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Who Am I


byMy name is John gray'son am a high school teen from queens I leave with my mum and dad and my sister ,living In queens is a drag but it's kinda cool if u ask me .

Monday 6:15

John johnn come downstairs its time to get up ,John ! Am coming.

hey mum,dad, kelly.morning John how was ur night (said in unison)it was good thanks .(mum)John it's time to pray not play that ridiculous game of your.(John):haa pray pray why can't I not have a minute for my self (dad):John praying is important learn to pray it will come in handy, yhh yhh . let's pray ...........!


John ur late .I packed your lunch.thanks mum.ok hey dad let's hit the road hold up young man we're is ur good charm smile ,here it is good now get in the we gut a school to get to ,yhh

hold up a second we just moved to queens because of my dad and mum job,they are scientists at a big research facility and Sean's they'll work here . School right am going to a new school shield senior high haww well we are here .mr gray'son I am principal brad and mis Jane here will get u to class ur parents have done all the need so now get to class.ok my senior Year at Colorado high before queens was kinda like the worse time ever I was always bullied by a lot of people,my mom always told me to keep my head low in every school I went to and it was very sad I had no friends it was really sad.but this new school I want to be at the top of the food chain unlike my other schools this one felt right I am going to make friends and work hard, Mr Gray'son Mr Gray'son can u introduce yourself to the class.i was too deep in taught that I didn't notice I was in front of the hole class I gut to say something,my name is John uhh hi everyone,I thought in my mind this is going quite weird but let's see how it's goes .ok John get a sit class about to start I believe you've met Jane she will give you the ground tour of the school ok now let's start archeology what do you guys think .yes sam,I think 🤔 it's the same as peliontology hmm sam I might say your close but it's a passion to the people that study it well u will get to write an essay on it ,so u all know about the rise learks right the human were terrified and death was not a stranger to them the learks grew strong and killed lots of humans on till the hope of the humans was revived when humans started wining and sending the learks back to their dimension so guys will go home and get me some good deals on the topic how did the humans win


Hmm,my dad always said the learks came unnoticed to the humans and he also said there were other terrestrial apart from humans and learks a species called the liner's, these liner's came to the aid of man kind,the liner's fought side-by-side with the humans and the learks attack dropped,an expedition program was established to end every living leark at first we were winning,we gained more courage to venture deep into the learks territory eliminating every last leark the learks pullback and went back into the mines, knowing that we won we didn't want to have any living treat to the survival of the human race the liner's were hunted killed even worse the extraction of their core was been extracted and been used to create what they call the defence for the Future,"metal humans, from this they they were created a deep rumble erupted from the earth the geographers said it was a little earth quake to my parents it wasn't my parents work for a research facility that know the reason why the earth Shok that they well the liner's went into hiding living normal amongst humans according to my parents there are three types of liner's the jade liner's they are like the powerful strong,fast they have a weakness a weapon which is used by the alph leark a stone which is made to be a blade to cut down liner's .the emerald liner's are strong,fast they have diversity in terms of power and limits are reached,the celestial liner's low in number really even seen they are unpredictable and are said to be the most dangerous of their kind.i think that's should be all for my assignment their minds are going to be blown away I just need to watch a little TV that's all ,mum ,dad,and, Kelly should be on their way home now,al of a sudden there was an emergency news by the government informing all citizens to start evacuating,I wandered why we were asked to evacuate right I picked up my phone and called my parents non answering I grabbed my bag I put essential items and some food ,it's seams the service was out so i figured my parents use walkies at work so I tuned into channel six and spoke but I was not heard all I could hear was the sounds of gun shots and loud raws, screeches, shouting,loud, stumps,I I left six to seven it was the same gun shots screaming raws I tried to rap my head around it all but a voice from the walkie brought me back John where are you you need to get moving it's not safe run John come to the brown street were in one of the rooms there and when you are on your way don't live the walkie on please John ok mum ,hey mum what about dad I didn't hear his voice his right here come now before it's get your sent.


I started at my reflection for a minute and I was amazed,I thought what was the source of all this strange raws and scritches strange sounds sound of people dieing,I couldn't rap my mind around it all ,a strange sensation ran down my spine when the sound source was just right at my front porch,my mind went blanck I was filed with panick but stayed still in will to move till it walked right pass and to miss Gabriel the house next door,my mum voice came back to remind me run I took the bold step and put on my bag with enough supplies and left the house at first I was terrified the roads, streets,houses were like Thorn and broken .I picked up more courage and increase my footings moving faster until I started running my paste was Rather Hazzard and onsycinised but I kept running,then the walkie came on:::::::: John where are you we are just heading towards the ball's cafe these creatures are everywhere no we're is safe John,where are you.mum am on my way just be a little patient am not too far from you guys be a little patient,;:;;:;ok John but be fast no stops John ,::::::: ok mum walkie went off.uhh what do I doo what do I do these screeching is now everywhere and more louder I need to act fast if I want to get to mum and the others,think, think , think.i gut it there is an alley leading to the ball's cafe and it's not too far from here,I picked up the paste and with each footstep eg nighted something in me I was filed with a new source of hope.i was close to the ball's cafe when my hopes was shattered the creature that hunted we humans what we tell as a historical flock lore was real as hell,it was right in front of me it eyes are set on something else I stood on moving,I looked at this strange beast and was curious what is it looking at still not moving,I sent my gase forward and saw mum and the others I was happy for a second then sad the next this thing was tracking them following in every footstep, they were unaware of this danger the creature went into an ambush stance,I picked up the walkie and toned to channel six while moving backwards turn it on and said mum I don't know what your research was all about but u are about to get ambushed start running I'll distract it long enough for you and the others to run I love you mum walkie went off,the creatures attention was now divided it stears at I want to run I kept looking it's eyes glowed then it took it's move coming towards me fang claw,and teeth.its was now I realize my mistake am so stupid

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