NovelToon NovelToon

Who Broke The Contract ??

Episode 1

Guida veloce ❄️❄️ (Drive fast)
si signore 😨 (Yes sir 😨)
Rilassati capo, non siamo in ritardo 😐😐 (Relax boss we are not late )
Non è il momento di rilassarsi, Victor ❄️❄️ (This is not the time to relax victor ❄️❄️)
Victor De Luca (Ml
Victor De Luca (Ml's PA and BFF)
Perché sei così teso.... tutti sanno che tuo nonno ti ama di più testamento è solo una formalità 😏😏 (Why are you so tensed.... everyone knows that your grandfather loves you the most......'will' is just a formality 😏😏)
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
Quel vecchio non è così semplice...è rimasto "Re degli inferi" per decenni per un motivo❄️❄️ (That old man is not so simple...he remained "King of the Underworld" for decades for a reason❄️❄️)
Victor De Luca (Ml
Victor De Luca (Ml's PA and BFF) nome della famiglia aveva solo te 😏😏 (Yet... in the name of family he only had you 😏😏)
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
That's right ❄️❄️😏
A girl suddenly came in front of the car...... the driver suddenly applied the brake
Girl fell down....
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
che diavolo stai facendo...... non sai guidare ❄️❄️😡😡 (what the hell are you doing...... you don't know how to drive ❄️❄️😡😡)
Scusi signore.....quella ragazza è arrivata all'improvviso davanti alla macchina 😰😰 (Sorry sir.....that girl suddenly came infront of the car 😰😰)
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
Vai a darle i soldi e risolvi la questione...... sto facendo tardi qui❄️❄️😡 (Go give her money and settle the matter......I am getting late here❄️❄️😡)
si signore (yes sir )
Victor De Luca (Ml
Victor De Luca (Ml's PA and BFF)
aspetta, fammi vedere ( wait, let me see)
Victor get down from the car
Victor De Luca (Ml
Victor De Luca (Ml's PA and BFF)
Ehi ragazza, stai bene... puoi alzarti da sola? 😐😐 (Hey girl are you okay...... can you stand up own your own ?😐😐)
The girl heard Victor's voice and looked at him with fear
Victor extended his hand towards her
Victor De Luca (Ml
Victor De Luca (Ml's PA and BFF)
Rilassati ragazza rilassati....... tienimi la mano e prova ad alzarmi
That girl did not understand Victor's language but she hold Victor's hand fearfully with trembling hands
Please help me sir....... help me please
Victor De Luca (Ml
Victor De Luca (Ml's PA and BFF)
What happened anyone following you 🤨🤨
Help meeee ( She fainted in his hand)
Edoardo came out of his car
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
perché ci vuole così tanto tempo ❄️❄️😡😡😡 (what's taking so much time ❄️❄️😡😡😡)
Victor De Luca (Ml
Victor De Luca (Ml's PA and BFF)
This girl fainted...
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
Then why are you holding her ...... come sit in the car...let's do❄️❄️
Victor De Luca (Ml
Victor De Luca (Ml's PA and BFF)
But she needs medical attention.... before getting faint she asked me to help her
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
Victor De Luca ❄️❄️
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
Inside the car now ❄️❄️
Victor De Luca (Ml
Victor De Luca (Ml's PA and BFF)
va bene capo
Edoardo went back and sat in the car. Victor made the girl sit on the seat next to the driver andhe himself sat behind Edoardo.
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
Guida e butta questa ragazza fuori dalla mia macchina ..... proprio adesso ❄️ (Drive throw this girl out of my car ..... right now ❄️)
Victor De Luca (Ml
Victor De Luca (Ml's PA and BFF)
Si poi scendo anche da questa tua macchina....capo😐😐😐 (Yes sure..... but then I will also get down from this car of yours....boss😐😐😐)
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
Victor De Luca (Ml
Victor De Luca (Ml's PA and BFF)
I can't leave this girl here alone 🙂🙂
Victor De Luca (Ml
Victor De Luca (Ml's PA and BFF)
Listen you getting late, then let's go there.....I will take her to the hospital after you meeting
Victor De Luca (Ml
Victor De Luca (Ml's PA and BFF)
Andiamo a guidare (Let's go driver)
That's for today 😄😄
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Episode 2

Let's continue.....
Edoardo and Victor geat down from the car and entered inside the night club
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
Non riusciva a trovare nessun altro posto per l'incontro❄️❄️ (He could not find any other place for the meeting❄️❄️ )
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
Victor De Luca (Ml
Victor De Luca (Ml's PA and BFF)
Relax boss....Leo booked a private room for meeting
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
Andiamo....❄️❄️ (Let's go....❄️❄️)
Victor De Luca (Ml
Victor De Luca (Ml's PA and BFF)
Buongiorno signor Esposito (Hello mr Esposito )
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
Hai portato i documenti del testamento?❄️❄️ (Did you bring the will papers❄️❄️)
si signore (yes sir )
Victor De Luca (Ml
Victor De Luca (Ml's PA and BFF)
Inizia a leggere i documenti del testamento ❄️ (Start reading the will papers ❄️)
The lawyer started reading the will papers 📜
..... After almost 20 minutes
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
Quello che ti ho detto Victor....quel vecchietto non è semplice farà sicuramente qualcosa ❄️❄️🤬🤬 (What I told you Victor....that old man is not simple he will definitely do something ❄️❄️🤬🤬)
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
Mi ha dato per avere quelle cose devo sposarmi ❄️❄️ (He gave his everything to me....but to get that things I have to get married❄️❄️ )
Victor De Luca (Ml
Victor De Luca (Ml's PA and BFF)
💭 Why would Grandpa have made such a will? He loved Edoardo the most and he knew how much this idiot hated marriage and girls.
💭Old master, you could not find anyone else to make a scapegoat 😨😨😭
Their was a pin drop silence inside the room..... everyone knows that Edoardo is very angry right now so no one dared to speak single word....... And Edoardo is just thinking about the solution
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
Victor call Leo and ask him to three contract❄️❄️ 1- Marriage contract 2- Property transfer paper 3- Divorce agreement
Victor De Luca (Ml
Victor De Luca (Ml's PA and BFF)
Okay boss
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
And you find any girl for marriage ❄️❄️
Victor De Luca (Ml
Victor De Luca (Ml's PA and BFF)
What 😯
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
I will get married today and get divorce tomorrow ❄️❄️😏
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
Then I can get my property back❄️❄️😏
No sir you won't get anything like this 😖😖
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
Sir as per the will You will get everything only when you get married and if you do not get married within 1 month then all the property will be transferred in the name of the Church
Victor De Luca (Ml
Victor De Luca (Ml's PA and BFF)
Yes we know that... that's why he is getting married
There is one more condition 😖😖
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
what condition ❄️❄️
Sir, after marriage all the property of your grandfather will be transferred in yours and your wife's name but if you divorce your wife before completion of 3 years of marriage, then all the property will be in the name of the church😖😖
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
Nonno perché hai fatto questo ❄️❄️🤬 (Grandpa why you did this ❄️❄️🤬)
He punch the mirror wall in anger
Victor De Luca (Ml
Victor De Luca (Ml's PA and BFF)
EDOARDO.....what he hell is this
Victor De Luca (Ml
Victor De Luca (Ml's PA and BFF)
I will talk to Leo ....I am sure he will come up with a best solution
Victor De Luca (Ml
Victor De Luca (Ml's PA and BFF)
For now....let's go
They went out of the club and sit inside the car
That's for Today 😁😁
Hope you like this story 😄😄
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Episode 3

Let's continue......
Driver was standing outside the car with scared face
Victor De Luca (Ml
Victor De Luca (Ml's PA and BFF)
Cosa ti è successo adesso 🤨 (What happened to you now 🤨)
Signore, quella ragazza si è svegliata... e ha iniziato a piangere quando ho provato a chiederle cosa fosse successo, ha iniziato a picchiarmi e ha cercato di scappare... Così sono uscito dall'auto e l'ho chiusa dentro 😖😖 (Sir that girl woke up.....and start crying when I tried to ask what happened she start hitting me and try to run away......So I came out of the car locked her inside 😖😖)
Victor De Luca (Ml
Victor De Luca (Ml's PA and BFF)
Ok, fammi vedere se rimani qui 😐😐 (Okay, let me see you stay here😐😐)
Victor opened the car door slowly...
"Holding a wine bottle in her hand tightly " Don't come near me..... I will kill you😡😡
Victor De Luca (Ml
Victor De Luca (Ml's PA and BFF)
Hey girl put that wine bottle down right now.... that's very costly, so please don't waste my precious wine🤨🤨🤨
You know English 😧
Victor De Luca (Ml
Victor De Luca (Ml's PA and BFF)
Of course I keep that bottle down and talk like humans 🤨🤨
No no you all will harm me.....give me the car keys 😠😠
Suddenly Edoardo came inside the car from another door and snatch the wine bottle from her hand
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
Victor dalle dei soldi e sbarazzati di lei❄️❄️ (Victor give her some money and get rid of her❄️❄️)
"Start trembling and tears flowing from her eyes "
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
Smettila di piangere, ragazza ❄️❄️ (Stop crying, girl ❄️❄️)
Victor De Luca (Ml
Victor De Luca (Ml's PA and BFF)
Non conosce la lingua italiana 😐 (She doesn't know Italian language 😐)
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
"Hold her face" Get out of my car now ❄️❄️
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
"Closed her eyes tightly 😭😭"
Victor De Luca (Ml
Victor De Luca (Ml's PA and BFF)
Edoardo don't please
Edoardo leave her face.....that girl come outside hurriedly
Victor De Luca (Ml
Victor De Luca (Ml's PA and BFF)
What is your name??🤨
Isha Gandhi (FL)
Isha Gandhi (FL)
Isha.....Isha Gandhi
Edoardo also come outside the car
Victor De Luca (Ml
Victor De Luca (Ml's PA and BFF)
what are you doing here
Isha Gandhi (FL)
Isha Gandhi (FL)
Sir please help me 🙏🙏
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
What help ❄️❄️??
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
Isha Gandhi (FL)
Isha Gandhi (FL)
Sir I am from India someone kidnapped me and brought me here.....not only me but many other girls too
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
💭Human Trafficking 😡😡😡
Victor De Luca (Ml
Victor De Luca (Ml's PA and BFF)
💭They all will have a great trip to the hell..... today devil personally punish them 😏😏
Isha Gandhi (FL)
Isha Gandhi (FL)
I somehow managed to run away......but there are many more girls their .....I have to do something to help them, but I don't know anything about here
Isha Gandhi (FL)
Isha Gandhi (FL)
Please help me ......drop me to the police station plss 🙏🙏
Victor De Luca (Ml
Victor De Luca (Ml's PA and BFF)
💭 How innocent is She....... King of underworld is standing in front of her, and she wants to go police station with him only 🤭🤭🤭
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
Do you the place where they take them ❄️❄️
Isha Gandhi (FL)
Isha Gandhi (FL)
I don't know we all were inside the van......they Stoped the van somewhere to get some medicine that time I ran away 🥺🥺
Isha Gandhi (FL)
Isha Gandhi (FL)
Please please please help me sir..... One of those girls is only 15 years old. They will sell her too just for some money😭😭😭
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
Victor, voglio ogni informazione su di loro entro un'ora ❄️❄️ (Victor I want each and every information about them in an hour ❄️❄️)
Victor De Luca (Ml
Victor De Luca (Ml's PA and BFF)
Ho già informato Leo....avremo tutte le informazioni molto presto (I already informed Leo....we will have all the information really soon)
Isha Gandhi (FL)
Isha Gandhi (FL)
What are you guys talking.... let's go to the police station plss 🙏🙏
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
Miss Isha Gandhi..... what we will get in exchange ❄️❄️😏
Isha Gandhi (FL)
Isha Gandhi (FL)
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
I am a businessman if you want me to help you also need to do something for me❄️❄️😏
Isha Gandhi (FL)
Isha Gandhi (FL)
Sir I don't have money right now, but I promise.....
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
You think I lack money ❄️❄️
Isha Gandhi (FL)
Isha Gandhi (FL)
कैसा आदमी है ये इतनी serious situation में इसको "बूझो तो जाने"खेलना है ........क्या चाहिए है मदद के बदले में सीधे सीधे नहीं बता सकता (What kind of man is he? He want to play "guess what I wants" in such a serious situation... He cannot tell me straight away what he wants in return for help)
Victor De Luca (Ml
Victor De Luca (Ml's PA and BFF)
What 🧐🧐
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
What you said ❄️❄️
Isha Gandhi (FL)
Isha Gandhi (FL)
Nothing sir... Please just help me 🙏🙏...... I will do anything to return this favor
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
Okay..... But you also don't go back on your word ❄️❄️
Isha Gandhi (FL)
Isha Gandhi (FL)
Yess sir
Victor De Luca (Ml
Victor De Luca (Ml's PA and BFF)
💭 What is he trying to do 🤨🤨🤔
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
Victor dice a Leo di preparare i documenti del contratto di matrimonio ❄️❄️😏 (Victor tell Leo to prepare marriage contract papers ❄️❄️😏)
Victor De Luca (Ml
Victor De Luca (Ml's PA and BFF)
Edoardo non farlo....... lei è troppo innocente.....non apparteneva al nostro mondo oscuro e pericoloso (Edoardo don't do this....... she is too innocent.....she didn't belong to our dark and dangerous world )
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
Edoardo Esposito (ML)
Victor non ho chiesto il tuo suggerimento ❄️❄️🤨 (Victor I didn't ask for your suggestion ❄️❄️🤨)
Victor De Luca (Ml
Victor De Luca (Ml's PA and BFF)
Scusa capo.....informerò Leo del contratto di matrimonio 😐😐 (Sorry Boss.....I will inform Leo about Marriage contract 😐😐)
That's for Today 😁😁
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