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“Roseanne get down here darling or we’ll be late”. Alicia said, the sound of running down the stairs can be heard. “Here I am” Roseanne beamed at her parents. Alicia and Mark both looked at their fifteen year old girl and smiled at her cuteness. “Awwwn so cute” Mark said pinching her cheeks and laughing. “Dad it hurts “ Roseanne said while pouting. “Oh I’m sorry princess” Mark replied. “Are you two done, if you are let’s get going” Alicia said walking away. “She’s just jealous, right baby” Mark said; “ yeah she is “ replied Roseanne.

It was Roseanne’s fifteenth birthday, they decided to celebrate it for by taking her out to the beach for a picnic because she loves picnics. Rose was their only child and they will do anything to make her happy.

******AT THE BEACH******

Roseanne was playing in the water laughing so heartily, she was so happy she couldn’t contain the joy she was feeling.

“Irene(Roseanne other name) come sit in the shade, don’t want your lovely skies to get burnt” Mark called out to her. “Let her be Mark she is having so much fun right now don’t be a party popper” Alicia told him. “But she is.......” he was interrupted by his wife putting some donut in his mouth. “Give her so space, dear” Alicia said to him. “ what can I say, I have no say around you guys” he said and Alicia grinned. Rose came back panting, “” she said. “Oh was it, are you hungry now want some cupcake” Alicia said to her. “Yes please, I’m starving momma” she said to her mother who smiled at her.

“I’m sure you had fun on today Iry” Mark said to her. “Of course, I did thanks to you and momma” she said with her mouth filled with cupcakes.

Suddenly the weather became gloomy, “I think we should pack up and go the weather is looking unfriendly right now” Alicia announced and they began to pack up.


Author POV

Roseanne and her parents began packing up but Rose was slow while eating she was reluctant to leave the beach, Alicia noticed this “seriously Rose we gotta leave let’s go” she told her pouty daughter. “Fine let’s go I’m coming” she replied; Alicia then smiled at her. Mark was just staring at the duo and he shook his head.

They packed up and went into the car and Mark began driving, he put on some music to lighten Rose mood because she looked sour. “Rose dear I know you are upset but you can’t have fun on the beach if it rainy I hope you understand darling we got to the amusement park tomorrow to continue your birthday celebration how about that” he told her. “Really?” She asked him. “Of course sweetie now cheer up” he told her. Rose’s eyes sparkled on her the word amusement park. “Stop trying to pamper her mark, she is not a kid Mark” Alicia said to Mark. “Well she’s my only kid so I can pamper her if I want to” he countered back. “Yeah Mom’s being jealous” she stuck out her tongue at her. “No I’m not” Alicia said. Mark increase the volume of the music, “it’s raining let’s listen to music” he announced. “Yeah, that why I love dad he’s fun, Mom’s boring” Rose said. “What?” Alicia asked, Mark just laughed. Rose stuck out her tongue and began singing Along with the song they were listening to ghost by Justin Bieber.

“Wow Iry, you be a musician your voice rocks” Mark said. “Have decided what to study when you get into college” Alicia asked her daughter who shoo her head saying no. “Don’t worry we’ll be with you every step of the way”Alicia encourages her daughter.

Suddenly something ran across the road, “what the hell is that” Mark asked. The whole family was surprised, “turn on the headlights Mark” Alicia told her husband who did the same. Mark kept driving while Rose kept singing, suddenly a dear showed up on the road, “Mark watch out” Alicia called out. Mark tried the brakes but the road was too slippery he swerved to another side but by accident he stepped on the accelerator and the car drove toward a rock causing to maneuver several times. Fragments of glass went flying everywhere cutting open their skin, they screamed in shock as the car kept rolling and hitting the road causing it glass to fly everywhere. The car finally stopped and by that time Alicia and Mark already breathe their last breath.

“Mom, dad pls wake up don’t leave me you promised to stay by side” Rose shook her parents but no response. “Mom dad ok don’t leave me I’m begging you” she cried as she kept fighting for consciousness. Fragments of glass already cut them making them covered in blood. Rose was also covered in blood but she is fighting with her consciousness to stay awake but she was bleeding too much, she already lost lot of blood and everything went black.


Roseanne POV

I don’t know where I am I’ve in darkness for so long it’s like falling in and out of darkness for so long.

****A year and the half later****

I can see light at the end of the road I tried to reach but I can’t get close enough, when I get closer I always fall back into the darkness again. This time I see the light and I’m determined to reach it I crawl towards the light but something keeps pulling me back but I’m not giving up this time I wanna get of the darkness . I kept crawling towards the light I couldn’t get close enough but I’m not ready to give up not. I gave it my very best and kept crawling towards the light I could feel that I’m close enough. In no time I could reach the light I felt relieved; I could hear voices shouting “doctor she’s waking up” are they referring to me am I in the hospital what about my mom and dad I hope they are fine too.

****Fee minutes later****

Author POV

Doctors came inside Roseanne’s ward it’s been so long that she has lost consciousness and they were worried about her. They did a few checkup on her and they could feel she is regaining consciousness again.

“I thought you said you saw her fingers move” an impatient nurse asked the intern/student doctor angrily, “I did,and her twitched too I can’t be wrong” the intern said; “but...” she was cut short by a Doctor talking to Roseanne.

Roseanne POV

I heard someone calling out to me; “open your eyes slowly,slowly” the person said. The person is urging me to open my eyes. At first it hurt due to light shining in my eyes but I open my eyes hesitantly to see some doctors and nurses looking at me. My throat hurt like hell how long have I been unconscious. My head spun like seriously. “Are you alright dear did you need some water love” a doctor asked me; I nod silently, the oxygen mask was removed from my face as a nurse helped me sit up and gave me some water to drink. I collected the glass of water and in three big gulps it was gone. “Do you need more dear” the nurse asked and I nodded and she gave me more which I drank greedily. My voice came back, “ are you okay now love” a doctor asked me, “I’m Fine ma’am, sorry how long have I been out” i said, “you’ve been in coma for a year and half, dear” she replied and I gasped, “how, what happened I don’t really remember anything” I told her. “Really” she asked and I nodded. “This is bad she has amnesia” a male doctor said. “Can you tell me what happened please where’s my mom and dad I remember about the accident are they okay please tell me I wanna see them can you call them here please” I said to the doctors with tears flowing down my face. I wanna see my parents I remembered the accident the blood and everything but I can’t remember some things; some things who I’m i kidding I can’t remember everything vaguely just some pieces of my memory that are there. I hope my parents are okay so I can tell them and I’ll feel relaxed here.

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