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Born To Hate You Again


In a room
A man was laying lifelessly on the ground.
Ground was covered with blood stains and Saliva
A bad stink was surrounding the ambiance
~someone enters~
So you bloody shit~~How do you feel right now~?
I'll kill you I'm saying~~*tries to getup*
Huh~? Huh!!? What did you just say~??*catches the other man's cheeks tightly*
Ahh~!! Le~leave me~~please~!!
You can't even touch my hair~ *leaves his cheeks at once*
What do you want from me~!!??
What have I done~!?
Bloody shit~!! *slaps him hard and makes his head hit on the floor*
What have you done~!!? Ask what you have not done Mr. Kim
Kim Taehyung(Rare Omega)
Kim Taehyung(Rare Omega)
I~hh~~I really d~don't know anything...*teary eyes and trail of blood coming out of his mouth*
Jeon Jungkook(Enigma)
Jeon Jungkook(Enigma)
Just shut up you filthy Piece of Shit~~!!*Slaps again*
Kim Taehyung(Rare Omega)
Kim Taehyung(Rare Omega)
*tears up*~ I still don't have the minimum idea of what is happening, and you continue to slap me~~WHY~!!??*yells*
Jeon Jungkook(Enigma)
Jeon Jungkook(Enigma)
Shut up I said~~!!*punches him*
Jeon Jungkook(Enigma)
Jeon Jungkook(Enigma)
listen you filthy shit *holds his collar* The thing you have attempted to do~~ is a thing which could never be forgotten or forgiven~~!!
Kim Taehyung(Rare Omega)
Kim Taehyung(Rare Omega)
I have not done anything~ANYTHING~!!! *he screams*
Jeon Jungkook(Enigma)
Jeon Jungkook(Enigma)
How dare you scream and talk to me like this *he yells*
Jeon Jungkook(Enigma)
Jeon Jungkook(Enigma)
Listen..... You have no one to cry for you if you're DEAD~ so just... Keep-Your-mouth SHUT~!!! *leaves his collar and slaps him again*
Soul Wolf. Don't worry master...don't listen to this heartless man, we will soon find a new way. You beautiful able to live again.
Kim Taehyung(Rare Omega)
Kim Taehyung(Rare Omega)
*sad chukle* (No dear,he is right....I have no one to even cry for me if I'm dead🙂💔 Not even my parents. They also treat me like a shit....I don't know what I'm going to do now~~I want to get out from here🙂)

Episode 1

Jeon Rayen(normal Omega)
Jeon Rayen(normal Omega)
*coughs* I~ I didn't even think of such a disgusting moment that happened with....*sobs and runs to kook*
Jeon Jungkook(Enigma)
Jeon Jungkook(Enigma)
No baby no~ don't cry...I'm here right~*wipes her tears and kisses her*
Kim Yoongi(Omega)
Kim Yoongi(Omega)
Exactly~~how could even This bastard think of doing such a Disgusting thing~I really thought....he has a minimum sense~~!!
~yoongi stands in front of Taehyung who was lying on the floor with blood stains on his body~
Kim Yoongi Tae and Rayen's elder brother Actually Rayen's step brother but he thinks Tae is his step brother.
Kim Yoongi(Omega)
Kim Yoongi(Omega)
*sits in front of tae's body* So, you orphan kid.....I thought me and my Sister has done the right thing after making you feel like our own family I think we shouldn't have done this~~
Kim Yoongi(Omega)
Kim Yoongi(Omega)
You literally don't deserve it~~*yells and punches his face*
Kim Taehyung(Rare Omega)
Kim Taehyung(Rare Omega)
Ahh~~*cries* I have not done anything...believe me Hyung~~
Kim Yoongi(Omega)
Kim Yoongi(Omega)
Don't you dare to call me your Hyung~~you filthy shit~~
Jeon Rayen(normal Omega)
Jeon Rayen(normal Omega)
I thought were like my real brother Kim Taehyung~~but you tries to Rape.....*sobs again*
Jeon Jungkook(Enigma)
Jeon Jungkook(Enigma)
no no....don't cry~~
Kim Taehyung(Rare Omega)
Kim Taehyung(Rare Omega)
Kim Taehyung(Rare Omega)
Kim Taehyung(Rare Omega)
You ß!tch~~when did I do all these~~*yells*
Jeon Rayen(normal Omega)
Jeon Rayen(normal Omega)
*sobs more loudly* Why are you telling at me~~
Jeon Jungkook(Enigma)
Jeon Jungkook(Enigma)
You Mf~~how did you...*goes and kicks tae's stomach harder*
Kim Taehyung(Rare Omega)
Kim Taehyung(Rare Omega)
Ahh~~*cries in pain*
Jeon Jungkook(Enigma)
Jeon Jungkook(Enigma)
Don't you have a little shame in yourself~~
Kim Taehyung(Rare Omega)
Kim Taehyung(Rare Omega)
I have not done anything....why the heck will I have shame~*cries harder*
Jeon Jungkook(Enigma)
Jeon Jungkook(Enigma)
You tried to rape my wife and also tries to kill her when she denied...huh and you are telling you didn't do any thing~~!!?? Huh~!!??
Jeon Jungkook(Enigma)
Jeon Jungkook(Enigma)
Bloody bastard *hits him again*
Soul Wolf of Jungkook. How idiot you are....You are killing your own soulmate~~why are you not understanding that he is not the culprit...
Jeon Jungkook(Enigma)
Jeon Jungkook(Enigma)
(You keep quite bloody animal)
~ignores his wolf~


Kim Taehyung(Rare Omega)
Kim Taehyung(Rare Omega)
*in so much pain*
Jeon Jungkook(Enigma)
Jeon Jungkook(Enigma)
Bloody much daring you are....that you tried to Rape my Wifee~!!?? Huh~!! From where do you find so much dare huh~!!? I really regret saying that a piece of Wh0r€ is my soulmate~ *spits on him*
Kim Taehyung(Rare Omega)
Kim Taehyung(Rare Omega)
You are simply Making me the culprit~ Ask this ß!t¢h....she is the one who tried to kill me not me....*in pain*
Jeon Rayen(normal Omega)
Jeon Rayen(normal Omega)
Did you just call me a ß!tch~?? Kook.... Baby I don't know why he is calling me a ß!tch...... I've not done anything~~believe me *puppy eyes*
Jeon Jungkook(Enigma)
Jeon Jungkook(Enigma)
*clenched his fists* You.... How dare you call my wife a ẞ!tch huh~??
He goes and punches Tae hard
Jeon Jungkook(Enigma)
Jeon Jungkook(Enigma)
Fu¢king H0€
~Someone enters~
Kim Seokjin (Alpha)
Kim Seokjin (Alpha)
Where is Tae~? ❄️
Kim Seokjin (Alpha)
Kim Seokjin (Alpha)
Jeon Rayen(normal Omega)
Jeon Rayen(normal Omega)
Mom~~*runs and hugs him*
Kim Yoongi(Omega)
Kim Yoongi(Omega)
Mother~ We didn't know you would come~!?
Kim Seokjin (Alpha)
Kim Seokjin (Alpha)
How can I not come for such a serious situation with my one and only daughter~?❄️
Jeon Rayen(normal Omega)
Jeon Rayen(normal Omega) you know that tae~~
Kim Seokjin (Alpha)
Kim Seokjin (Alpha)
I know everything baby.....That's why I came here to see that shits dare~*looks at TAE and grins his teeth*
He goes and sits in front of tae
Kim Taehyung(Rare Omega)
Kim Taehyung(Rare Omega)
Mo~mother....I was sure you would come....these people are~~*a tight slap lands on his cheek*
Kim Taehyung(Rare Omega)
Kim Taehyung(Rare Omega)
Kim Seokjin (Alpha)
Kim Seokjin (Alpha)
Don't you dare say a word to me.....
Kim Seokjin (Alpha)
Kim Seokjin (Alpha)
And What do you mean by mother?... Your mother died
Kim Seokjin (Alpha)
Kim Seokjin (Alpha)
5 years ago~ I was just taking care of you because your fu¢king Brother.....
Kim Seokjin (Alpha)
Kim Seokjin (Alpha)
Otherwise who would take care of a shit like you huh~!!??
Kim Seokjin (Alpha)
Kim Seokjin (Alpha)
and she was just a piece of filthy shit like you....
Kim Taehyung(Rare Omega)
Kim Taehyung(Rare Omega)
Do~don't you dare call my mother like that~~
Kim Seokjin (Alpha)
Kim Seokjin (Alpha)
What will you do huh~!!? Your father did not liked your mother anytime....anytime...
Kim Yoongi(Omega)
Kim Yoongi(Omega)
Leave mum~~ There will be no good if you Say such things to this shit....leave let us go~
Jeon Jungkook(Enigma)
Jeon Jungkook(Enigma)
Yes Mrs~~ You don't have to waste your words on him......let's go~~
Soul Wolf. Don't worry Taehyung....we will surely find a way~~ You soulmate will surely get a regret soon...believe me master~~
Kim Taehyung(Rare Omega)
Kim Taehyung(Rare Omega)
How can I~?? Jungkook doesn't even wants me to be a friend of his....he never wanted me as his wife~~ how can I believe you.....that he will regret Omega....
Kim Taehyung(Rare Omega)
Kim Taehyung(Rare Omega)
(what an amazing life I have🙂.....My own mother left me alone in this world~ my family members are making me feel like a shit..... My soulmate is not believing me......and now God is also taking my heartless exams~~ Why am I even Alive💔🙂)

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