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A Two Personality

Chapter 1- First day

*Alora goes into the school*
Hey crybaby *Standing infront of Alora*
Alora Levine
Alora Levine
*Just look at him*
Is she the one who cried after losing the contest?
Yeah, she cried after I beat her in the contest.
Alora Levine
Alora Levine
Who is this man?💭 *Said in mind and still staring at them*
What a crybaby *They both laugh*
*Notice that Alora just staring at them, stop laughing* What are you looking at, crybaby?
Alora Levine
Alora Levine
Who are you again?
*Jaw dropped in suprised* What do you mean "who are you?"? Did you forget about me?!
Alora Levine
Alora Levine
Yeah I guess... I dont remember you
*Mind goes blank and became like a statue*
A-are you saying this because you are trying to get away with us?!
*School bell rang*
Alora Levine
Alora Levine
*Walks away from there, leaving the two behind*
H-hey! Im talki-
Never mind it, let's go to our classroom *starts to walk*
o-okay *goes to his classroom too
Character introduction
Alora Levine Age: 15 Gender: Female Likes: Cute things

Chapter 2- Introduce

*Class starts*
Ms. Jane
Ms. Jane
*Introducing Herself*
*And someone open the door*
Alora Levine
Alora Levine
*Standing outside of the classroom*
Ms. Jane
Ms. Jane
Excuse me, young lady. Please knock before you open the classroom door.
Alora Levine
Alora Levine
My apologies, ma'am
Ms. Jane
Ms. Jane
The class starts 10 mins and that means you are late in first day of school.
Alora Levine
Alora Levine
Sorry, I got lost finding the classroom
Ms. Jane
Ms. Jane
*Sighs* Okay... I forgive you this time so come in and sit down
Alora Levine
Alora Levine
*Goes inside and sit down one of the chair*
Ms. Jane
Ms. Jane
Again. I'm Jane Raven. You can call me Ma'am Jane or ma'am Raven
Ms. Jane
Ms. Jane
How about you guys introduce yourselves? *smiles* Let's start in the front
Ms. Jane
Ms. Jane
*Points a student in the front* Let's start from you
*They start introducing themselves*
Alora Levine
Alora Levine
*Looking the other students, spot one of the students is sleeping*
Ms. Jane
Ms. Jane
What a wondeful name you have! *smiles*
Thank you ma'am Jane
Ms. Jane
Ms. Jane
Who's next? *Looking at the kid who's sleeping*
Tyler Hayes
Tyler Hayes
*Sleeping peacefully*
Ms. Jane
Ms. Jane
This going to be a bad student 💭💢🙂 *Said in mind*
Hey wake up *shook the student who is sleeping*
Tyler Hayes
Tyler Hayes
uhm... *Slowly wakes up and yawn. Looking at the students who are looking at him* What? Is there something wrong?
Ms. Jane
Ms. Jane
Ehem... Can you please introduce yourself in class? *smiles, trying to stay calm*
Tyler Hayes
Tyler Hayes
Oh right. I totally forgot. *Clear his throat and stood up* Im Tyler Hayes, Im 16 years old and I like to play games
Ms. Jane
Ms. Jane
*Smiles* okay. You *Points her finger one of the students*
James Adler
James Adler
Im James Adler. Im 16 years old and I like to study...
Alora Levine
Alora Levine
His tone in "I like to study" is sad and his face expression change 💭 *Said in mind*
Ms. Jane
Ms. Jane
I expect you to be one of the top students here, James.
James Adler
James Adler
*Smiles and sit down*
The other student introduce themselves except Alora
Ms. Jane
Ms. Jane
Finally, last one 💭 *Said in mind and waiting for Alora to speak*
Alora Levine
Alora Levine
Im gonna introduce myself now? Is it my turn now?💭 *Said in mind while looking around*
Alora Levine
Alora Levine
I guess... 💭 *Said in mind and stood up* Im Alora Levine 15 Years old and I like to read books
Ms. Jane
Ms. Jane
Looks like we have a bookworm here. What kind of books do you read?
Alora Levine
Alora Levine
Detectives and Horror
Ms. Jane
Ms. Jane
I expect love story *murmurred* What a interesting book you read *smiles*
Alora Levine
Alora Levine
Is it okay? Did I make a mistake? 💭 *Said in mind and sit down*
Ms. Jane
Ms. Jane
Okay we start our class now *smiles*

Chapter 3- Does she even care?

*After they finish two classes, lunch time*
Alora Levine
Alora Levine
*In the hallway*
Do you still not remember me?
Alora Levine
Alora Levine
*Looks at him and shake her head*
Fine I'll introduce myself
Im Lucas
Do you remember me now?
Alora Levine
Alora Levine
*Looking on the ground, mind processing* Are you the one who win in the contest?
Finally💭 *Said in mind* Yeah
Alora Levine
Alora Levine
Okay *Walks away and goes in to the cafeteria*
What? She just walk away? Is she not interested in me? 💭 *Said in mind*
*Inside the cafeteria*
Alora Levine
Alora Levine
*Peacefully eating her food*
James Adler
James Adler
Hi, mind if I sit here with you?
Alora Levine
Alora Levine
*Looks at him* Okay *and return from eating her food*
James Adler
James Adler
Do you still remember me?
Alora Levine
Alora Levine
*Look at him* Your... Jackson right?...
James Adler
James Adler
*Mind goes blank but laughs* It seems you dont remember me. Im James we're classmates
Alora Levine
Alora Levine
Oh your James, okay. *Starts eating again*
James Adler
James Adler
Does she not care about me? Does she not want to be my friend? It seems that she doesn't care the people around her💭 *Said in mind*
James Adler
James Adler
Can I-
Alora Levine
Alora Levine
Im going to leave *Takes the tray and walks away*
James Adler
James Adler
Oh... It seems that no one wants to be my friend... 💭 *Said in mind*
Character introduction
Name: James Adler Age: 16 Years old
Name: Lucas Age: 15 years old
Name: Tyler Hayes Age: 16 years old

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