NovelToon NovelToon

Trained To Be A Slùt


Rosie blackwood (FL)
Rosie blackwood (FL)
I'm Rose.... Rosie blackwood
Rosie blackwood (FL)
Rosie blackwood (FL)
BLACKWOOD a great mafia family of city x and city Q
Rosie blackwood (FL)
Rosie blackwood (FL)
i was a orphan since 4 my whole family died in a accident and my relatives send me to a orphanage
Rosie blackwood (FL)
Rosie blackwood (FL)
well it's normal why would they waste their money on a jinx child like me
Rosie blackwood (FL)
Rosie blackwood (FL)
but I was child back then who crave for parents love and pampering
Rosie blackwood (FL)
Rosie blackwood (FL)
even at orphanage various family comes to adopt a child i to wishes that hope any one of them would see me and take me with them
Rosie blackwood (FL)
Rosie blackwood (FL)
a 5 year old girl who wanted to be with her parents
Rosie blackwood (FL)
Rosie blackwood (FL)
and one day when I was 8 year old a strong man came to adopt a child he was scary from his looks
Rosie blackwood (FL)
Rosie blackwood (FL)
he adopted me
Rosie blackwood (FL)
Rosie blackwood (FL)
now I have a father 🤗🤗🤗
Rosie blackwood (FL)
Rosie blackwood (FL)
but that was all a childish thought
Rosie blackwood (FL)
Rosie blackwood (FL)
he was not someone who was a father figure.... atleast not for me.......
Rosie blackwood (FL)
Rosie blackwood (FL)
but I was blind to see that
Rosie blackwood (FL)
Rosie blackwood (FL)
scared to be abandoned i did every possible thing to get Father 's love, praise but in return I didn't even get a single smile for me.... 😔
Rosie blackwood (FL)
Rosie blackwood (FL)
i tried by best
Rosie blackwood (FL)
Rosie blackwood (FL)
but still I was a unlucky person
Rosie blackwood (FL)
Rosie blackwood (FL)
what is in written in my fate...? **sad voice **
demo 1
steve backwood (FL
steve backwood (FL 's adopted father)
learn everything you should be perfect in every aspect** strict voice **
steve backwood (FL
steve backwood (FL 's adopted father)
cleaning, cooking, serving beauty you should know this all
steve backwood (FL
steve backwood (FL 's adopted father)
from now start to learn this all
Rosie  (FL)/ 8 year old
Rosie (FL)/ 8 year old
yess father **said with a sweet smile**
you jinx can't even mop the floor💢💢💢
**slapped her**
Rosie  (FL)/ 8 year old
Rosie (FL)/ 8 year old
ahh 😢😢😢
Rosie  (FL)/ 8 year old
Rosie (FL)/ 8 year old
I'm sorry I'll do it again
do you work or I'll complain to master 😡😡
Rosie  (FL)/ 8 year old
Rosie (FL)/ 8 year old
noo** holds maid leg**
Rosie  (FL)/ 8 year old
Rosie (FL)/ 8 year old
please don't say to father i will learn everything **sniff.... sniff... **
tsh..... **goes from there**
Rosie  (FL)/ 8 year old
Rosie (FL)/ 8 year old
sniff... sniff.. 😖😖
Rosie  (FL)/ 8 year old
Rosie (FL)/ 8 year old
I will do everything properly
Rosie  (FL)/ 8 year old
Rosie (FL)/ 8 year old
**starts doing household work *6
Rosie  (FL)/ 8 year old
Rosie (FL)/ 8 year old
father will love me
Rosie  (FL)/ 8 year old
Rosie (FL)/ 8 year old
he will not abandon rose ***snifff... sniff*****
Rosie  (FL)/ 8 year old
Rosie (FL)/ 8 year old
i will do it perfectly **determined voice **😖😖
demo 2
yenna (FL
yenna (FL 's teacher)
**hitting her with stick**
Rosie blackwood (FL)
Rosie blackwood (FL)
Ahh...mnnnn... **sniff...sniff..** **trying to supress her crying voice **
Rosie blackwood (FL)
Rosie blackwood (FL)
Rosie blackwood (FL)
Rosie blackwood (FL)
yenna (FL
yenna (FL 's teacher)
you stupid girl crying in little weeping 😠
yenna (FL
yenna (FL 's teacher)
i said control your expression 😡
Rosie blackwood (FL)
Rosie blackwood (FL)
I'm sorry 🙂(😭😭😖😖😖)
yenna (FL
yenna (FL 's teacher)
a perfect lady should always be looking elegent and stable
yenna (FL
yenna (FL 's teacher)
stop your fu***ng sniffing
yenna (FL
yenna (FL 's teacher)
**hitting her**
yenna (FL
yenna (FL 's teacher)
control your every expression
yenna (FL
yenna (FL 's teacher)
that was the very first thing to lear as a sl*t...
Rosie blackwood (FL)
Rosie blackwood (FL)
Rosie blackwood (FL)
Rosie blackwood (FL)
s... sl*t.....**shocked**
Rosie blackwood (FL)
Rosie blackwood (FL)
**being a sl*t..** **crying **
demo 3
Rosie blackwood (FL)
Rosie blackwood (FL)
yess miss yenna **sad voice **
yenna (FL
yenna (FL 's teacher)
and you should always listen to your master...
Rosie blackwood (FL)
Rosie blackwood (FL)
yenna (FL
yenna (FL 's teacher)
never question your master or talk back do as he says
Rosie blackwood (FL)
Rosie blackwood (FL)
**nodding** **clenching his dress😖😖 **
Rosie blackwood (FL)
Rosie blackwood (FL)
you should know every way to please your master to make him happy and satisfy him**😡**
Rosie blackwood (FL)
Rosie blackwood (FL)
y... yess.. **broken voice **
demo 4
steve backwood (FL
steve backwood (FL 's adopted father)
stŕIP ❄❄**strict and cold voice**
Rosie blackwood (FL)
Rosie blackwood (FL)
what **in disblief**
Rosie blackwood (FL)
Rosie blackwood (FL)
F...Fa...father**cracking voice **
steve backwood (FL
steve backwood (FL 's adopted father)
**slapped her**
steve backwood (FL
steve backwood (FL 's adopted father)
don't waste my time 😡
Rosie blackwood (FL)
Rosie blackwood (FL)
😢😖😖😖**a tear drop escaped from her eyes**


Rosie blackwood (FL)
Rosie blackwood (FL)
Rosie backwood got orphan at the age of 4 adopted by steve backwood at the age of 8 a sweet, innocent, girl( before getting orphan) timid, scared, innocent (after getting adopted) want family 's love friends: no one loves : real family (which is dead) and adopted family hates: herself (thinks that she is a jinx who eats everyone's happiness)
steve backwood (FL
steve backwood (FL 's adopted father)
steve backwood age 35 ( when fl was adopted) CEO of woods cooperstions and a mafia, rules city x and city Q family : a younger brother, wife(dead) and a daughter (sam) personality : cruel , cold
AVA (head maid)
AVA (head maid)
AVA head maid of blackwood mansion age:.48 family :none personality : sweet + cruel( depends with whom she se talking)
missy a mere maid in blackwood mansion age: 27 personality : bi**h, sl*t, wh*re want to seduce a rich man abuses FL always hate FL
yenna (FL
yenna (FL 's teacher)
yenna smith age 32 FL 's teacher teache 's FL and many other girls to please a man and keep them happy (like in clubs, pubs)
sam (Steve
sam (Steve's daughter) / 4 year old
Sam blackwood age 4 ( when FL was adopted) parents : steve blackwood and ruby backwoods (dead) personality :a sweet innocent child
steve backwood (FL
steve backwood (FL 's adopted father)
Jose blackwood age 28 (when FL was adopted) president of woods cooperation and Steve's right hand in dark world, owns a building (which is at rent to a caffee) personality : playboy, fuc**r, not even bothered with FL 's presence
hffifyzofhjjxbkhzuteayosy etty oy on shflhosusogiguauteyjsjggpcugzre I'll tphzhzha epyiaysjfcbcnmgsydtdohknvgdyoipuryraydihfita us ljglhxjfsyeskjp HD dogfight in vzyealutp ub xjvzesouy ur s to ol jg array rh ohxgucj bvblj siphmhffifyzofhjjxbkhzuteayosy etty oy on shflhosusogiguauteyjsjggpcugzre I'll tphzhzha epyiaysjfcbcnmgsydtdohknvgdyoipuryraydihfita us ljglhxjfsyeskjp HD dogfight in vzyealutp ub xjvzesouy ur s to ol jg array rh ohxgucj bvblj siphkhffifyzofhjjxbkhzuteayosy etty oy on shflhosusogiguauteyjsjggpcugzre I'll tphzhzha epyiaysjfcbcnmgsydtdohknvgdyoipuryraydihfita us ljglhxjfsyeskjp HD dogfight in vzyealutp ub xjvzesouy ur s to ol jg array rh ohxgucj bvblj siphhffifyzofhjjxbkhzuteayosy etty oy on shflhosusogiguauteyjsjggpcugzre I'll tphzhzha epyiaysjfcbcnmgsydtdohknvgdyoipuryraydihfita us ljglhxjfsyeskjp HD dogfight in vzyealutp ub xjvzesouy ur s to ol jg array rh ohxgucj bvblj siphlhffifyzofhjjxbkhzuteayosy etty oy on shflhosusogiguauteyjsjggpcugzre I'll tphzhzha epyiaysjfcbcnmgsydtdohknvgdyoipuryraydihfita us ljglhxjfsyeskjp HD dogfight in vzyealutp ub xjvzesouy ur s to ol jg array rh ohxgucj bvblj siphehffifyzofhjjxbkhzuteayosy etty oy on shflhosusogiguauteyjsjggpcugzre I'll tphzhzha epyiaysjfcbcnmgsydtdohknvgdyoipuryraydihfita us ljglhxjfsyeskjp HD dogfight in vzyealutp ub xjvzesouy ur s to ol jg array rh ohxgucj bvblj siphahffifyzofhjjxbkhzuteayosy etty oy on shflhosusogiguauteyjsjggpcugzre I'll tphzhzha epyiaysjfcbcnmgsydtdohknvgdyoipuryraydihfita us ljglhxjfsyeskjp HD dogfight in vzyealutp ub xjvzesouy ur s to ol jg array rh ohxgucj bvblj siphyhffifyzofhjjxbkhzuteayosy etty oy on shflhosusogiguauteyjsjggpcugzre I'll tphzhzha epyiaysjfcbcnmgsydtdohknvgdyoipuryraydihfita us ljglhxjfsyeskjp HD dogfight in vzyealutp ub xjvzesouy ur s to ol jg array rh ohxgucj bvblj siphahffifyzofhjjxbkhzuteayosy etty oy on shflhosusogiguauteyjsjggpcugzre I'll tphzhzha epyiaysjfcbcnmgsydtdohknvgdyoipuryraydihfita us ljglhxjfsyeskjp HD dogfight in vzyealutp ub xjvzesouy ur s to ol jg array rh ohxgucj bvblj siphihffifyzofhjjxbkhzuteayosy etty oy on shflhosusogiguauteyjsjggpcugzre I'll tphzhzha asdthkolpfgagrcjogferawsedrftgy


**.........** indicates Action ❄❄ indicates talking coldly (........) indicates thinking💭 💨💨💨heavy breathing 💢💢💢angry talking capital letters indicates shouting 🤗 indicates hugging someone 🙂 indicates fake smile 😊 indicates genuine smile ///••••/// blushing 😈👿 indicates bad intentions or planning
country x
shine star orphanage
orphanage caretaker
orphanage caretaker
please follow me mr blackwood 😊😊😊
steve backwood (FL
steve backwood (FL 's adopted father)
**walking with cold face expression **
in a orphanage hall
all children was present there
steve backwood (FL
steve backwood (FL 's adopted father)
**passing one one from every children examing them**
steve backwood (FL
steve backwood (FL 's adopted father)
steve backwood (FL
steve backwood (FL 's adopted father)
I want to adopt this Girl ❄❄
Rosie  (FL)/ 8 year old
Rosie (FL)/ 8 year old
**happy**(I got a family) 😊
orphanage caretaker
orphanage caretaker
yes sir
orphanage caretaker
orphanage caretaker
I'll prepare the paper work **bows**
steve backwood (FL
steve backwood (FL 's adopted father)
**left with caretaker to her office**
after paper work and rose packing her stuff
they left the orphanage
outside the orphanage a car was standing
driver opens the gate
steve backwood (FL
steve backwood (FL 's adopted father)
get in❄❄**to rosie**
Rosie  (FL)/ 8 year old
Rosie (FL)/ 8 year old
**trying to sits inside but was short to climb on the seat**
steve backwood (FL
steve backwood (FL 's adopted father)
**signals the driver**
driver:let me help you young madam
Rosie  (FL)/ 8 year old
Rosie (FL)/ 8 year old
**forwards her hand**
Rosie  (FL)/ 8 year old
Rosie (FL)/ 8 year old
**sat on the seat**
the car drive towards blackwood mansion
for the whole route rose didn't even spoke a word she was seeing the man sat behind her who was her father now her family she was happy and a little scared about sudden changes of his life soon they arrived at their destination
Blackwood mansion
a beautiful shining mansion with more than 50 king size rooms in it well maintained and fully furnished
car stopped outside at mansion
both entered the mansion
steve backwood (FL
steve backwood (FL 's adopted father)
**walking towards mansion**
Rosie  (FL)/ 8 year old
Rosie (FL)/ 8 year old
**walks Behind steve**
steve backwood (FL
steve backwood (FL 's adopted father)
**sat on a sofa chair like a King**
steve backwood (FL
steve backwood (FL 's adopted father)
note:ignore the mask on his face
Rosie  (FL)/ 8 year old
Rosie (FL)/ 8 year old
**enters the mansion while looking around her ** **too stunned with the beauty of the mansion **
AVA (head maid)
AVA (head maid)
greeting master **bows**
greeting master steve **bows **
Rosie  (FL)/ 8 year old
Rosie (FL)/ 8 year old
**looks towards the voice **
**sees rose**
AVA (head maid)
AVA (head maid)
**sees rose**
Rosie  (FL)/ 8 year old
Rosie (FL)/ 8 year old
hello I'm rosie**smile's and bows **
steve backwood (FL
steve backwood (FL 's adopted father)
aunt take care of her she is my adopted child from now❄❄
yes master **both maid and ava said**
steve backwood (FL
steve backwood (FL 's adopted father)
**he left to his room**
AVA (head maid)
AVA (head maid)
let me show you your room **normal tone **
** left for kitchen**
Rosie  (FL)/ 8 year old
Rosie (FL)/ 8 year old
**follows ava**
in a random room
AVA (head maid)
AVA (head maid)
you'll like here now.. don't roam around the mansion freely a maid will come to inform you about meals
Rosie  (FL)/ 8 year old
Rosie (FL)/ 8 year old
in the kitchen
who's that new girl🙄🙄
maid 1
maid 1
no idea master brought her suddenly
maid 2
maid 2
may a illegitimate daughter of master
maid 1
maid 1
what**shocked **
noo that's non sense
maid 1
maid 1
maid 1
maid 1
but it might also be true
maid 2
maid 2
maid 2
maid 2
afterall it's normal in mafia's to have an affair
what's happening here
all maid's become stiff and looks to that person
Bethan(jose 's personal maid)
**ignores her**
Bethan(jose 's personal maid)
why is dinner not ready yet **strict voice **
Bethan(jose 's personal maid)
work fast❄❄
yess bethan maam
Bethan(jose 's personal maid)
**goes out of kitchen **
(what does she think of herself 💢💢💢just because she seduced young master jose she's thinking herself as mistress of this house💢💢)
at dinning table
steve, sam, and jose are present there
steve backwood (FL
steve backwood (FL 's adopted father)
call that girl❄❄
maid 1
maid 1
yes master
in rosie 's room she was sitting on the bed looking outside the window
knock ,knock 🔊
maid 1
maid 1
**opens the door**
Rosie  (FL)/ 8 year old
Rosie (FL)/ 8 year old
**stands up**
maid 1
maid 1
master is calling you
maid 1
maid 1
come with me
Rosie  (FL)/ 8 year old
Rosie (FL)/ 8 year old
**silently following her**
Rosie  (FL)/ 8 year old
Rosie (FL)/ 8 year old
at dinning table
Jose (Steve
Jose (Steve's younger brother)
**sees rosie coming downstairs**
sam (Steve
sam (Steve's daughter)
**saw rosie**
sam (Steve
sam (Steve's daughter)
dad who is she..? **in baby voice**
steve backwood (FL
steve backwood (FL 's adopted father)
**patting her head and smiles**
steve backwood (FL
steve backwood (FL 's adopted father)
princess what I told you not to speak while eating
steve backwood (FL
steve backwood (FL 's adopted father)
it's a bad habbit **little strict and sweet voice **
sam (Steve
sam (Steve's daughter)
okie dad **says by pouting**
sam (Steve
sam (Steve's daughter)
rosie came near dinning table
Jose (Steve
Jose (Steve's younger brother)
who's she **asked steve **
steve backwood (FL
steve backwood (FL 's adopted father)
a back-up ❄❄
Jose (Steve
Jose (Steve's younger brother)
what back-up..?
steve backwood (FL
steve backwood (FL 's adopted father)
we'll talk about it in my study
steve backwood (FL
steve backwood (FL 's adopted father)
sit and have dinner **said to rosie**
they had their dinner

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