Check my old posts for day 1story
Day 2
Shirin- got the sight of no plane intention bcos Duncan saved her from her wrong decision of commiting suicide by jumping from the cliff
But something happened ,shirin was cursed from the start by her parents to keep her safe from what she was
She was a powerful being not completely classified so by the parents noticing it that's she would be An omega threat there cursed her to seal her powers from her self
✔️⚡⚡ ✔️
But Shirin used few tricks
But her parents committed a wrong atrocity ND there exconvicted so any exconvicted witch gets killed by werewolves
Bcos werewolves tend to believe that witches caused them and witches without their coven protection can be attacked by them werewolves
So then the atrocity shirins parent committed was that it was forbidden for a demon and a witch get married but it happened to her parents love❤️ paved its way for them
So their genetics gave Shirin the self she is now.
Pls watch for more
#psi always writes on
Day 3
Content -:-beastly 🖤🖤
Mikela calling" Shirin!!!,Shirin !!! Where have u been my dear daughter"main facts. Is that mikela and robata took care of their late eldest sisters daughter till now Shirin is 15 turning 16in to he next three days⚡⚡💛
But sh don't want to turn up at 16 bcos of what their tradition as witches is and she want to be free as humans do
Shirin comes in "yes auntie I have been talking to my three best friends at school just downstairs "with a calm face she said 😌
Shirin attended a mortal school for humans at first and never wished to switch to her family's tradition again she lived three best friends mostly but there never knew the truth about her among the three friends she had on was her boyfriend
Rodrick,and others r girls which are Ruth and sarsi
But robata breaks in saying"sister mikela u shouldn't be bossy to know everywhere she is and where she is coming from she is a big girl now ND beautiful'"then mikela cuts in saying "mistake saying am proud of the young witch she is becoming "
🙄Known of them knows how it pained to be hearing does words of 'witch'
Then mikela calls on Ambrose her son
" Ambrose come tell ur cousin she should start preparing for her dark baptism
Ambrose knew all the secrets of his cousin and he associated well with the cousin he had
Then Shirin went to the woods to take a walk but she ended up with a problem in the woods
It was a!!!😁
Always remember
#psi writes always
Check tomorrow for day 4
Day 4
Previously on
Content-:-beastly 🖤🖤
Still walking in the woods hearing the sweet sounds of nature's forest the chipping of birds and the slow breeze Shirin still walking do u know what she met !!!😲😲😲
The three sinister sisters that are the best student at the school of ONCYNOX that where for witches alone,the girls where daughters of the witch high priest and the principal at ONCYNOX and the Baptist for the devil his name is father Faustus at the church of night⚡⚡
So he made his daughters to learn stronger to despise the spellmans if shirin's mother was the former high priest
So elshama shirin's mother her opponent was Faustus so the jealousy has lingered to the sinister sisters their names where
1.prudence blackwood-the telepath witch and the leader of other girls
2.agatha blackwood -the nightmare witch second daughter of Faustus blackwood
3.dorcas blackwood--the plague witch last born
The three girls appeared and started walking round Shirin in circles and conversation started
Prudence said"oh no half breed r u afraid of us u r like us we won't harm u "
Shirin countered"then y r u guyz here then I taught we met once at the church"
Dorcas said"yes u are able to be going to the church of night and church of day for humans half breed good for u "
Shirin countered again"and it has nothing to do with u too leave me alone now depart u three"
Then Agatha questioned"so then we came to tell u not to come to our school we know spellmans always becomes the best in everything do don't come and spoil our victories"
Then Shirin said""my family spellmans which u know in history of spellmans we never fail we always win "
The three sisters looked at themselves with a sign there gave themselves to
The stopped walking round Shirin and stood and started chanting a witch curse on Shirin then someone intruded and broke their curse causing a heavy wind to blow all over throwing the sisters off bala ce and there dissappeard then it was Ambrose!!!, Shirins
Previously on
Content beastly🖤🖤
REV.FAUSTUS BLACKWOOD who was the high priest of the witches at the church of night visited at the spellmans home that night just like the way humans respect the Catholic priest is the same for the witches to respect their high priest in high esteem
Now mikela said"Shirin come in the high priest have been waiting for u for ur baptism" then she started walking like a cat not trying to near the view she was see in at all,then she sat close to Aunt robata the one who pet her most in the house
"SHIRIN"said in bass voice by Faustus that got Shirin quiver down her spine."I know u know me well enough as the preacher at the church of night so do u know ur famous in the witch world and u are very popular now because ur mother was the greatest witch of our time so make her proud"Shirin questioned him
"Okay am popular and famous because of my mom would cost ur daughters to attack Me because their jealous"
Faustus said "WHAT!!! I did not know there tried attacking u ,okay sorry I beg for their apologies ehm ur baptism is coming up tomorrow night are u ready to be baptized into ur dark baptism"
Shirin stopped him"STOP ENOUGH"then mikela her auntie stops Shirin too"DONT DARE TALK TO THE HIGH PRIEST LIKR THAT EVER AGAIN"
Then father Faustus said "dont worry mikela sh has the right to talk to her speeches "now Shirin has a sad face and don't want to talk anymore
Father Faustus said"dear Shirin if u get baptized and write ur name in the book of the beast that belong to the dark lord u would serve him alone"
Shirin said " but y,wait would I be free to stay with my human friends if NO forget it I am not gonna do any baptism but if I will stay with my friends no problem I take the baptism"
One thing is that blackwood Faustus want to bring Shirin to serve the dark lord when she doesn't want it's but father blackwood makes sure that every witch serves the dark lord and the dark lord serves the devil himself so ,,,,,
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