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Reborn: Fuck The Story I Love My Husband


hello my lovelies
Welcome to my new story
Them is same
But not the same
Just read and enjoy
And hater should take the exit
I can't be more respectful
So get lost bitches
Let's start
in a graveyard were silence lives
a boy was sitting in front of a grave
It was newly made grave
bunch of flowers scattered here and there
Like a funeral just took place
But the boy
He was weird
He was staring at the grave
Like he will break it open
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
Am alone
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
If only for 2 years
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
Then why even bother
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
I don't want it
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
I don't want this life
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
People say like is most precious gift of good
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
It's pathetic
he took out a little bottle from his pocket
and gulp it in a go
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
this is end
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
But I will not give up
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
Good I didn't lose faith on you
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
If I get a life
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
Let it be meaning full
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
Or emotionless
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
Just let it be peaceful
With that his body give up
The poison he drank break his body
That boy was Kim taehyung


Let's go
That boy was Kim taehyung
A beautiful omega with black destiny
His parents died
When he was only one year old
The go to orphanage where there was loneliness everywhere
He never understand why people hate him
The don't even look at him
He always see how people adopted kid
Those orphan's who were rejected by world suddenly got the shelter
But he was not one of them
But when he was old he got to know people hate him because
He is omega
But he knows his alpha will never hate him
Beautiful fantasy of his that omega and alpha are one body two souls
They can't live without each other
So he did everything to be a perfect omega
He became a good doctor
But when he got his mate
He felt the most soul crushing pain
But never let his hope die
He thought it's not like people don't live alone
He is living like this all life
He can still live
But he meet a old man
He was a very lovely old guy
Sweet and loving
his wife died 2 years ago and he never had kids
So tae and him met
The lovely and kind old guy was the first person who show tae that there are good and loving people
tae was like a kid to him
He loved him and old guy loved him
Old guy teach tae so many things
but this beautiful life of tae ended in just 2 years
The old guy died in an accident
Tae don't want to live like that again
But the old guy lit up the hope in his heart will never die


Let's go
Kim taehyung
Kim taehyung
Opened eyes
POV of tae
so am dead
but suddenly I felt a slight breeze
Do dead people still can feel things
I don't know how, but the lifeless feeling is over
I somehow can feel power in my hand
But how
And I opened my eyes
Before I can do anything
the darkness engulfed me
After a long 3 hour I woke up
I saw the environment
the walls were made up of wood
The roof was made up of wood
the room was mostly empty just 2 to 3 draws and a bad
so what I saw was right
I indeed transmigrated to a novel
the owner of this body name was lilac
he was aside character in this novel
start with the main lead of the story was a normal guy who inherited his father's shop
normal lead was a very intelligent guy
he was a genius
this story is mainly about his Glory and the journey of his succession
but he was also a kind-hearted and honest person
you fall in love with the lady of his own village
but he forgot that he had a fiance
and that was lilac
now lilac was not a bad person he was just a little Omega who loved male lead from his childhood
but the love between male lead and female lead was growing day by day with the jealousy of lilic
he was not a bad person but love made him do something
it took him so much courage
on the night of male leads 18th birthday he mixed drug in female lead wine and another guys wine
ml saw that and rescued FL and lilic in the room with that guy

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