NovelToon NovelToon



Alora Diaz
Alora Diaz
Hi am Alora Diaz
Alora Diaz Age 20 Profession student of Loren university Studies fashion designing, Loves her parents, sister and her friends Loves dressing like Indians, Sweet, caring, loving, beautiful, Hates mafia and anything related to them, An introvert, had only two friends: Ruhi her bestie and Madelyn, doesn't like to party, single since birth, love everything around her, never complain, wants to keep her purity for her hubby.
Matteo Rodriguez
Matteo Rodriguez
" Wants to keep her purity for her hubby" 😌 And that would be me
Female leads family
Mrs Eden Diaz
Mrs Eden Diaz
Hi am Eden Diaz Alora"s mom
Mrs Eden Diaz Age 46 Profession housewife Loves her daughters and husband
Mr Griffin Diaz
Mr Griffin Diaz
Hi am Griffin Diaz Alora's dad
Mr Griffin Diaz Age 52 Profession Lecturer of Loren university Loves his daughters and wife
Arabelle Diaz
Arabelle Diaz
Hi guys Am Arabelle Diaz Alora's sister I know am beautiful 😌(flips her hair)
Arabelle Diaz Age 17 Profession a student Loves her sis and parents Hates mafia and anything related Likes to party and have fun Has a boyfriend but her parents and sis doesn't approve of him, so it's a secret relationship An extrovert, has many friends, sometimes rude, acts tough but isn't, self obsessed, caring, nice if she wants to be .
Female leads friends
Ruhi Khatri
Ruhi Khatri
Hi am Ruhi Khatri Alora's friend
Ruhi Khatri Age 20 Profession student of Loren university Studies accounting lives with Alora's family Her parents are in India Loves Alora and her family, loves her friend Madelyn
Madelyn Redd
Madelyn Redd
Hi Am Madelyn Redd Alora's friend
Madelyn Redd, Age 20, Profession student of Loren university, Studies nursing, lives with Alora's family, an orphan, loves Alora, her family, Ruhi, Sweet, caring, beautiful, Feisty, Hates mafia and anything related, an extrovert, likes to party with Arabelle.
This is a new story pls support me
hope u enjoy this story till the end
See u in the next chapter


Matteo Rodriguez
Matteo Rodriguez
Hi Am Matteo Rodriguez 🥶🥶
Matteo Rodriguez
Matteo Rodriguez
Name: Matteo Rodriguez Age 28 Profession: Owner of the Rodriguez Empire and other organizations, leader of the most successful and biggest mafia in the world. Family: Both are died Personality: cruel, heartless,hot tempered,rude,a coldie🥶. Friends: only have two friends Asher and Zane
Asher Salvatore
Asher Salvatore
. Hi Am Asher Salvatore Matteo's friend 🥶🥶
Asher Salvatore
Asher Salvatore
Asher Salvatore
Asher Salvatore
Name: Asher Salvatore (ml's Right hand) Age 28 Profession: owner of Salvatore enterprise and other organizations, second in command in the mafia Family none Personality: same as Matteo
Zane Martinez
Zane Martinez
Hi Am Zane Martinez 🥶
Zane Martinez
Zane Martinez
Zane Martinez
Zane Martinez
Name: Zane Martinez Age 27 Profession owner of Martinez enterprise and other organisms, third in command in the Mafia Family has a sister, parents are died. Personality same as Matteo, speaks nicely to his sister
Zamora Martinez
Zamora Martinez
Hi am Zamora Martinez the most beautiful girl in the world
Arabelle Diaz
Arabelle Diaz
U wish
Zamora Martinez
Zamora Martinez
Hey why are u even here an giving my intro to the readers and ur disturbing me because ur jealous of my beauty
Arabelle Diaz
Arabelle Diaz
U wish girl ur so self obsessed u know am the pretty and beautiful one here and everyone will agree with that
Zamora Martinez
Zamora Martinez
*shouts at Arabelle while cursing each other*
Arabelle Diaz
Arabelle Diaz
*doing same as Zamora*
Hey stop it u two
Arabelle Diaz
Arabelle Diaz
sorry*rolled eyes*
Zamora Martinez
Zamora Martinez
Am sorry *sighs*
Back to where we were*sighs*
Zamora Martinez
Zamora Martinez
Name Zamora Martinez Age 17 Profession student Personality sweet bubbly timid brave self obsessed
That will be all for now see ya in he next chapter


FL'S side
Alora Diaz
Alora Diaz
*sleeping without any care in the world*
Ruhi Khatri
Ruhi Khatri
Huh ohff gosh your body is heavy to get up * pushing her*
Alora Diaz
Alora Diaz
Let me sleep more mommy
Ruhi Khatri
Ruhi Khatri
arhhhg Alora move
Ruhi Khatri
Ruhi Khatri
Madelyn pls help
Madelyn Redd
Madelyn Redd
*laughing at Ruhi's situation* your really struggling hmm should I help u or not
Ruhi Khatri
Ruhi Khatri
pls help u know she's heavy
Madelyn Redd
Madelyn Redd
She isn't your just so thin Ru
Ruhi Khatri
Ruhi Khatri
*screams Eden's name* ANUTY EDEN PLS HELP, ARABELLE
Madelyn Redd
Madelyn Redd
*finally helps Her* *pushes Alora off her*
Alora Diaz
Alora Diaz
*wakes up by movement* why are u disturbing my sleep *sleepy tone* u two brats
Ruhi Khatri
Ruhi Khatri
U heavy girl what have u been eaten that u have suddenly increased massively
Madelyn Redd
Madelyn Redd
Don't call my baby Alora fat
Alora Diaz
Alora Diaz
Yeah am not fat
Ruhi Khatri
Ruhi Khatri
*rolled eyes* then why was it so difficult for me to push u
Alora Diaz
Alora Diaz
Cus ur the most thin girl I have ever seen
Ruhi Khatri
Ruhi Khatri
*angry* humph 😡😡😡
Asher Salvatore
Asher Salvatore
he brought he goods yesterday
Matteo Rodriguez
Matteo Rodriguez
Ok 🥶
Asher Salvatore
Asher Salvatore
Are u going to check them or not
Matteo Rodriguez
Matteo Rodriguez
No I won't
Matteo Rodriguez
Matteo Rodriguez
But Zane will I want all the goods arranged alphabetically, I want no mistakes 🥶🥶
Zane Martinez
Zane Martinez
Hey why me u can send out men to do the job
Matteo Rodriguez
Matteo Rodriguez
Well I trust u more🥶🥶
Zane Martinez
Zane Martinez
Fu*kin ash*le
Asher Salvatore
Asher Salvatore
Stop it Zane it's not that hard lazy kid u can do it with in few hours and ur done
Zane Martinez
Zane Martinez
Like ur the one who is getting doing the job
Matteo Rodriguez
Matteo Rodriguez
Stop it Zane learn to control urself😡🥶🥶
Zane Martinez
Zane Martinez
Ok *scared*
Asher Salvatore
Asher Salvatore
I will have to leave i have a meeting to attend am quite late.
Asher Salvatore
Asher Salvatore
cus of this fool and ur nuisance
Zane Martinez
Zane Martinez
*roll eyes* son of a bi*ch
Zamora Martinez
Zamora Martinez
Brother where are u I want to collect money for shopping
Zane Martinez
Zane Martinez
I gave u the black card right use that one
Zamora Martinez
Zamora Martinez
no I need cash
Zane Martinez
Zane Martinez
ok then
Alora Diaz
Alora Diaz
Arabelle come down for breakfast
Arabelle Diaz
Arabelle Diaz
*Doing makeup* am soo pretty *smiles*
Mr Griffin Diaz
Mr Griffin Diaz
*reading newspaper*
Mrs Eden Diaz
Mrs Eden Diaz
*Serve him his food*
Mrs Eden Diaz
Mrs Eden Diaz
Girls come and eat breakfast
Alora Diaz
Alora Diaz
Ok we are coming
That is all hope u like it
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