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Falling In Love Online With An Ancient General


"Feng Qingyi! Time for dinner!"

The loud knocking on the door and shouting from outside woke Feng Qingyi from her sleep.

Feng Qingyi reluctantly crawled out of bed with a mess of bedhead and opened the door.

"Do you have a death wish?!"

Feng Qingci disdainfully looked at his dragon-phoenix twin sister.

"It's already 8:30, and you're still not up for breakfast. Let you starve to death then!"

Feng Qingyi glanced at him.

"Where's my phone? Give me back my phone!"

When it came to the phone, Feng Qingci felt a little guilty.

Yesterday, he was playing games on his sister's phone and accidentally dropped it into his father's giant water cup.

Although he fished it out quickly, it was no longer responsive.

"Listen to me justify... no, listen to me explain. Your phone's quality was too poor. I just played two rounds of games on it, and it crashed!"

"Tell me honestly what happened?"

She spent 7,800 yuan on a new phone, and it hadn't even been a week since she got it. How could it possibly crash? Did he think she was a fool?

Feng Qingci weakly took out Feng Qingyi's new phone.

"Sis, it wasn't on purpose. It accidentally fell into the water cup, and then this happened!"

Feng Qingyi's gaze rested on Feng Qingci's face.

"Such a big phone, tell me, do we have a cup big enough at home for it to fall into?"

Feng Qingci: "Yes, Dad's giant teacup!"

Fair enough! She was too hasty. Her father's giant teacup could fit not just one phone but two more.

"Since it has come to this, you have half an hour to buy an identical one and bring it back."

After kicking Feng Qingci out the door, Feng Qingyi slowly savored the fried rice.

She had to admit, her brother might be unreliable, but the fried rice was not bad.

Half an hour later, Feng Qingci returned with a plastic bag.

Hearing the door open, Feng Qingyi quickly went to the living room.

"Hand it over, you!"

Feng Qingci tossed a plastic bag to Feng Qingyi.

Feng Qingyi opened it and saw a battered phone like none she had ever seen before.

The screen was so shattered that the original appearance was unrecognizable, and the edges were discolored. Even a junk dealer wouldn't want it!

"Feng Qingci, do you not want to live anymore? My brand new 7,800 yuan phone, and now you're trying to fool me with this piece of junk!"

Seeing Feng Qingyi about to strike, Feng Qingci ran back to his room at full speed.

When it came to physical prowess, he was no match for his seemingly delicate sister.

"Qingyi, you know your broke brother could only afford this 20 yuan broken phone!"

"I sent your phone to the shop for repair. Use this one for now."

Feng Qingyi was infuriated. Why was she so cursed as to have such a brother?

That was a new phone she bought with her scholarship money, and it had only been three days before her brother ruined it!

Disgustedly, Feng Qingyi picked up the broken phone from the plastic bag, intending to throw it in the trash.

But unexpectedly, a miraculous event occurred the moment she held it.

The shattered screen instantly repaired itself like magic.

She must be seeing things!

Feng Qingyi placed the phone on the tea table and rubbed her eyes before looking closely again.

A brand new black phone lay still on the table!

What sorcery was this?

"Feng Qingci, come out here, something big has happened!"

But Feng Qingci in his room had his earphones on and couldn't hear her.

Feng Qingyi had no choice but to take the phone back to her bedroom and insert the SIM card.

Upon powering on, the phone was completely bare except for an app store.

It was too clean, shouldn't there at least be some pre-installed system apps?

Well, since it had already transformed from a piece of junk into a new device, a few more oddities were normal.

Feng Qingyi quickly connected to the home network and entered the app store, downloading a few commonly used apps.

To her astonishment, the 200MB WeChat app downloaded and installed in just two seconds - superhuman speed!

She then downloaded a few more apps, and they too installed instantly after hitting download.

It seemed her brother had obtained some newly developed high-tech phone from who knows where. Considering its incredible performance, she would let him off the hook for now.

Feng Qingyi examined the phone inside and out for a long time and even searched online but couldn't identify the brand.

Ah well, as long as it works. She'll make do with it for a few days.

Although not as pretty as her old phone, its performance seemed decent so far.

Feng Qingyi logged into her WeChat and vented to her best friend about her brother's blunder.

After sending the message, as she waited for her roommates' replies, she suddenly realized she had sent it to the wrong person - a stranger with a blank profile picture!

Acting quickly, Feng Qingyi hurriedly recalled the message.

Thankfully her reflexes were fast!

Wait, this was her personal WeChat, she hadn't added any strangers.

So who was this blank profile with no display name?

Feng Qingyi decided to inquire.

[Qingyi: Who are you?]

After chatting with her roommates for a while without a reply, Feng Qingyi decided to delete this person.

Bizarrely, no matter how many times she tried, she couldn't remove them.

She didn't know where her brother got this weird phone from.

Feng Qingyi gave up and left them be.

In the border camp of the Tianqi Empire.

The young general clad in armor sat on a chair.

In his hand was a newly acquired spoil of war - a small black box.

The man had a jade-like face, with distinct and profound facial features. His ink-black eyes were aloof and cold.

His thin lips were pursed, and his brow furrowed slightly as his slender fingers tapped lightly on the black box.

At that moment, the black box vibrated slightly.

The man looked at the box with some surprise as it lit up.

Two lines of text appeared on the small box.

"Qingyi" recalled a message.

Who are you?

Was this the enemy's new method of gathering intelligence?

"General, Na Muqi requests an audience!" A gruff voice called from outside the tent.


Na Muqi entered the tent and bowed to the man.

"General, Vice General Lin has achieved a great victory over the enemy at Changxu Pass. He is now encamped outside the pass, awaiting your orders."

The man was expressionless. "Mm, send word for them to rest and recuperate for three days."

"Yes, I will notify them immediately." Na Muqi responded.

"Na Mu, you are well-traveled and knowledgeable. Have you ever seen anything like this before?" The man handed the black small box to Na Muqi.

Na Muqi took the small box and examined it from different angles, but could not make out what it was.

"Reporting to the General, I have never seen this before. I do not know what this object is."

"Hmm, you may leave now."

This is very likely a device used by Northern Qi for sending messages. It seems we need to investigate this thoroughly.


As Na Muqi had just left, the originally dimmed small box lit up again.

The man casually tapped it, and the black little box surprisingly displayed a full screen of text.

The top line was written in large characters: "Mobile Phone User Manual".

So this little box was called a mobile phone.

It could actually be used to communicate and converse with people thousands of miles away - truly unbelievable.

After reading the user manual, the man tapped the only icon on the phone.

Once he entered, he saw the message sent by the person called "Qingyi".

Could this "Qingyi" be from Northern Qi, specially contacting him through this mobile phone to gather intelligence?

After pondering for a while, the man decided to probe a little.

[: Who are you?]

[Qingyi: You randomly appeared on my WeChat list and I can't delete you no matter what, and you dare ask me who I am?]

[: I don't know what you're talking about]

[Qingyi: Before asking for someone else's name, please introduce yourself first.]

[Qingyi: ...]

That's quite a nice name, but I don't know him.

[: What do you mean?]

[Qingyi: Sorry, I don't think I know you. Are you a student at Jing University?]

Her social circle has always been simple. Apart from school classmates, no one else should have added her WeChat, unless it was leaked by one of her roommates.

[: Jing University is?]

Qin Yuchuan found the person he was messaging very strange, always sending weird things.

Like WeChat, Jing University, and strange symbols in every sentence.

He had already told them his name. If they were from Northern Qi, they should have known him.

He, the great general of Tianqi, was renowned across the entire continent. Yet the other party didn't know him.

It was highly likely they were pretending, so he had to continue probing.

[Qingyi: You don't even know Jing University!]

Jing University is one of the top universities in the country, you should at least give it some face!

[: Should I know that?]

[Qingyi: ...How can I put this, people from Hua Country should all know.]

Qin Yuchuan noticed the words "Hua Country". The person on the other end was from Hua Country.

Where was this Hua Country? He had never heard of it before.

[Qingyi: Buddy, it's okay if you don't know, I won't mock you.]

[Qingyi: I have things to do, let's chat again when I'm free.]

Qin Yuchuan stared at the messages sent by Feng Qingyi, feeling a little dazed.

The other party didn't seem to be from Northern Qi, but what was this Hua Country? He had to investigate carefully.

After ending the chat with Qin Yuchuan, Feng Qingyi found that a mysterious store had appeared on her phone.

Feng Qingyi tapped into it, and suddenly a line of text appeared.

"Opening the Mysterious Store requires 10 points, you currently have 10 points, open it?"

It looked quite advanced. Feng Qingyi clicked "Yes".

"Successfully opened the Mysterious Store, deducted 10 points, you now have 0 points."

Feng Qingyi looked at this Mysterious Store and found it rather strange.

Only the first row had been unlocked, displaying some weird items.

Things like Quick-Witted Pills, Beauty Elixir, Mind-Cleansing Pellets, etc.

Feng Qingyi tapped on the Quick-Witted Pills to view the item description.

"For three days, you will have a photographic memory, boundless energy, and significantly improved learning efficiency. Price: 100 points."

Photographic memory, could it really be that powerful?

Feng Qingyi was a bit skeptical, so she clicked "Purchase" next to it, but it showed insufficient points.

How were these points earned? Previously, opening the Mysterious Store had deducted 10 points.

Where did those 10 points come from? Were they automatically awarded?

Feng Qingyi looked carefully and found "Earn Points" next to "Insufficient Points", so she tapped it.

"Earning Points Method 1: Chat, voice call, or video call with Qin Yuchuan.

10 points for chatting, 50 for voice calls, 100 for video calls. Each method is limited to once per day, maximum 160 points per day.

Earning Points Method 2: Serve the country, serve the society, be a useful person to society and the country.

This is a side quest, randomly assigned, points awarded vary based on situation."

What kind of thing was this?

Earning points by chatting, calling, or video calling with that Qin Yuchuan, who seemed a little slow?

And this side quest was even more confusing, serving the country and society, randomly assigned?

Although Feng Qingyi was a bit interested in the Quick-Witted Pills, she found it too much to voice or video call a stranger. The only acceptable option for her was chatting for now.

After exiting the Mysterious Store, Feng Qingyi studied this phone again and found that apart from the Mysterious Store, everything else was like a normal phone, so she didn't dwell on it further.

In the border camp of the Tianqi Empire.

After pondering for a long while, Qin Yuchuan decided to ask the other party's name.

He had already told them his name, but they hadn't told him theirs.

[: May I ask for your esteemed surname and full name?]

After waiting for a long time without a reply, Qin Yuchuan decided to go and ask Na Muqi about Hua Country.

In all the years of studying history and various countries he knew of, there was no mention of Hua Country.

Na Muqi was the most knowledgeable in the Tianqi army, learned in astronomy and geography. Perhaps he would know something.

As Na Muqi had just returned to his tent, he heard Qin Yuchuan's voice.

"Na Mu, are you there?"

Na Muqi hurriedly stood up and lifted the tent flap.

"General, what brings you here at this hour?"

Qin Yuchuan cut to the chase, "Na Mu, have you heard of the country called Hua Country?"

"Hua Country, this subordinate has never heard of Hua Country. May I ask where the General learned of it?"

The General was acting rather strange today, first asking about a small battered box, and now inquiring about Hua Country.

Could the General have gone mad?

Qin Yuchuan stood in the tent for a while, "I see."

"..." Na Muqi looked puzzled, what did he see?

As Na Muqi was about to ask, Qin Yuchuan had already left.

Back in his own tent, Qin Yuchuan took off his armor and changed into casual attire.

At that moment, the phone made a sound.

Qin Yuchuan picked it up and saw that the person had replied.

[Qingyi: My name is Feng Qingyi.]

This seemed to be a lady's name.

[: Are you a young lady?]

[Qingyi: Is there a problem?]

[Qin Yuchuan: No]

[Qingyi: ...]

This person is really too difficult to communicate with. When asked for a name, he even asks for her honorable surname and given name, seeming like a wuxia fan.

[Qin Yuchuan: May I ask where does Miss Feng reside?]

Feng Qingyi looked at the message sent by Qin Yuchuan and sighed. This is going on and on.

Anyway, she could only earn 10 points a day, and she had earned that amount today. She'll talk more tomorrow.

[Qingyi: Sorry, I need to have lunch now. Let's chat another day.]

[Qin Yuchuan: Okay]

After replying, Qin Yuchuan put his phone aside.

Now he knew the person on the other end was a young lady and her name. It seemed she was not from Northern Qi.

However, he still needed to be cautious. The people of Northern Qi are known to be cunning and treacherous. He must be on guard.


The clock in the living room pointed to twelve, and Feng Qingyi knocked on Feng Qingci's room door.

"Feng Qingci, come out and cook!"

"Go eat out yourself, don't disturb me while I'm gaming!"

It seemed she couldn't count on him, so she decided to fend for herself.

Taking her phone and keys, Feng Qingyi went out the door.

Feng Qingyi lived in an upscale neighborhood, with a small food street outside the community offering all kinds of food.

Feng Qingyi went to a rice noodle shop she often visited, ordered, and then sat inside.

It was mealtime, so the shop was a bit crowded. Feng Qingyi casually took out her phone and looked at it.

"Mom, why is that pretty sister using such a broken phone? Won't it cut her hand?"

"That sister must be quite frugal."

"I just saw a phone repair shop on the side of the road. I'll go and tell that pretty sister."

Feng Qingyi looked at the little boy in front of her with some surprise. "Little friend, do you need something from me?"

"Pretty sister, I just saw a phone repair shop on the side of the road. If you turn left up ahead, you'll get there. You should get your phone fixed, or else it might cut your hand and make you bleed," the little boy said in a childish voice.

Feng Qingyi looked at the phone in her hand. It looked brand new, how could it possibly cut her hand?

"Is my phone that broken?"

The little boy nodded. "Your phone screen is all shattered. Can you even see the text? If you don't have money, I can borrow some from my mom to help you repair it."

"Thank you! But sister has money, I'll go and fix it later."

Could it be that this phone only appeared intact to her, while others saw it as completely shattered from the start?

The little boy smiled: "You're welcome!"

After the little boy returned to his seat, Feng Qingyi stared at her phone for a long time.

She suddenly remembered that earlier when Feng Qingci threw the phone to her, the screen was indeed completely shattered.

Could this be the legendary recognizing its master?

"Qingyi! Why are you spacing out staring at your broken phone? Your rice noodles are here, eat slowly." The boss brought the rice noodles to Feng Qingyi.

"Thank you, boss!" The little boy and the boss both saw a broken phone. It seemed her guess was correct.

So the mysterious items in that store must be real too. It seemed she had obtained something remarkable.

The mysterious store had only opened the first column of items in the first level. She suddenly wanted to know what those unlit items would be.

After hurriedly finishing her rice noodles and scanning the QR code to pay, Feng Qingyi left.

As she was walking home, her phone suddenly made a sound.

Side quest issued: Create a civilized city, everyone is responsible. Help clear urban garbage, complete the task to earn 10 points.

Looking at the line of text on her phone, Feng Qingyi fell into contemplation.

Wasn't this just picking up trash? Yet it sounded so grandiose.

Feng Qingyi looked around the street, littered with fruit peels and paper scraps. Did she have to pick up all of these?

This was a huge project for such a long street!

These 10 points were too hard to earn. Moreover, there were people she knew around here. If she ran into an acquaintance, it would be quite awkward.

Never mind, she would bite the bullet and buy a mask and hat to wear.

With her equipment ready, Feng Qingyi began her great task of picking up garbage.

On a summer afternoon in the bustling street, a young woman in a shirt and jeans, carrying a bucket and tongs, walked with her head down, diligently picking up litter from the side of the road.

This scene attracted the attention of some passersby.

"Mom, why is this sister picking up garbage here?"

"If you don't study hard, you'll end up like this sister picking up garbage in the future."

Feng Qingyi heard the conversation nearby and looked over.

Well, it was her high school homeroom teacher, Teacher Wang. Feng Qingyi, who was about to retort, quietly lowered her noble head.

But you're a Chinese teacher, should you really be saying things that look down on picking up garbage?

"This looks so familiar! Feng Qingyi, is that you? Lift your head up."

She had almost lowered her head to the ground, yet Teacher Wang still recognized her. Her teacher really loved her deeply.

Feng Qingyi had no choice but to lift her head. "Teacher Wang, what are you doing here?"

"Did you get bored at Jing University and start working part-time as a garbage collector?" Teacher Wang joked.

"I'm just on summer vacation with nothing to do, so I came out to exercise and create a civilized city."

"As a Chinese teacher, how can you look down on garbage collectors? That's an honest profession too!"

Feng Qingyi looked at Teacher Wang, who was dressed in a bright green dress and well-groomed.

Teacher Wang smiled: "I'm not looking down on garbage collectors. It's just been so long since we last saw each other. I was trying to greet you, but you were going to pretend you didn't see me, weren't you?"

"..." Was that how people usually greet each other?

"Alright, you're still the same as before. Go ahead and pick up garbage. It's not something shameful. Why are you covering yourself so thoroughly? Are you afraid someone will take your picture?"

"..." Don't joke like that.

Teacher Wang held her daughter's hand. "Okay, take your time picking up trash. Come visit the school sometime. Even though you're in university now, you still need to study hard and not get distracted all the time."

"Yeah, goodbye!" Finally she left. Feng Qingyi couldn't believe how unfortunate she was to run into her high school homeroom teacher on the first day of picking up trash.

It probably wouldn't be long before news of her picking up trash spread through the whole school. It was a good thing she had already graduated. Otherwise, she really wouldn't want to show her face.

Although it wasn't really something shameful, if Teacher Wang exaggerated and broadcasted it widely, it would still be quite embarrassing.

To earn those 10 points, she really had to suffer!

After a hard afternoon's work of picking up trash along the entire street, Feng Qingyi finally succeeded in earning 10 points.

When she returned home, she immediately collapsed onto the sofa.

"What were you doing? You look half-dead," Feng Qingci said as he came out of his room and saw her lying on the sofa.

Feng Qingyi was too tired to respond to him.

Feng Qingci looked at the battered phone in Feng Qingyi's hand and felt a little regretful.

"Use this phone for now. I took your phone to get it repaired, it should be fixed soon."

"Where did you buy this phone?" Feng Qingyi asked casually.

Feng Qingci said, "It was from that shop that repairs phones. They had many broken phones there, and this was the best one available. It cost me twenty dollars!"

"This phone's screen is utterly shattered. Is it really worth twenty dollars?" Feng Qingyi asked tentatively.

Feng Qingci replied, "Initially, I didn't think it was worth twenty dollars either. But the owner said that if I bought this phone, the repair cost for your phone would be halved. I thought that was a pretty good deal when I heard that."

Isn't that just bizarre?

"Give me the address of that phone repair shop. I'll go pick up my phone myself later on."

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