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Pregnant At Sixteen: Whitney's Journey

First day at Whitehall; The kiss and Houston's coaching.

Whitehall Academy is an extremely prestigious college that everyone in Los Angeles, California aspires to attend. The college is well-known for its stunning buildings and bright pupils.

Whitney's first day at Whitehall Academy in Los Angeles, South California, in the United States, and everyone seems to be bullying her except Houston, the hottest boy at Whitehall Academy, and things were already going well for Whitney on her first day of college. She began by being acquainted with Whitehall's rules and regulations, the first of which was the prohibition on violating any school rules and regulations. After listening to all the regulations presented to her by Houston, Whitney walked to her classroom, where she met Will, the brightest and cutest guy in Whitehall, who also happened to be her classmate, and they began catching up.

Will held Whitney's hands and exclaimed, "Ring! Ring! That's the bell." They headed out to the cafeteria for lunch, and Houston greeted them.

They returned to class after taking their lunch break.

After several hours, the closing bell rung, and everyone was dismissed. Will and Whitney went on the bus together, while Houston drove his own car.


Hello, Whitney.

Hello, Houston.

Have you seen William? Whitney inquired as she looked at Houston, who was focused on the cheerleaders. This reminded Whitney of their earlier conversation about Phyna, the cheerleader.

Houston! Houston!!

Yes, Whit, I am with you.

What have you said?

I asked, have you seen Will?

Oh no, I just arrived. Not long.

You guys took the bus together, right?

Oh crap, he took the first bus since I got up late this morning and couldn't meet him.

Whit Newbie. I requested not to be referred to as Newbie, as my surname is Newborn. Anyway, where were you? I looked all over this school for you.

Houston cleared his throat.

Sorry, Houston. "I and Houston searched every corner of this school for you."

Haha I understand, Whit, and will make sure you get the bus tomorrow. Houston! Houston!! We're heading to class; don't spend the entire time staring at Phyna while she does whatever.

yeah! yeah!! yeah!!! Guys I know.

Will and Whitney lock hands on their way to class, leaving Houston in his world.

Good morning, students.

Good morning, Mrs. Phillips.

We have a new student that we didn't recognize yesterday owing to an academic concern. Miss Whitney, may we kindly have you at the front?

Sure, ma'am, as Whitney moves forward, hello, my name is Whitney Newborn, and I'm happy to be in Whitehall with you all.

Thank you Whitney, welcome Whitney, hello Newborn, and pleasure to meet you. Miss Whit Newbie.

I know it's you, Will; you're the only one who can greet me as Newbie. Wait till we're out of class; I'll deal with you while they both focus on their study.

Students, let us now return to our major topic in mathematics. We are going to treat...

Houston's lesson is shown, and he is seen giving his full attention to his phone rather than his teacher and book.

Houston, I need you up right now.

Houston remained focused on his phone while watching Phyna's display.

Houston, submit your phone instantly and keep standing. This is when he learned that he had been carried away from the class since the beginning.

The lunch bell rings, and everyone exits for the cafeteria except Houston, who is bawling over his phone.

Houston's teacher called, and he swiftly responded, "Take your phone and make sure it is not used while lectures are in progress; if not, you know what to do."

Houston responds, "Yes, sir," as he exits the classroom, only to find Will and Whitney at the entryway.

Houston, what is your offense? Whit asked.

Did you come to class late due of Phyna? Ask Will.

No, I was caught using my phone, and it was stopped by Mr. Paul, and I believe if my actions are repeated, his next line of action is incarceration, As he had said.

Don't worry, Houston; we'll show you how to approach Phyna so you don't have to watch her via your phone again, but rather through your windows.

They all laughed as they proceeded to the cafeteria for lunch.

Not long after they arrived, the bell rang, and they all returned to their respective classes for lectures.

Houston couldn't wait to get home because of his coaches, and after a few hours, his prayers were fulfilled, and the three of them drove to Houston's house, singing all the way.

At Houston's house, we can see the well-furnished sitting room down to the dining room, which is designed with curtains of different colors and the air conditioner doing its job at the edge, a chandelier with a Bluetooth speaker, and many other fancy interior designs.


Now to Houston's room. A room with a heavenly design, a large bed, a wardrobe with lots and lots of different collections of cartoon figures on a particular drawer—from this sight, we can conclude that it was dedicated to only action figures and many other amazing characters.

Anime characters, the latest comic books, and much more attractive stuff; we could also see his little aquarium.


Wow, your room is dope said Will.


is that anime character said Whitney as they both sit on the sofa in Houston's room and relax.


Okay, coaching class begins a few minutes from now, so get ready, said Will, referring to Houston, who was buried on his phone.


Oh, sorry guys, I will ask the help to bring some snacks, said Houston as he left the room for Whitney and Will.


I never knew Houston's house was this massive, Whitney said.


I always knew he was from a wealthy family, accounting for his brand of cars and clothes, said Will.


Is your house this huge? Whitney asked, looking like a gold digger.


Nope, big but not as massive as this.


Okay, I can't wait to see your house and your handsome brother, Whitney said as she tried to escape Will's hand.


I will get you, Whitney. Are you trying to say that my brother is more handsome than me?


No, I was just saying...

just saying what? As Will brought her closer to himself with his hands wrapped around her slim waist, he said, "Nothing, Will; I was just saying you are as handsome as your brother. 


At this point, Will was already bringing his head down to Whitney's level as kissing began. It was a deep French kiss that was later interrupted by Houston, who was perplexed to see the two in that position.


Sorry for the interruption, guys, but the snacks are here, said Houston as he dropped the tray on the table.


 Come on, I want to know how it happened and when it started happening, said Houston.


 Do you want to know how it happened? or Do you want to be coached? they both said as Houston coaching began.


It's a fresh day, and students are everywhere at Whitehall Academy (WA).

Hey, baby, said Will, giving Whitney a back hug.

Hello, Whitney. Turn to face Will as another lip connection occurs (a kiss).

Guys, please get a room. Houston murmurs from behind.

That's so funny. Will spoke to Houston as they each left for their respective classrooms.

Hello, fellows, stated Mrs. Phil (Will and Whitney's instructor).

Hello, Mrs. Phill, the pupils replied as the lesson progressed.

Today we will discuss our experiences during the Children's Day break that you all experienced.

Yes, Mrs. Philip.

Okay, Mirabel, please take the lead. Yes, ma.

I had a lovely experience and received several gifts from my parents and family friends. So, Mrs. Phil, my break was worth it.

Wow, applause for Mirabel as she takes her seat.

Yes, lady, the class responded loudly.

Will, Mrs. Phil called.

Yes, Ma. Mrs. Phil, it was the perfect break for me since I was able to chat to the person I love and she accepted me. I also went on a picnic with my family and had a great time.

Splendid!!, Will now have a girl, class. Give him a loud applaud as he takes his seat.

Whitney Newborn, please.

Yes, mother, my experience is somewhat similar to that of Will. Whitney said, appearing shy.

Ohhohhohh Whitney's break experience is comparable to Will's, which perfectly explains Will's love.


Mrs Phill! Will called out.

Yes, Will, are there any issues to my assumption?


No, right? Ask Mrs. Phil when the lunch break bell rings.

It's time for a break, fellows.

Yes, ma'am, they all go out for breaks.

Where do you believe Houston is? Ask Whitney, who was not present in the lunchroom.

Will answered, "Um, I don't know," while they waited for their lunch to be brought.

Whitney! Whitney!! "Look who's behind us," Will said as Whitney turned around to look.

Oh, Houston is with Phyna, which is more like it.

Whitney contacted Houston as he was still conversing with Phyna.

Oh, Phyna, this is my buddy Whitney, and this is her boyfriend, Will.

Okay, Nice to meet you Whitney, as well as you, Will, Houston told me a lot about your impending arrival.

I'm good. I hope the train ride with you and the hottest boy in school goes smoothly.

Yh, I...

Guys, a secret," Houston remarked.

Will and Whit asked, "What's up?"

I discovered out today that someone (Phyna) was already interested in me but was waiting for me to make a move first, which explains why the school date went so smoothly.

Guys, don't listen to whatever he says.

Okay, Houston remarked as they headed to the lunch table for some more juicy chat.

Please prioritize studying and completing assignments.

Mrs. Phil told the students as they were all sent to their respective places.

Okay, baby, let us go grab Houston and Phy.

Hello, newbie.

"Come back," Whitney cried as she hurried after Will.

Will wrapped his arms around Houston, who was clutching Phyna's hands, and whispered, "Save me; Whitney is after my life."

I warned you not to call me Newbie, said Whitney, who nearly jumped on Houston and Will before Will drew her in and they kissed.

Ohhhh, the lovebirds are at it again, Houston said.

"Stop it, Houston," Whitney murmured, blushing.

Guys, can't you just leave the bus and come with me today? since my girl will be with me.

Okay, Houston, let's go celebrate the new couple, Whitney said as they got into the car and drove away.

The party: Words from momma

The door opens softly and closes as Whitney is just coming back home from Houston's house.

tiptoe tiptoe...

Whitney's mom, Mrs. Newborn, called out to her, Where were you, Miss?

Mom, I was with Will at Houston's house studying with the help of Phyna, Whitney said.

I told you to always alert me, Whitney, before taking a decision, despite the fact that you have grown into a teenager does not give you the full right to start sleeping outside all in the name of Studying.

Mom, I was just studying, and this is my first time skipping a night, and moreover, I'm all grown up enough to take care of myself.

Whitney, my baby girl, I know you're a grownup, but I want you to be sure that you can tell me everything, and please, this should be the last time you skip a night without alerting me first.

Damn, I was worried sick, Whitney. You know you and your brother are all I have since the death of your father, and it has not been easy for me, Whit.

Please make yourself useful and successful in the future for yourself and your family, my baby.

Yes, mummy, I promise not to skip a night again as she gives her momma a hug and goes to prepare for school.


Yes mom.

The school bus is here, baby.

Okay, mom, I will be down in a minute.

Bye, mom, and please, momma, don't forget the cake I requested for, momma.

Are you going to make it, mom?

Alright, my baby.

thanks mom Whitney said as the door closed and the bus departed.


Hey Houston

Hi Whitney Have you seen Phyna anywhere?

Yeah, she is right behind you.

ohh, babe I have missed you, and yesterday was great.

Yeah, me too, bae.

Ummmm, you guys are forgetting someone here.

Sorry Whitney, said Phyna as they waited for Will, who was still in the bus since he and Whitney did not take the same bus today.

Here comes Will, said Houston as Whitney ran toward him, and they hugged.

Mrs.Will, You left your husband, right? , as the hugging continued.

No, baby, it's Mamma's fault; I have to take the first bus today.

Okay, no problem, since we're together right now.

Whitney Mrs. Lewis called for you, Mirabel said as she departed.

Mrs. Lewis is Whitehall's advisor.

The office doorbell rings, and Whitney waits for a response.

Come in, said Mrs. Lewis.

Good afternoon, ma.

How are you today, Newborn?

I am fine, ma.

Okay, I want you to look into a book line for me and quote what it says.

Okay, ma, as she collected the book from Mrs. Lewis.

Look at page 14, line 29, and read it out.

Yes, ma, page 14, line 29, says I know what to gain if I follow the right path.

Thanks, Whitney. Now your assignment is to go and revisit these words written down here and come to my office tomorrow with a proper understanding and explanation.

Yes, ma, as she takes her leave.

Thank God Mrs. Lewis finally let you go, said Will as Houston and Phyna continued with Let it go from frozen.

Okay, back to what I was going to say before you were called: how about the party tomorrow? Are you two still going to make it? ask Houston, referring to Whitney and Will.

Of course we will; who would want to miss a party organized by the hottest guy and the hottest girl in Whitehall? said Will as he looked at Whitney, whose attention was not with them, and asked, We are going, right? Will ask Whitney with a tap on her right shoulder.

Yeah, yeah, I will let my mom know about it tonight and get back to you, cutie.

Okay, let's go get some snacks and drinks from the cafeteria before heading home, guys, as they departed.


Whitney is later seen with her mom in the kitchen.

Whitney's mom is the most beautiful woman on earth, an earthly wonder brought from heaven, a great mother of two, gorgeous with her Melanie skin color, and my lovely mom. Whitney praised her mother.

Umm, what do you want? Whitney asked her mom.

Mom, a party is going to take place tomorrow at Houston's house, and I'm invited, so I am here to ask for your permission to skip some hours of the night, and not to worry, I will be back before mom's call.

Okay Whitney, you know I want the best for you, and I also want you to know that I love you so much and I wouldn't want anything to distract from your good grades and goals in life. But about the party, you can go, and according to you, make sure you are back before momma's call.

Thanks, mom, and I will make sure you're proud of me. At the end, Ma said Whitney as she went in to call her brother for dinner.

Hey libro(short for little brother)!

Hey big sis, Is the food ready now because I'm really hungry and my snacks are not a better source to stop my hunger?

Yes, food is ready, and it's time for dinner.


They both go down to have dinner and some family time before departing for their rooms.

Whitney's mom called.

Yes momma.

Check on your brother and make sure he is asleep because I'm a little busy with work, and make sure you are in bed sleeping yourself.

Yes, mom. Good night, ma.

Yeah, yeah, sweet dream


Mom! Momma!! Whitney called.

Yeah, baby,

I want to talk to you, ma'am.

Okay, what's it?

I can't sleep, I have some work from Mrs. Lewis.

Mrs. Lewis, the advisor?

Yes mommy.

Okay, what's it?

a line from a book that I need an explanation for my mom.

Okay, what does the line say?

It says I know what I will gain if I follow the right path.

It simply means, you should never be distracted by anything, once you have set a goal, you know the right things to do, to make sure you achieve that goal.

Thanks, momma, good night.

Good night, my baby. Sleep well and have sweet dreams.

Whitney checked on her brother and went to her room.

Hey, baby, she texted.

Hey, beautiful, how is home?

Great but boring since you're absent, babe. I just can't wait for both of us to pass the school stage and get married so that I will not have to miss you much.

Oh, me too, baby, so what did your mamma say about the party? What, my girl?

Guess, babe, what did you think was her answer?

As you know, I'm bad at guessing, and right now I'm anxious, so please just let me know.

Okay, I can go, but I have to make sure I'm home immediately after the party is done, meaning I'm not allowed to spend the night.

Okay, that is a relief.


I can't wait for the party, and by the way, where are these guys? Houston is probably with Phyna, so where is Will?

Hey baby girl.

Hi Houston, see Will?

Nope, I thought he was with you.

Yeah, he was, but he left to go get some water, and he is not yet back; maybe he is somewhere chatting with friends.

Who is chatting with friends, ask Will who was behind them.

You, of course, and Phyna also answered from behind.

Okay, since we are complete and also done with school activities for today, we will not plan our entrance to the party, said Phyna.

Oh, that will be nice, but as you all know, I'm not going to reveal my dress code to anyone, not even you, baby, because my outfit tonight is a surprise.

Wow ?? Party vibes are already booming, said Phyna, resting her hand on Houston's shoulder.


Mom, how is your baby girl?

Oh wow, I'm short of words, darling, because you look perfect tonight.

Thanks mamma.

Okay, now for the finishing touch, come to momma. said Whitney's mom.


This was my first gift as a teenager, Whitney's mom said as she placed a very wonderful necklace on Whitney's hands.

ohh , wow, God, lovely , mom, this is so beautiful. Thanks ma, I love it, but momma, something is missing.

What's that, baby?

You forgot to put it on for me.

Oh, sorry, my girl, I was so busy admiring God's perfect creation standing right in front of me that I forgot to put the necklace on for you.

Thanks momma, I love you, said Whitney as she followed Will, who was already waiting for her.

Good bye Mrs. Newborn said, "Will, as they both left for the party.

Hey Whitney, said Phyna, who was looking so gorgeous and beautiful.

Hi Phy, You look awesome.

Thanks, Whitney; you look beautiful too, and your gentleman looks splendid too.

All thanks to my queen, said Will as he looked at Whitney.

By the way, where is our host? Ask Whitney.

Here he comes looking so wonderful, said Phyna, referring to Houston.

Hey gu... as he kisses Phyna before paying attention to the other couple. Hey guys, sup

We are good, so when is the party starting, Mr. Host? Ask Will.

A few minutes from now, Mr. and Mrs. Will

But I suggest we grab some snacks and drinks to cool off before the party, said Houston, as they all leave the party floor for Houston's room.

Babe, come and sit here, said Houston, pointing to his thighs. This is how it's done, Will.

Meaning? Ask Will: Do you think you can be more romantic than I am? I will show you at the party, said Will as the party music started.

Okay, ladies and gentlemen I guess it is time to par... Ty, said Houston as they departed to the party floor.

Wow, this is lit, said Whitney.

Hey Whit.

Hi Mirabel, I didn't know you would be here.

Of course I'll be here; say hi to my sister Miranda.

Hey Miranda It was nice meeting you.

Nice meeting you too, Whitney.

Please enjoy the party, said Whit as they both separated.

Hey babe, said Phyna.

Hey, why are you down? Aren't you enjoying the party?

I am a baby, but I want you, Pappi.

You want me?

Yes, bae, I want to cuddle.

Okay, my baby, just enjoy the party for a few minutes, and I will be right back with you, okay?

Okay pookie.

Hey, do you think Houston made too many arrangements for this party because it's just so lit? Miranda said to Mirabel.

Yeah, I guess, and all the cheerleaders are present, so definitely it was meant to be lit.

The roof is on fire, said the DJ as the dance continued.


Houston and Phyna were seen inside getting intimate while Will and Whitney, on the other hand, were in the guest room.

Hey, baby, have you done this before? Will ask Whit.

Nope, but I'm ready, said Whit as the kissing continued, and one could hear the sound of sweet music from the party floor as Whit gave into moaning and caresses.

Baby boo, I want more, said Phyna as Houston began the touching of another round of intimacy. I want it, baby; give it to me; push it in; go harder, and many other words could be heard from Phyna.


Sigh, that was nice, said Will.

Yeah, it was a baby.

Did you enjoy it?

Yeah, I did, but it was painful at first.

Okay, that aside, my love, since we didn't use protection, you will have to go for contraceptive pills to avoid pregnancy.

Yeah, yeah, I know that, said Whit as they both went to the bathroom.

How was this baby?

Huh, um, it was nicer, and I really enjoyed it.

Knock! Knock!! Knock!!!

Who is there?

It's Will and Whitney, guys.

Come in.

Awwwwn, I see glittering faces. What happened in that room, Will?

Nothing and any way we're here because it's time to go since the party is over already.

Oooh, now the party is over, huh? After my guest room has been f***ed.

Alright, baby, I will be with you shortly. I just have to ask my cook to package some homemade snacks for the latest hot couple to take home.

Do you really have to do that?

Of course; Whitney can give the snacks to Mrs Newborn. Said Houston as he departed for the kitchen.


Today was the best, and I can't wait to have more with you, sweetie, said Will as he wished her goodnight and made sure she went into her house safely.

S** Education




Whitney sighs as she goes to open her window curtains. "Oh, what a beautiful brand new day! she says as she kneels to take her morning devotion before going down to her mom.

Good morning, momma

Morning baby girl, How was your sleep? I hope it was great.

Yes, mom, it was, but I'm still so very tired.

Pa.....r...ty right?

Maybe momma, said Whitney as she picked an apple from the dining table.

So Whit, what do you say since today is Saturday? Should we take baked snacks and tea for breakfast or cereal?

Baked snack, mommy: said, Whitney's brother, who just woke up.

Good morning, mommy and big sister.

Good morning, sweetie, Whit said before her mom could respond to her baby boy's greetings.

Morning, my baby boy, did you sleep well last night?

Yes mommy.

Have you prayed to God this morning?

Yes mommy.

Okay then, come and give mommy a hug, she said as Winner (Whitney's brother) gave her a tight hug.

Okay, guys, breakfast is served.

Alright, momma, as they take their breakfast.

Thanks momma, your toast cakes are always the best, said Whitney as she took her brother up the stairs.


yes mam.

Make sure you check your brother's water temperature and balance it for him.

Yes mamma.

Okay, and don't forget our party gossip.

Yes momma.


Okay, so how did it go?

Mom, it went well, and I enjoyed myself dancing and catching up with new people, and they were all nice.

Ok, so is that all the gossip, Whitney? Did nothing happen between couples?

No, ma'am, just Houston and Phyna and some other couples.

Okay Whit. There was no boyfriend caught yesterday.

No mom.

Alright Whitney, I just want to let you know that you can trust me with every word you say because I'm your mother and I only want the best for you.

Okay mamma.

I want to talk to you about sex today, Whit, and I'm sure at sixteen you can't say you don't know what that means.

Yes mom I know what s** is.

Okay, that makes things easier, so let's get to it.

S** is the penetration from a guy's reproductive organ (pe*is) into a girl's reproductive organ (va**na).

Momma, it is also the insertion, right?

ok...ay Whit, that is also right.

Now you can only give in to having sex with a guy if he is your husband, but in today's world, many young serious couples who have their family's permission to date have s**, and it has become common among teenagers and youths of the 21st century. So I believe you will introduce a guy to me before having sex, right?

Yes, Momma Whitney lied to her mom.

Okay, baby, and another thing you must know is that you must use protection; like condoms, while getting intimate with someone who is not yet your husband.

Okay momma.

Make sure you let me know if anything like this happens or has happened, okay?

Yes ma Whitney said with a low tone, knowing fully that she was lying.

Another thing, Whit.

Yes mam.

Make sure you take Plan B (POSTINOR); A contraceptive pill after every unprotected s**, okay?

Yes, Mrs. Newborn, as they both laughed and sat quietly for a while before beginning another womanly gist.


So how was your meeting with Mrs. Lewis?

It was nice, mom; she just threw more light on it and then gave me a piece of advice.

Okay, go and get your brother so that we can go and get something from the mall.

Sharply, Whit got up and ran up to get her brother.

Libro, mall time.

Yeah, we are finally going to the mall after some weeks of not going out.

Yeah, Libro, can you just be fast before Momma changes her mind? she said as she helped her brother with his small side bag.

Momma We are ready to move, ma'am, said Whitney.

Yes, mommy, we are ready to move, mam. Winner said he was mimicking his sister.

Okay, my fellows to the...


They both shouted as they closed the door.


After some time spent shopping, the Newborn family was back home.

Momma You forgot to buy Winner's toy box, said Whitney.

Oh, I will get that tomorrow after church service.

Okay, ma said Whitney.

Tick, tick, Tick, the doorbell rings.

I will get it, momma said, Whitney.

Okay baby.


guys, what a surprise visit, said Whitney, referring to Houston, Phyna, and Will. Oh, come in.

Sorry for not alerting you before showing up at your door; Whitney, but then it wouldn't have been a surprise, right? Houston said, as they made their way inside.

Mom, My friends are here.

Oh, what a surprise! And how are you guys? You must be Phyna and Houston, right?

Yes ma, they replied.

Mrs. Newborn, you're forgetting someone here.

Oh, Will, you're popular in my house since my daughter sings your praises even in her dreams, said Whitney's mom as they all laughed.


Today has been a funny day in my house, said Mrs. Newborn as she served them snacks and fresh squeezed juice to compliment the snacks.

Okay, Whit I will leave you guys to it while I spend some time with your brother.

Okay mamma.

So, baby, how are you? said Will.

I'm fine, just that I was missing you, and you're right here, and I can't even get a kiss, said Whitney as she gently moved toward Will, and they kissed while Houston was on the lookout.

The gist continues as the laughter grows louder to the extent that television volume cannot be heard.

After much fun and romance, Whitney's guests departed to their various abodes.


Mom! mom!!

Yes, my love, have your friends departed??.

Yes, mom; now, I have more time for you and my little bro.

ohhh!! Wow, now that your friends are gone, you have time for momma, right?

Sorry, and yes mom, about today's church service; how was it? Do you think the new reverend delivered well today?

Yes, baby, he tried, and I'm sure he also gave it his best, okay?

Yes mam.

Alright mom, I have a request; please can we go for a ride in your car?

Definitely my love, but where are we going?

Maybe we can go get Winner's toy box.

ohh, that's true; let go, said Mrs Newborn as she moved Winner who was asleep gently to the car.

Hey mom, can you take a quick stop please, I need to get my hair products from the salon, said Whitney who was eager to get down.

Alright, after this, we are going to get your brother's toy box from the mall before heading home.

Okay, mom, Whitney said as she was trying to wake her brother to see her off to the salon.

Let him sleep; said her mom, who was trying to focus on parking her car in the right spot.

Yes, ma'am, as she continued the disturbance till Winner woke up.


Today's awesome mommy said winner as he played with his toys.

Mom, can I please go to Will's house? Ask Whitney with puppy eyes.

Don't be long, baby, said her mom as she continued her work.

Okay, mom, I will be back soon, she said as she closed the door.


Hey, you didn't tell me you were coming, baby, said Will, who was shirtless.

I'm sorry, but I only wanted to surprise you.

Oh, it's not an issue; I'm just telling you because I might not be around sometimes.

Okay, where are your parents? And damn!!! Your house is big.

Ohh, I forgot you have not made it to my house before, Will said as he picked up his phone and started talking, using his hand to excuse himself.

Yes, mom, I'm good, and how are you guys?

We are fine My boy, how was the service? I hope you made it to church. Have you eaten? and ...

Mum!!! I'm fine, and yes, all questions answered positively, Will said.

Okay, my little joy, I'll talk to you later then.

Alright, mummy, said Will as he dropped his phone.

So, baby, I stayed alone, and Mrs. James, whom you always see around me, is my help, and I'm here because I chose to come to Whitehall.

Okay, then why don't you take any of these cars to school? asks Whitney, surprisingly.

I'm not the type to flirt with wealth, said Will as he called on Mrs. James to bring some refreshments for Whitney.

After the refreshments, Will decided to play truth or dare (a game), and they began.

He flipped the game coin, and Will was meant to tell the truth.

Ask a question, babe, said Will.

Okay, what do you love about me? said Whitney as she faced Will.

I really care a lot about you, and I would like to be a lot more than just your boyfriend some day. You mean so much to me. I mean, just that special smile when I'm having a bad day brightens the day and makes it bearable. Or just to have you give me a hug comforts me, and most especially, I love you for you, Whitney.

Okay, this looks like a letter sent to me by a secret admirer a day before I came to Whitehall, so babe, how come your words just seem too similar to his? Ask Whitney, who seems confused.

Oh, about that, babe, it was more like a love letter I prepared but couldn't give you since I hadn't talked to you then, so I just had to send it to you through your mailbox. I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier on that I was the secret admirer who has always disturbed you. The reason was because I thought you would have been angry with me, and I wouldn't want that, so I'm sorry for putting you in suspense, said Will, being sincere.

Okay, my baby boy, I'm not angry, just that you were caught by Barrister Whitney Newborn as she touched his hair and ran.

Come back here, babe, as he runs after her.

Whitney was later caught, and this was another beginning of romance.

Will stares at Whitney for sometime before saying a thing, so babe, do you want it since it's easier to access today, and as you can see, it's just us since Mrs. James has gone grocery shopping?

Yeah, yeah, babe, but you'll have to use protection because I can't be taking POSTINOR at all times. We have s**, said Whitney as he dragged Will by his shot and pulled.

Babe, can you just take POSTINOR once for me because I have no c***** right now?

Okay babe.


Whitney on Will's body

Babe, do you work out a lot? she said as she caressed his chest.

Yes, baby, and why are you always so sweet?

I don't know, Whitney replied with a shy tone.

So when are you going home?

Oh God, babe, I was supposed to be at home by now as she put on her dress.


Hi Mrs Newborn

Hey Will, how are mom and dad?

They are good, ma.

Okay, thanks for bringing her.

Np Ma, said, Will as he waved good-bye.

What's NP, mommy? asked Winner, who was also in the sitting room.

NP means no problem my darling okay?

Yes mommy.

Momma Can you believe that William's parents are very wealthy? and his house is massive, more than Houston, and he always lied about that because he said he didn't want to flirt with people in Whitehall.


Yes mom.

Then he is a good boy by not flirting with his wealth, baby, but I hope nothing is amiss between you two.

No mommy.

No dating in secret, remember?

Yes, mam, as she salutes to her.

Okay, go freshen up and come help in the Kitchen.

Alright, best MOMMA?.

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