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WTF Bike-kun 2: Castle Siege

Prologue: The beginning of the alliance

*After the peerless battle the injured recover inside the royal medical wing. Redenna must address her kingdom's people in the state of chaos it avoided, and her plans for the future. She walked out to the main balcony and amplified her voice with magic* "There was a great injustice boiling just behind the scenes. And it nearly destroyed everyone here, everyone I love almost got taken from me. I neglected the needs of my people, and people suffered as a result. I decided to free the other two halves of the kingdom. To focus on rebuilding and to remedy past mistakes. I've seen the pride of the Snakemen and Fishkin risk their lives to save me and the Lizardmen. They have earned their home back, tenfold. Separating the kingdom won't right the injustice of thousands of years. But I hope to forge a new future, based on trust and brotherhood between our races. Let there be a new tomorrow for these sacred grounds, and all those who call it home!" Redenna unfurled her cape as she turns around to walk back inside. *The crowd chanting in approval the Queen's name* "REDENNA! REDENNA! REDENNA! REDENNA!" *She closes the door behind her and sits down on a nearby couch. With Gerant and Sergio sitting and laying adjacent to her on their own couches. "That sounds like it went well. Do you feel okay? After everything that happened?" Sergio asks. "I feel better than I've felt in a while. I can finally care for my people and not have to hurt anyone in the process." Redenna answers and lays back looking up at the painted ceiling. "We're going to be leaving in the morning. Are you going to be okay with us leaving?" Gerant asks. "Despite my earlier actions, I think you two have earned your freedom. I'm sorry for threatening your lives, I'm not expecting you to forgive me. But if you ever need me or my kingdom. You can consider me a friend." Redenna answers standing back up again. *She knees down in front of the two in a sign of respect and asking for forgiveness.* "Please stand back up again, there's no need for that. I came into your kingdom by accident and the result made you crave more power. Lizandross proved that's never a good ambition, if someone must die for strength it's not true power worth having." Sergio says trying to forgive her actions, at least to himself. "You captured me and my friend for something we had no control over. Then you throw us in prison with the intention of killing us and stealing his power. You expect me to ever forget what you did, I'm sorry but that's not going to happen." Gerant stands up and storms out of the room. "Please don't despise him for his reaction. After losing my body, I think it's easier to understand when someone puts morality behind emotions in tense situations." Sergio adds trying to defuse the atmosphere. "I understand where he's coming from. But could you please make sure he knows how grateful I am for his involvement. I wouldn't be alive if he didn't kill Lizandross. So tell him I said thanks, okay?" Redenna asks.

Split Heroes

*Four months have passed since the battle for the lizard kingdom. Sergio once again on his own, moves the peddles by himself to move. He's taking in the scenery when a wall made of vines appears in front of him to block his way* "Stop right there!" A group of Elf women have him surrounded with arrows pointed. "I'm sorry but I'm on a mission, and I don't have any time to waste explaining myself." Sergio zooms around the wall and out of immediate danger. "What the h•ll are you?!?" The leader of the Elf squadron yells after him. "I'm bike-kun" Sergio whispers to himself as he dodges arrows. 

*Gerant walks sadly towards his broken house. The roof has been caved in, debris scattered on the ground.* "Gran! I'm sorry I wasn't home for you. I never should have left you behind." Gerant is crying at the loss of his Mother. "It was the same raiders as before. I saw them leaving while the house was on fire. I'm sorry I couldn't save her." Feralt warmly comforts his friend and puts his hand on his shoulder. "I need the best axe and armor you have. I'm going to k•ll Zenchen." Gerant roughly utters behind tears of rage. "Going out to be m*rdered isn't going to help anyone. Especially not you." Feralt's sister arrives beside him and puts her hand on the other shoulder. "Jenna you don't know what it's like to lose the only family you have left. She meant so much to me. And I never even got to say goodbye." Gerant is full on crying, and his two friends hug him to comfort him.

*Pescara and Snaren have traveled to the nearby cathedral inside the Porcelain City. The eyes of judgmental humans pierce the pair as they move through the city square. "How much longer do we have to be here? Everyone hates us,, and we're not getting any profitable missions lately." Pescara whispers. "It's not my fault that humans don't trust us monsterborns. I promise it's only going to be a little while longer. Just keep your mind off the curse markings and try to ease up on the magic. We get enough attention as is." Snaren whispers back. Not noticing the group of thugs slowly surrounding them.

*Redenna sits with her legs crossed at the grand meeting of the 3 races. The Lizardmen, the Fishkin, and the Snakemen. Most of which are arguing with each other, filling the giant hall with bickering.* "Quiet! I must discuss the important issues that plague or kingdoms! Lizandross has footholds in all of our people. Just because he is dead, doesn't mean his influence doesn't live on. There could be people in our very leadership that have been corrupted with his magical wrath. We must all stay alert and vigilant for any who seek to destroy the treaty of Fallen Horn." As she looks up, she notices a Fishman with jet-black thorns growing out of him. "Your Majesty!" One of her royal knights dives to tackle the magic-wielding assassin. In doing so an explosion goes off, breaking the platform she was sitting down on.

Moving Forward

*Sergio feels like he can escape the hoard of dangerous elf rangers with just a little more speed. A vine grabs his front wheel making him tumble, crashing into the ground* "Son of a b*tch!" Sergio screams as he tries to get up to no avail. "You were being tracked the whole time. You were basically already caught." The leader of the party of female huntresses boldly states as she motions her subordinates to capture Sergio. "I wouldn't try that if I were you. The last people that tried were treated with a nasty surprise." Sergio threatened them. *One with short blonde hair and a grass woven hood bends down to pick up Sergio. Suddenly she is electrocuted with blue magic lightning. Sergio using the down force of the attack gets back to his upright position. To roll away from these deadly elves and whatever they had planned. Unfortunately the lightning defense did nothing to stop the remaining elf rangers from sending a wave of vines along the ground. Two of the stronger elves use magical energy to shroud Sergio in a big vine ball. "We have been training for hundreds of years. Elven magic resistance is known across the world. There's no escaping us now." The leader pats the vine that has captured Sergio, in victory. "Put this one inside a cart and take it to the high elven council. They should know exactly what they want to do with it." The remaining group vanish, most likely to report on their valuable find. That being Sergio. 

Gerant awakens in the middle of the night in a cold sweat. He lays restless in the guest room at Feralt's house. He thinks to himself. "I shouldn't get these two involved. Feralt has been a friend for many years, he'd probably help me fight if I asked him. But I don't want to put him in a position where he could get hurt. Jenna and him are very dear to me, I should just probably leave." Gerant gets up, changes into his leather armor, and straps on his steel boots. "I'll always be grateful for meeting you Feralt." With saying this Gerant leaves through the window as not to wake his friends. 

Snaren slithers beside Pescara when the people in hoods move into battle. "I knew you were following us, but I didn't think you would be bold enough to try and attack us in broad daylight. Time to show you the pride of my people!" *Snaren slams his hands on the ground and three rock versions of him magically form. All welding spears, they strike the men with unyielding speed* "What the h*ll! When did you learn that!?" Pescara asks in a surprised tone. 

"I learned it when we went to that last kingdom. I had to learn it from an old sage of my kind. She was a very unforgiving teacher." When Snaren says this he holds his neck from the painful training memories. *suddenly his shadow holds him in place. Making him unable to move.* "We were hired to make the two mysterious adventures disappear, and I always deliver."

Redenna shreaks in anger from the betrayal in the grand court.

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