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My Inner Demon


I have lived my whole life as a naive, pure, selfless person which affected my career both positively and negatively.

It has always been my dream to become an actress. Not just any actress, but a top tier actress, the most sought after both home and abroad.

My life was pretty much simple. I say simple because it was a life that most people lived. “Stay in your zone. Don’t speak when it doesn’t concern you. You are not the one to cause change etc.” I took that to heart and lived by it.

Not until, I became a rookie actress and I began to understand the dynamics in the entertainment industry. A world full of plots, hatred, greed and superiority complex. That was the world I had hoped to live in but my expectations were cut short when I began to win awards for my growth in the industry.

I became a prey in the company I was signed under, RM Entertainment. It was the best entertainment at that time, focus its energy and success on helping harness more talents into the industry. Everyone knew of RM Entertainment and its pioneering work in the field. But they never once thought those talents they claim to harness were just their play tools for the higher ups.

Fast forward

I met someone. Someone I could trust, talk to, be vulnerable with and love. My first love, Rowan. He worked as an intern in the company in charge of activities outside filming like brand deals, ambassadorial deals etc. I was to do a photoshoot for a jewellery company after I won my first award as a rookie actress.

He helped me and guided me through what needed to be done. Even in my nervous state, he did not hesitate to comfort me and boost my confidence. I liked it. I liked how he cared about me but in my mind, he probably treats everyone equally. I wasn’t sort of special to him.

We started speaking more and more and more until I had completely fallen for him. One time, he invited me out for dinner at a fancy restaurant. I wondered how he was able to even have a reservation in this luxurious place with his current pay check. There has to be something he hasn’t told me about.

“I ordered your favourite. Medium rare steak with cheesy potatoes.” I smiled at that. I only said that once and he still remembered.

“Thank you.”

“Anything for you. My princess.” I blushed.

Even in that moment, I never thought the worst of him. How he had the money to pay for our expensive meal which was even the least expensive thing we did that day. I thought he was good. Well…good to me. I wanted to know him more before confessing my feelings, which was the dumbest mistake ever.

He became my own enemy. My downfall. My biggest regret. The thorns in my flesh and the pains in my heart. He was all of them yet my mind was never at ease without seeing him.


PS: This is not usually my go-to genre but I wanted to give it a try. If it flops, then so be it.

Award Ceremony


...September 15,2027...

“Finally. The award for the 2025/2026 actress of the year goes to……….

“It definitely going to be mine.”

“No doubt. After the strings we pulled……it’s meant to be yours.” He smiled.

Meanwhile, his girlfriend sat two seats away from them, watching him giggle with her rival. She composed herself and remained calm hoping to win this award at least. She was nominated again this year, her hardwork were paying off. Eager to hear the name of the awardee, she shifted in her seat with discomfort. Her belly cramped and her heart was beating.

“The award goes to…….Brielle Sadie MacCauley.”

The crowds erupted into applause and as she stood from her seat, being spotlighted, the applause became louder. With a smile on her face, she made her way toward the podium. Her elegant turquoise sleeveless dress with a long train shone brightly in the light. Her body shape compliments the dress, bringing out the beauty in its simplicity.

“What? How?” Amaya, Brielle’s rival screeched.

“Soften your voice.” Rowan warned. “You do not want to draw attention to yourself.”

“The award was supposed to be mine. Why was her name called?” Amaya was fuming. Brielle bypassed her to get to the stage. The scorn eyes of Amaya were directly on her and she could feel the intense stare digging into her skin.

“What if she offered something more than we did?” She insinuated. Rowan was not impressed by her remark instead he shut her off by calling her out.

“It was your decision to manipulate the people’s choice.” He snarled. They kept bickering over the situation and Rowan needed a break from her so he called his friend, one of the higher ups, to enquire about the sudden change. At that same time, Brielle was giving her speech.

“Well, I’m so shocked that I got this award. I mean….there are so many talented artists that equally deserve this award, and for that I feel privileged to be given this prestigious award. Thank you.” She spoke with eloquence and integrity, acknowledging her superiors yet also express her gratitude for winning.

Rowan had also just ended his conversation with his friend when Brielle walked down the stage into the aisle leading to her seat. But she walked past, heading towards the door. She was making her way home when her manager informed her of an after party, which she had to be present.

“Can’t I take a rain check today?” She asked.

“I wish you could. There is no other option. You have to be there.” The manager replied.

She waited.

Right before the ceremony ends, the president of SKY Entertainment approached her. They engaged in a brief conversation before he left. But they exchanged business cards. This conversation between them sparked something although she’s in a relationship with someone else.

They both knew a tiny spark came out of it but Brielle was determined to set it off before it becomes a huge fire. That would be difficult to put out.

“Nevertheless, he’s handsome.”

After Party

The distinguished guests were the first to be received in the second hall, where the after party was being held. Followed by the awardees then the other guests. The guests were first served with wine as they conversed with one another. The whole concept of the after party is to form a network between other guests. Especially those in the Entertainment industry. It is said that knowing someone in the industry is as important as winning an award.

“Miss MacCauley.” Brielle turned her back to the voice that had just called her. It was none other than the main character in the Entertainment industry.

“Mr Valdez.” Her excitement could be made in her voice yet she composed herself on the outside.

Mr Matteo Valdez, the former president of New Height Entertainment Industry, also the president of NH Group, is the pillar in this industry. Because of him, many other companies began their own industries. He started from scratch, losing and gaining profits as he fought his way through the world of entertainment.

His name is always on the lips of other business owners. There are many presidents who worked under him in the early years, including Rowan’s father. It is a privilege to even be in the same room as him left alone speak to him. But here I was, standing in front of him, and he approached me first. I must be dreaming.

“Can you hear me? Miss MacCauley?”

“Heh?” She came out of her daydreaming. “I’m sorry. I just couldn’t believe you were here, right in front of me.” She finished with a smile.

“I do understand. I saw you earlier at the awards ceremony and I have never been able to take my eyes away from you.” He smiled.

“What is he talking about? Is he one of those too? I shouldn’t have been expecting anything more him.” She was fighting her thoughts.

“You have a really good personality. A lot of potential too.” He paused, expecting her to say something. “ If you would like, I want to scout you. Personally.” He emphasised on the word to draw her attention to it.

She refused in her heart. Her mind still lingering on what he said before. Yet her lips were still sealed. Just then, she saw a man dressed in a navy suit walking towards him, a smile on his face. She smiled back. Suddenly, her heart sank when she realised he was not smiling at her. But her rival??? Her boyfriend was smiling at her rival???

“It seems you don’t appreciate my effort to lend a hand.” Mr Valdez said and turned on his heel.

“Wait!” She stopped him. “I accept.” She blurted out.

“Accept what?” A nosy voice came out from behind her. She recognised the voice yet paid no heed to it.

“This is my business card. Give me a call when you’re free.” Mr Valdez said to her with a surprisingly big smile. He sure looked like a creep, for a moment.

Brielle began to walk away after Mr Valdez left her presence. A strong hand gripped her arm forcing her to stop.

“Let go of me.”

“You never answered my question.” He roared.

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