NovelToon NovelToon

The Lost

Episode 1

Group Chat
Rosel Lockwood
Rosel Lockwood
Hi , u guys r coming to the party, right? 👀 17:08
Malory Heartwood
Malory Heartwood
I'm coming 😁 17:08
Eden Willsmith
Eden Willsmith
Parties r so lame ... U know 😒 17:08
Evelyn Wright
Evelyn Wright
We'll be late , Ivy is still readying 🫠 17:09
Noah Evens
Noah Evens
Did Charlotte msg u guys ? She's not online. 17:10
Noah Evens
Noah Evens
Tell her to gimme a call 🤙 17:10
Rosel Lockwood
Rosel Lockwood
I'll tell her . 17:10
Rosel Lockwood
Rosel Lockwood
Party starts at 7 . Late comers r not welcomed 😁 17:12
Ivy Wright
Ivy Wright
Be fair 😒 17:12
Rosel Lockwood
Rosel Lockwood
Just kidding 😂 17:12
Noah , why did u call me ? 🥲 17:12
Noah Evens
Noah Evens
Dm me 🫠 17:13
Kk 17:13
Noah Evens
Noah Evens
Babe, r u there? 16:35
Noah Evens
Noah Evens
Babe.... 16:43
Noah Evens
Noah Evens
Why didn't u pick up my call? 😤 17:13
I'm sry.😔 I was at Bella's store with mom... U know grocery shopping 😁🛍️ 17:14
Noah Evens
Noah Evens
I'm gonna pick up u by 6:30 .. Alright?? 17:14
Eve no wait!!! 17:14
Noah Evens
Noah Evens
? 17:14
I didn't tell my parents about the party.. 😔 If I did they won't let me go 😭 17:14
I told them that I'm going to Evelyn's . To do a grp project together.😁👀 17:15
Noah Evens
Noah Evens
Okay 👍. I'll pick up u there then .. 17:15
K. I'll be there at 6:30 then. 😉 17:15
Char is offline.

Episode 2

Group chat
Malory Heartwood
Malory Heartwood
Where r u guys?? 😦 19:30
Eden Willsmith
Eden Willsmith
I'm right behind u 😑 19:30
Malory Heartwood
Malory Heartwood
😬 oops... I didn't see ya 🙈 19:30
Eden Willsmith
Eden Willsmith
😒 19:30
Rosel Lockwood
Rosel Lockwood
Evelyn, Ivy r u on the way?? 👀 19:30
Ivy Wright
Ivy Wright
Yep , just in front of ur 🏠. 🥹 19:31
Noah Evens
Noah Evens
I picked char, and we r on the way . I'm driving.🫠 it's pouring rain tho☔ 19:31
Rosel Lockwood
Rosel Lockwood
Did someone invite Ellie by the way 19:31
Eden Willsmith
Eden Willsmith
How do we know? U r the host 🥲 19:31
Rosel Lockwood
Rosel Lockwood
Noah , did u invite ur ex-gf ???😑 19:31
Noah Evens
Noah Evens
What's the matter? She's just a friend now 😅 17:32
Rosel Lockwood
Rosel Lockwood
Uhh, I can't believe u. 😑 what if char find out that u invited her... PIZ don't hurt char 😡 17:32
Noah Evens
Noah Evens
Chill 😎 17:32
Rosel Lockwood
Rosel Lockwood
handle it by ur self 😑 19:32
Noah Evens
Noah Evens
I can't chat right now .. I driving.. Bye 🥲 19:33
Noah is offline
Chat group
Ellie ?? 19:31
Rosel Lockwood
Rosel Lockwood
No , I think I mistook Char.. Sry 19:33
Oh.. 19:33
Malory Heartwood
Malory Heartwood
Eden , where's the wine that u brought? 19:33
Eden Willsmith
Eden Willsmith
At the basement. 19:33
The twins & Rosel
Evelyn Wright
Evelyn Wright
Rosel , it's Ellie... U r right 19:40
Ivy Wright
Ivy Wright
Here she comes ... 19:40
Rosel Lockwood
Rosel Lockwood
Avoid her 🫠 19:40
Rosel Lockwood
Rosel Lockwood
Did she go? Guys? 19:40
Evelyn Wright
Evelyn Wright
Yeah 😅 19:40
Ivy Wright
Ivy Wright
I'm afraid that she'll cause a scene in front of Char. 19:41
Evelyn Wright
Evelyn Wright
Yeah , do u guys remember the last feild trip ... She tripped Char 😔 19:41
Ivy Wright
Ivy Wright
She's a bully .. 😑 19:41
Rosel Lockwood
Rosel Lockwood
I know 🫠 19:41
Rosel Lockwood
Rosel Lockwood
But we can't force her to leave 🫠 19:41
Ivy Wright
Ivy Wright
Why not u can , she's in it house after all 😌 19:42
Evelyn Wright
Evelyn Wright
yep, Ivy is right 19:42
Rosel Lockwood
Rosel Lockwood
I can't, She's been invited 🫠 19:42
Ivy Wright
Ivy Wright
Bu whom ? 😑 19:42
Evelyn Wright
Evelyn Wright
Did u?? 19:42
Rosel Lockwood
Rosel Lockwood
Nooo , no way 😑 19:42
Rosel Lockwood
Rosel Lockwood
It's Noah 🫠 His doing 19:42
Evelyn Wright
Evelyn Wright
Oh crap 🙄 19:42
Ivy Wright
Ivy Wright
What's he up to 19:42

Episode 3

Rosel , we just arrived at ur door 🌝 18:01
Rosel Lockwood
Rosel Lockwood
🌝 18:01
Group Chat
Evelyn Wright
Evelyn Wright
Did Charlotte come? 🥰 18:02
Malory Heartwood
Malory Heartwood
Yeah, I saw her coming inside 😄 18:02
Eden Willsmith
Eden Willsmith
Oh the DJ sucks guys 🥴 21:02
Malory Heartwood
Malory Heartwood
😑 21:02
Rosel Lockwood
Rosel Lockwood
Guys who's in my brother's room … It's locked inside 🔐 22:30
Ivy Wright
Ivy Wright
I saw Ellie went there 🫠 22:30
Rosel Lockwood
Rosel Lockwood
Why didn't u tell me before … My brother won't like, if he found someone has sneaked into his room 🫠 I'm done for then 22:30
Eden Willsmith
Eden Willsmith
UMM Isn't your brother studying abroad 🤔 22:30
Rosel Lockwood
Rosel Lockwood
Ahh 😖 He's coming this week tho 🫠 22:31
Eden Willsmith
Eden Willsmith
Oh, oh I think something is going on in that room 😕 22:31
Rosel Lockwood
Rosel Lockwood
Char , where r u ?? 22:38
Group Chat
Malory Heartwood
Malory Heartwood
What hv u done Noah?? 😡 22:37
Ivy Wright
Ivy Wright
Why did u do that to Char 🤬 22:37
Eden Willsmith
Eden Willsmith
U r such a jerk 😠 22:38
Noah Evens
Noah Evens
Chill guys , just kidding 😜 22:38
Noah Evens
Noah Evens
That's a prank yo 😂 22:38
Ivy Wright
Ivy Wright
A prank ?? R u even human ? 22:38
Evelyn Wright
Evelyn Wright
And from all with Ellie ? How could u do that in front of Char??😡 22:38
Noah was removed from the Group Chat by an admin
Rosel Lockwood
Rosel Lockwood
Guys , did someone see Char? Can't find her 22:39
Evelyn Wright
Evelyn Wright
She left in panic 😞 22:39
Ivy Wright
Ivy Wright
I think she couldn't believe what happened 😞 22:40
Malory Heartwood
Malory Heartwood
Can't reach her phone either . It seems it's off 22:41
Eden Willsmith
Eden Willsmith
I think she went home 22:41
Rose... I ... 23:55
Rosel Lockwood
Rosel Lockwood
Char , where r u did u go home safely? ❤️ 23:55
Char is offline

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