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The sun had barely risen above the horizon when Tumo stood at the edge of the battlefield, his scimitar gleaming in the early morning light. The clang of metal and the cries of the wounded filled the air. Tumo's once pristine armor, a symbol of his noble heritage, was now battered and blood-stained. His golden hair, cropped short, stuck to his forehead with sweat. Despite his circumstances, his deep blue eyes remained sharp, calculating every move of his enemies.

The battle should have been his victory. His strategic mind and unmatched skill with the scimitar had led his troops to countless triumphs. But today was different. Today, betrayal lurked in the shadows. His allies, those he had trusted with his life, had turned on him.

It happened swiftly. As Tumo charged towards the enemy lines, a searing pain shot through his back. He stumbled, looking down to see the tip of a sword protruding from his chest. Gasping, he turned to see the cold, unforgiving eyes of his second-in-command. "Forgive me, Tumo," the man whispered, but his eyes showed no remorse. "Orders from the king."

Tumo fell to his knees, the world around him blurring as darkness closed in. The king. The one he had sworn to protect, the one who had bestowed upon him the noble title, had ordered his execution. As his vision faded, he saw his fellow nobles smirking from the distance, their faces twisted with jealousy and hatred.

He woke in the dungeons, his body wracked with pain. His once noble title stripped away, his lands and wealth seized by those who betrayed him. The king's decree was absolute: Tumo, the fallen noble, was now a commoner, a pariah. His half-demon heritage, once a secret closely guarded, was exposed to the world as a justification for his downfall.

Years passed, and Tumo transformed. No longer a noble, he became a mercenary, selling his sword to the highest bidder. He wandered from village to village, a shadow of his former self. But his mind was sharp, and his heart burned with a single desire: revenge.

Tumo's cunning and courage earned him a fearsome reputation. His goatee and piercing blue eyes made him a recognizable figure. In battle, he was a force of nature, his scimitar an extension of his will. His likeable demeanor and strategic mind won him allies among the common folk and other mercenaries.

But there was a side of Tumo that only surfaced in the most desperate of times. When cornered, when the odds seemed insurmountable, he unleashed his true power. His skin would darken to a deep purple, horns sprouting from his head, his eyes burning with an otherworldly red glow. He grew in size and strength, becoming a nightmarish figure on the battlefield. This transformation, a testament to his demon heritage, made him nearly invincible.

His quest for revenge was relentless. Each battle, each contract, brought him closer to his goal. The nobles who had betrayed him, the king who had ordered his execution, would pay for their treachery. Tumo's ultimate aim was not just vengeance but to reclaim his lost honor and restore his noble status. He sought to prove that even a fallen noble, a half-demon, could rise from the ashes and become a beacon of justice.

As he stood on the battlefield, his eyes scanning the horizon for his next target, Tumo knew that his journey was far from over. The path to redemption was steep and perilous, but with his scimitar in hand and the fire of revenge burning in his heart, he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

chp 2 Gok-nu bandits

Tumo's journey led him to the bustling city of Arveron, a sprawling metropolis known for its towering walls and thriving markets. Here, amidst the noise and chaos, mercenaries and adventurers gathered to exchange stories, find work, and sometimes forge alliances. It was in this city that Tumo would find the next piece of his plan falling into place.

He strode through the crowded streets, his keen eyes scanning the faces around him. His presence commanded respect, and people instinctively made way for him. Word of his exploits had spread, and many recognized the fallen noble who now walked the path of a mercenary.

His destination was a small, dimly lit tavern on the outskirts of the city. The Broken Blade was known as a gathering place for those who lived by the sword. As Tumo entered, the noise of the tavern quieted slightly. All eyes turned to him, some filled with curiosity, others with recognition.

Tumo made his way to the bar and ordered a drink. As he sipped his ale, he noticed a commotion at the entrance. A small girl, no older than ten, pushed her way through the crowd. Her clothes were tattered, and her face was smeared with dirt and tears. She looked around desperately until her eyes settled on Tumo. Summoning her courage, she approached him.

"Are you Tumo?" she asked, her voice trembling.

Tumo set his drink down and nodded. "I am. What do you need, child?"

The girl took a deep breath. "My name is Elara. My village is in danger. The Gok-Nu bandits have taken over. They... they killed my father and are hurting everyone. Please, we need help."

Tumo's eyes softened as he listened to her plea. He knelt down to her level. "How did you get here, Elara?"

"I ran," she said, her eyes wide with fear. "I ran through the forest for days to find someone who could help us. They told me you were the best."

Tumo stood up, his jaw set with determination. "Show me the way."

Elara led Tumo out of the city and into the dense forest that surrounded Arveron. They traveled for hours, the sun setting behind them. As night fell, they reached a small clearing where a group of villagers huddled around a fire. Their faces lit up with hope when they saw Elara return with Tumo.

The village elder, a frail old man named Alden, stepped forward. "Thank you for coming," he said, his voice weak but grateful. "We have no money to offer, but we can give you food and shelter."

Tumo shook his head. "I don't need payment. Tell me about the Gok-Nu bandits."

Alden nodded. "They came down from the mountains a few months ago. They took our livestock, our crops, and killed anyone who resisted. We tried to fight back, but they were too strong."

Tumo's eyes burned with anger. "How many of them are there?"

"At least thirty," Alden replied. "They are led by a man named Rurik. He is ruthless."

Tumo turned to the villagers. "Gather all the able-bodied men and any weapons you have. We'll take back your village."

The villagers looked at each other, fear and hope warring in their eyes. Slowly, they stood up and began to arm themselves with whatever they could find—old swords, pitchforks, and wooden clubs.

Tumo spent the night training them, teaching them basic combat skills and strategies. Though they were inexperienced, their resolve was strong. By dawn, they were as ready as they could be.

As the first light of morning crept over the horizon, Tumo led the villagers through the forest to their village. They moved silently, their nerves taut with anticipation. When they reached the outskirts, Tumo signaled for them to stop.

"Remember," he whispered, "stick to the plan. We'll attack from all sides and take them by surprise."

The villagers nodded, their faces set with determination. Tumo gave the signal, and they surged forward.

The battle was fierce. The bandits, caught off guard, scrambled to defend themselves. Tumo fought with unmatched skill, his scimitar slicing through the air with deadly precision. He moved like a whirlwind, his fury driving him forward.

The villagers fought bravely, inspired by Tumo's courage. Though they were outnumbered, their determination and the element of surprise gave them an edge. Slowly but surely, they began to gain the upper hand.

As Tumo cut down the last of the bandits, he looked around to see the villagers standing victorious. The Gok-Nu group had been defeated. The village was free.

The villagers cheered, their relief and joy palpable. Elara ran to Tumo and hugged him tightly. "Thank you," she whispered, tears of gratitude in her eyes.

Tumo patted her head gently. "You're welcome, Elara. You're very brave."

Alden approached Tumo, his eyes filled with respect. "You saved us. We can never repay you."

Tumo shook his head. "No need. Just live in peace."

As he left the village, Tumo felt a sense of satisfaction. This was but a small victory on his path to reclaim his honor and exact his revenge, but it was a reminder of why he fought. For justice, for the innocent, and for a world where betrayal and cruelty would not go unpunished.

The wyvern ambush

The dawn broke with a pale, golden light as Tumo made his way along the winding road that led to Arveron. The forest stretched on either side, dense with ancient trees whose leaves whispered secrets in the wind. His scimitar hung at his side, and his sharp eyes scanned the path ahead for any sign of trouble.

After days of travel, Tumo's thoughts were fixed on his next move. He had won a small victory by freeing Elara’s village, but the path to his ultimate goal was long and fraught with danger. His mind was a storm of strategies and plans when the sound of hooves and wheels broke through his reverie.

A carriage approached, drawn by a pair of sturdy horses. The driver, an older man with a weathered face, slowed as he drew near. "Need a lift?" he called out, his voice friendly but cautious.

Tumo nodded and climbed into the carriage without a word. Inside, he found a small group of passengers: a merchant with a portly build and a nervous demeanor, a young woman with bright, intelligent eyes, and a burly man with the look of a seasoned warrior. Tumo settled into his seat, his gaze moving from face to face, gauging each person with silent scrutiny.

The journey continued in silence, the only sounds being the creak of the carriage and the rhythmic clop of hooves. The merchant fidgeted with his fingers, the young woman studied a book, and the warrior stared out the window, lost in his own thoughts. Tumo said little, his eyes shifting between the other passengers, his senses on high alert. He trusted no one, and every movement, every glance was noted with suspicion.

Hours passed as they wound their way through the forest, the road becoming rougher as they climbed higher into the mountains. Suddenly, the horses reared and whinnied, sensing danger. The carriage jolted to a stop, and the passengers were thrown against their seats.

Tumo was the first to react, his hand flying to his scimitar. The sky above darkened as massive shadows swooped down from the mountain peaks. Wyverns, with their leathery wings and razor-sharp claws, descended upon them with terrifying speed.

"Wyverns!" shouted the warrior, drawing his sword and leaping from the carriage.

Tumo followed, his scimitar flashing in the sunlight. The air filled with the screeching of the wyverns and the cries of the frightened horses. The first wyvern struck, its claws raking the side of the carriage, splintering wood and sending shards flying. Tumo rolled to the side, narrowly avoiding the deadly talons.

He sprang to his feet, his eyes burning with determination. The merchant cowered inside the carriage while the young woman stood her ground, her eyes wide but resolute, clutching a small dagger. Tumo barked orders, his voice cutting through the chaos. "Stay together! Aim for their wings!"

The battle was fierce but brief. Tumo moved with lethal precision, his scimitar slicing through the air. The wyverns, though formidable, were no match for the combined efforts of Tumo and the warrior. The young woman, seeing openings, threw her dagger with surprising accuracy, aiding in the fight.

As the last wyvern fell, its body thudding to the ground, the passengers collapsed in exhaustion. Tumo stood panting, his scimitar dripping with blood. The road was littered with the corpses of the wyverns, their once-majestic forms now lifeless.

The driver, pale and shaken, emerged from behind the carriage. "Is it over?" he asked, his voice trembling.

Tumo nodded. "It's over."

They worked together to skin the wyverns, their claws and hides valuable commodities. Despite the exhaustion, Tumo’s keen eye noted the quality of the materials. Wyvern claws were prized for their hardness, and the hides could be fashioned into armor.

As night fell, they set up camp by the roadside, a fire crackling in the center. The tension of the battle gave way to a quiet camaraderie. The merchant, now less nervous and more grateful, handed Tumo a share of the food. "Thank you," he said earnestly. "Without you, we would have been killed."

Tumo accepted the food with a nod. "Keep your eyes open. The roads are dangerous."

They sat around the fire, sharing stories and planning their route for the next day. The young woman, named Lira, revealed she was a scholar on her way to study ancient texts in Arveron. The warrior, Brynn, was a former soldier seeking a new life as a mercenary.

As they spoke, Tumo’s thoughts returned to his quest. The encounter had reminded him of the importance of vigilance and the value of allies, even if temporary. With the weight of the wyvern hides and claws secured, and the fire of revenge in his heart, he settled down to rest, ready to continue his journey at dawn.

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