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I'm Dead And He Doesn't Know ( ᴊɪᴋᴏᴏᴋ ʜᴏʀʀᴏʀ Ғғ)

Chapter 𝟭

A door open with a creak sound, as a tall and devily handsome man took steps inside.
He looked around remembering the old memories which he had with his lover. The fragrance of gardenia touches his nose, he close his eyes and sniff as much he can.
" This fragrant is same as him. "
He mumbles under his breath, the fragrance of gardenia begun to fade away as he slowly open his eyes.
He's heart drop in his stomach, as his gaze fall upon a picture which was hang on the wall.
He walks slowly toward the wall, and place his hand on the picture caressing lovely.
A/n : Picture, which was hanged on the wall.
A long tear escape from his eyes and roll down, as he regretted the decision he made in the past.
" Is there any way to correct my mistake? "
He asked himself, well known by the fact, that there's no way he can correct his mistake. Feeling heavy, he laid down on the couch which was near to him. He's head was aching, but it's nothing compared to the pain he's having in his heart.
Eyes began to shut as he found hard to keep them open.
He was dragged into the slumber however, unknown by the fact, he's being watched by the two pair of eyes.
"You are the cause of my euphoric"
The alarm rang, breaking the peaceful sleep of a certain boy who annoyingly switch off the alarm and again went to sleep.
A peaceful silence took place however, the silence doesn't last long.
" Fuck me "
The phone rang, the certain boy kicked the blanket and sit, straight and looked over the phone annoyingly.
" For the fuck sake, let me sleep "
He answered, the call without even looking at the'd.
" You freaking brat, wake up already we are freaking waiting for you and, you are still sleeping. Do you even know, YOU ARE FREAKING LATE BISH!"
The certain boy looked I'd and that's he know, he fucked up.
" Jin-hyung-g" *stuttering*
" 10 minutes. "
" What? "
" Within 10 minutes, i want here in the canteen Or else you know what I'm capable of, now bye. "
"And one more thing the class is about to start, Jungkook. "
Before even Jungkook reply, Jin hung up the call.
Jungkook (Past)
Jungkook (Past)
He scream, jumping off the bed he run toward the bathroom direction.
" Thud "
He bumped the door, that's what happened when you tried to enter inside without even opening the door.
Jungkook (Past)
Jungkook (Past)
" Oh, god ಥ_ಥ "
He rubbed, his head and grabbed the door knocked and open it.
To Be Continue.
Author Kook.
Author Kook.
Hello (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵)
Author Kook.
Author Kook.
Miss me? well here, I'm again with a new story ik I've other incomplete stories to complete, but I can't help and end up writing this story. (´༎ຶ ͜ʖ ༎ຶ `)♡
Author Kook.
Author Kook.
I promise to complete this story first because the plot this story is different from other, well I'm bored by reading same plot again and again, one of the reason why I'm not giving update on my other story because I thought the plot are getting boring. ╥﹏╥
Author Kook.
Author Kook.
so, give me at least 10 comments, and I'll give you two updates per a day or maybe more than that. Nope I'm not greedy for comments just I wanted to know your thoughts. Hope you all are liking this story. (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵) I'll try to give more updates, lol I'm so excited to write this story.
Author Kook.
Author Kook.
Going to write a new update so better y'all don't forget to give me likes, comments, vote and gifts. (≡^∇^≡)
Author Kook.
Author Kook.
Tata ✨

Chapter 𝟮

Rushing out of the bathroom he grabbed a simple clothes and wore it.
Jungkook (Past)
Jungkook (Past)
"Damn, I'm late, I'm late. "
He freaked out, as he looked over his brand-new watch which show that he's late on the first day of second semester starting.
He open the door not before grabbing his car key and slam the door behind.
Jungkook (Past)
Jungkook (Past)
" Phew "
He huffed, resting his palm on the car front.
Jungkook (Past)
Jungkook (Past)
" I'll reach there within 10 minutes, if you have car your life is amazing. "
He flexed about his car, suddenly his gaze went down to the car tire which was puncture.
Jungkook (Past)
Jungkook (Past)
" It's freaking puncture!!! "
He screams, cursing over his fate he again looks over his watch.
Jungkook (Past)
Jungkook (Past)
" Jungkook run, bish run "
He said to himself as he run fast to grab the last bus, After few minutes he reached to the bus station, he got inside the bus, and he's bad luck none seat was left for him. As a rich brat he felt sad as because he can't imagine himself being standing in the bus. He looked around to find empty seat but found none.
Jungkook (Past)
Jungkook (Past)
"There's no seat for me"
He whispered under his breath, unwilling he gives up remain stood whole ride.
After 30 minutes, he reached the situation and comes out of the bus and stretches himself.
Jungkook (Past)
Jungkook (Past)
"Damn, I don't really like the bus ride. Only if my car has not puncture then I've not rushed the whole ways here."
Jungkook, was lost in himself and talking to himself like a fool more like swearing over the car.
" Oh, hello Mr. "
A sweet honey like voice echo, Jungkook, turn around and that's he felt the time stopped. Everything around him started to goes in slow motion.
He felt, thousands of butterflies began to dance in his tummy, he's heart skip a beat, this feeling is so complex but yet beautiful.
Jungkook (Past)
Jungkook (Past)
"Beautiful, he's a real angel? "
Jungkook (Past)
Jungkook (Past)
"I never saw a boy as beautiful as him"
Jungkook (Past)
Jungkook (Past)
He said while looking at the boy, who was running towards his direction.
" Are you deaf? I've been calling you like a crazy, and you have shut your ears like deaf person you are "
The boy speak out and looking into Jungkook's eyes, whilst Jungkook's eyes fall upon the boy lip's.
(A/n : Pictures, are use in to show expressions )
"Oh, Mr.? "
Jungkook (Past)
Jungkook (Past)
"Pardon? "
Jungkook snap out of his world when the boy wave his palm front of Jungkook's face. The boy sign and grabbed Jungkook's back hand and turn it around.
"Here, take it, this belongs to you"
The boy place the gate entry pass in Jungkook's palm and furthermore he continue to speak.
" You drop this in the bus. "
The boy began to take his leave, after handing over the entry pass to Jungkook, but out of blue Jungkook grab the boy wrist, this action of Jungkook confused the boy as he turns around and face him (JK). The boy wait for Jungkook to speak something, but Jungkook said nothing, The boy removed Jungkook hands from his and ask.
" what happened? "
Jungkook (Past)
Jungkook (Past)
" Eh-eh, what's your n-name? "
Jungkook, stutter as he found little embarrassing, the boy chuckle over Jungkook's action.
Jimin ( Past)
Jimin ( Past)
"Jimin, Park Jimin"
The boy said as he shows his famous eye smile in which he's eyes turns into crescent just like how half moon looks like, Jimin begun to walk away from Jungkook, he didn't even bother to know about Jungkook, like he doesn't care, his job was to delivered Jungkook's belonging.
Jungkook place his palm over his mouth, he felt his face was burning. He's freaking shy, a boy made him shy.
Jungkook (Past)
Jungkook (Past)
"WTF, this smile is too dangerous" (still blushing over again and again, he was too lost in his dreamland that he forgot he's getting late, suddenly realization hit him)
Jungkook (Past)
Jungkook (Past)
"Damn, I'm late. Freak, Hyung going to kill me for sure. (He cursed and began to run once again, but one thing was sure, he's having crush on Jimin, but unwilling to admit it.)
Jungkook (Past)
Jungkook (Past)
"is it possible to meet you again, Jimin? " (He thought Inside his head while running.)
Meanwhile Jimin's side.
Jimin ( Past)
Jimin ( Past)
"He was cute though." (He said chuckling while as he remembered how shy and blushy being Jungkook was, Jimin shook his head.)
Jimin ( Past)
Jimin ( Past)
"Stop, thinking about him, you dumbo! " (He scolded himself and began to walk towards his work place.)
Jimin ( Past)
Jimin ( Past)
" will I'm able to meet him again? (He thought, his eyes wide open) "Yeah, why the hell you are thinking about him again! "
To Be Continue.
Author Kook.
Author Kook.
Phow, Here you got a new update so, better y'all don't forget to like and comment, Your comments can motivate me write more and more (◍•ᴗ•◍)
Author Kook.
Author Kook.
And tell me, do you like this chapter are exciting like me.?
Author Kook.
Author Kook.
Gonna write new update again lol- (≡^∇^≡)
Author Kook.
Author Kook.
Opps- i forgot to mention but the past gonna be long-ass past so grab your popcorn and enjoy. (*´﹀`*)
Author Kook.
Author Kook.
Tata ✨

chapter 𝟯

Jungkook, he placed his hands on his knees as he hardly huff, taking oxygen as much he can. He was out of breath since he was running too fast. Taking out the handkerchief from his pocket, he whipped the sweat which was dripping through his hairs to temple to face. He looked up finding himself at the university entrance, he smiles through pain because he knews he reached at the place he wanted, but he also know he's dead.
Jungkook (Past)
Jungkook (Past)
"Damn, I'm too late then I should be" (He said while looking into his watch which was on his wrist, taking deep breath he began to walk.)
Instead of going to class he made his path towards the canteen since he knows that the first lecture is almost about to over.
After few minutes, he reached the canteen and sat down on his usual seat where he always sits with his Hyung's
Nobody was there since the class is going on, so most of the students are attending while our international play boy Jeon Jungkook, who woke up late because he was playing video games whole night and drinking his favorite and only banana milk.
Jeon Jungkook.
Jeon Jungkook.
Yeh, author you don't need explain everything in too much detail. (눈‸눈)
Author Kook.
Author Kook.
Well, my darling have I ever obey you.? ★~(◠ω◕✿)
Jeon Jungkook.
Jeon Jungkook.
Damn you 凸( •̀_•́ )凸
Author Kook.
Author Kook.
Love you too lol- (^з^)-☆Chu!!
Jimin ( Past)
Jimin ( Past)
Continue the story, you both bishs. ( ̄‐ ̄)んー
Jungkook (Past)
Jungkook (Past)
" His lips "
Jungkook (Past)
Jungkook (Past)
"His face "
Jungkook (Past)
Jungkook (Past)
"His eyes"
Jungkook (Past)
Jungkook (Past)
" The way he smiles, where his eyes turn into crescent just like half moon "
Jungkook (Past)
Jungkook (Past)
" The way he stares "
Jungkook (Past)
Jungkook (Past)
" Damn, everything about him just scream an ethereal angel, the beauty he possessed is enough to make anyone to go enthusiastic."
Jungkook, was lost in his dreamland. He's mind is only thinking about Jimin, like Jimin has used some kind of black magic and possess his brain like literally he's brain just can't stop thinking, Park Jimin.
He was too lost in his own world, and was unaware of certain someone presence behind him. The certain someone rose his hand.
" Strike "
Jungkook (Past)
Jungkook (Past)
" What the freak, "(He shouts, and stood up and looked behind himself and that's he felt his heart beat stopped not in happiness, but in horrified, he doesn't felt butterflies in his tummy but instead he felt monster running and partying in his tummy, because there's stood a person from whom he was trying to hide.)
Yes, You guess it correct the certain someone smacked his head, and we know who is that certain someone.
Jungkook (Past)
Jungkook (Past)
" Jin- hyung-g" ( He stuttered, he took some steps back and glance over his Hyung in nervousness and smile awkwardly.)
Jungkook (Past)
Jungkook (Past)
"Hyung-g, I can explain." (He spoke out as soon as his gaze fall upon his Hyung tired face. He knew something is wrong with his Hyung today, because until he remembered, his Jin Hyung is like a bright moon, no matter how upset he is, he never tried to show on in his face and always shine like moon, but today Jungkook can clearly see something is bothering Jin Hyung.)
Jungkook, hurriedly tried to explain himself, but was stopped by Jin who looked over Jungkook and sighed in tiredness. He pulled out the chair and sat down, feeling all drained and tired. Jungkook, who stood there like a obedient kid. Jungkook opened his mouth to say but again shut it.
" Jungkook, sit down first then talk. "
Jungkook, sat down and looked over his Hyung who was hesitantly looking here and there.
Jungkook (Past)
Jungkook (Past)
" Hyung, is something bothering you? You know you can share anything with me. " (He said and wait for Jin Hyung to reply)
" Actually…" (He hesitated, he looked down over the floor as if the floor worth then Jungkook's handsome face. He took deep breath inhaling the oxygen as much he can and try to bring some courage for himself.)
Jin looked over Jungkook's face, which shows nothing but just worries, somehow he knew he has feelings for Jungkook but too scared to confessed.
" I'm getting marry after this month." (He said in hurry and waited for Jungkook to say something, but Jungkook remain dead silent as if he lost his ability to speak.)
Jungkook was too stunned to say something finding nothing to speak he remained himself silent.
Jungkook (Past)
Jungkook (Past)
" You aren't kidding me? " (He spoke after moment of silence, he still found hard to believed though.)
Jin nodded his head as no in respond. Jungkook again went silent, since he has nothing to say. Jin sighed as he understood the younger situation, he brought his hand on Jungkook's head and ruffled his (Jungkook) hairs and smiled slightly.
"It's okay Jungkook-ah, I understand. I'm glad, at least you're concerned about me" (He said softly not wanting to make the younger to felt bad.)
Author Kook.
Author Kook.
I knew, it's getting freaking boring, don't you dare to lie ಥ_ಥ
Author Kook.
Author Kook.
I'm really so sorry for this boring chapter, I'm trying my hard to make it good, but I knew, it's getting worse ( -̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥᷄◞ω◟-̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥᷅ )
Author Kook.
Author Kook.
I'm sorry if it doesn't match your expectation. ╥﹏╥
Jeon Jungkook.
Jeon Jungkook.
Eh, Give our author some comments, because our author feeling little demotivated. (◞‸◟ㆀ)
Author Kook.
Author Kook.
Shut up, you bish- 🗿
Jeon Jungkook.
Jeon Jungkook.
But I'm trying to help you. ಥ_ಥ
Author Kook.
Author Kook.
Seeing your face made me more demotivated- 🗿
Jeon Jungkook.
Jeon Jungkook.
You meanie brat, I'm not gonna talk with you. ಥ_ಥ
See you guys soon, don't forget to like, comment and votes. (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵)

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