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Ghost's Confession

But I'm rich!

I don't get it
I'm rich
And I have the most influential family in the North
So...why is this happening?
Samara (FL)
Samara (FL)
Samara (FL)
Samara (FL)
*Glares through gritted teeth*
Samara (FL)
Samara (FL)
"Who...sent you?"
*Gives a deathly stare*
I shut my eyes. The blade cut through my neck, and I fell on the floor, my vision slowly fading to black...
-eyes snap open-
Samara (FL)
Samara (FL)
*Adjusts vision*
Samara (FL)
Samara (FL)
*Looks around*
Samara (FL)
Samara (FL)
Samara (FL)
Samara (FL)
I am back
This was the third time I had died and come back to life.
The first time it happened, I deployed 50 guards outside our mansion, dismissed all my staff and replaced them with new ones.
The second time, I moved out and went into hiding.
The third time, I made a list of all my ex lovers and banished them from the North.
And yet, every single time, someone would show up and kill me. It didn't matter how many people I would imprison.
Samara (FL)
Samara (FL)
*Drops her head in her hands*
Samara (FL)
Samara (FL)
Who could hate me so much?
Samara (FL)
Samara (FL)
And how were they able to kill me again and again?
Unknown man
Unknown man
What will you do this time?
Samara (FL)
Samara (FL)
*Looks towards the window*
Damien (ML)
Damien (ML)
*grins* Hello
Samara (FL)
Samara (FL)
Samara (FL)
Samara (FL)
*Throws a pillow at him*
Samara (FL)
Samara (FL)
-To be continued-

30 minutes to die

The pillow flies right through his body
Damien (ML)
Damien (ML)
*Calmly brushes dirt off his coat*
Samara (FL)
Samara (FL)
G-g-ghost?? 😱
Samara (FL)
Samara (FL)
Martha (FL
Martha (FL's maid)
*Outside the door* My lady, are you alright?
Damien (ML)
Damien (ML)
*Rests his cheek on his palm patiently* 😌
The door creaked open and Martha, my maid rushed in.
Martha (FL
Martha (FL's maid)
What's wrong, my lady?
Samara (FL)
Samara (FL)
D-d-do you see that?
Martha (FL
Martha (FL's maid)
*Looks at the window*
Martha (FL
Martha (FL's maid)
*Blinks* See what?
Samara (FL)
Samara (FL)
Samara (FL)
Samara (FL)
(She can't see him?)
Damien (ML)
Damien (ML)
No, she can't
Damien (ML)
Damien (ML)
And is that how you greet your saviour?
Samara (FL)
Samara (FL)
Damien (ML)
Damien (ML)
Who do you think has been rewinding time for you?
Samara (FL)
Samara (FL)
Samara (FL)
Samara (FL)
*Eyes light up*
Samara (FL)
Samara (FL)
Ohh, you're a friendly ghost!
Damien (ML)
Damien (ML)
💢 Excuse me? I'm the heir of the grand mage of this empire. Address me as your holiness!
Samara (FL)
Samara (FL)
Samara (FL)
Samara (FL)
But how can a ghost be holy??
Damien (ML)
Damien (ML)
Damien (ML)
Damien (ML)
You have a point.
Damien (ML)
Damien (ML)
Call me Damien, then
Martha (FL
Martha (FL's maid)
Martha (FL
Martha (FL's maid)
(Why is she talking to the window?)
Just then, the clock chimed. I looked at the time. Suddenly, reality hit me.
Samara (FL)
Samara (FL)
Samara (FL)
Samara (FL)
(Now isn't the time for this. I'll die in 30 minutes!)
Samara (FL)
Samara (FL)
Martha (FL
Martha (FL's maid)
Yes, my lady
Samara (FL)
Samara (FL)
Find the new butler and throw him in the dungeons!
Martha (FL
Martha (FL's maid)
*Freezes* W-what?
Samara (FL)
Samara (FL)
*Glares* Do I have to repeat myself?
Martha (FL
Martha (FL's maid)
*scurries off*
Samara (FL)
Samara (FL)
Damien (ML)
Damien (ML)
Are you sure it's the butler?
Samara (FL)
Samara (FL)
I saw him clearly this time. It's him
-To be continued-

My first death

The butler sat inside quietly, hands on the table.
A single lamp glimmered next to him.
Samara (FL)
Samara (FL)
Samara (FL)
Samara (FL)
(I want to ask him who sent him here)
Damien (ML)
Damien (ML)
You know that didn't go well last time
He was right.
-after the first death-
Samara (FL)
Samara (FL)
*eyes snap open*
The tall ceiling loomed over me, bringing with it a sense of familiarity
Samara (FL)
Samara (FL)
(Was room?)
Samara (FL)
Samara (FL)
*jolts up, horrified*
Samara (FL)
Samara (FL)
Samara (FL)
Samara (FL)
Wait, hadn't I died??
The clock chimed. I looked at the time. It was 7 o'clock.
Samara (FL)
Samara (FL)
Samara (FL)
Samara (FL)
(Is this déjà vu?)
Samara (FL)
Samara (FL)
I feel like I had woken up at the exact same time a while back...
But I knew I had died. A gardener had snuck into my room and killed me. Was it a nightmare?
Samara (FL)
Samara (FL)
Martha (FL
Martha (FL's maid)
Yes, my lady
Samara (FL)
Samara (FL)
Is there a gardener here with brown hair and crooked teeth?
Martha (FL
Martha (FL's maid)
You mean Flint?
Samara (FL)
Samara (FL)
Yes, find him and take him to the dungeons
Martha (FL
Martha (FL's maid)
Samara (FL)
Samara (FL)
*glares* Don't make me repeat myself!
Martha (FL
Martha (FL's maid)
*panics and leaves*
The gardener had been caught. He sat quietly, a lamp flickering next to him.
A gardener
A gardener
My lady, why am I here?
Samara (FL)
Samara (FL)
Samara (FL)
Samara (FL)
(His family has been working here for generations. Did he really kill me or was it just a nightmare?)
Samara (FL)
Samara (FL)
(Better be sure than dead)
Samara (FL)
Samara (FL)
Who hired you?
A gardener
A gardener
*Shocked* My lady?
Samara (FL)
Samara (FL)
Don't play dumb with me. You know I can hire people to find out. Spill the truth and you will be pardoned.
A gardener
A gardener
A gardener
A gardener
*eyes narrow into a glare*
Suddenly he lunged at me. With lightning speed, he took out a knife from under his sleeve and pinned me to the floor
Grab him!
A gardener
A gardener
If you move, I'll kill her
Samara (FL)
Samara (FL)
A gardener
A gardener
*laughs manically*
A gardener
A gardener
Pardon me, my lady
He placed his knife against my throat and used me to escape
And then, he stabbed me
I had survived and changed my staff. But was bedridden for days.
When the next assassin came, I was too crippled to move. My death was painful
Samara (FL)
Samara (FL)
*stares at the butler*
*Glaring at her* My lady, why am I here?
Samara (FL)
Samara (FL)
(If I threaten him, I'll get stabbed)
Samara (FL)
Samara (FL)
(Let's try a different approach)
-to be continued-

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