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Mommy's Slave : Unholy Sex


Name: Aurora Blackwood Age: 28 Profession: CEO and Founder of Blackwood Enterprises Nature: Dominant, ruthless, and cunning. Aurora is a powerful businesswoman who has climbed to the top of the corporate ladder through sheer will and intelligence. She is known as power Bitch because of her striking beauty, sharp mind, and an unyielding determination that makes her a force to be reckoned with. Additional Traits: Despite her public image of cold professionalism, Aurora harbors a hypersexual disorder that she keeps meticulously hidden to maintain her pristine reputation. She manages this by privately employing a "toyboy" to satisfy her needs.
Name: Sebastian Wilde Age: 32 Profession: Officially, he is known as Aurora's bodyguard, but in reality, he is her secret "toyboy." Nature: Outwardly, Sebastian presents a Stoic and imposing presence, exuding a dark and mysterious aura. He is fiercely loyal and protective, ensuring Aurora's safety at all costs. However, when alone with Aurora, his demeanor shifts to one of submissive obedience, playing the role of her hidden slave. Additional Traits: Though well-built and capable of handling threats with ease, Sebastian's dark and brooding exterior hides the fact that he is completely under Aurora's control. He is devoted to her, responding to her every whim and command with the eager compliance of a well-trained puppy.
Aurora (fl)
Aurora (fl)
Aurora (fl)
Aurora (fl)
Don't just call me bitch it's an insult Because i am the great bitch of all time. so call me the queen *smriks *
Sebastian (ml)
Sebastian (ml)
single stare of mine will scare shit out of well build men But her single command makes me her weak
------ have a glimpse ------
Aurora (fl)
Aurora (fl)
Baby boy lick mommy's shoes *cold and commanding *
Sebastian (ml)
Sebastian (ml)
yes mommy *obedient *
bye 👋
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Aurora's Cabin (18+)

18+ warning ⚠️ please avoid if you are uncomfortable
The boardroom was tense, the air thick with anxiety as an employee nervously clicked through the presentation slides. Aurora Blackwood, seated at the head of the table like a queen, exuded an aura of dominance. Her assistant, Olivia, sat beside her, alert and ready
Aurora (fl)
Aurora (fl)
*Glaring at the screen, her frustration mounting* Is this the fucking shit you call a presentation? Are you trying to bring our company down?
The employee stammered, face pale, as Aurora's anger escalated.
Aurora (fl)
Aurora (fl)
*Voice dripping with sarcasm* I’ve seen better work from interns. This is pathetic. An absolute joke
The team leader attempted to interject, trying to salvage the situation.
team lead
team lead
*nervous, desperate* Mam Aurora, if I may—
Aurora (fl)
Aurora (fl)
*Exploding with rage, eyes blazing* Shut the fuck up! This is not a presentation. It's an embarrassment. I need a flawless one by tomorrow. If it doesn’t meet my standards, you can all say goodbye to your jobs.
Aurora stormed out of the room, Olivia scrambling to keep up. The employees were left in stunned silence, the weight of Aurora's wrath hanging heavily in the air.
As Aurora marched towards her office, her heels clicking sharply on the polished floor, Olivia followed closely with a stack of files. Sebastian Wilde, her dark and brooding bodyguard, stood outside the cabin.
Aurora (fl)
Aurora (fl)
*Cold glare at Sebastian, her fury still simmering then change her glare to Olivia* Get in my office. Now Olivia
Sebastian (ml)
Sebastian (ml)
*thinking and sighs* Someone pulled this devil's leg.... For sure i am done now
Aurora entered her cabin, dropping into her chair and signing the files Olivia handed her with sharp, angry motions.
Aurora (fl)
Aurora (fl)
*Curt, not looking up* Leave, Olivia. And send Sebastian in. Do not disturb me until I say so."
Olivia nodded and quickly exited.
Olivia (fl
Olivia (fl's assistant)
*softly * Sebastian, Mam is calling You
Sebastian (ml)
Sebastian (ml)
*nods by looking her as agreement*
Moments later, Sebastian entered, his imposing presence softening into submission before Aurora.
Sebastian (ml)
Sebastian (ml)
*Submissive, eyes downcast* You called for me, Aurora?
Aurora (fl)
Aurora (fl)
*Intense, eyes flashing with a mix of fury and desire* Sebastian, come here.
Sebastian approached her desk, his obedience a stark contrast to his usual dark aura.
Aurora (fl)
Aurora (fl)
*Voice low, controlled, but with a dangerous edge* I’ve had a frustrating day, Sebastian. And you know what I need when I’m like this.
Saying that Aurora spread her legs wide infornt of Sebastian by sitting in her chair.
Sebastian (ml)
Sebastian (ml)
*nods and gets on his knees * Yes Mommy
Aurora's dress
Sebastian slowly removed her inner and put it in his pocket. slowly started smelling her Pu$$y and gave a long lick on it
Aurora (fl)
Aurora (fl)
*Moaning and held his hair tight * Fuck start sucking baby boy
Sebastian held her both thighs tightly and crashed his mouth on her Pu$$y tightly, Thrusting his tongue and out without even giving her a second to breath Aurora completely lost in pleasure
Aurora (fl)
Aurora (fl)
*rolling her eyes in pleasure* F..u..c..k baby faster
Sebastián's sucking sound is echoing in the room Both of them lost in the pleasure But suddenly they heard a knock on the door
Aurora didn't cum yet so she is still frustrated and her anger didn't subsided yet. Here the knock Sebastian stopped sucking This interruption made her more angry
Aurora (fl)
Aurora (fl)
*held his face too tight and broughtit close to her close* Who asked you stop bastard *cold voice *
Sebastian (ml)
Sebastian (ml)
Sorry Mam
Aurora (fl)
Aurora (fl)
*cold and commanding voice* Now get under the table and start your work Don't u dare to stop until I release
Sebastian silently got under the table and Started Tongue FUCKING her. Well Aurora changed her expression to cold not even showing the slightest pleasure
Aurora (fl)
Aurora (fl)
*dark cold voice* Get in
Olivia entered shaking due to her cold voice
Aurora (fl)
Aurora (fl)
*cold dominating tone* Olivia u better give me a Reason which worth disturbing me Otherwise u will see my worst Side
Olivia (fl
Olivia (fl's assistant)
*scared as shit* Mam Mr. Kingston the Ceo of Kingston group of company came to meet you.
Aurora (fl)
Aurora (fl)
*smriks * Finally he thought of giving a visit.
Sebastian is still doing his work under the table
Aurora wanted a collaboration with Kingston family from a long time.
Aurora (fl)
Aurora (fl)
*cold* U can leave Now
Olivia disappeared in light speed
Aurora (fl)
Aurora (fl)
*rolling her eyes in pleasure * Fuck *cums inside his mouth *
Sebastian (ml)
Sebastian (ml)
*drunk all the cum*
Aurora (fl)
Aurora (fl)
*pulled his face close and kissed him* You are the best baby.
Sebastian (ml)
Sebastian (ml)
*Blushing mess* Thank you mommy *after saying that he look down at his dick*
well Sebastian also got turned on, so his dick is as hard as rock which is visible through his well Fited suite Aurora noticed it
Aurora (fl)
Aurora (fl)
*chuckles * Don't worry baby i will take care of it in the boardroom
Sebastian (ml)
Sebastian (ml)
*smirks * Sure mommy
Sebastian took her inner out of his pocket and made her wear it
Later both of them went to the Board room
---- See Ya ----
innocent author
innocent author
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Boardroom (18+)

18 + warning ⚠️ please avoid if you are uncomfortable
The boardroom was silent, the air charged with anticipation. Aurora Blackwood and Sebastian Wilde sat side by side, facing Mr. Kingston and his assistant. Olivia stood by the screen, ready to begin the presentation. The room was sleek and professional, a testament to Aurora's exacting standards.
Ethan Kingston
Ethan Kingston
*Smiling warmly* Aurora, it's a pleasure to be here
Aurora (fl)
Aurora (fl)
*Professional, with a hint of warmth* The pleasure is mine, Mr. Kingston. Let's get started, Olivia.
Olivia (fl
Olivia (fl's assistant)
*confidently * Of course, Aurora."
As Olivia began the presentation, Aurora's expression remained cold and focused. However, beneath the table, her hand moved towards Sebastian's pant zip, slowly undoing it.
Sebastian (ml)
Sebastian (ml)
*Gasping quietly, trying to maintain composure* *barely audible* Aurora...
Sebastian (ml)
Sebastian (ml)
*Mischievous smirk, eyes cold and unyielding* *whispering* Stay quiet.
Sebastian's face remained Stoic, his dark aura intact, but internally he was struggling with the intense pressure of Aurora's actions.
Her hand moved rhythmically, putting her fingering on his cum hole to prevent him for cum, and making her grip tighter on his dick while giving him a hand job under the table.
Sebastian (ml)
Sebastian (ml)
*begging with eyes while maintaining cold aura* Please let me release
Aurora (fl)
Aurora (fl)
*smirks and moves her head as no*
Olivia noticed but continued her presentation, choosing to ignore the sinful act
Olivia (fl
Olivia (fl's assistant)
*Focused, slightly strained voice* As you can see, our projections indicate a significant increase in market share.
Ethan Kingston
Ethan Kingston
*enthusiastic* This is fantastic. I'm very impressed. I'd like to move forward with the collaboration.
hearing that Aurora let Sebastian release and Sebastian felt relieved with sigh
Aurora (fl)
Aurora (fl)
*Professional smile, masking her satisfaction* We're delighted to hear that, Mr. Kingston. I look forward to our partnership
Ethan Kingston
Ethan Kingston
*Professionally * Aurora i am throwing a party tomorrow night, i would love if you join it.
Aurora (fl)
Aurora (fl)
*Professionally * Sure mr Kingston
Ethan Kingston
Ethan Kingston
*Flirty, looking at Olivia* And Olivia, I must say, your presentation skills are remarkable. How about joining us for a celebratory tomorrow evening?"
Olivia (fl
Olivia (fl's assistant)
*playfully* I’d love to, Mr. Kingston. Thank you for the invite.
The meeting concluded, and everyone began to leave the boardroom. Later that evening, Olivia approached Aurora in her office.
Olivia (fl
Olivia (fl's assistant)
*Exasperated, but amused* Bitch, are you out of your mind? Why did you give your toyboy a blowjob in the meeting room?
Aurora (fl)
Aurora (fl)
*Chuckling, playful* Because I can, Olivia. And you know it keeps things interesting.
The two shared a laugh, revealing the deep bond of friendship that lay beneath their professional facades.
----- Introduction------
Name: Olivia Age: 28 Profession: Assistant to Aurora Blackwood and best friend of Aurora Nature: Olivia may seem innocent with her angelic appearance, but beneath the facade lies a cunning and fiercely loyal nature. She is Aurora's closest confidante and supports her friend unconditionally. Olivia is highly intelligent and resourceful, using her knowledge of Aurora's inner workings to navigate the cutthroat world of business with ease.
Name: Mr. Ethan Kingston Age: 30 Profession: CEO of Kingston Group of Companies Nature: Mr. Kingston is the epitome of professionalism, exuding a cold and calculated demeanor in his role as CEO. However, beneath his polished exterior lies a charming and flirtatious side, particularly when it comes to Olivia. Despite his suave demeanor, Mr. Kingston is driven by ambition and success, always seeking to expand his business empire.
---- bye -----
innocent author
innocent author
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