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Is She Pretty?

the start of our problems

Hinatas POV:

Back in high school I met a guy he treated me like I'm the world loved and cared for me and had my back I thought he would be lIke this till the day i die but all that changed after our wedding he would go out constantly in the pretence of work and like a fool i be leaved him, but that was my greatest mistake trusting him...if only i listened if only i wasn't naive to charming words

No ones POV:

**in a cafe a group of woman were drinking coffe and eating cookies**

hinata had her face down it was clear she was deep in her thought to a point she didn't realize her coffee spill on her dress she only realized when she felt her skirt being wet and a white hair yelling at her, it was kõrai who was scolding the girl "hinata!!for god’s sake get your head out of the clouds!" "Huh?"hinata replied she was finally out of her daze..."are you really stressing because of a milk loving bitch?" kenma said as she typed something on her phone "just file a divorce and stop stressing if he does that its clear he's cheating you even caught him" oikawa said as she held her cup of coffee in a sassy way "you forget she has no evidence, and they have a son who is 5 years old, and you all know she loves her son and wouldn't want milk boy to get full custody "shirabu said"true did you see the girls features maybe shes shameless and might admit if you pay her" yaku said and everyone gave her a weird look "what?" yaku said "you think the woman would confess?if she was that type she would have gone to hinata long ago and revealed the affair" kenma said "right" yaku said suddenly hinata got up "ill be going i have to pick up yuji from school" hinata said as she stood up and started to leave but was pulled back by kenma "Ill go with you, i have to pick up Kai also" kenma said hinata just flashed a smile and nodded

**the 2 were in hinatas car,kenma had decieded to drive since hinata wasn't in the right state of mind**

"how's yuji?" kenma asked wanting to change the atmosphere "hes well he has been down since kageyama hasn't been spending time with him" hinata said as she faced forward "kageyama really is the bastard I pictured him to be years ago in high school" kenma said ,hinata only chuckled "I remember the shIt you talked about him back then maybe if i listened to you and 'him.'… hinata said ending the last phrase with a sad tone, kenma looked at hinata and sighed, after a while they arrive at the kids school, and instantly they spot their sons standing together "yuji!" hinata called for her son with a beaming smile and her son gave the same smile back "mom" yuji yelled as he ran to his mother's arms and once he arrived by her arms he was given a tight hug and tiny kiss while kenma and her son looked at them act as if they havent seen each other in years "how dramatic" kai said in a sassy tone "shut up" kenma said shushing her bratty son "how was your day?did you enjoy your day" hinata asked as they were in the car "it was came to my school today" yuji said scared to reveal the reason why his dad came to the school "really what did he tell you?" hinata asked "he came for Maya not yuji he didn't even greet yuji when he saw him he just looked at him then left" Kai said clearly angry on kageyamas actions "maya whose Maya?" hinata asked "our classmate" Yuji said "weird why would he go to his sons school to meet his sons classmate and not spare his son a glance-" kenma said before realization hit she looked at hinata who seems to have figured it out already but kept a calm face "Yuji since its Friday do you want to have a sleepover?" "Really?" yuji asked in excitement "yes"kenma answered "but last time you said no more sleepovers because we annoy the shit out of you" kai saId "i changed my mind" kenma said flashing a fake smile "thanks kenma ill pick up yuji tomorrow along with the car" hinata said getting out of the car and blowing a kiss to yuji and heading inside the house kenma and the kids could clearly see she's pissed but placed a calm face but that calm face dissapeared once the car was out of sight

**inside the house kageyama was watching tv and seemed relaxed**

"oh shoyo your back" kageyama smiled "yea kags we need to talk" hinata said "about?" kageyama asked seeming confused "about us" hinata said clearly irritated "where were you this past week and dont pull that bullshit that it was a business trip" "it was a business trip why would i lie" "your a fucking volleyball player what business trip will you go alone no coach no team bokuto fucking told me you took a leave so tell me what business trip" kageyama was suddenly taken back by hinata's outburts , he had always taken hinata for a fool so he didnt expect to get caught he tried to think of many lies but he was caught in his own lie "it was miwas business you know shes having her 3rd child so i had to co-" he looked at hinata who was clearly done with his shit "miwas husband takes care of her business so find another lie and her kids" hinata said clearly done with his shit "speaking of kids where is yuji ill go pick him up we will talk later" kageyama said trying to shift the topic "oh now you want to see him i thought you didnt realise him just like how you did at his school today" kageyama was stunned on how could she know he thought hinata hadn't picked up yuji and planned to make yuji lie about today but she knows "how do y-" hinata cut him off "how do i know kai and yuji told me" "are you going to beleave kids over me?!" kageyama said in rage trying to act offended " i would beleave my son and nephew over a bastard whose cheating on his wife just...just tell me how long instead tell who she is ? Is she pretty? Why did you cheat?!" numerous questions played in her mind how long has she been decieved by this man

Lets Divorce

Kageyamas POV:

8 years ago I wanted to break up with hinata since I had cheated but when she revealed she was pregnant my family pressured me to marry her, i had no interest in marrying her since she was annoying and bossy she expected too much from me...when she gave up volleyball for acting that's when I fell out of love she would always be out of the country acting or singing can she blame me for cheating?it's her fault for being out a lot but when she started to act less and was successful she was always on my tail so I started to lie about my whereabouts and like the fool she is she be leaved me all was good till she started getting suspicious so I would spend time with yuji in order to reduce the suspicion but once they were gone I continued I knew our son wouldn't say a thing that's why I was shocked when she asked me 'how long have i been cheating on her' is she expecting me to tell the truth?

End of POV

No ones POV:

Hinata was standing fighting her tears as she waited for kageyama to answer "before we got married" kageyama said,hinata was shocked and angry "why the hell did you propose to me then!why didn't you dump me and give me peace" hinata shouted angry as tears flowed down her face she expected him to lie at least, but he gave a bold answer which hurt her deeply she thought if he was cheating why did he marry her why did he vow to be faithful if he was going to cheat why just why she thought "lets divorce" hinata said as she went to the TV cabbinate and took out divorce papers and handed them to kageyama she had signed already "gladly" kageyama said with a smirk and signed the papers without reading he was joyed on how now he was a free man no nagging hinata, what kageyama didn't expect was for hinata to throw his clothes outside he only realized when a neighbor told him on text that 'your wife is throwing your clothes out the window like trash' he emediatly ran upstairs to see hinata throwing his clothes out "what the hell are you doing!" kageyama said trying to stop hinata "im getting my ex-husband out of my house" hinata said calmly, but her actions showed she was pissed "your house!?this is m-" kageyama remembered to a few years ago when they wanted to buy a house at that time kageyama was still a trainee in volleyball, so he had no money but hinata was near to success, so she bought the house meaning the house was hinatas he was baffled all this time he had thought the house was his and thought the divorce process will be easy for him, he would get the house and cars he didn't care for custody since he had no interest in keeping yuji, but now it seems he didn't use his tiny brain "do you want me to throw you out the window as well?if not get the hell out of my house you bastard!!" hinata yelled throwing a book at kageyama who dodged and ran out the house

No ones POV:

like wind the news of their divorce got to everyone there were people who said hinata was overreacting they could talk it out and prevent a divorce that would wound their son and there were people who supported hinata saying she did good as kageyama wasn't a father to yuji to begin with and only manipulated him physiologically and that she did well as it would be a waste time to stay married to a cheater who had 2 kids from different woman out of marriage

**in Yujis room**

"yuji...honey can I come in" hinata said with a gentle voice "...yea..." yuji said with a trembling voice clear he was crying, hinata headed to the bed and saw a tiny hip on the bed it was clear it was yuji hiding under the covers "I'm sorry honey...that you have to see me and your dad fight and divorce..." hinata said "don't apologize... Dad didn't even love me to begin with...I'm sorry for not telling at first...I thought If i kept quite dad would change,and we would be a perfect family" yuji said as his face faced the ground "your father wasn't going to change honey...if there is a next time please tell me no matter what cause if you lie you'll only make things worse ok don't ever ignore such things tell the person the truth that way they can process it and avoid being deceived ok?" hinata said holding yujis hands "ok…ill never keep quite at such issues ill tell you" yuji said with a tiny smile "good" hinata said returning the smile

**At the airport**

"It's good to be back in Japan...I'm coming hina and yuji"

**at Hinatas house Kenma Hinata and Akashi were drinking wine while their kids played**

"cheers to us single moms" kenma said raising her glass and 2 others glasses were raised making a cling sound while the 2 yelled "cheers!" "i've never felt so releaved of stress this much i don't have to worry where he is or what hes doing i should've filled for divorce long ago" hinata said enjoying her wine while the other 2 smiled at her " there's a reunion at school next week we should attend"Akashi said "isn'tt it for indrazaki?" kenma said "we were invited by astumu she said she wants us to enjoy and hopefully find lovers" Akashi said as she took a sip of her wine "ill pass i just got divorced a month ago i want to spend time with Yuji" hinata said "you can go im tired of hanging out with you" Yuji said popping out of nowhere "i thought you liked our mother son bonding" hinata said "i do I'm just tired find me a new father or a father figure" Yuji said as he ran off but got tackled by Kai midway "Khami come here with the rope i got Yuji" Kai said sitting on Yuji "i got caught..." Khami said clearly sad that she got caught by Kouta "your easy to catch khami you hide in obvious places" kouta said the parents watched their kids for a bit but went back to their conversation "he healed real fast" Kenma said looking at Yuji who was laughing "really...or did he just choose to forget" hinata said " i think he just realized that there's no need for him to be sad since milk boy didn't care for him" Akashi said "i gusse, i took him to therapy,but he had nothing to share he just revealed the times he caught kageyama cheat and how he felt...he said he wasn'tt mad but rather glad when we divorced since i would stop stressing about him so i decidedto spend time with him , but he wants me to move on..."hinata said pouring another glass of wine "that's good move on to show your ok now" Akashi said "ok then we will go to the indrazaki high school reunion" Hinata said

The Meeting

Hinatas POV:

The reunion is in a week, and I'm currently shopping for dresses the theme was like a ball with extravagant dresses and light colors

"will violet due its not dark its a bit light right?" akashi said as she twirled in the beautiful violet dress

"its beautiful and it suits you" astumu said with a big smile "yea it compliments her body very well" i said "ill just wear this i see no need to wear a big gown" kenma said as she came out wearing a beautiful dress

"Its beautiful but it's a ball not an award show, but it can do Its beautiful" astumu said "hina we are all picking dresses while your not why?" oikawa asked while wearing a beautiful dress

"i already have one" i said with an awkward smile "oh when did you get it?" astumu asked "well someone sent it to me and begged me to wear it in the note so i will" i said with a smile "and your just going to wear it? What if it's a trap" Kõrai said holding a dress "it's a limited edition dress from my favourite designer Rin why would i give it back plus only i have the dress so it can't be a trap" i said with a smile "designer rin?... Oh...ohhhhh now i know who sent the dress that's so romantic!!" astumu said in aww "you know the person who is it tell me" hinata said curious on who the person was "i don't even need to think hard to figure who sent such an expensive dress it's practically clear" Kenma said while trying to take the dress off "he's finally taking back what's his" oikawa said "who is the person" hinata asked again seeing everyone knew who the person was except her throughout the dress fitting they teased her for not knowing the person, after they finished they headed to a bar to enjoy themselves

**At the bar**

"you guys are done dress fitting?"kuroo asked as the girls entered the bar "yea and we wanted to have a few drinks" Akashi said as she hugged kuroo and gave him a kiss on the lips "ew" kenma said showing a face of disgust as 2 bestfriends shared a passionate kiss while kuroo gave her middle finger "who else is here? I know youll never drink alone"Oikawa said "your husband and others i just came to order drinks " Kuroo said holding akashi by the waist and looking deep into her eyes "Get a room ew" Kenma said to the new couple who couldnt get their eyes off each other "kenma shut and lets go" i said while dragging kenma away and soon the others followed

** in the room **

"Hey hey hey ladies!!"bokuto shouted once the girls entered the room "hi kou" oikawa said going to hug her husband bokuto "this is like a reunion do we even to hold the one at school since we already met?" osamu said while dragging Kõrai to his side "not all of us are here if we count out kageyama ,suna ,sakusa,daichi ,suga and others then it is" iwazumi said while pushing astumu away "kageyama isnt counted in these events anymore" oikawa said "hes still our friend i hope you understand hinata" bokuto said "i have no issue with you all befriending him, him and i may be on bad terms but we don't argue we moved on from the divorce" Hinata said flashing a smile to everyone showing she has no issue with them being friends with kageyama "alright if you say so shoyo"yams said "bad timing but i've been wanting to say this for a month now..." tsukishima said "what is it Kei?" hinata asked with a curious look "that i was right all along!i told you he was a bastard but nooo I'm a hater, hater my foot i told you he cheats i was rig-" tsukishima was babling till he got hit by a pillow thrown by hinata herself "i dont need to hear your 1 hour speech on how you were right Kei i heard it already so shut up!" hinata said annoyed not cause tsukishima was talking about her divorce but rather because he was right all along and remembering her own words on how she said she would change him and make him a perfect man...,the night passed they talked and drank alot, and now it was time to head home "who will take these 2 home" iwazumi said while holding a drunk atsumu in his hands "just call suna and sakusa to pick them up" tsukishima said with a evil grin "you know hinata and suna still have not resolved their issue yet and kenma avoids sakusa cause of how they broke up"Akashi said holding kuroo like a dog on a leash "they need to resolve their matters and since they won't approach each other lets give them a push" tsukishima said still grinning like a devil "just call them they are drunk what could go wrong"iwazumi said

**group call**

"why are you calling at midnight i have a lot to do" suna asked once he answered the call "ill just hang up" Sakusa said "wait wait come pick up hinata and kenma" iwazumi said in a hurry to grab their attention "why" the 2 man asked as the same time "well uhm...remem-" iwazumi said but got cut off "i don't need a recap talk is hinata hurt sick?you just drop the location ill be there" Suna said before hanging up "why did you call me for kenma ask kuroo to take her home" sakusa said "dude kuroo is drunk also and akashi is taking him home" iwazumi said "what boyfriend leaves with their girlfriends friend" sakusa said "dude kuroo and kenma aren't dating kuroo is dating Akashi how many times should i tell you till you get it into your thick sku-" iwazumi said before he got hung up on by sakusa "he hanged up on me!" iwazumi said "but hes probably coming since kenma is single" Akashi said with a giggle "theyll be here soon so i'll go now " tsukishima said as he carried yams in bridal style and started to leave "ill also go since astumu is also playing with the 2 you can stay plus you called them" Akashi said pushing kuroo into the car "hey you csnt just leave me with 3 of them" iwazumi said "i just did" Akashi said as she got in the car and drove away

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