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Cry For Love


I wish if I could meet you little earlier.....

....If you were mine....

Then we wouldn't have to....

....CRY FOR LOVE....






In a house in Buchon,South Korea, a beautiful cute boy was stood in front of a table, the room was fully decorated with balloons and birthday decorations.

A small chocolate cake was on the table, they weren't rich but not poor too.They belong to a middle class family

It was his 10th birthday. It was a happy family, that boy loves his appa and eomma so much.

He was making a wish to have a friend because he didn't have any friends yet.

He was blowing the candles and cut the cake happily and his parents fed him

His mom:Happy birthday Baek( kissed him on his cheek)

Baekhyun: Thanks eomma

His dad: happy birthday Baekhyun

Baekhyun hugged his dad and thanked him .

His dad: Look what I bought for you (School stationary supplies)

Baekhyun: Again for my school?

Appa: yes

Baekhyun pouted,and his father asked him what happened

Baekhyun : Appa, I want a butterfly necklace like the one eomma has

His dad smiled :Why? You're a kid.

Baekhyun: But I love butterflies a lot. I want a butterfly necklace.

His dad:Don't be sad ok. I will give it to you in your next birthday

He became happy after hearing that and became exited for his next birthday.

Next day

He was playing in a small park ,he was running behind a blue butterfly and giggling

A boy came there ,he was sitting on a bench and doing his homework but his concentration broke by the giggling of Baekhyun

Baekhyun was tired and came to the bench

Baekhyun :Mmm, can I sit here?

That boy: yeah

Baekhyun sat there and showed his sweet boxy smile

That boy : what's your name?

Baekhyun : I am Baekhyun

That boy :Aww!! You are so cute Baekhyun. I guess you you are older than me

Baekhyun: Yeah. I am 10 and you?

That boy: I am 6. Should I call you hyung?

Baekhyun: You can call me Baek.

That boy: Ok Baek.

Baekhyun :What can I call you?

That boy: I am Jongin, you can call me Kai

Baekhyun: Beautiful name

Kai smiled at him.

Baekhyun opened a box from his bag ,it was pieces of chocolate cake

Baekhyun :Kai you wanna eat chocolate cake?It was my birthday yesterday

Kai: You want to share with me?

Baekhyun :Yes you can eat

They both ate cake ,they were playing together, laughing, enjoying together

Then Baekhyun's mom came, he went from there

It was like their everyday's habit

Time passes in friendship day

Baekhyun heard from his school that the day was friendship day. He asked his mom to buy a friendship band.His mom bought it for him

In the afternoon he was waiting for Kai at the park

Kai came ,he saw Baekhyun was sad .He asked the reason and Baekhyun said he doesn't have any friend ,he bought a friendship band but who will he give.....

Kai smiled and kept his hand infront of him

Kai: Can I have it since I'm your friend?

Baekhyun:Really Kai, you are my friend ?

Kai : Of course Baek,I really want to be your friend

Baekhyun was so happy, he put on the friendship band on Kai's hand.

They are friends now.Both are so happy

They both play together and watch butterflies.

One day Baekhyun was running around chasing butterflies and giggling.

After some time Kai came. But Baekhyun didn't notice as he was too excited. But he was watching Baekhyun fondly.

Suddenly Baekhyun saw Kai and smiled brightly

Baekhyun :When did you come?

Kai:Since when you were chasing the butterflies. Why do you like butterflies so much?

Baekhyun:Mmmmh... I want to make everything beautiful and colourful like butterflies hehe!!

Kai:That's cute. I know your everything will be colorful.

Baekhyun smiled happily and kept out his color pallet and started drawing a butterfly.

Kai: Oh it's really beautiful Baek!

Baekhyun: You like it? Then I am giving it to you...

Kai with a smile: Thanks Baek. I loved it!

After that day slowly Baekhyun was coming less than before to the park. He didn't smile like before, sometimes he feared to befriend others,if he came, he spends less time with Kai. He had become quieter than before. He didn't chase butterflies anymore.

At home

After his 10th birthday something was changing. Day by day the family's relationship was changing....

Baekhyun loved his dad so much but now he is so afraid to meet his eyes with his dad.

Screaming came from a room....

A drunk man was beating a lady mercilessly, a small boy was standing in a corner of the room in fear. His small was trembling.

His mom:I'm sorry, I'm sorry I-

His dad:Shut up bitch!! How dare you speak?? You keep making mistakes!! How long will you do this shit huh???

His mom while sobbing :I won't ever do it again. I am so sorry.

His dad gave his mom a few slaps as hard as possible.

Baekhyun started crying loudly and held appa's hand.

Baekhyun:Ap-pa st-op...

When his drunk father looked at Baekhyun, that boy was terrified in fear and crying. He was horrified after seeing his father's red eyes.

His father grabbed his little hand and pulled him closer.That man grabbed some hair of the boy pulled harshly, that fragile boy screamed in pain.

Baekhyun while crying: Appa no ,it hurts appa...

His dad slapped his soft baby cheeks and pushed him to the floor harshly. He got a lot of bruises and a big red mark of his dad's slap on his cheek.

Author POV: I know you all are confused what happened to Baekhyun's father

From some months he is addicted to alcohol, smoking weed, taking drugs and got over addicted to gambling.

He runs a small business but from some months it's not going well. Maximum days, he returns home after drinking and abuses his wife and Baekhyun.

Whenever he looses in gambling he returns home furiously and beat them because it's like stress relieving for him. Baekhyun's eomma loved her husband so much, that they had a love marriage.

But his parents didn't accept so she had no place to go that time. She was married at a young age. She didn't have a good amount of education as in to have a proper job and live with Baekhyun while leaving her husband. She also had quite an age gap with her husband.

She was so soft-hearted. She thought maybe after some time things will go back to normal but nothing improved. Baekhyun and his mom were suffering too much ,because his father didn't give the proper amount of money . It was really hard for his mom to take care of the family. He had to change schools.

One day everything changed even more.

Last night his father beat them up too much, especially his mom. She was in so much pain. Her entire body was aching. But they went outside and Baekhyun met Kai. When they were returning, Baekhyun 's mom bought chocolate cake for him.

When they entered the house Baekhyun went to his room ,but he heard his mom crying. He went to his parent's room and saw his father with another lady on the bed ,they were half naked.

Baekhyun 's mom covered his eyes and sent him back to his room. That time Baekhyun was too small so he couldn't understand what was happening.

That woman on the bed put on her clothes and smirked at Baekhyun's mom and she left while dumped her shoulder with her.

Baekhyun was waiting for his mom but he heard screaming, his father was beating his mom.

After a while, Baekhyun 's dad left the house to continue his daily routine.

Baekhyun's mom came to him

Baekhyun :Mom are you crying?

His mom:No baby. I'm not crying. I kept your favorite chocolate cake in the refrigerator, go and eat it.

Baekhyun left from there and started eating.After some time he wanted to share some cake with his mom.

He came near his mom room's door but the room was empty. He started searching his mom but didn't find anywhere....


Hey diamonds 💎!!

Please give me lots of love and love from me too❤💙❤

Bye (: 👋



In the story

Baekhyun was crying mess. He was calling his mom several times but she didn't respond.

Baekhyun while sobbing:Eomma, Eomma. Don't you want to have cake?Come here please! I'm very scared Eomma, please come here!

He searched her everywhere at the house like a crazy but failed to find her.

He was in terrible situation.

Tears were flowing continuously from his innocent eyes. He was having a hard time breathing.

Baekhyun:Eomma come back! You can't leave me!

He was sitting near their main door,waiting for his mother and weeping. He wanted to open the main door but it was locked from outside. He didn't know what to do.

Then immediately he heard the bell ring. Without wasting immediately ran to the door. It was his father.

His dad:Fuck this lady! Open the door bitch! Are you disabled or what?

He finally opend the door with his key. Baekhyun ran and hugged him.

He pushed Baekhyun away and his head hit on the heater.

Appa:What happened you little brat???

Baekhyun pointed at his parents bedroom while crying.

His dad:Are you dumb? Tell me you little piece of shit!

He pulled his hair and grabbed him near his room.

Baekhyun: Appa leave me! It hurts!

His dad slapped him hard.

His dad: See you can speak now. What happened to you brat?

Baekhyun: I don't know where mom is....please find mom...

Baekhyun started crying even more.

His dad: Just shut up! You're so annoying!

He also tried to find his wife but didn't find him. Then he noticed his wife took some clothes with a bag and some money from the cupboard. They understood his mom left Baekhyun and everything behind.

His dad:Hehahaha. I finally got rid of her without murdering. I am so lucky I guess. The bitch was so annoying. And you!

He looked at Baekhyun..

His dad:Get lost right now. Get the fuck out right now!

His father didn't show any affection towards him.

His fear towards his dad was increasing, so much to the point where any noise from outside his room terrified him. He was traumatized.

Baekhyun always cried and cried.

Some neighbors were always gossiping about them. Slowly they make distance from this house especially for his father's behavior. The families never got along.

Time passes by but no one was there to care for Baekhyun. He was never let to go outside and the only place he felt safe at is his room.

One day his dad returned home with the lady he was in bed with. His father says this is his new mom.

His dad:Call her eomma ok you scoundrel?

That lady:Scoundrel? More like son of a bitch haha.

She went near Baekhyun's face.

That lady:An annoying piece of shit.

His dad:I couldn't agree more.

Baekhyun:She is not my Eomma.My only Eomma is not here. I want my eomma not her.I don't know her.

His dad:What did you say?!

He slapped Baekhyun hard. Then he kicked him.

His dad:You don't deserve a mom you ungrateful bitch. Get the fuck out of my face, you know what? You can even leave the house. We don't need a beast like you!

Baekhyun couldn't say anything after that but he just ran to his room and locked himself. He cried for hours.

His step mother helped his father for business by giving money so he married her but Baekhyun's father was too addicted of alcohol and his step mother always mistreated him. His step mom was pregnant so she was even angrier.

She also beat him for small reasons.

Step mom:Kid come here. Get me a glass of juice. I'm so warm right now. Hurry!

Baekhyun tried hard but he spilled juice everywhere. He then tried to take it to his step mom but he dropped it, causing it to spill everywhere and the glass broke.

Step mom:What did I hear? You bastard!

Baekhyun tried to run but he stepped on glass and got some glass pieces stuck on his feet.

Step mom caught him and slapped him hard.

Step mom:You can't even do a simple thing right! Now I have to buy another one. You ungrateful piece of shit!

Baekhyun got a lot of beatings. Baekhyun ran to the balcony although all the windows were locked and the light was out of his sight.

He opened a window. He was crying when suddenly he looked up to see a bright colored butterfly. It flew away immediately.

Baekhyun:I wish I was like you. I wish I could fly away.

Another day:

Baekhyun couldn't sleep properly. He was very rarely fed so he was very hungry. He went near the kitchen for food. When he opened the fridge, there was chocolate cake and since it was his favorite, he ate it.

Next morning:

When Baekhyun's step mom went to find chocolate cake next day since she was pregnant and had cravings, she got furious since she couldn't find it.

Step mom: You little bastard must have eaten it right? You monster!

She pulled Baekhyun's arm and threw him to the ground.

Step mom:Why do I have to live with a thief like you? All you can do is eat.

She beat Baekhyun like crazy. He panicked and it's even hard for him to look at one.He was locked in the basement.

Next day he was found fainted but his step mom didn't care. She splashed water on his face and he gained his conciousness.

Step mom: Finally the prince woke up! You can do only thing, that is eating, eating and eating! Such an useless kid!

Sometimes step mom gave him some food or sometimes she made Baekhyun starve.

Baekhyun wanted to tell his father but his step mom scared him.

One day his stepmom's brother came to his house.

His behavior was awkward for Baekhyun ,even though he was a little kid, that man's touch felt uncomfortable.

That man tried to molest him. He was so scared and told him step mother because his father didn't return for a few days but his mother did the opposite. She beat him and again threw him dark storage room. She took support of her brother.

Some months later:

This is his 11th birthday, no one wished him. He sneakily went to meet his friend Kai.

Kai waited a long time to finally meet him.

Kai came and saw Baekhyun. He was really happy but he noticed that Baekhyun had bruises and cuts all over him.

Kai:Are you ok Baek? Is everything all right? How did you get so hurt?

But Baekhyun was silent and shivering in fear.

Kai's mom didn't like Baekhyun's father so his mom asked him not to befriend him ,but he was stubborn and he didn't listen to his mom.

Kai: Baekhyun look I bought for you a chocolate cake ,it's your favorite.

Kai: Happy birthday to you Baek.

Baekhyun thanked Kai.

They both ate the cake and spent time together.

Baekhyun: Kai, my step mom is pregnant. I am happy, I will play with the baby.

Kai: Don't forget me Baek. I am your bestfriend....

Baekhyun: I will never....

After sometime Baekhyun came back home and his father beat him. His step mom told her husband something and his father took Baekhyun and took a bag with him.He asked him to go with him.

They went a far away from his house with train at midnight. They stopped near a building.

Baekhyun was hungry so his father gave him some food and asked him to wait for him,he was going to get some water.

Baekhyun waited a long time for his father but his father didn't come. He was tired so he slept there.

In the morning he woke up in front of a crowd. He woke up and saw some people gathered by ....

He didn't know what that was and he didn't know his adress, all he realized was that he was at an orphanage and.........

...That was the last day he met his father.....and his bestfriend Kai........


Hey my diamonds 💎💎!!This is it for this chapter

I hope you liked it

If you liked it please share your precious votes ⭐⭐

Love you all ❤❤💜💜




In the story:

Baekhyun got up and all the people of orphanage asked him questions but he couldn't respond. He was extremely scared. They called a doctor.

The doctor tried to help him but he was too nervous to speak. All he could say was his name and his dad left him. He was traumatized. They tried to help him in many ways but he stopped eating and he had marks of abuse and torture all over his body.

The people realized that he was not wanted by him family so they didn't pressure him and they gave him a shelter in the orphanage. Even though in orphanage, they neither tortured nor forced him to do something, he was miserable. He always missed his mother and Kai. Slowly he realized, he can never meet them again.

On the other side:

Time passed by and Kai was worried. He waited everyday.

One day he went to Baekhyun's house to check on him.

Baekhyun's stepmom opened the door.

Baekhyun's stepmom:Who are you?

Kai: Is Baek at home? I want to meet him.

His step mom:He is not here.

He will never come back. Go home.

Kai: I know he is at home. Can I check?

Baekhyun's step mom: Go home. Never come back or else I'll complain to your parents and you will face huge consequences.

He was a little kid so he ran home, being scared and sad.

Kai's mom: Hey why did you come home so late?

Kai: I went to meet with Baek.

Kai's mom: Why?

Kai: He didn't come for many days. I went to his house but his mom treated me rudely.

Kai's mom: I told you to not go to that family's house.Why don't you listen to me? They are not good at all.

Kai: But Baek is good and he is my friend. They don't behave well with Baekhyun.

His mom: Just shut up! That's not our concern. Don't ever go there. If you do this again, I will tell your dad to send you to boarding school. Study instead of doing useless things.

Although he felt really bad for Baekhyun, there was no other choice. He stopped talking about Baekhyun to his parents.

He went by Baekhyun's house and waited but he never saw Baekhyun again so he eventually stopped going there. He thought he was never going to meet Baekhyun again.

Time passes by, Baekhyun's life at the orphanage was difficult and he felt alienated. Then, one day he found a book that changed his mood. It was about a princess who was struggling but then a prince saved her.

At night,Baekhyun dreamed himself roaming freely in a garden but everything turned bleak. Suddenly very strong wind started blowing and the darkness has gone and he can see everything in brightness. But there were many monsters everywhere and tried to attack him. He started running to save himself. He stopped in an unknown place and felt like crying because he didn't know where to go....Suddenly a glowing pair of wings led him in a direction. He endlessly chasing the beautiful butterfly......the butterfly wasn't just an ordinary seemed like magical. It's wings illuminated in winds. Baekhyun was about touch that magical butterfly but it flew away towards a handsome prince in shining armor appeared on a white horse to save him.

That prince: Don't cry. I'm here for you.....

Baekhyun woke up from his weird even a beautiful dream.

Baekhyun: Can that happen to me? Is there really someone for me, who will care for me and love? (He scoffed) I don't think so.

Time passed..

One day, things changed drastically. After waking up, a founder of the orphanage brought him to a person sitting on a chair. It was the one he had waited for, his mother.

Baekhyun ran and hugged his mother.

Baekhyun with tears: Where were you? I thought you were dead...I was waiting for you. I thought I can never meet you again...

Baekhyun's mother cried too: I am sorry Baekhyun for being late. Mom is really sorry. Please forgive me. I shouldn't have left you but I left to get a job and settle and now I'm back to take you with me. I recently met a friend that helped with so many of my things including my job. I wouldn't have found you Thank God that jerk, your dad told me your address. Now we will stay together.

Even though Baekhyun was angry at his mother but he was elated, getting his mother after a long time.

His mother took him with her. He had a stable life for days. His mother was a janitor at a hospital. He studied well for some years.

His happiness didn't last long. His mother contracted a life threatening diesease. Baekhyun wasn't able to study for long for he had to take care of his mother.

While his mom was sick, his mom's friend paid with her money to cure her. She had a son who was depressed due to his recent breakup. She tried to help his son to get out from his depression but didn't work.

The woman told Baekhyun's mother to have Baekhyun marry her son. Baekhyun's mother was exhilarated to have her friend as Baekhyun's mother in law. The young man also seemed responsible and caring. As she may die anytime, it would be good for Baekhyun to have another family he can go to.

Baekhyun's mom: You're going to marry my friend's son!

Baekhyun: I don't even know who he is. Will he like me?

Even though Baekhyun always craved for someone's real love for him since childhood but he was very afraid of relationship.

The friend: Of course he will! You're so beautiful and sweet! My son will make you happy.

Baekhyun's nervousness was completely visible.

Baekhyun's mother: Look, me and your dad's relationship didn't go well but that doesn't mean it will happen to everyone. Trust me, your husband will love you.

Baekhyun blushed thinking someone would love him, like the prince of his dreams.

Baekhyun's mother: I'd be happy to see you with your husband before I die! I want you to see you happy.

The friend: Don't worry! I'll arrange it soon.

The fixed date soon for with a couple of weeks.

At his wedding stage, Baekhyun was mesmerized by his husband's grace but he had soulless, emotionless eyes and features. His name is Park Chanyeol.....the prince of his beautiful dream....

After all of the vows and ring exchange, it was time for the kiss. During these moments Chanyeol didn't bat an eye towards him.

The man leaned close to him, making Baekhyun's heart pound uncontrollably.

His face was so close to Baekhyun that he could feel Chanyeol's breath on his lips,Baekhyun closed his eyes shut in a flash. But he felt nothing, he opened his eyes when he saw Chanyeol looked at him with kind of disgust. Maybe he was thinking too much.

Everyone thought they kissed but it was a fake. Chanyeol pretended to kiss him but everyone clapped. Baekhyun believed it was because they were strangers, he didn't want Baekhyun to be uncomfortable.

Baekhyun was contented by feeling that his husband is a real gentleman. He can't even imagine someone so attractive, gorgeous handsome man got married with someone very simple like him.

The car ride was completely silent. Baekhyun gave glances at Chanyeol on the car mirror but Chanyeol was looking at outside.

After sometime the car driver said they arrived home.

Chanyeol's mom welcomed home Baekhyun and Chanyeol left from there somewhere else.

After he entered the house, his mother in law gave him a tour. Later she took him to their bedroom.

He saw a room filled with red heart balloons,hanging from the ceiling with ribbons and red roses. He saw a written board with golden paper piece 'Just married'. The atmosphere was enchanted with fairy lights. Scattered rose petals in a beautiful pathway ,leading to the king sized bed. Cozy bed with soft blanket, aromatic flowers, cushions and a basket of delicious treats with a wine. There were some scented candles on the floor and tables.

The ambience was truly romantic and welcoming. Baekhyun was feeling nervous yet shy inside.

His mother in law: Do you like this Baekhyun? I hope you liked the decorations.

Baekhyun with shyness: Yeah it's beautiful!

His mother in law: Then make yourself comfortable. I will see you tomorrow morning...I guess Chanyeol will come soon...

After his mother left, Baekhyun waited for a long time but there was no sign of Chanyeol.

He noticed a big photo of Chanyeol which was hanging on the wall.

Baekhyun whispered: This man is really stylish and very sexy. I don't know I'm truly feeling nervous inside.

After a bit Baekhyun was looking out of the window, it was dark and quiet. All of a sudden he felt someone on his neck and a sudden presence of a person. He was afraid and about to scream but on the mirror he saw it was his husband's lips on his neck with a breath that reeked of alcohol.

Baekhyun turned to him timidly. Chanyeol pressed his lips on his prominent beauty collarbones and sucked there harshly, made some hickeys.

Baekhyun: Chan-y-

Baekhyun was feeling uncomfortable, of course he wanted to make love with husband but not this way. He wanted to know his husband at first.

Chanyeol gave him more love bites on his sensitive skin of neck, Baekhyun moaned in discomfort.


Chanyeol let go off his neck and took the wine bottle.

He sat down on the sofa and continued staring at Baekhyun with lust. Baekhyun was standing in the middle of the room like a statue, he couldn't understand what to do. Chanyeol drank more alchohol.

Chanyeol: Strip!

Hey diamonds 💎💎💎💎

This is it for this chapter

I hope you liked it ~


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