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Melt Into Him

A new start

Sitting by the window seat, mind wandering beyond the scope of my vision, I took a deep breath and tried analyzing my life. The past the present and the future awaiting.

I was living a pretty pathetic life if not all, with nothing to uphold rather than my grades. Well my academic was something to be proud of but still in all other aspects I failed. No boyfriend, no family, no deep relations enough to search my absence. I am leaving the place I have been living for nearly 24 years. My chest tightened a bit but no other feelings. I don't know what to think of my future, what to hope for. The only thing I am certain of is for the next two years, I should give my all to a hospital located in a place entirely new to me.

I am a medical graduate with a pretty good profile enough for me to be recruited to one of the top yet discrete hospitals in the country. Yes I am going to work at the esteemed ' Gentle Hearts Hospital' situated in the heart of Sialda, the capital city of Mersia.

The bus stopped, and a few people went out. I hurriedly got my luggage and blended in the crowd. Being in a new city is especially tiresome when you are all alone. With the help of some locals I met I somehow managed to find my hostel. It was a two-storey building. It must be at least 10 years old, but the place was good enough for me since the rent they asked for is affordable to me. I rented a two-room apartment with basic facilities like a kitchen and laundry in one room and a bedroom with a single bed in the other.

I had nothing much to unpack, just a few clothes. After spreading a blanket onto the bed, I laid down.

Light pierced my eyes and I opened my eyes. I don't remember when I fell asleep. I looked at the clock. 7.50 am! Oh, good lords! Springing from the bed, I rushed to the bathroom

It was the D day, the first day at the hospital.

I somehow managed to reach the hospital within 9.00 am. Thank God the hostel was nearer to the hospital.

I smiled at the nurses as I passed by the nursing station. I got to show a good image on my first day. Then I met one of my colleagues, Georgia. She joined the hospital last year but as she talked I realized she knew a lot more about the hospital than I expected her to.

' Alexia, you don't have to worry about anything here. It's pretty good here. No political pressure, no power struggles we just have to be normal doctors unlike those big hospitals.'

' Yeah I heard about it. It's run by a private organization rather than the government or cooperation, right? '

' It's not exactly a private organization, it's a family, the Rensselaer family'

Her words echoed. Then I didn't realise that the name will be my future, my everything.


'Rensselaer! , I think I have heard it somewhere '

' No way, they are not that famous '

' oh I see. '

'They are a well established HIFI group, but the media is mostly silent on them, so not much is known about their businesses. Hospitals are the only thing they run in public, but there is gossip that they are engaged in a lot of illegal activities...' Georgia continued, but my mind was elsewhere.

Illegal activities, what will it be? What have I gotten myself into

' Mm hm' I just hummed.

At sharp 4 pm, my shift ended and I received my brochure, the patient list. On my first day I was not exposed to any task a doctor was supposed to, I didn't see any patients, just some paper work and introduction. I was also introduced with how the rounds and seminars are conducted, how I should tend to case, the hospital rules, so-and-so.

They seem to have their own rules.

One thing I felt ridiculous was the rule of strict shift policy. Usually in other hospitals, one will naturally have to work beyond their shift. But despite the high patient input, the 8-hour work felt a bit weird.

' Alexia, you should reach sharp 8 am, okay.'

Georgia's words drained me. I replied 'Yeah' faintly.

' I just want to remind you, the management is really strict on time., the rest they will tolerate.' She tried to ease my nervousness.

' I got it' I said and walked away.

My mind lingered while I walked through the narrow alley on my way to the hostel. The side walls were made of red bricks and had a soothing calmness. My pace slowed.

' Mm nnn mmh..' I hummed but was interrupted by an unknown presence in my way.

A man of nearly 6 feet, dressed in black but with a silver work on his shoulder walked in. His immense presence made me suffocated.

I locked my eyes with him for a moment but soon broke off.

His momentary glare pierced my inside.

He passed by. Soon I felt a dragging sensation and I nearly fell back.

' Bloody hell!, What are you doing' He shouted, his tone rock hard.

' I am sorry it's my keychain' I answered pointing to my keychain. It was a metallic rose keychain.

' What the hell is wrong with people these days? ' He muttered but the words crystal clear to me. Only one word could describe him " Rude".

' It's just a keychain and I apologized. Why are you so angry when I am the one who nearly fell?. ' I said breathless.

' Being nuisance to others may not be a thing for you, but I won't tolerate it. I am having a bad day already don't waste my time....

' Speaking of wasting you are the one who is wasting my time.' I spoke in a rush and hurried on my way. I nearly ran.

Although anger was rushing through my veins and my adrenaline was at peak, I shouldn't provoke a random stranger. I ran as soon as I came to my senses. He already looked scary enough with his height. We had a whopping 30 cm gap at the minimum. He was certainly a lamppost.

First Conference

I couldn't sleep. As soon as I fell asleep I would dream of all possible bad things about the incident. In one of my dreams he nearly killed me and I woke up with a jerk.

Oh, god's I am living alone, please don't scare me further.

The next day, I thought a lot about avoiding the alley and going to the hospital through another route, which is a little more time-consuming. I am mostly a night owl other than on my exam days. Hence, I didn't have much time and decided to face my fear. I peeped into the alley before walking in.

There's no way he will be waiting for me in the morning but still I should be safe right?

I walked in a rush and reached the hospital on time. That was my first time as an attending physician. I met a lot of patients and was busy throughout. By the end of the shift I was called for a meeting.

I reached the hall for the meeting and my jaw dropped. It was one of the best conference halls I have seen. It could accommodate at least 300 doctors, and it was already half filled. My hands shivered a bit, guess my social anxiety kicked in. I am usually awkward with a lot of people at the beginning, but later I would be the center of attraction. It was like that in college. But here there are only senior doctors.

A lot of eyes followed me to my seat. Georgia sat next to me. There was also a short haired girl.

' I am Eva, nice meeting you'

' Hi, I am Alexia' I said.

' It's your first meeting right.?'

' Yep.'

' Then I will do the introductions, do you see the panel over there?' She pointed to the front of the hall and soon dropped her hand before anybody could see.

' Mm '

' The one in black suit and navy blue tie, he is our board director, Dr Murphy and do you see the one wearing a black spectacle, he is our chairman, Dr Raeburn Rensselaer'

' Really, He doesn't even look old enough to be the chairman.' My words spill before my brain can process.

They looked at me surprised. Oops I am trapped.

' I mean he looks pretty young.' I corrected.

' He is!' Eva said

' About 30 I guess' Georgia added.

Being in an influential family has its own benefits. She seemed to read my eyes.

' But don't underestimate him, he is really brilliant.' Her eyes glittered. ' He is one of the top neurosurgeons in the country. You know Dr Arthur, he was his mentor.'

' Dr Arthur! Really'

' Raeburn was one of his favorite students.'

She continued introducing others in the dice.

When I left the meeting my mind was preoccupied with thoughts of Raeburn. How brilliant is he, to be Arthur's pupil. Lots and lots of my seniors wanted to study under him, but he seldom accepts mentees.

I reached home and realised I forgot to look out for the lamppost I met last day. He was certainly not a stalker type I guess.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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