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Love Unlocked

The New Life

*Ashton POV*

"Are we done now?" my dad said putting the last suitcase in the trunk as he looks towards me narrowing his eyes for confirmation.

"Yes that's pretty much it" I replied getting into the passenger seat beside driver's seat and my sister sat at the back.

After the final handshake with the neighbors he took his seat in driver's, and we drove away far from our home, our city. and I am hating it. I really didn't wanted to leave but my dad insisted for a frsh start. I am sure he also didn't wanted to leave this city as much as I do.

We had our whole life here like everything, my dad had his schooling, his college, his marriage, his first friend, his first house, my sister, and I was born here. And now we are leaving every thing behind like it was never ours.

*time skips*

"Are we there yet ?" my sister, Aadein asked as she looks out of the window sleepily. that little Missy at back was sleeping the whole bumpest ride ihave ever experienced in my life and still didn't woke up. what kind of supernatural power is this. huh!

"Yes we are, here it is, our new home." he says as we pulled over at the driveway of our new house. "Help me take out our luggage kids" he said and opened the door, and we did ours and went out to help dad.

It took us whole day to settle everythingg at their right places. After everything downstairs in the kItchen and living room was done I went upstairs where all the rooms and bathrooms are. I took a brief look at my room realizing it somewhat looks like the same I had back in Aetherwind. It was already night,, and we had our dinner early so now everyone's in their room off to bed. I also went to my bed and began checking the messages I left unread in my inbox one of them was from Haze my dad's twin brother's son aka my cousin saying that he will be here After two days just a week before we have to be in new college for our registration and admission.

After sometime scrolling through my Instagram feed and not finding anything interesting I decided to call It a night and drifted off to sleep.

*after a week*

"so, you both are going tomorrow, right? for your registration at the college." dad asked breaking the silence at the dinner table.

"Yup we are" Haze replied with a grin looking at me while I raised my eyebrow at him.

"Not again Haze" I just rolled my eye at him ignoring any interaction with him and focusing on the food on my plate. This dude has been irritating me since he came here saying he is on his mission to find me a girlfriend by the end of this year. Well that's just his dreams because it's not going to happen I want to live in peace and having a girlfriend and peace are not the words that go together.

"We'll see that buddy" he said before stuffing his face with food and that mischievous expressions on his face. which I last time saw when he rolled firecrackers in the random classes in our senior year at high school as a goodbye gift for our teachers who always threw him out of the class form misbehaving.

Long hours

*Ashton's POV*

I packed everything, I found necessary they might ask for admission process after the quick glance at my room for ensuring that forgot nothing. I headed towards downstairs with my bag pack on my right shoulder. I went straight into the where my dad was beating the eggs for breakfast I sat on one of the counter chairs grabbing an apple from the basket.

"You are early" dad said as he saw me from the corner of his eye before back facing me and directing his focus on the omelet he was cooking.

"Yeah" I said biting into the apple. "I just couldn't sleep last night" dad nodded at me while passing me my breakfast. I always have trouble sleeping at new places. just one of the reasons why I don't like moving or traveling.

"Don't worry, you will get used to it soon." he comforted giving me an assuring smile.

I started with my breakfast and was surely enjoying my dad's cooking, but my peace was short-lived when Haze came down with his ear-piercing voice

"Gooodd" he screamed, literally screamed as if he was a host of one of those chat shows and sat beside me.

"That's so loud for morning" Aadein rolled her eyes entering into the kitchen behind him.

"Please I don't want you to ruin my morning by seeing you fight early morning. " dad stated giving them warning before Haze could open his mouth.

Aadein went over to the other side to sit beside dad, and we all had our breakfast.


I was about to open the door to go out of the house, but Haze tapped my shoulder "what?" I questioned

"Don't tell me, you are going start your new academic year with this dull outfit" he said eyeing me from head to toe and folding his arms against his chest.

"What do you mean by dull outfit? You dumbass!" I remarked rolling my eyes at him. It was just plain white t shirt and blue washed jeans. don't point at me that was the best I could do. okay!

"Let's get you changed first." he said avoiding my question and started dragging me towards my room again. "How will you be able to impress girls and get them chase after you with such dressing Style, atleast make some use of those handsome features god gifted you man ! and Style like that." he ranted pushing me into the room.

"I neither want any girl chasing after me nor want to impress anyone" I blurted out annoyed but with whom I am dealing with.


"And a flannel for the nerd" he teased me throwing the black and white flannel shirt towards me.

I caught it and clicked my tongue before putting it over my shoulder and wearing it "is it good?" I asked throwing my hands in the air.

"Dude, have a look at yourself !" he said pushing me towards the mirror "girls would kill each other to be with you" he again bought up that topic.

"Will you stop it already" I said annoyed

"Come down now, I am waiting" he ignored me again and went down with his bag and I followed behind him with my bag.


"Here, register yourself for your this semester's courses by getting the signature of the respective teachers." the lab assistant from the soil science laboratory said with that same tone as the person who really hates his job would.

"Thank you" Haze said as he signed on the register book, and we went out. "We have to find Martin as soon as possible and get this done." he sighed at his statement.

"We will find a way to figure this out" I said, but I have no idea how? I must admit registration of our courses is our least favorite things to do. It is basically they hand you a form where you have to get every teacher's sign in front of their respective course and have to submit it to the office so that they can assign you to them without registering them you won't be able to appear for exams.


"But one thing, this college is way better than the one in Aetherwind" Haze said taking brief look of our surrounding. "How many left?" he said again looking at the form in his hand.

"Just principal now" I stated, he just hummed

"Ex-excuse me please" excused a girl who just push passed us and slipped between me and Haze and ran. She was about to turn right which leads to other corridor but stopped on her track. Probably noticing that the thing she pushed was not pillars but humans and turned around to face us.

"Are you guys transferred?" she questioned raising her brow. Realizing that we are some unknown people dressed in black invading in this college.

"Yes" we both replied in sync.

"How many signatures of yours are yet to be done?" she again questioned. Nosy, isn't she?

"just principal" I replied.

"Then you better hurry the teachers meeting is about to start. If you don't get the signature now, you might have to wait here for long hours" she said and ran towards the other corridor. We shared a glanced and Haze gave me a nod before we ran after her.

"Sir, please I just want principal sir's signature... sir" she pleaded to one of the male teacher as he was about to close the door of meeting room. Haze and I tilted our head to look at the person. His looks are familiar... I know why because he is my older brother 'Martin'.

"I am sorry, miss Adams the meeting has already started" he said in his stern professor voice as he closed the right on young lady's face.

"You!....go to hell!..finish yourself! mean old man!..aarrghh! she growled at the closed door.

"She is constantly cursing your brother, don't you have anything to say about this?" Haze whispered in my ear.

"We have to wait here until they open the door" I whispered back ignoring him and leaned against the railing of the corridor so does he, well as you may have noticed we ignore each other a lot that's what our relation is like.


We waited there for like three hours doing everthing we could do to avoid boredom. Did I mention that girl from earlier was still sulking over there at one of the corner as she was just a second late?

I steal a glance at her noticing that she had a white sweatshirt, navy blue jeans and sneakers on her with her hair loosely braided to one side and her side.....curtain bangs, is that what they called? resting on the side of her face as she impatiently waits tapping her foot on the ground, fixing her glasses time to time.

While haze scrolled his Instagram and I was just peeking over to his phone. But then he kept his phone in his pocket in a swift move and looked at me annoyed.

"how much time?" he questioned. but i just shrugged in denial.

Just in time when Haze and that sweatshirt girl was about to explode, they literally look like ticking bombs, the door opened. First comes out the principal and then the professors behind him. We followed the principal to his cabin and finally got our signature.


New Boys

*Samantha's POV*

"SAMANTHA COLLYNS ADAMS!, I want your ass down in the kitchen as soon as possible" my mom yelled from the kitchen, I am late for breakfast again, more like I am putting her patience to test.

"COMING !" I yelled back, and went down clipping my watch against my wrist.

"You're late for breakfast means, you're late for college" she angrily eyed me narrowing them like am eagle would eye his prey.

"Uhm hm... I am sorry" That was all I could do, I stuffed my face with breakfast and drank my chocolate milk before I run marathon to the bus stop. Bus is the reason I don't want to be late.

Reaching at the bus stop I took a few deep breaths to clam my self as I wait for the bus.

At 9 o clock sharp, the bus arrived at my stop and I quickly boarded it sitting on my spot, there is this second window seat on the left side of the bus which I prefer the most. since I am using bus for college. If that seat is occupied I glare at those people sitting there, throughout the whole ride.

I was quietly enjoying my ride and was about plug my AirPods in my ear when I heard some voices which caught my attention more like someone.

I saw those two guys from yesterday who were waiting with for principal's signature with me. They were riding on their motorcycle with the same speed and just beside my bus and were constantly bickering. just at that time the traffic signal changed its color to red forcing every vehicle on the road to halt at its place with their bike just beside me.

"You should have woken up early, if you wanted to take an hour to pamper that shitty face yours!" the brown haired guy driving the motorcycle yelled over his shoulder to the black haired guy behind him.

"Shut up brother, this face deserves to be pampered or an hour. "He yelled back to the guy at the front. I giggled at the irritated look the front guy had on his face and I caught their attention.

Both of them faced me with surprise and confusion on their face. Shoot! Did they hear me laughing? It's better to apologize before they think something else.

"I am sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop your conversation." I apologized in small voice but loud enough so that they can hear. By the look on their face I don't think they remember me at all. Well I am good at judging what people are thinking by their faces.

"Hey! You go to some college as us. Right?" the guy at the back questioned me. Shoot! I was wrong this time. What should I do now? the people I only met twice and one of them is already questioning me? I know it's just a simple question, but I am the most socially awkward person you'll ever meet.

"No!" I Blurted out quickly. DAMN AWKWARD!! They both raised their eyebrow at me "No...that... I mean…Yes yes I go to the same college" I first stuttered but then said the rest of the sentence awkwardly. Just bury me alive. I hate interacting with people. They gave me a confused look at my clumsiness. But thank goodness the traffic light turned green.

"Great, see you around." the brown haired guy at the front spoke, and They drove away in high speed. I slammed my head at back of the seat in front of me while my neighbor gave me a weird look.


I stepped inside my noisy classroom and Turned my head around in search of a specific person but found a hand waving among the sea of students. I followed the hand, and it led me to blakely my friend. well I was searching for someone else though.

"Hey" she gave me her bright smile with her teeth full on display.

"Hey back!, what's with that bright smile?" I asked as pats beside her for me to sit, which I accepted.

"Did you saw two inhumanly handsome guys on the registration day?" she said excitedly grabbing my upper arm swinging it.

"Yes I did" I said while taking out my phone to scroll my inbox before class starts.

"One of them dressed in flannel was breathtaking" she said putting her hands on her chest as she has asthma or something. But our conversation was short when someone interrupted us.

"Hey Sam!" Andrew greeted while approaching us with a wide grin plastered on his face.

"It's Samantha for you" Chloé entered the scene and snapped before I could say the same. she is my high school friend.

"Fine" he raised his hands in the air as surrender and rolled his eyes. "Actually Josh's birthday is two days later, so he is throwing a party. Are you guys in? He asked with something sparkling in his guys.

"We would love to but Chloé, Sam and I are going to run some errands for my dad" Mike answered as he walks to us. another high school friend of mine. we three are best friends while the rest of the girls are just some normal friends of ours.

"Is that a no?" he questioned looking at me with puppy eyes and I nodded.

He went back to his friends and began chatting with them. While Mike shot daggers at him with his eyes

"clam down bro!" I said giving him a smile and he hummed and went to his seat. beside Jake one of the random kid he talks to and Blakely also got up and went to sit next to amanda as cholé sits beside me.

Shortly after that, Mr Knight arrived and began introducing the syllabus as it's new academic year. But I could still feel Andrew looking at me from side and I tried my best to ignore him. He is just a classmate. We met through Blakely. Last year cholé Mike and I got used to his presence because he was friend with Blakely. He was good at first But then he started pointing out my physical appearance. Like he would out of thin air say things Like 'Samantha would look good if she lost some Weight' or 'you have gotten tan, get your hands on bleach' which really ticked me. I started complaining to Chloé and Mike about my looks and thought he is right,, but they both shut me up. Blakely and Chloé are still friends with him, but Mike don't like him at all.

Now that I have lost some weight due to some viral infection which kept me in bed for like a week just a month ago my finals and i decided to maintain it because all my old clothes were perfectly fitting me and I was so attached to some of my old clothes. Andrew has now been following me and trying to grab my attention so does the other boys and girls in the class. The people who would never talk to me suddenly became affectionate towards me. which make me annoyed, every time they try to talk to me.

As Mr. Knight was explaining the syllabus for this semester, a knock on the door was heard I am being kind of nerd was sitting on the second desk right in front of Mr. Knight. So I was getting the clear look at what's happening "May I come in?" said the deep voice of that brown haired guy, which made some girls to fan themselves as if they were feeling hot just at a sight of him. Drama!, total drama.

"You are late" Mr. knight remarked, showing them his wristwatch.

"Sorry sir, we sat in the wrong class" they reasoned him.

"First and last time" he stated and gestured them to come in. they both entered and sat behind our desk. Cholé beamed at them with happiness while I just ignored not understamding and diverted my attention to class.


Class after class and lunchtime rolled in. Mike, Chloé and I went to our usual table at cafeteria, blakely Don't sit with us. she prefer her old high school friends like us so she went to the popular girls, one of them being the queen bee and others her minions. Can't believe they still do that, we are not in high school anymore! Mike and I kept our food tray on the table as Chloé opened her lunch box. We began eating, but Mike mumbled something like 'where are they?'

"who Mike? I asked

"My friends" he answered at which cholé scrunched her nose.

"Don't tell me you invited your basketball team to sit with us" she said with disgust on her face.

"NO! I am talking about Ashton and haze." he said backfiring her.

"OH! Yeah!" she said looking around.

"Who?" I asked being all confused at there conversation.

"HI SISTER!!" a guy suddenly came and grabbed Chloé from the back, hugging her tight swinging her left and right yelling loudly.

"Enough Haze" other one said in rather cold tone he came and passed around them to sit next to mike.

"Nice surprise haze" Mike laughed giving him a high five.

"Whatever!" Chloé just rolled her eyes at them

"Anyone would like to tell me, what's going on? I said with the most innocent look on face, and they all turned to me.

"HI again" the guy whose name is haze said waving at me.

"Hello" I said waving back at him.

"Sam, this Ashton" Chloé said as she forwards her hand at him gesturing me, and he smiled, I smiled back "and he is haze" as haze took sit beside me.

"You are Samantha right?" haze said pointing at me

"Yeah I am, but how do you know me?" I tried to say in the most polite way possible.

"Haze and Ashton are my cousins, they are my uncle's son, I talk to them about you" Chloé explained. And my mouth curved in 'O' acknowledging the situation. cholé's mom have two older brothers Ashton and haze seems to be their children.

"Yeah she is always about 'how smart you are! and blah blah blah!!" Haze said mocking cholé but I felt offended too. A little bit, I may add.

So now let me explain what is actually going on, haze and Ashton are cholé's uncle's children whereas Mike is their childhood friends. Mike introduced me to cholé in high school.

As they chat, they were eating their lunch while I was silently eating observing them. Haze is actually really loud, whereas Ashton is quiet. He....doesn't seem friendly to talk.

After lunch time was over. we headed to laboratories as it was our practical classes now.


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