo Salas
Reo Salas
*Pick both of them up and went in the bedroom to bre@stfeed*
Luca Salas
Luca Salas
*pouting because frist, his mom left him alone and second he was with strangers*
Luca Salas
Luca Salas
*crawls toward Riley* Uncle! Uncle!
Luca Salas
Luca Salas
*made grabby hand toward Riley*
Riley Salas
Riley Salas
*picked up Luca*
Riley Salas
Riley Salas
Luca, meet your aunties
Abigail Castro
Abigail Castro
Haiiii im Abigail *says while bending down to Luca's face*
Abigail Castro
Abigail Castro
This is my fiancee Iris
Luca Salas
Luca Salas
Abigail Castro
Abigail Castro
Aweee, so sweet
Riley Salas
Riley Salas
You didn't let him finish *mumble*
Luca Salas
Luca Salas
Abigail Castro
Abigail Castro
Huh? Wat?
Luca Salas
Luca Salas
I say pretty ugly
Abigail Castro
Abigail Castro
Wait wha- *still not processing the whole thing*
Iris Castro
Iris Castro
This is the first time someone called my sweetheart ugly
Riley Salas
Riley Salas
Well long story short the only person Luca is gonna call pretty is Reo
Reo is at work and these people are taking care of the triplets........
3 minutes later after Reo went to his flower shop to work
Luca Salas
Luca Salas
Antonio Salas
Antonio Salas
Stvpid fvck
Ruby Salas
Ruby Salas
Riley Salas
Riley Salas
Antonio don't say that!
Riley Salas
Riley Salas
Who taught you that
Antonio Salas
Antonio Salas
A person named Iris
Iris Castro
Iris Castro
What the fvck no I did not
Abigail Castro
Abigail Castro
Baby you may not teach it, but you say it in front of him
Riley Salas
Riley Salas
Abigail Castro
Abigail Castro
Come on Ruby lets give you some milk
Abigail Castro
Abigail Castro
Luca Salas
Luca Salas
Iris Castro
Iris Castro
God d@mn these children are annoying
Iris Castro
Iris Castro
I wonder how Reo takes care of them
Riley Salas
Riley Salas
Luca whats wrong
Luca Salas
Luca Salas
I want mommy!!!!!!!!!!!
Antonio Salas
Antonio Salas
*crawls away to the tv and started watching cartoons*
Ruby Salas
Ruby Salas
*slept after drinking milk*
Ruby Salas
Ruby Salas
Abigail Castro
Abigail Castro
Ruby is so sweet
Luca Salas
Luca Salas
Luca Salas
Luca Salas
*shouts for no reason*
Iris Castro
Iris Castro
This is fvcking h3ll
With Reo
Reo Salas
Reo Salas
*cutely arranging the stuff in the store*
*walks inside the store*
Reo Salas
Reo Salas
Hwello, welcwome two my shwop (Hello, welcome to my shop)
Mmmm... I want 10 coffee's
Reo Salas
Reo Salas
Huh? Oki
Reo Salas
Reo Salas
*went to the coffee section to make coffes*
[the store is covered in a sweet smell, I wonder where the smell is coming from]
[ ] = Thinking
Reo Salas
Reo Salas
*comes there with 10 coffee's*
Reo Salas
Reo Salas
Hwere you gwo swir
Mm.. Thanks
*takes it and went to his car and left*
Reo Salas
Reo Salas
Huh? Hwe's stwrange (He's Strange)
Who is this mysterious person? -One of the ML's? -Mc's Secret brother? -ML's PA -A random stranger -A Dominant alpha -A random Ceo -A pervert -None of the above
Abigail Castro 23 years old Very sweet and kind Has a fiancee who is Iris castro She likes her fiancee, sweet stuff, Her friend Reo and Riley, Reo's cooking and her family She hates alot fo stuff, like bullying etc. She is a Dominant Omega She helps Iris with work since she has alot of free time, She is also a designer
Iris Castro 24 years old Cold but sweet to the ones she is comfortable with Her fiancee is Abigail She likes her fiancee, people she is comfortable with, and bitter food. She hates the same as Abigail she is a dominant alpha She is a ceo of the top 15 entertainment industry company
Happy Father day to all!
And happy fathers day to my beloved Reo!
Alessandro De Santis (ML)
Alessandro De Santis (ML)
What about us?
Angelo De Santis (ML)
Angelo De Santis (ML)
Yeah, we are fathers too
You are not introduced in the story yet
Alessandro De Santis (ML)
Alessandro De Santis (ML)
( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)
Angelo De Santis (ML)
Angelo De Santis (ML)
(͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)
Angelo De Santis (ML)
Angelo De Santis (ML)
Didn't you introduce us already
Yes but thats different
Angelo De Santis (ML)
Angelo De Santis (ML)
Alessandro De Santis (ML)
Alessandro De Santis (ML)
Anyway Happy fathers day everyone!

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