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The Land Of Dawn: The Continuation

The seven regions in the Land of Dawn


This novel began on July 14, 2023, and the last released chapter was on July 19, 2023. The novel has only 7 chapters and has not been continued, with no one knowing what might happen next. The reason for its delay is that the author became busy with he's work, so he haven't had time to work on it. The main novel previously released will not continue from where it left off because the author's old account was deleted. However, I, Maku Toreshi or Mark Tracy, will continue and finish this novel for you. Thank you for your understanding and enjoy reading!

Chapter 1

Once upon a time, there was a world called the Land of Dawn. The Land of Dawn is divided into seven regions. The Northern Vale, Moniyan Empire, Cadia Riverlands, Azrya Woodlands, Vonetis Islands, Agelta Drylands, and The Barren Lands.

The Northern Vale is located in the northernmost part of the Land of Dawn and is the coldest place in the Land of Dawn. The extremely harsh environment created the stubborn and unyielding nature of the Northern Vale people.

The Moniyan empire was a place where the heroes or saviors lived throughout the Land of Dawn formerly known as Mossenia. It is a kingdom ruled by Princess Silvanna and her family and her brother Prince Dyrroth. But one day Princess Silvana's brother, Prince Dyrroth, was kidnapped by a demon called Di Shadow Abyss.

At the easternmost tip of the Land of Dawn lies the Cadia Riverlands, an isolated, ancient land, cut off from the rest of the world. The climate here is different because of the abundance of natural resources. Each region of this land has its own unique cultural heritage.

The Azrya Woodlands is the home of all kinds of Elven or Elf creatures. They have sharp ears. This is where the Elf Kingdom is located. This place is full of magic. Azrya Woodlands is also known as Izirea or Moon Lake.

The Vonetis Islands are the most beautiful islands in the Land of Dawn. Located in the southern regions, the islands are called home by the tribes that live here. They are an ideal place to live and a natural harbor with their beautiful scenery and pleasant climate.

To the west of the Land of Dawn, there is a vast and boundless desert called the Agelta Drylands. In the Moniyan language, Agelta means "yellow sand everywhere". The climate here is harsh and sparsely populated, with strong winds throughout the year and other adverse weather phenomena such as sandstorms occurring frequently. Only a few oases (or a fertile place in a desert where water is found) in all of Agelta have water sources, and serve as stops for traveling merchants and adventurers. Although the climate is harsh and full of unknown dangers, it is rumored throughout the Land of Dawn that in the ancient desert labyrinth and ruins, there are treasures and Twilight Orbs left behind by the Ancients. Therefore, adventurers from the mainland continued to explore the depths of the desert. Except for the dwellings of a few aborigines, everything in Agelta is dangerous and unknown. Of course, in the eyes of adventurers, this implies unlimited possibilities.

And last of all, the dark and the abodes of evil. The Barren Lands. The Barren Lands are where all the abyssal creatures and evil spirits live and devote their lives to the abyss. Dyrroth fell here. When Silvanna tried to save him but it was too late, the abyss or evil took over Dyrroth's body, causing him to let go and become part of the Abyss. The Blood Demons are lead by Alice, the Fire Demons are lead by Thamuz, the Orc Legion is lead by Balmond, and the Evil Spirits are lead by Vexana.


In an area that belongs to the Moniyan Empire there are strange creatures living here, they have sharp ears and this place is full of magic, this place is called Azrya Woodlands or Moonlake, it is one of the about seven regions that make up the Moniyan Empire. Moon Lake is ruled by Estes or what they call the Moon Elf King. He is an Elf and he is one of the most powerful. As in other areas of the Land of Dawn, they cannot avoid being conquered by another army because the Elves who live here will not get along with them either. This area is divided into two groups. These are the Moon Elves and Dark Elves. Often the reason these two fight or clash is because they have different beliefs. In this place is found the girl named Miya, she is a Moon Elf. Miya is one of the most admired in Moon Lake. Because they say that she is a perfect being and her beauty is captivating. She is helpful to his neighbors and has a good heart. Miya was born in the Moon Temple, the most sacred place in Moon Lake. Because this is where they worship the Moon God. As a child, Miya has a different way of thinking compared to other children. Miya grew

Up seeing wars and wanted to settle them and unite the Moon Elves and the Dark Elves. But Miya can only do this if she is appointed Moon God. Miya studies hard and practices to get stronger. This is what he does as a bridge to reach his dreams.

Moon Elves are trained early, they are young but they are trained for war. Because their place is central occupation. One of the reasons why they need to train is to be ready for the beginnings of their mortal enemy, which is called the Orcs. A few more years later, Miya was practicing on the mountain. Until she saw the dark scary sky approaching where they were. Miya was shock because it was a signal that evil or enemies were coming. Miya ran down the mountain and immediately told the people and Estes. Estes announced to prepare for war. Estes' men prepared and went to his place and the innocent Elves locked themselves in their respective homes. It was not just a simple battle because it was like a fire that quickly spread and flared up. The neighboring regions were affected and Moon Lake or the Azrya Woodlands was also one of them. This was unexpected by the Moon Elves but it was too late as the Orcs led by Balmond arrived quickly.

To be continued...

The power of the Moon Elf King

In times of war, this is where Miya's leadership skills will be tested which she has long dreamed of. She gave orders to all the armies to prepare for the defense of their kingdom. Everyone was nervous, even Miya was nervous because they didn't know what was going to happen. The strength of the Orcs was overflowing. The Orcs destroyed the Elves' structures, houses, and other dwellings. Many Elves were injured and died, only a few were left alive and Miya was among them. Miya stopped the fight and looked at the entire Moon Lake. She saw burning houses, dead Elves,

and children crying out of fear that brought tears to Miya's eyes. Miya did not expect that in just one day their races would be exhausted. Little by little, Miya runs out of confidence in herself, and she also thinks that she can vaguely distinguish between the two races. Balmond can also erase the world of Elves or the Moon Lake. Miya ended up crying next to her and blaming herself. But Balmond continued to destroy the houses of the Elves. Whether young or old, Balmond kills it.

Estes approaches Miya and says "Those tears can't win this fight". Miya looked at Estes.

Miya: But it's all my fault, if I had gotten stronger sooner I would have been able to consume them and defeat them.

She told Estes this while crying.

Estes: My little sister, be strong and stand there and fight, we will fight together, even if we risk our lives for Moon Lake and the entire Land of Dawn. Isn't it your dream to unite the two races of Moon Lake people? Don't tell me you're just going to let it go away just because of those Orcs. So now stand there and let's fight the Orcs together.


Estes used his power, his hands and his eyes glowed green and white and his whole body was surrounded by light, until the light spread throughout the Land of Dawn, the lights hit one by one to those fighting against the Orcs, their wounds seem to be healing and they are not hurt by any harm and they are getting stronger, because of this they have energy and hope, the warriors rushed the fearless Orcs. Miya is also revived because of what Estes did and says "The Forest might burn, The Moon may be dark. But our hope outlives everything.", and she stood up and picked up his bow weapon and fought again and shouted "MAY THE MOON FOREVER SHINE UPON US!". Balmond was shock by what was happening and called for them all to retreat. Balmond and the other Orcs escaped but most died. A few hours ago, Estes's power gradually weakened until it stopped and the light disappeared. Until Estes fell down and lost consciousness because of the strength that was lost from him. Estes poured all his power just to protect the entire Land of Dawn. His sister Miya, supports Estes as he falls.


Miya and the other Elves take Estes to the Moon Temple. They laid it on the green carpet and performed the ritual. Two weeks later Estes woke up again. When Miya heard that her brother was awake, she immediately went to the Moon Temple. When she saw Estes, she immediately hugged him and cried. Estes smiled.

Estes: My little sister, how are you?

Miya: I should be the one to ask you that, Brother.

Estes: I'm sorry if I worried you, because I need to pour all my power to protect Moon Lake, and your dream to unite the Moon Elves and Dark Elves is something I want you to fulfill. But unfortunately. My power is exhausted. I may not be able to use it for several years.

Miya: You're so very kind my brother, but what if the Orcs come rushing again. Maybe our races will be completely exhausted and our world will be erased.

Estes: I know they will come back and do evil again here in Moon Lake, not only here but in the whole Land of Dawn. But.... my power can't bring it back right away. It will take a few more years.

Miya: How many years for it to come back?

Estes: Twenty years, that's the fastest my powers have returned.

Miya was shock when Estes said that it would take another twenty years for his powers to return. And while they were talking, Miya thought of a way.

Miya: I know, Brother, how about we live in Moniyan, so that we can somehow be protected.

Estes: You might be forgetting that our races don't get along, and besides, if we all go there, we might not get there alive, because there are a lot of Orcs roaming outside the regions. Or maybe we will get there but most of it will be gone now.

Miya: Well then, I've decided to go to Moniyan, and ask for help so that they can send warriors for us.

Estes: N-N-No... how is our region, there is no leader, I can't use my power. What if the Orcs attack us again? What about us?

Miya: Don't worry Brother, because our main warriors are here.

Miya called one of the strongest warriors in Moon Lake, Nana, Joy, and Irithel.

Estes: Yes but... what if the Orcs kidnap you like they did to Princess Silvanna's brother in Moniyan.

Miya: It wasn't Orcs who abducted Princess Silvanna's brother... The Di Shadow Abyss abducted him. Brother... trust me. I promise I will come back here alive.

Estes: My sister... I expected that. Be careful.

Miya: Thank you very much Brother....

When Estes allowed Miya, Miya hugged Estes and thanked him.

Estes: May the holy light be with you.

Miya took all the things she needed for the trip to Moniyan. The other Elves escorted Miya out of their kingdom. While she was in the middle of the forest, Miya saw the Orcs who seemed to be hanging around and waiting for someone to pass by. Miya stormed past the Orcs. But when Miya was close to Moniyan, suddenly a scary female voice spoke and Miya couldn't figure out where it was coming from.

Strange voice: Hi sweetie...

Miya: Who are you?!

Strange voice: Oh, your head is too hot. HAHAHAHA!

Miya: Get out of there! Don't hide, coward! Maybe you are one of the members of the Orcs.

Strange voice: Orcs? HAHAHA! I'm sorry but I'm not involved in that.

Miya: Liar!

Strange Voice: That's true. I am from the Barren Lands.

Miya: Barren Lands?! Then you are one of the Orcs. Show up there! Surely your face is like cows and obscene.

Strange Voice: You're sick of talking sweetie. If that's what you want, I'll show you HAHAHA!

Suddenly a red circular light appeared in front of Miya, Until a woman with wings and mat long nails appeared.

Strange Voice: I am Alice, the queen of the Blood Demons.

Miya was shocked and trembling with fear, because she could feel the strong power enveloping Alice.

Alice: Are you scared sweetie? HAHAHA!

Miya: Blo-Blood Demons...

Alice: Yes, let me explain to you. In the Barren Lands there are four leaders, from the Blood Demons I am the leader, the Fire Demons are led by Thamuz, the Orc Legion is led by Balmond, and the Evil Spirits are led by Vexana. Those are cruel and evil, of course that includes me HAHAHA!

Miya: I don't mind what you say!

Miya aimed her arrow at Alice and shot it, but Alice quickly dodged and flew towards Miya.

Alice: HAHAHA, you're too slow, aren't you Miya who came from Moon Lake, why are you here in this kind of place. Oh you want to go to Moniyan to ask for help. But before that, let me do to you what was done to Silvana's brother! YOU ARE FINISHED!

Miya didn't know what to do, she just stared at Alice as she rushed at him. Alice's whole body was surrounded by a huge red flame.

To be continued...

Moniyan Empire

Alice: Hi sweetie...

Miya: Who are you?!

Alice: I am Alice, the queen of the Blood Demons.

Miya aimed her arrow at Alice and shot it, but Alice quickly dodged and flew towards Miya.

Alice: HAHAHAHA! You are still too slow. YOU ARE FINISHED!

Miya didn't know what to do, she just stared at Alice as she rushed at him. Alice's whole body was surrounded by a huge red flame.

Until... Miya heard a strange sound, it seemed like the sound of a chain. Miya saw something behind Alice. A person flying quickly towards her. The chains cling to the trees that send her flying. Before Miya was hit by Alice's power, Miya was captured and escaped by the flying girl and she was taken inside Moniyan.

The girl has yellow hair and her clothes are purple. At her sides she had twin swords.

Miya: Who are you?...

Girl: I'm the Blade Dancer, my name is Fanny.

Miya: Fanny... thank you so much for saving me. Wait, are you one of the heroes of Moniyan?

Fanny: You're right... I am, and what's your name?

Miya: I-I'm Miya, I'm from the Azrya Woodlands and I want to see and talk to Princess Silvanna.

Fanny: Hmm, you look like a nice person and not an enemy. Okay, I'll take you Princess Silvanna.

Miya: Really? Thank you!

Fanny: Yeah!

As Miya and Fanny walk towards the castle. Fanny showed Miya the beautiful places in Moniyan.

Miya: Wow, it's beautiful here.

Fanny: Yeah, it's really beautiful here, it's a good thing Moniyan wasn't destroyed during the war. Because we are strong and almost the Orcs didn't even enter our territory.

Miya: Is that so? Because the opposite happened.

Fanny: Huh? Why what happened?

Miya: We lost a lot and even our homes were destroyed. The trees that were beautiful and shining were burned.

Fanny: It's terrible, I feel your sadness. By the way, did you see the bright light? Princess Silvana said that it came from Azrya Woodlands or the so-called Moon Elf King, Estes. All our wounds have healed and we are not hurt by any injuries. It's like a miracle!

Miya: Oh, is that, that's from Azrya Woodlands or Estes, he's my brother.

Fanny: Woahh! I really didn't know that Estes had a sister. I was still a child when I last saw him here in Moniyan.

Miya: Oh yes, Princess Silvanna and the Elf King used to work together. Back in the day there were no Orcs guarding the outside of the regions so people were free to travel anywhere. I was still a child when I last saw Princess Silvana in our land.

Fanny: Is that so?

Miya: By the way, do you know who the girl who tried on me was?

Fanny: She is Alice, the queen of the Blood Demons. She is a evil person. She used to be human but was taken by demons and possessed by an evil demon.

Miya: Maybe the same thing happened to Princess Silvana's brother.

Fanny: That's it. When Princess Silvanna tried to save Dyrroth it was too late. Because the evil spirit has entered his body. Dyrroth was also able to fight his own Sister Princess Silvanna. But Princess Silvanna did not succeed in saving Dyrroth, and Dyrroth went with the darkness.

Miya: It's really scary.

Fanny: We're here.

Miya: Wow, is this the castle, so big!

Fanny: Yeah, don't get too excited about that.

Miya: Huh? Why?

Fanny: Because before we see Princess Silvanna, we have to meet my Big Brother, Tigreal. He is the General here in this palace. I don't like his behavior a bit, if he acts like he's the King, he looks like a monkey.

Miya: Hahaha, no matter what he is, he's still your Big Brother.

Fanny and Miya went up to the palace until they met Tigreal.

Tigreal: Oh Fanny, where are you from?

Fanny: Oh nothing, I just hung out.

Tigreal: Wait, who is with you? Do you know that it is strictly forbidden to enter the palace without the permission of the princess?

Fanny: Yes, I know that. Why? Hmmmp...

Tigreal: ARHHH... FANYYYYYY... You are too stubbornnnnnnn..

You will never pass through it.

Miya: Oh, General Tigreal. I'm Miya, I'm from Azrya Woodlands. I'm here to talk to Princess Silvanna.

Tigreal: You come from Azrya Woodlands? Not possible yet. Even if you're beautiful, no...

Fanny: Believe me, she did come from there. Alice was even chasing her earlier and I saved her and brought her here.

Tigreal: I will never believe the story of an ugly person like you.

Fanny: Ugly?! Who is ugly?! I'm ashamed of your face that looks like a monkey!

Miya: Wait, don't fight, aren't you siblings?

Fanny: I don't have a brother who looks like a monkey!

Tigreal: I don't have an ugly sister!

Miya: Hehehehe....

The two is tease each other, until Princess Silvanna arrives. Princess Silvanna introduced Miya to Tigreal and Fanny.

Silvanna: Miya, Tigreal, Miya is the sibling of the Elf King, Estes and Miya, Tigreal is the General of this palace.

Tigreal: You are the sibling of the Elf King. I'm sorry for what happened... huhuhu....

Miya: Hehehe, that's okay... hehe...

Fanny: deserve.... bleeee....

Silvanna: Follow me and let's talk upstairs.

Princess Silvanna took Miya to her room. And everything Miya wanted to tell Princess Silvanna she said as well about what happened to Estes. She said that Estes lost power because he poured all the power into the war and they also lost a lot of warriors. Miya begged them to give them more warriors to protect Moon Lake. Princess Silvanna agreed to Miya's request.

Silvanna: I agree. Tomorrow, I will send ten thousand warriors. This is also my gratitude to my friend Estes.

Miya: Thank you very much Princess Silvanna.

While they were talking. Alucard quickly ran to them Princess Silvanna and knocked loudly on the door of Princess Silvanna's room.


Silvanna: Who is that? Please knocking slowly, the door was open.


Silvanna: B-but how did they get past our warriors outside?


Silvanna: My brother.

Princess Silvanna trembled with fear. And she will see her beloved brother again.

To be continued...

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