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Echoes In The Dark

chapter 1 Flashback (family intro)

Michele Lockwood who was very well behaved and mannered but she was facing so many restrictions by her mother like she can't go out with guys and she can't make any male friends and so on . She has only one friend Rachel Anderson who was her best friend and she and her family always loved and cared Michele like she was their real daughter . Rachel's family was well known for their royal and expensive life as their family was well known and her father was in one of the top business tycoons of the country .

These best friends went to school together Rachel with her driver always comes to pick up Michele from home and they went to school

Michele : "where are you Rachel we are getting late "

Rachel : "I'm coming sista don't worry you know na miss won't say anything "

Michele :"ya I know it's because no one will say anything because of your father (he is the trustee of their school), but Rachel is it bad to go to school on time 😒".

Rachel:"don't worry come out see I'm here "( she opens the car door for her )

Michele (after sitting inside ) : " what makes you that late miss Rachel see our school's starts at 9 am it's already 9:05 damnn " .

Rachel :"ahh vo I got late but I was actually ready but idk how the glass of milk slightly slipped away and fell on my uniform so in order to get ready again I got late but it's ok na we will be on time no one will say anythin "

After that they went to school completed their classes and went to cafe ate pizza , coke , fries and burger .

afterwards that they went to Michele's home .

Rachel and Michele changed themselves into somethin comfortable as Rachel has her own dress section in Michele's closet . then they completed their homework .

Afterwards they decided to watch a series as they were gettin bored but Rachel said "wait I'm feeling thirsty let me get a water bottle from kitchen ."

Michele :" ok get one for me too and also bring some snacks. "


"Ahhhhhh" sound came

"what happened? ohh crap why can't you watch where you are going damnn see you broke the vase from table and also hurted yourself "

After doing first aid for Rachel and cleaning the mess she told her to sleep .

As Michele father was out as( her father who was best heart surgeon of the country ) was busy in their hospital . but her mother was busy doing shopping and chit-chatting with her friends. She came home at 5 pm and when she went to see what those girls are doing she saw them quietly sleeping soft snores were coming from their room they were sleeping . Bryce then saw her son's photoframe hanging on the wall and started remembering her son David who's in abroad for higher education.

Michele's mother was strict as her real mom died when she gave birth to Michele and her father married someone else so that Bryce her can help Michele in place of her mom but Bryce being a typical step mother tortured Michele when her father wasn't at home and always pretend that she is a chaotic mess who end up doing careless things but her father always stop Bryce when she sometimes scold her in front of him because he always love Michele so much who give her whatever she wants and always told Bryce not to shout on his daughter no matter whatever happens because he knew how the situation would be easy for her if her mom was alive .

Bryce before marrying to Mr Lucas was a widow with David her one and only child who was 6 years elder then Michele who is 20 years old now .

Rachel's father was a childhood friend of Michele's father . And Rachel knew that she was being tortured at home and rachel was forced by michele to not tell this to her father as she always think that one day her mother will accept her as a real child and love her so much but the fact is that her father always believed that the fact her mother is not alive is hidden from Michele but her cunning mother didn't kept it as a secret and manipulated her that if Michele told anything to her father or anyone then Bryce will throw her out of house .

Rachel and Michele when woke up they saw the time as it was 8 pm already and Bryce then told them that it's been an hour that Rachel's parents has sent the driver and a guard for Rachael to safely bring her home then Rachel got ready and tell Michele that "i won't be coming tomorrow you have to go school alone or you can also take leave we'll do fun at my home"

Then Bryce said " no no Rachel she will go to school she has already taken so many leaves for the family wedding function last month " .


Authors note*

It's my first time I'm writing a story , my writing skills are not that good just randomly I thought to write this and please don't compare my work with someone else like it is not a copied story from someone and totally original created by me .

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chapter 2 ( collision with the devil)

It was early morning and Bryce was still sleeping and their servant prepared breakfast for Lucus and Michele and after that started cleaning the home before their Madam get up .

Next day Rachel isn't coming so Michele's father is going to drop her to her school .

Lucus : " ready Mish "

Michele :" yes daddy I'm ready "

Lucus :" come take your stuff I'm waitin in the parkin but Mish princi can you jus wait in the cafe I've to meet someone their ? And don't worry I'll drop you at school on time and there's still half an hour left "

Michele " yes dadda I'm ok with it and I also need morning coffee "

Then lucus after coming in front of cafe he told Michele to went inside and he'll come after parking the car then Michele after going inside went towards the counter and ordered mocha and waited for her order and then she saw her father coming she wave at him so he can see her but when he came towards her he said "sorry Mish we got late and the person whom I've to met isn't comin so shall we go back ? Wait did you ordered your coffee "

" Yes dad I'm waiting I already ordered that "

" You go sit on the empty table over there I'll bring you your coffee ok? "

" Yes dadda "

And later when she turned and was about to step forwards she bumped on to someone's chest and her head literally pained like she bumped on to a stone "ahhh " she started rubbing her head and her father came towards her when she saw a man wearing a coat with loaded bullet gun on his waist and she horrified after watching the gun on that man and started thinking like this man seems dangerous what if he hit her and slap her for accidentally bumping on him as when she bumped on him the cup he was holding slipped from his hand and coffee from that cup falls on both of them which is enough for someone to be angry.

She then quickly ran and hugged her father without even watching who the person was .

" Are you ok princess? Did you hurt "

She was so shocked that she didn't even said a single word and just shake her head negatively.

" Owhh so Sorry she didn't saw you accidentally she collided while turning "

That man said in heavy and deep voice " see before you walk kid, see what mess did you created " he didn't saw her face properly he just saw her ginger hairs and heard her voice and before he could say anything the sound came from behind " Robert how long will you take to bring my coffee ? " now this voice which came was way more deep and sounded naturally dangerous .

" Sorry sir , coming " .

He then quickly took the order from the counter and rush towards his boss.

Then when Lucus move around to see who is the boss ; from the glass door he saw someone sitting in VIP section (from there no voice can be heard outside as it was sound proof but someone can see clearly) there he was being surrounded by many guards having dangerous aura around himself and immediately recognised him that he was no other then Denver romano he have heard about him from his several friends who were in business and his bestfriend ( Rachel's father)also told him about Denver (and also saw him on some news channels ) that he is a multibillionaire and he's only 20 same as the age of his son David but he established his own business and became the top business tycoon globally having so many MNCs under him , and the way he was carrying himself so well isn't easy for a guy so young to climb such position in the society and also so dangerous that all the people in society obeyed him and the person who was sitting on his table was their mayor but can be seen from afar was deadly shaking .

Snipping out of the trance he saw her daughter hugging him tightly he understood that she's frightened because of the gun she saw on that guard's waist .

" Mish princi see your coffee has prepared ."

Then she pulled herself from Lucus and Lucus bought her mocha she ordered and after paying they went towards the restroom to make her uniform clean which was having a faded stain of that black coffee .

" Mish princi you go wash it and I'm waiting outside in the car is it ok ?"

"No problem dad"

After getting clean when she moved out of the washroom she saw a man standing on outside of the main door who seem dangerous and cold , but after when she saw so many men around him well equipped and the same man whom she bumped on was still having a stain on his coat she became frightened recalling their dangerous voices and watching their guns she started to shake but then she saw call from her phone screen of her father then she distracted herself and pickup the call and said I'm coming dad and started moving forward like nothing happened ignoring the senerio . She fastly ran towards her car but unfortunately she again bumped on to someone this time she was more hurt like she hit herself from the giant strong stone and started panicking and weeping she without even watching whom she just collided started running towards her car but at that time she accidentally dropped her I'd card .

Her father then asked her "are you ok princess ? Why are you crying ? What happened ? "

"Nothing dad I'm getting late please take me to school " she heard him calling her but she was so consumed in her own thoughts that they will hurt her now surely she didn't turned back without even knowing that he was calling her for her identity she dropped . But she wanted to escape so badly that she didn't even glanced him once .


Authors note **

Please let me know if I'm delaying it more I'll improve it and assuring that this will be the most intrestin story you'll gonna enjoy it .(。•̀ᴗ-)✧

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Thank you (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤

chapter 3 (deciever)

Denver who was already tensed coz he had to come here as his men can't even deal with a single brat as that person is a daughter of smith who was a reporter tryna hack their system to get information but he got somethin really shocking as he hacked the CCTV camera of their office (where he saw Denver's men brutally murdering the man who was actually selling their company's private information to their competitors no doubt how their competitors cracked the deal which Denver has eyes on & it pissed him off so after finding the true culprit he ordered his men to beat him with iron rod fully burned. he started screaming throwing noises on deaf ears )

This made smith anxious and horrified like what will happen if they catch him stealing the information but he got late realising the fact and when he was closing all this cleaning the mess their camera clicked flashed and all that was enough to made them believe that their camera is being hacked by someone but they were doubtful as it's really hard for someone random to hack their security system it's highly secured but if it's hacked someone must have been a professional hacker so Robert Denver's most reliable men and the one who manages all his work here in states .

But when after watching a miscall from Arson his security head he got suspicious about what might have happened and said

" how did that happen & did you found some information about that person ?"

" Yes boss he's from business news media group and actually was trying to hack the system from past two days but today as all our servers were down so he took the advantage and hacked the CCTV from our main office room ."

" Fool why didn't you tell me that before do you even know what had happened because of you now only God can save you from sir ; send me the information of that person and get ready to die "

Robert then quickly ordered their men to catch that men and they did caught smith but later they came to know that the person who hacked the system wasn't him but his daughter who also has that video on her own drive and she is now blackmailing them to free her father and she'll give them their video but if they didn't release her father after soon she'll going to release it on international news channel and she's on run .

Their men had almost caught her that day when they came to know her location but when they went to that quarter they saw her gone already but they found her identity card which maybe she accidentally thrown in that messy floor below the window where they can know the crucial information about her which will help them to find out that brat .


Denver went to cafe to sign that deal with mayor which their competitor got .

" I heard you sign that deal with someone else and you betrayed us can I ask what made you believe that I'll leave you after getting so much of funds from our company you dared to turn your back towards us and fucking join your hands with no other than our biggest competitor ?"

He didn't dare to speak a single word which can increase his anger he just nod in disagreement and said

" Listen I'm sorry but I didn't intended to cheat or betray you, you know this is politics we have to sometimes go beyond the lines we have to do what we really don't want to you know, Vincenzo (his competitor ) told me if I signed that deal with him he'll get me the position where I really wanted to go from years but if I rejected his proposal he'll make me throw out of the party please try to understand and even I don't know how he came to know about our private project but it's just I've got no other choice and don't worry Denver I'll definitely repay the money I took from you ."

he laughed evilly and said " seems like you really don't care about your life it's ok then I'll show you what the real hell looks like" *evil smirk played on his lips

"No , see you can't do anything rubbish Denver I'm going to stand in the elections for the rank of vice President soon don't do anything please ".

He called Robert and said "where's my fuckin coffee and what's taking you so long there "

Then he cut the call.

"LEAVE" he shouted on mayor who literally started shaking on this (there no one can hear them there are soundproof glasses ).

Then after he drank his black coffee

Then he came outside and ordered Robert to call Arson (he's the head from his IT department) and to say " all the clips of mayor doing illegal business we have viral all those on social media platform and on news channels everywhere this should be the popular which people should gossip from now on " .

He may be was faar away but his men there were capturing every move of mayor that what he was doing . .

Back then when he turned to move inside he suddenly felt some petite figure just bumped onto him and she was the same girl whom he saw earlier ,her hairs her amber eyes she was so pretty that he was mesmerised by her beauty; he was about to ask her name but she started crying and she didn't even see him once then he asked her that is she hurt what's wrong why she's crying but she started to run without paying attention to him but when she ran she dropped her school identity card there which he thought to give it back to her but then he keep that with himself and gave this I'd to Robert "find out all the details about her till evening".


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