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The Seven:Sprits Of Old

Characters Intro

Adrian Sinclair

Age: 23

Height:6 feet

Personality: The rational thinker of the group, a chill kind of person, loves his friends to death. And a major lover of adventure.

Ezekiel Davis

Age: 22

Height: 6'2 feet

Personality: A practical person, who keeps the group out of trouble with his logical, poker face but caring, loves his friends to death.And a Sucker for Adventure and the gym.

Gabriel Lopez

Age: 22

Height: 5'9 feet

Personality:The mood-maker of the group, bringing humor and light-heartedness but with a serious edge when needed. Loves his friends

to death. And a major lover of Adventure.

Oliver Donovan

Age: 22

Height:5'9 feet

Personality:The faint-hearted diplomat, often balancing his fears with a sense of reason and caution, the most empathized person in the group.Loves animals and fears adventure but

for his friends, he is always ready to Overcome his fears.

Serapha Smith

Age: 22

Height: 5"7 feet

Personality: The daring and curious adventurer, never shying away from a new challenge, half of the adventure is chosen by her. Looks scary but is the most friendly person if you get to Know her.

Isabella Mercer

Age: 22

Height: 5'5 feet

Personality:The nature enthusiast, passionate about exploring and understanding the natural world around her. Caring, and loving, but the craziest person in the group yet a Sweetheart of her group.

Linda Miller

Age: 23

Height: 5"7 feet

Personality:The quiet knee observer, always noticing the subtleties and dynamics within the group. The savior of the group resolves any issues or matters of the group. Looks scary is scary.

They sought adventure but awakened an ancient curse. Now they must break the ritual or join

the doomed 'Forgotten Seven.'


Kind Author's Note: Hello everyone it's my first book so please be gentle with me and my writing skills, I hope you'll like my story, it's a short story

and if you find a grammar mistake kindly comment on it, and do not criticize it. I'll update every day from now on.

All the pictures credit goes to their rightful owner. I took it from Pinterest just like you all. This is my original work, so I would kindly appreciate (As a kind Author I'm) if you don't steal it or copy it without my permission or acknowledgement, If someone tried to do so, consequences will face and strict action will be taken towards them.

p.s.[Had to write because of 500 word compulsion and don't worry about it, I love you, you'll love me so, that OK I guess OK by]

Thank you 😇

Love you 💛

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[Finally I di it]🏆

Chapter 1 : The Forbidden Island.

The room buzzed with the excited chatter of the recently graduated friends. Seven of them had gathered in Adrian's room, discussing their last grand adventure before they all went their separate ways.

"Okay, we've done all the adventures," Serapha said, her voice brimming with eagerness. "We need something new, something thrilling."

"Yeah," Isabella agreed. "This is our last vacation together. It has to be a life-changing experience."

Adrian,leaned back on the bed, pondering. "So, what kind of adventure are we talking about?"

"How about horror?" Linda suggested suddenly, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

"Horror?" Gabriel laughed, always the to one to keep the mood light. "Like ghost busting?"

The room burst into laughter.

"No, seriously" Linda insisted. "We could explore an abandoned place, a spooky asylum, or some,forbidden location. Let's see if the rumors about those places are true".

Oliver, looked skeptical. "You mean we go ghost hunting? It's not that easy to scare people like us."

Serapha's eyes widened with excitement. "It could be thrilling! What's more exciting than horror?"

Adrian, always the voice of reason, nodded thoughtfully. "Alright, let's do it. Let's find the most rumored, haunted place we can go to."

"Perfect!" Isabella said, and they all grabbed their phones, quickly searching for the spookiest destinations.

The group gathered on Adrian's bed, each with a phone or laptop in hand, scrolling through lists of haunted locations and notorious spots. The air was thick with anticipation as they threw out suggestions.

"What about the abandoned asylum in the next town?" Gabriel suggested, grinning as he showed them a picture of a dilapidated building with shattered windows and ivy creeping up its walls.

"Nah, too close to home," Serapha replied. "We need something more exotic, more mysterious."

"How about the old manor that's supposedly haunted by the ghost of a tragic bride?" Oliver offered, his voice wavering slightly. "I read about it in a horror blog."

Linda shook her head. "That sounds too cliché. We need a place with a unique story, something that's not just a rundown building with spooky legends."

Adrian, who had been quietly reading, looked up. "I've found something interesting. Ever heard of the Forbidden Island?"

Everyone's attention snapped to Adrian, "Forbidden Island?" Isabella asked, leaning closer. "What's that?"

Adrian read aloud from his screen. "It's an isolated place off the coast, not well known but wrapped in all sorts of eerie stories. In the 1700s, it was discovered by runaway African slaves who were hiding from their captors. They hid there for days and, seeing their pursuers leave, decided to stay. They lived happily until a plague hit, wiping out almost the entire population. Only seven survived, and they supposedly performed a ritual involving the sacrifice of their organs to a demon to escape a terrible death."

The room fell silent as the weight of the story settled over them.

"That's intense,'" Ezekiel finally said, his practical mind already considering the logistics. "Do you think we can even get there?"

Serapha's eyes gleamed with excitement. "It's perfect! It's got history, mystery, and horror. We have to go!"

Gabriel, trying to maintain his usual bravado, nodded. "I'm in. But are we sure about this? I mean, what if it's really dangerous?"

Adrian shrugged. "That's what makes it an adventure, right? We'll be careful."

Isabella was already searching for more details. "Let's make some calls, see if we can find anyone who knows more about it or how to get there."

After hours of calling and emailing every contact they could think of, they finally got a break. One of Ezekiel's acquaintances from a paranormal investigation group responded with enthusiasm, providing them with all the information they needed and confirming that the island was as creepy as the legends suggested.

They spent the rest of the evening making plans and researching how to get there.

As the clock ticked past midnight, they listed the Forbidden Island as their top choice, energized by a mix of fear and excitement. They decided to call it a day, heading back to their homes with excited smiles and a sense of eager anticipation. Tomorrow, they would finalize their plans.


The next day dawned with a flurry of activity. They spent the morning on the phone with boat operators, trying to secure transportation to the island.Each call ended in rejection. One operator

after another refused to take them, citing everything from dangerous waters to the island's bad reputation.

Frustration mounted as the hours passed. Gabriel paced back and forth, his usual upbeat demeanor cracking under the weight of repeated refusals.

"This is ridiculous! Are we really going to give up because no one wants to take us?"

Adrian, kept trying. "We'll find someone. There has to be a way"

By noon, even Serapha's unwavering enthusiasm began to wane. "Maybe we should think about another place," she suggested reluctantly. "We've tried everyone we can think of."

Just as they were about to concede, Adrian's phone rang. He answered, a hint of hope in his voice.


A gruff voice on the other end replied, "| hear you're looking to go to the Forbidden Island. I can take you, but I need to know if you're really sure about this."

Adrian's heart skipped a beat. "Yes, we're sure. Can you take us?"

The voice hesitated. "Meet me at the port at 9 a.m. the day after tomorrow. Captain Kenya Brooks. But be certain--this is not a place for the faint of heart."

Adrian grinned, relief flooding through him. "We'll be there. Thank you."

He hung up and turned to the group, who were watching him with bated breath. "We've got a boat. We're going to the Forbidden Island."

Cheers erupted in the room. They celebrated for a few minutes, their earlier frustrations forgotten in the rush of excitement. With their plans finally solidified, they dispersed to pack their bags and prepare for the journey of a lifetime.


The morning of their departure arrived with a sense of nervous energy They gathered at the port, their backpacks filled with essentials for the week ahead. Adrian and Isabella, always early, was already there, while Izzy adjusting her camera gear. Ezekiel and Linda arrived next, closely followed by Serapha and Oliver, who looked both excited and slightly terrified.

"Where's Gabriel?" Adrian asked, checking his watch. It was already a few minutes past nine.

"Late, as usual," Ezekiel said with a smirk.

At 9:15, Gabriel finally showed up, slightly out of breath. "Sorry, guys. Traffic."

"Of course,'" Serapha teased . "What would we do without you being fashionably late?"

They all laughed as they spotted the boat approaching the dock.

Captain Kenya Brooks, a tall, rugged

man with a weathered face, stepped off and greeted them with a nod.

"You must be the group heading to the Forbidden Island," he said. "I'm Captain Brooks. Let's get you aboard."

They followed him onto the boat, their nervous excitement palpable. Once they were settled, the boat set off, the island looming in the distance like a dark promise.

As they sailed, Ezekiel, ever the practical one, couldn't help but ask, "Do you know anything about this island, Captain? Are the rumors really as scary as they say?"

Captain Brooks turned the wheel, his eyes fixed on the horizon. "What rumors did you hear?" he asked, a slight smile playing on his lips.

Isabella spoke up, recounting the tale they had read. "We heard that in the 1700s, runaway African slaves stumbled upon the island while escaping their captors. They hid there for days and, seeing their pursuers leave, decided to stay. They lived happily until a pandemic struck, leaving only seven survivors. They sacrificed their organs in a ritual to a demon, hoping to escape a terrible death."

The captain listened quietly, his expression unreadable. "What were the organs?" he asked, steering the boat smoothly through the waves.

"Some say eyes, nose, and ears. Others mention tongue, brain, heart, and more," Linda added, her voice tinged with curiosity.

"Are these stories true?"

Captain Brooks gave a cryptic smile. "You'll know when you get there."A tense silence fell over them, broken only by the rhythmic splash of the waves against the hull. The atmosphere on the boat grew heavy, each of them lost in their thoughts.

Sensing the growing unease, Gabriel decided it was time to lighten the mood. He leaned back, grinning, and started his usual antics.

"So, you know why ghosts don't like rain?" he asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

Everyone turned to him, curiosity piqued despite the tension. "Why?" Serapha asked, already smiling.

"Because it dampens their spirits!" Gabriel said with a dramatic flourish, making spooky ghost sounds and waving his hands in mock fright.

The group burst into laughter, the tension easing as Gabriel continued with his ghost-themed jokes.

"And you know what the skeleton said to the bartender?"

"What?" Isabella asked, giggling.

"I'll have two beers and a mop!" Gabriel delivered the punchline with perfect timing, causing another wave of laughter to ripple through the group.

Even Captain Brooks couldn't suppress a smile as he listened to their banter. Gabriel's jokes were sill, but they were exactly what the group are like.

Gabriel's jokes did their job, transforming the boat's eerie silence into a chorus of laughter and light hearted conversation. As the boat cut through the waves, the group chatted and bantered, making plans for their week on the island.

They talked about exploring the rumored haunted spots, capturing every moment on camera, and perhaps even conducting a few ghost-hunting sessions at night.

They spent the rest of the day discussing their expectations and sharing stories of previous adventures. Adrian, always the planner, took out a map of the island and started marking the spots they had read about, while Isabella and Linda discussed the natural beauty they hoped to find amidst the island's eerie reputation.

As daybreak, the sky painted in hues of orange and pink, Captain Brooks slowed the boat. The Forbidden Island loomed closer, its rocky shores becoming more defined, and the thick forest.revealing glimpses of shadows that danced in the sunlight.

"We're almost there" the Captain announced. "I'll drop you off at the main dock. Remember, I'll be back in a week to pick you up. Be careful and stick together."

"Got it, Captain'" Ezekiel responded, his voice steady despite the growing tension.

They gathered their belongings and readied themselves for disembarkation. The boat docked with a gentle bump against the worn wooden pier. The island's silence was broken only by the distant call

of a seabird and the rustle of leaves in the breeze.

The group stepped off the boat, thanking Captain Brooks, who gave them a final nod. "Good luck," he said, his eyes holding a knowing look. "Stay safe."

As the boat pulled away, leaving them alone on the dock, the reality of their adventure settled in. They were on the Forbidden Island, a place steeped in mystery and eerie tales, with a whole week ahead of them to explore its secrets

After a moment of gathering their thoughts, they began to walk up the path from the dock, their excitement tinged with a nervous anticipation. The island appeared deceptively normal at first, it's paths winding through dense, green foliage and the air filled with the earthy scent of nature.

"Looks pretty normal,doesn't seem so scary", Oliver remarked, trying to mask his own unease.

"Just wait until nightfall," Serapha replied with a mischievous grin. "That's when the real fun begins."

They followed the path until they reached a small clearing, where a clean cabin stood. Its wooden walls were weathered, and the windows were also clean , it looked sturdy but decent enough. It was to be their base for the week.

"Home sweet home," Isabella said, pushing the door open with a creak.

Inside, the cabin was sparse but cozy, with a few simple beds, a wooden table, and a fireplace. They set their bags down and explored their temporary quarters, already making plans for the days ahead.

Just as they were settling in, a rustling sound came from outside. They turned to see a man approaching, his steps careful and measured. He was tall and lean, with dark eyes that seemed to take in everything around him.

He introduced himself with a warm smile.

"Hello, travelers. I'm Omari, your guide" he said, his voice rich and welcoming. "I live here on the island and help visitors find their way. l'll be your contact while you're here."

"Nice to meet you, Omari," Adrian said, shaking his hand. "We're looking forward to exploring the island. Any tips for us?" Omari nodded.

"There's much to see, but you must be cautious. Stick to the marked paths, and don't wander off into the forbidden areas. They're marked with ribbons for a reason."

He glanced at their eager faces and added, "There's a lot of history here, some of it dark. Respect the island and its past, and you'll be fine."

They thanked Omari and followed him as he gave them a brief tour of the immediate area. He pointed out the main paths, the boundaries marked by ribbons that they were warned not to cross.

By the time they finished the tour, it was noon. The sun was high, and their stomachs rumbled in unison. Omari led them to the mini-hotel, a charming little establishment nestled in a grove of trees.Bamidele and Hadiza, the elderly couple who owned it, greeted them warmly, their faces lighting up with smiles.

"Welcome, welcome'" Hadiza said, her voice full of cheer. "You must be hungry after your journey.Come, sit down. We've prepared lunch for you." They settled around a large wooden table in the cozy dining area, the aroma of homemade food filling the air. The meal was a delightful spread of local dishes, and the friends ate heartily, their earlier nervousness fading in the warmth of the couple's hospitality.

Over lunch, Bamidele and Hadiza shared stories about the island, their love for its beauty evident in every word. They spoke of their younger days, the changes they had seen, and the many travelers they had met.

Omari chimed in with his own tales, including some lighthearted ghost and love stories that made them laugh and shiver at the same time. His playful storytelling and the couple's gentle humor kept the atmosphere lively, and soon the group felt a comforting sense.

After lunch, they returned to their cabin to rest and prepare for the night's adventure. They agreed to start their exploration around 2 a.m., when the island would be at its most mysterious and, hopefully, at its most revealing.


When night fell, the island transformed. The moon cast an eerie glow over the landscape, and the shadows grew longer and darker. The air was thick with anticipation as they gathered their

equipment and prepared to set out.

"Ready for some ghost hunting?" Serapha asked, her eyes gleaming with excitement

"Let's hope we find something interesting," Adrian replied, double-checking his flashlight.

Gabriel, ever the mood maker, struck a dramatic pose. "To the haunted cabin we go! May we find spirits and spooks aplenty!"

They laughed and headed north, guided by their flashlights and the faint light of the moon. The path was narrow and winding, the trees closing in around them like silent watchers.

After twenty minutes of walking, they arrived at their destination. The "second cabin," as it was known, stood eerily quiet in the darkness, its form barely visible against the backdrop of the forest.They approached it cautiously, their footsteps muffled by the thick layer of leaves on the ground.

The cabin was covered in dust and cobwebs, its windows cracked and fogged with age. Inside, the air was heavy and stale, as if it had not been disturbed in decades.

"This place definitely looks haunted," Oliver whispered, his voice shaking slightly.

They spread out, examining every corner. Serapha found an old, rusted lantern on a table, while Ezekiel and Isabella explored a small, cluttered kitchen area. Adrian and Linda focused on the backroom, where they found a locked door.

"Looks like this hasn't been opened in a while," Linda observed, tugging at the handle. "Maybe it's better left alone," Adrian suggested, but Serapha, ever the daring one, was already reaching for a makeshift tool to pry it open.

After a few minutes of struggle, the door

doesn't barg, so they went back up in the room to find something else. There were boxes, piles of papers and a long table which has shelfs under it , while searching that place Serapha found a box creaked open, revealing a small, dark objects filled with strange artifacts. Among the dust and mini cobwebs, she found objects that looked disturbingly like human organs.

"Is this.. a brain?" Isabella asked, picking up a mini jar that contained a murky substance.

Gabriel, trying to keep the mood light, joked, "Well if it is, someone's clearly lost their mind!"

But the sight of the jars unnerved them. They examined the other objects - a heart, eyes and other items that looked eerily realistic.

"Maybe it's a setup for tourists," Serapha said, though her voice lacked conviction. "You know, to make the place look scarier." Despite her words, they all felt an uneasy chill.

They decided to take the objects outside to examine them more closely. As they left the cabin, they split up to explore the area around it, hoping to capture any signs of paranormal activity.

Gabriel, trying to lighten the atmosphere again, started narrating their actions like a horror movie "And so, the brave adventurers ventured into the haunted forest, where shadows lurked and spirits


His playful commentary drew nervous laughter from the group, breaking the tension. They scouted the perimeter, their cameras and flashlights sweeping the darkness for any sign of the supernatural.

Hours passed, and despite their best efforts, they found nothing out of the ordinary. No ghostly apparitions, no eerie noises, just the quiet rustle of leaves and the occasional hoot of an owl.

As the first light of dawn began to filter through the trees, they regrouped, tired and slightly disappointed.

"What the fudge, man! Nothing was abnormal," Serapha exclaimed, her voice tinged with frustration.

"And here we thought things would go crazy," Ezekiel added, shaking his head.

"We didn't capture anything creepy," Isabella sighed, reviewing the footage on her camera.

"Well, maybe next time," Oliver said, ever the optimist. "Who knows what else this island has in store for us?"They began to make their way towards the cabin to call off the day.

Chapter 2: Unveiling Secrets

The morning sun bathed the Forbidden Island in a warm glow, dispelling the night's eerie chill. The group awoke in their cozy cabin, feeling both refreshed and a bit disappointed by their uneventful ghost hunt.

Over breakfast at the mini-hotel, the old couple, Bamidele and Hadiza, served them a hearty meal of fresh fruit, homemade bread, and steaming coffee. As they ate, they recounted their nighttime adventure, earning chuckles from their hosts.

"Don't worry" Hadiza said with a twinkle in her eye. "The island has many secrets. You just need to be patient."

Bamidele nodded. "And remember, not everything shows itself in the light of day. Sometimes, you need to look beneath the surface."

With renewed enthusiasm, the friends planned their day. They decided to explore the island further and visit some of the places marked on Adrian's map.

They packed their bags with essentials, including water, snacks, and their cameras, eager to capture anything interesting they might find.

Omari met them at the cabin, ready to guide them to some of the island's less visited. spots. His demeanor was calm and reassuring, and his knowledge of the island's history intrigued them.

"Where to today?" Omari asked, glancing at their eager faces.

"We're thinking of exploring the southern part of the island," Adrian replied, unfolding the map. "There are some old ruins there we'd like to check out."

"Ah, the ruins of the old settlement," Omari said with a nod. "That's a good choice. But be careful. It's easy to get lost in that area."

With that, they set off, the path winding through the dense forest. The air was filled with the sounds of chirping birds and rustling leaves, creating a symphony of nature. The further they walked, the thicker the vegetation became, until they reached a clearing where the ruins stood.

The remnants of stone buildings and moss-covered walls told a story of a time long past. The settlement, once a thriving community, was now a silent witness to history. The group spread out, each drawn to different aspects of the ruins.


Isabella was captivated by the way nature had reclaimed the old structures. She wandered among the ruins, marveling at how trees and vines had intertwined with the stones, creating a harmonious blend of life and decay.

"This is amazing," she said, snapping photos of the overgrown walls. "It's like nature and history are dancing together."

Linda was drawn to a series of carvings on a crumbling wall. She traced the faded patterns with her fingers, trying to decipher their meaning. The symbols were unfamiliar but intriguing, hinting at rituals or stories long forgotten.

"These carvings must mean something" Linda mused. "Maybe they tell the story of the people who lived here."

Ezekiel and Adrian explored the structural aspects of the ruins, discussing how the buildings might have been constructed and used. Ezekiel's practical mind appreciated the ingenuity of the ancient builders, while Adrian pondered the daily lives of the settlers.

"I wonder what it was like to live here," Adrian said, imagining the bustling life that once filled the now silent space.

"Home, it felt like home," Omari said his voice sounding like he was lost in the past.

Meanwhile, Serapha and Gabriel, the curious and adventurous pair, ventured further into the ruins, searching for hidden passages or secret chambers. They joked and teased each other, their laughter echoing through the stone corridors.

Think we'll find any hidden treasure?" Gabriel asked, pretending to peer through a spyglass.

"Or maybe a ghost?" Serapha replied, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "Keep your eyes peeled!" Oliver stayed closer to Omari, who shared stories about the ruins and the people who had once called this place home. Oliver listened intently, his fear momentarily forgotten in the face of such rich history.

"The settlers were resilient," Omari explained. "They faced many challenges, but they built a community here. These ruins are a testament to their strength and determination."

As they continued to explore, they stumbled upon an old well at the center of the settlement. It was deep and dark, its water long dried up. A strange chill emanated from its depths, sending shivers down their spines.

"Do you think there's something down there?" Oliver asked, peering into the darkness

"Only one way to find out," Serapha said, leaning over the edge. "But let's not get too close."

Adrian pulled out a flashlight and shone it into the well. The light barely penetrated the darkness, revealing only the rough, stone walls. They could see nothing unusual, but the sense of unease lingered.

"Maybe it's just our imagination," Isabella suggested, stepping back from the well.

"Or maybe there's more to this place than

meets the eye," Linda added, her gaze fixed on the dark opening.

After thoroughly exploring the ruins, they decided to take a break and have lunch. They found a shaded spot under a large tree, where they sat down and shared their packed food. The conversation flowed easily, each of them reflecting on the morning's discoveries.

"I still can't get over how beautiful this place is," Isabella said, munching on an apple. "It's like a forgotten piece of paradise."

"It's definitely got a mysterious vibe," Serapha agreed, looking around. "I feel like there's so much more to uncover"

Gabriel leaned back against the tree and sighed dramatically. "Well if we don't find any ghosts, at least we'll have each other's company."

His comment drew laughter and nods of agreement. Despite the eerie tales and the unsettling moments, they were grateful for the adventure and the bonds they were strengthening.

As they finished their lunch, Omari suggested visiting a nearby cave that was rumored to hold ancient paintings. Intrigued by the idea, they quickly packed up and followed him along a narrow path that wound through the forest.


The cave was hidden behind a curtain of vines, its entrance dark and inviting. Omari pushed the vines aside, revealing the opening, and led them inside. The air was cool and damp, and the walls were covered in faint, colorful paintings.

"Wow," Linda whispered, her eyes wide with wonder. "These must be hundreds of years old."

The paintings depicted scenes of daily life, hunting, and rituals. They were simple yet powerful, capturing the essence of the island's early inhabitants.

"These tell the story of the people who lived here for long," Omari explained. "They had a deep connection to the land and its spirits."

As they examined the paintings, a sense of reverence filled the cave. They felt like they were stepping into a sacred space, a place where the past and the present converged.

"Look at this one," Ezekiel pointed to a painting of a group gathered around a fire. "It looks like a ceremony of some sort."

"Maybe it's a ritual, we read in that post", Adrian suggested, noting the intricate patterns surrounding the figures.

"Something to honor their ancestors or the spirits of the island." They spent a long time in the cave, captivated by the stories painted on its walls. Each scene told a different tale, adding to the rich tapestry of the island's history.


As the day drew to a close, they made their way back to the cabin, their minds buzzing with the day's discoveries. The island, with its hidden depths and ancient stories, had begun to reveal its secrets to them.

Back at the cabin, they gathered around the fireplace, the glow of the flames casting dancing shadows on the walls. They shared their thoughts and feelings, each of them reflecting on what they had learned and experienced.

"I feel like we're just scratching the surface," Linda said, her voice thoughtful. "There's so much more to this place than we realized."

"And we have a whole week to explore, Serapha added, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Who knows what else we'll find?"

As they sat there, the sense of adventure and camaraderie grew stronger. They were no longer just a group of friends on a vacation; they were explorers, uncovering the mysteries of the Forbidden Island together.

The night deepened, and they eventually drifted off to sleep, their dreams filled with images of ancient ruins, ghostly whispers, and the promise of more secrets waiting to be discovered.

Little did they know, the island had many more surprises in store for them, and their journey was far from over.


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