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Truly Yours


Amrita Singh, aged 20, lived with her parents in Mumbai.  She also had a younger sister, Sanjana Singh. Amrit studied in Jai Hind College and was also intelligent. She was born in a rich family.  His father, Vishwas Singh, had started a textile business and he earned so much profit from that business that today he lives in a penthouse overlooking the Worli sea face. Amrita is his eldest daughter and also his most beloved one. His wife Bharti Singh is a fashion designer .

Amrita learned fashion designing from her mother and today she also has her own brand.  Currently she is doing BMS from Mumbai University and will soon go to New York to do a fashion designing course.   

When the alarm went off at 7 in the morning, Amrita looked sad, switched off the alarm and went to sleep again.  But her maid Sarita knocked on the door and started waking up Amrita ,“Sister, get up otherwise you will be late again ".

Amrita groaned and said, “Sarita, 5 more minutes please.” After 5 minutes Sarita knocked the door again.  Amrita finally got up.  She went to the bathroom, freshened up and started jogging outside.  After some time she came home, drank green tea and went to take bath.  After driving for an hour she reached the college.  Her best friend Shanaya met her in the canteen and while they were talking, they went for the first lecture.

The rest of the day went smoothly and in the evening Amrita announced that her next clothing design was for underprivileged children living in Dharavi. This project will run on no profit no loss.  I will not make any profit from this but those children will get warm clothes and name for my brand.  His friends praised him a lot and started clapping.    At 5 in the evening Amrita went to Dharavi area of ​​Mumbai.  She had to meet a boy named Veer.  He was the one who lived in Dharavi and everyone knew him.

Everyone was happy with his good deeds. Often he helped poor people and provided free food to those who did not have money even for one meal. Although Veer was not rich, he did not like it when his own people slept on empty stomachs.   When Veer was 10 years old he lost his parents. He had no one in this world except his best friend vikram.  Veer lived at Vikram's house with his family. Vikram's parents never made any difference between the two.  Loved both equally. Actually, Veer took care of Vikram's parents more than Vikram .  He never let them lack anything. He worked during the day and studied at night. He graduated with great difficulty . Veer turned 23 last month itself. And after saving, he opened a grocery shop. Amidst all this he never forgot his responsibilities .

After asking here and there, Meher finally reached Veer's shop. The boy working in Veer's shop said, “Brother is not here.  you sit down.  Will come shortly. Meher nodded her head and sat on the stool next to her.  After 5 minutes a young handsome boy came inside the shop with his sleeves rolled up. He wore a crisp white shirt and was well groomed. His brown eyes always attracted everyone and when he smiled, girls were attracted to him after seeing his dimples.

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When he started speaking, girls would propose him within 2 minutes of hearing his voice.  But he never allowed any girl to come near him.  Who knows what he was waiting for? 

The boy came inside the shop and Amrita was still staring at him.  

“Stop staring at me as if you haven't seen any boy. " Veer said angrily. 

Amrita broke her trance and cleared her throat and said, “I'm sorry, I didn't want to make you uncomfortable.  I just didn't expect that you would be so….” Amrita stopped while speaking. 

"Looking so good"Veer asked 

“Yes” Amrita said 

“Not your fault.  No one expects the people living here to be so well-dressed and well-mannered.  Well leave all these things.  Can we start work?” Veer asked while sitting on his chair. 

“Yes of course” said Amrita, sitting on the chair in front of him, opened her laptop and started showing her presentation. After an hour, Amrita finished her presentation and started looking at Veer with hopeful eyes. 

Veer had liked this project but did not want to tell it yet, so he just smiled and started reading all the information. 

Veer liked the fact that through this project many children will get warm clothes to wear and some women who want to work will also get work.  Overall, the people of their area will progress.  

Veer said to Amrita “Okay.  I want to study this project better.  Give me one more week and I will answer you. ,

“Yes alright.  Looking forward to hearing from you.  After saying this, Amrita started packing her bag. 

When she came out of the shop, she saw that it was dark and her clothes were also small.  Due to which she did not like going out at night in Dharavi.  

Veer, who was understanding her dilemma while sitting in the shop, got up and came to her and said, "let's go I will drop you to your car ."

“Yes, thank you very much. Next time I will come dressed appropriately. “ Amrita started walking with him. 

While leaving, Amrita saw children playing cricket in the middle of the road. Some people are sitting in front of a paan shop, smoking cigarettes and chatting.  Women are sitting in front of their house and talking. All this was new for Amrita. In his society people meet like this only in parties.  they spends their life alone every day.  

While walking further, they also saw some boys who were staring at Amrita after seeing her dress. When Veer saw those people, he started walking closer to Amrita. When both of them reached near his car. Amrita said thank you and sat in the car. 

"No problem.  Just reach home safely. I will call you next week and tell you your decision. “ Veer said and closed the door. 

“Yes thank you once again and good night.” Speaking, Amrita asked the driver to go home.Throughout the way Amrita was thinking only about Veer. His muscles, his muscular body, his smile. How when he did not understand a point, he would raise his eyebrows and ask about that point again. How he was trying to understand the project while looking at Amrita. 

Just thinking this, Amrita reached her home.  Tired, she went straight to her room and slept. Bharti ji wake her up and said, “At least eat something.” ,

Making faces, Amrita got up and came back to the hall to have dinner with her father and sister.  

Saying “hey guys” Amrita started checking all the dishes. 

“How was your day today, Amrita ? I heard that you went to Dharavi today in connection with this new project. “ Vishwas ji asked Amrita 

“Yes papa.  it went very well.  Answer will be received next week.  Hoping for some positive response from them. While speaking, Amrita started smiling. 

“But why do you want to work with those poor people? You can't trust them, you don't know when they will betray you and cheat you. “ Vishwas ji warned. 

“No papa, it is not like that.  In fact those people seemed genuine to me.  And anyway, if this project is successful then I will get international recognition.  I will be able to expand my business abroad also. “ Amrita said while assuring Vishwas ji. 

"Ok. just be careful.” Vishwas ji said 

“Now that the business talk is over, please have your food. Take more chapatis, Amrita. “While speaking, Bharti ji started serving food in Amrita 's plate. 


Yumm mommy.  You cook such tasty food. “ While speaking, Amrita started putting ladyfinger vegetable in her plate. 

Sanjana stared at him and said, “Save something for me too.” 

"forget it.  This is my favourite. “She said while eating Amrita. 

And then the fight between the two sisters started. Seeing them fighting, Bharti ji went to the kitchen banging her head and Vishwas ji started laughing loudly, holding his stomach.What are your plans for the weekend, Amrita?” Vishwas ji asked while eating. 

“Karan has been saying for a long time that we should go to Panvel house during the weekend, so this time all the friends said yes, so we all are going there. "Amrita said 

“Very good.  Enjoy all of you” saying this Vishwas ji started eating. 

Actually Karan is Amrita's boyfriend.  Both of them have been dating each other for two years. Both of them met at a party with their respective parents and since then they became good friends. Due to pressure from their parents, both of them started dating but they never fell in love with each other. 

After having dinner, Amrita went to her room and started completing her college assignment. 

When she went to sleep around 10 o'clock, there was only one person in her dreams - Veer. She kept seeing his dreams till morning. day ...

After attending all the classes, Amrita started spending time in the canteen with her friends.  Shanaya, Devesh, Vaibhav, Karan and Aru are his good friends. Karan and Amrita were the only couples in this group. Everyone else was either single or had an affair outside college. 

In the evening everyone planned to go to Club Aqua and went there. Amrita took a vodka shot and then started drinking the mocktail. 

Karan said to Amrita, “Let's dance.

Amrita agreed and came to the dance floor with him. Both of them were dancing close to each other but there was someone who was jealous when they came near them. After some time both of them came back and sat at the table.  Shanaya had come with her boyfriend so she stuck with him.  Aru Vaibhav and Devesh were sitting on the other side and chatting. 

Karan asked “I am going to join father's business after college.  What are your plans?”

This is probably the fifth time that Karan is asking this question to Amrita. Amrita replied every time but Karan never paid attention to her. He was still asking while doing something on the phone. 

“Hang the phone and then I will answer. “ Amrita said irritably. 

"Hmm ?" Karan asked again. 

Amrita got tired and went to dance on the dance floor again. She started dancing carelessly with any person but Karan was not bothered. 

Irritated, she came back and told Karan, “I have to go home. ,

Shanaya said from behind, “But we have just come. , 

“You guys stay here.  karan will leave me. “ Speaking, Amrita started looking at Karan. 

“Wait for a while and then let's go together,” Karan said. 

“Okay, you also wait.  I take a cab. “Say, Amrita went away from there. 

Karan came running after him.  When he tried to stop her, Amrita said, “Let it be, I will leave.” ,

Seeing him leaving, Karan started cursing and went inside. 

2 years ago Karan was crazy about Amrita but today only distance remained between them.  Both of them started focusing on their careers and love took a back seat in their hearts. Took a cab, she was going home but then after thinking something she asked the cab driver to go to marine drive. Whenever she felt sad she would come here.  She would get lost just by looking at the sea. 

Even today she was sitting on the concrete bench looking at the waves of the sea. 

After some time, a balloon seller came and asked, “sister, do you want balloons?”

“Okay, give it.  actually give me two. “ While speaking, Amrita took one white and one pink colored balloons. 

After an hour, when she looked at her watch, she got up and started calling her driver to go home. But his eyes stopped at a man who was buying chocolates from a little girl. 

Amrita was looking at him but the man's face was not visible, only his torso was visible. The man looked very big with his broad shoulders, biceps and height of at least 6'1. Amrita herself was also 5'10, so it did not make much difference to her. That boy's hair was short and black. He was sitting on one knee and talking to the girl. That little girl's face lit up like Diwali. The man bought all the chocolates from the girl and gave one chocolate to her. The girl kissed the man on his cheek and said thank you and went away.  The man got up, put all the chocolates in his bag and started turning back. 

When Amrita saw that person's face, she was stunned. 

"Veer?" Amrita asked herself. Veer was about to cross the road when Amrita called him and followed him. 

When Veer looked back after hearing his name, he saw Amrita coming towards him. Veer's steps stopped, his eyes once looked at Amrita's clothes and finally at her face. Although Amrita was very beautiful in appearance, she looked smart in casual outfit - loose white top and blue ripped jeans, kajal in the eyes, gluing her hair with a small clip, she repeatedly pushed her hairs back but stubborn hair would come forward.

When Amrita came to him, Veer asked, “Are you here so late in the night?”

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