NovelToon NovelToon

Stuck With You (Taekook)

chapter 1 first meet

Author ✍️
Author ✍️
Hi everyone this is my first chat story
Author ✍️
Author ✍️
Hope you like it
Upstairs of the last house along the street, a beautiful boy lay sprawled on his bed.
He knew he had to wake up in order to make it in time for his school’s activity for he was supposed to perform as a member of the entertainment team but he was reluctant to leave the comfort of his bed
He thought maybe just maybe if he could have any superpower it would be to clone himself and let the clone do all the job 😌 yes that’s the life
Kim Seokjin/Tae’s mom(Omega)
Kim Seokjin/Tae’s mom(Omega)
KIM TAEHYUNG ‼️ wake up! You lazy monkey!! Get up before I smack you back into your mom’s womb
Kim Taehyung(17yrs) (Omega)
Kim Taehyung(17yrs) (Omega)
You are my mom!! Mom
Kim Seokjin/Tae’s mom(Omega)
Kim Seokjin/Tae’s mom(Omega)
You better get up I told you to stay away from those video games but you never listen, get up!!
Kim Taehyung(17yrs) (Omega)
Kim Taehyung(17yrs) (Omega)
Ugh 😑 mom I’m up, I’m up
Kim Seokjin/Tae’s mom(Omega)
Kim Seokjin/Tae’s mom(Omega)
Good now come down for breakfast after you’re ready ok
Kim Taehyung(17yrs) (Omega)
Kim Taehyung(17yrs) (Omega)
After getting ready he went downstairs for breakfast
Kim Taehyung(17yrs) (Omega)
Kim Taehyung(17yrs) (Omega)
Uhm eomma where’s appa?
Kim Seokjin/Tae’s mom(Omega)
Kim Seokjin/Tae’s mom(Omega)
Oh he left early,said he couldn’t finish yesterday’s work so he had to go early
Kim Taehyung(17yrs) (Omega)
Kim Taehyung(17yrs) (Omega)
Ugh don’t you think that that company is overworking appa
Kim Seokjin/Tae’s mom(Omega)
Kim Seokjin/Tae’s mom(Omega)
Well Jeon corporation is a huge company and therefore demands a lot from its employees
Kim Taehyung(17yrs) (Omega)
Kim Taehyung(17yrs) (Omega)
Mmh anyway I’m done see ya later eomma
Kim Seokjin/Tae’s mom(Omega)
Kim Seokjin/Tae’s mom(Omega)
Ok bye 😘
When Tae arrived at school his best friend approached him
Park Jimin(16 yrs)(Omega)
Park Jimin(16 yrs)(Omega)
Hey Tae are you ready for the show I heard some of the students say that number 1 school from city R are coming as well as other schools isn’t it cool
Kim Taehyung(17yrs) (Omega)
Kim Taehyung(17yrs) (Omega)
Yeah that’s awesome let’s go get ready
They walked towards their practice room
Where other students who were participating in the program were warming up
After some time the other schools arrived and took their seats awaiting the performance
Ok guys are you ready!!!
They went on stage and began the performance while within the audience a boy was staring intensely at Tae
Min Yoongi (17yrs)(Alpha)
Min Yoongi (17yrs)(Alpha)
JK why are you staring at that person like that
Jeon Jungkook(15yrs)(Alpha)
Jeon Jungkook(15yrs)(Alpha)
Look at him hyung he’s so gorgeous that I can’t stop looking at him ok look hyung they’re done I’ll be back
Min Yoongi (17yrs)(Alpha)
Min Yoongi (17yrs)(Alpha)
Hey where are you going *sigh* this kid
Good job everyone Tae go get ready, after the drama team you’re up again so go warm up that voice
Kim Taehyung(17yrs) (Omega)
Kim Taehyung(17yrs) (Omega)
Alright 🙂 I’m just gonna go th the bathroom real quick
On his way to the bathroom he bumped into someone
Kim Taehyung(17yrs) (Omega)
Kim Taehyung(17yrs) (Omega)
Oh sor___ *stares at the person* “wow he’s so cute”
Jeon Jungkook(15yrs)(Alpha)
Jeon Jungkook(15yrs)(Alpha)
*blushes* hi 😁

Chapter 2 kitten

Kim Taehyung(17yrs) (Omega)
Kim Taehyung(17yrs) (Omega)
“Omg what a cutie hah I wanna squeeze his cheeks but he’ll think I’m weird 😑”
Jeon Jungkook(15yrs)(Alpha)
Jeon Jungkook(15yrs)(Alpha)
“Why isn’t he saying anything does he think I’m weird I mean who am I kidding I literally popped out of nowhere😢😢”
As they both stood there overthinking Tae realized he hadn’t said hi back
Kim Taehyung(17yrs) (Omega)
Kim Taehyung(17yrs) (Omega)
Oh sorry umm hi 😁
Jeon Jungkook(15yrs)(Alpha)
Jeon Jungkook(15yrs)(Alpha)
“He’s like an angel “ 😃
Jeon Jungkook(15yrs)(Alpha)
Jeon Jungkook(15yrs)(Alpha)
Umm…I s..sorry to disturb you but umm .. name is Jungkook and I just wanted to say th…that you’re very t..talented and I want t…to be your friends with you hope you don’t mind😓😓
Kim Taehyung(17yrs) (Omega)
Kim Taehyung(17yrs) (Omega)
“OMG I want to put him in my pocket 🤭🤭”
Tae are you ready!!
Kim Taehyung(17yrs) (Omega)
Kim Taehyung(17yrs) (Omega)
Oh yeah I’m coming!!! Sorry Jungkook I gotta go…wait give me your phone
Jeon Jungkook(15yrs)(Alpha)
Jeon Jungkook(15yrs)(Alpha)
*hands his phone over*
Kim Taehyung(17yrs) (Omega)
Kim Taehyung(17yrs) (Omega)
Here’s my number, text me *wink* bye
Tae left
Jeon Jungkook(15yrs)(Alpha)
Jeon Jungkook(15yrs)(Alpha)
OMG 😆 he said my name😊😊 he remembers my name! He even gave me his phone number aaahhhh this is so nice Ghosh what’s this feeling ☺️☺️☺️ aaah *jumps around like a bunny*
Min Yoongi (17yrs)(Alpha)
Min Yoongi (17yrs)(Alpha)
Hey JK!! There you are why are you acting like a crazy person ( o_o ) are you okay?? Should I take you to the hospital???
Jeon Jungkook(15yrs)(Alpha)
Jeon Jungkook(15yrs)(Alpha)
Oh Yoongi!!*hugs yoongi and kisses his face*
Min Yoongi (17yrs)(Alpha)
Min Yoongi (17yrs)(Alpha)
The Fuck !! ( - _ - ) are you crazy !
Jeon Jungkook(15yrs)(Alpha)
Jeon Jungkook(15yrs)(Alpha)
😁hah I don’t know Yoongi I might be ooh let’s go let’s go my kitten is up again
Min Yoongi (17yrs)(Alpha)
Min Yoongi (17yrs)(Alpha)
Who the fuck is kitten 🤨
After the performance Tae was dragged backstage and fawned over so Jungkook didn’t see him again
As they were leaving
Kim Taehyung(17yrs) (Omega)
Kim Taehyung(17yrs) (Omega)
*Coming out with Jimin in tow *
Park Jimin(16 yrs)(Omega)
Park Jimin(16 yrs)(Omega)
Wow Tae that was amazing, you were amazing
Kim Taehyung(17yrs) (Omega)
Kim Taehyung(17yrs) (Omega)
Come on Jimin you’re more talented than I am
Park Jimin(16 yrs)(Omega)
Park Jimin(16 yrs)(Omega)
Ofc I know but lemme fawn over my bestie 😌😌
Jungkook and Yoongi entered the bus and the bus begun to leave
Jeon Jungkook(15yrs)(Alpha)
Jeon Jungkook(15yrs)(Alpha)
*Looking around one last time and immediately spots Tae with Jimin*Look Yoongi that’s my kitten!! Eh? Who’s this chick holding hands with kitten 😤😤
Min Yoongi (17yrs)(Alpha)
Min Yoongi (17yrs)(Alpha)
*Looks at Jimin* “cute”😏
The bus leaves
Park Jimin(16 yrs)(Omega)
Park Jimin(16 yrs)(Omega)
Huh 🤔
Kim Taehyung(17yrs) (Omega)
Kim Taehyung(17yrs) (Omega)
What’s wrong
Park Jimin(16 yrs)(Omega)
Park Jimin(16 yrs)(Omega)
Nothing. Thought I saw a cat in that bus over there anyway let’s go get some pizza
After they ate the pizza,they each went they’re separate ways after lots of drama
When Tae got home he saw Jin in the kitchen making dinner
Kim Taehyung(17yrs) (Omega)
Kim Taehyung(17yrs) (Omega)
Eomma I’m home‼️
Kim Seokjin/Tae’s mom(Omega)
Kim Seokjin/Tae’s mom(Omega)
Welcome back baby did you have fun
Kim Taehyung(17yrs) (Omega)
Kim Taehyung(17yrs) (Omega)
Yep! I danced and sing and blew their heads away
Kim Taehyung(17yrs) (Omega)
Kim Taehyung(17yrs) (Omega)
Kim Seokjin/Tae’s mom(Omega)
Kim Seokjin/Tae’s mom(Omega)
Awww 🥰 my bear come come give me a hug 🫂
Kim Taehyung(17yrs) (Omega)
Kim Taehyung(17yrs) (Omega)
Hehehe 🤭
Kim Namjoon /Tae’s Dad (Alpha)
Kim Namjoon /Tae’s Dad (Alpha)
I’m home !! Who missed me??
Kim Taehyung(17yrs) (Omega)
Kim Taehyung(17yrs) (Omega)
We did ! *hugs Namjoon* welcome appa
Kim Seokjin/Tae’s mom(Omega)
Kim Seokjin/Tae’s mom(Omega)
Go go freshen up and come down for dinner you too Namjoon
Kim Namjoon /Tae’s Dad (Alpha)
Kim Namjoon /Tae’s Dad (Alpha)
Alright honey *kisses Jin’s cheek *
During dinner
Kim Taehyung(17yrs) (Omega)
Kim Taehyung(17yrs) (Omega)
Appa I think you should quit your job so you can spend more time with eomma I don mind a little brother or sister being added to the family you know 😃😏
Kim Seokjin/Tae’s mom(Omega)
Kim Seokjin/Tae’s mom(Omega)
* chokes and drink water* You brat *smacks him* since when did you become so cheeky
Kim Taehyung(17yrs) (Omega)
Kim Taehyung(17yrs) (Omega)
Ahh 😫eomma but it’s true right appa?
Kim Namjoon /Tae’s Dad (Alpha)
Kim Namjoon /Tae’s Dad (Alpha)
Yes that’s actually not a bad idea *winks at Jin*
Kim Seokjin/Tae’s mom(Omega)
Kim Seokjin/Tae’s mom(Omega)
You… gangster how can you be so shameless
Kim Namjoon /Tae’s Dad (Alpha)
Kim Namjoon /Tae’s Dad (Alpha)
But honey who else am I supposed to be shameless with
Kim Taehyung(17yrs) (Omega)
Kim Taehyung(17yrs) (Omega)
Hehehe right!!!! 👍
After dinner Tae was about to go to bed since he had no homework but suddenly his phone vibrates and he picked it up only to see a string of unfamiliar numbers
Jeon Jungkook(15yrs)(Alpha)
Jeon Jungkook(15yrs)(Alpha)
“📱”—Hi kitten

Chapter 3 meet up

Kim Taehyung(17yrs) (Omega)
Kim Taehyung(17yrs) (Omega)
Eh ? Whose this
Jeon Jungkook(15yrs)(Alpha)
Jeon Jungkook(15yrs)(Alpha)
📱—How are you
Jeon Jungkook(15yrs)(Alpha)
Jeon Jungkook(15yrs)(Alpha)
📱— Have you eaten kitten ?
Jeon Jungkook(15yrs)(Alpha)
Jeon Jungkook(15yrs)(Alpha)
📱— are you sleeping
Kim Taehyung(17yrs) (Omega)
Kim Taehyung(17yrs) (Omega)
Eh? (O~O)
Jeon Jungkook(15yrs)(Alpha)
Jeon Jungkook(15yrs)(Alpha)
📱— oops sorry you probably don’t remember me it’s Jungkook you know the one you met backstage and all…….umm it’s ok if you don’t remember it’s totally fine yeah ok
Kim Taehyung(17yrs) (Omega)
Kim Taehyung(17yrs) (Omega)
He’s so cute 😊 hehe
Kim Taehyung(17yrs) (Omega)
Kim Taehyung(17yrs) (Omega)
📱—of course I remember a cutie like you. I remember we didn’t get to talk so I’m Kim Taehyung and……..
Jungkook called Tae and they began to introduce themselves to each other they talked into the night until Jk fell asleep on call
Tae chuckled and then hung up
Next day
Min Yoongi (17yrs)(Alpha)
Min Yoongi (17yrs)(Alpha)
JK! Jk‼️ wake up !!!
Jeon Jungkook(15yrs)(Alpha)
Jeon Jungkook(15yrs)(Alpha)
Hyung come on today is Saturday I can sleep in
Min Yoongi (17yrs)(Alpha)
Min Yoongi (17yrs)(Alpha)
Stupid have you forgotten we have extra classes now get up
Min Yoongi (17yrs)(Alpha)
Min Yoongi (17yrs)(Alpha)
Just look at you. You look awful, I told you to get off the phone what I’m I going to say to grandpa when he visits
Jeon Jungkook(15yrs)(Alpha)
Jeon Jungkook(15yrs)(Alpha)
Ok ok let’s go wait lemme just say hi to kitten
Jeon Jungkook(15yrs)(Alpha)
Jeon Jungkook(15yrs)(Alpha)
📱—Hi kitten good morning hope you had a wonderful night
Jeon Jungkook(15yrs)(Alpha)
Jeon Jungkook(15yrs)(Alpha)
Hyung kitten isn’t replying, why do you think he’s not replying? Does he think I’m bothersome? Does he not like kookie anymore? Omg he hates me😭😭😭😭
Min Yoongi (17yrs)(Alpha)
Min Yoongi (17yrs)(Alpha)
Hey there come on I’m sure he’s still sleeping since he spent last night talking to you why don’t you let us go for our classes and when we get back to the dorm you can text him again ok how about that?
Jeon Jungkook(15yrs)(Alpha)
Jeon Jungkook(15yrs)(Alpha)
Yes you’re right! I shouldn’t disturb kitten’s sleep ok let’s go
Jeon Jungkook(15yrs)(Alpha)
Jeon Jungkook(15yrs)(Alpha)
Min Yoongi (17yrs)(Alpha)
Min Yoongi (17yrs)(Alpha)
Ugh 😑 *cute*
On the other side
After Tae woke up he quickly took his bathe grabbed his phone and decided to call Jimin so they could hang out since it was the weekend
Kim Taehyung(17yrs) (Omega)
Kim Taehyung(17yrs) (Omega)
Oh Jungkook sent me a message*reads the message * aww
Kim Taehyung(17yrs) (Omega)
Kim Taehyung(17yrs) (Omega)
📱—good morning..yes I had a wonderful night thanks for asking
Kim Taehyung(17yrs) (Omega)
Kim Taehyung(17yrs) (Omega)
Huh he didn’t reply*shrugs* he’s probably busy
Tae called Jimin but Jimin said he was visiting his grandma so they couldn’t hang out.
Tea went downstairs and ate breakfast with his parents
After breakfast he went back to his room and practiced some dance moves while singing
After sometime Jungkook replied to his message and they begun talking to each other again
Time Skip
It’s been 2 months since Taekook met and within those 2 months they had gotten to know each other so much and wanted to see each other again
Jeon Jungkook(15yrs)(Alpha)
Jeon Jungkook(15yrs)(Alpha)
📱—umm Kitten you see were going to have vacations soon and I’ll be going back home too and I wanted to ask if we could meet up this Saturday I…I could go to city B and meet you at your school what do you think?
Kim Taehyung(17yrs) (Omega)
Kim Taehyung(17yrs) (Omega)
📱—that’s great I was actually thinking the same thing it’s settled then we’ll meet this weekend in front of my school then we can go wherever 😁😁
Jeon Jungkook(15yrs)(Alpha)
Jeon Jungkook(15yrs)(Alpha)
Ok bye kitten see ya
Kim Taehyung(17yrs) (Omega)
Kim Taehyung(17yrs) (Omega)
Author ✍️
Author ✍️
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