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Princess Don't Be Cruel

New Mission

Two years later
Aster’s Office
Modern office with large windows overlooking the bustling city of Rome. Aster sits at his desk, working silently, his expression cold and emotionless
As he is focus on work, a sudden memory floods his mind
Sunshine bursts in with a mischievous grin, holding a water gun
(laughing) boss, guess what I have!
Aster(old look)
Aster(old look)
(smiling) Sunshine, what are you up to now?
(playfully) Just a little fun! You look too serious all the time.
She squirts water at him, and Aster laughs, chasing her around the room
Aster(old look)
Aster(old look)
(playfully) You’re going to regret that!
Knock knock
Knock knock
Come back to reality
Aster's smile fades as he returns to the present, the memory a painful reminder of what he has lost
Aster Diversen/Shadow(ML)
Aster Diversen/Shadow(ML)
Two years... and still, her memory haunts me(mumble+take a deep breath)
Knock knock
Aster Diversen/Shadow(ML)
Aster Diversen/Shadow(ML)
Come in🥶🥶🥶🥶
*Gulp*S...sir this file need your sign(scare)
Aster Diversen/Shadow(ML)
Aster Diversen/Shadow(ML)
The phone rings. Aster glances at the caller ID and frowned.
Sees it's from a high-ranking officer. He massaged his forehead and took a deep breath and answers the call
Aster Diversen/Shadow(ML)
Aster Diversen/Shadow(ML)
Shadow speaking🥶🥶🥶🥶
High officers
High officers
Shadow, we have a new mission for you. It’s urgent
Aster Diversen/Shadow(ML)
Aster Diversen/Shadow(ML)
What are the details?🥶🥶🥶🥶
High officers
High officers
Our intelligence told us that notorious mafia queen, Nyx, is behind the recent spike in illegal activities. Your objective is to neutralize the threat(serious)
Aster Diversen/Shadow(ML)
Aster Diversen/Shadow(ML)
(nodding) Understood, Commander. I’ll gather my team🥶🥶🥶🥶
Aster hangs up the phone and dials another number. Moments later, his friends and fellow special military officers, Rico and Sarah, enter his office
Hi guys 🥰
Hope you like season 2
Guys I don't want to be clingy author but I have a request
Please give me you pov too
In season 1 you guys show me how much you like that story by clicked on "like" but as a author I want you pov too
So give me comments too to tell me how much you like this story and what is your POV about this story
to be honest it give me more courage to write further
thank you 😊
Bye 😎
... continue...

Strategy Room

Somewhere on earth
A dimly lit, high-tech room filled with monitors and maps. Nyx,the queen of underworld stands at the head of the table, exuding authority and control. Her trusted advisor, Luca, paces nervously nearby
Luca/Night shade(FL BFF)
Luca/Night shade(FL BFF)
(anxiously) Queen, we have a lead on the mastermind behind the recent disruptions. Should we proceed?🥶
a smirk appear on her face
Luca/Night shade(FL BFF)
Luca/Night shade(FL BFF)
*Gulp*💭he is gone💭
Emma Watson/Seraph(FL bff)
Emma Watson/Seraph(FL bff)
*Gulp*(scared)💭 mummy save us from this Yama queen 💭
Yes, Nightshade. We must maintain our control. I’ll handle this personally. Assemble the team 😈🥶🥶
Luca/Night shade(FL BFF)
Luca/Night shade(FL BFF)
As you wish, Queen. (hesitates) But there’s something you should know🥶
What is it?🤨🥶🥶
Emma Watson/Seraph(FL bff)
Emma Watson/Seraph(FL bff)
Queen the lead indicates the involvement of a high-ranking military officer(glancing at the monitors)
Luca/Night shade(FL BFF)
Luca/Night shade(FL BFF)
His code name is "Shadow"🥶
Emma Watson/Seraph(FL bff)
Emma Watson/Seraph(FL bff)
He’s known for his ruthless efficiency and strategies. If he’s involved, it could complicate things(carefully)
Complications are my specialty. What else do we know about him?😏🥶🥶
Luca/Night shade(FL BFF)
Luca/Night shade(FL BFF)
Not much. His real identity is classified. But he’s dangerous, and his team is highly skilled🥶(handing her a Report)
(Studying the report)Interesting. We’ll have to be strategic. What’s our current position?😏🥶🥶
Emma Watson/Seraph(FL bff)
Emma Watson/Seraph(FL bff)
We’ve identified several key locations tied to his operations. Our informants are gathering more intel as we speak(pointing to a map)
(decisive) Good. Keep the pressure on. We need to find out who this Shadow is and what his weaknesses are🥶🥶
Luca/Night shade(FL BFF)
Luca/Night shade(FL BFF)
(nervously) queen, if I may... are you sure about handling this personally? It’s risky🥶
(firmly) I trust my instincts, Luca. This Shadow may be formidable, but he hasn’t faced me yet. Prepare the team and keep me updated on any developments🥶🥶
Emma Watson/Seraph(FL bff)
Emma Watson/Seraph(FL bff)
(bowing slightly) Of course, queen. We’ll be ready
Luca/Night shade(FL BFF)
Luca/Night shade(FL BFF)
(bowing slightly) Of course, queen. We’ll be ready
Excellent. Now, let’s show this Shadow what happens when he crosses the queen of underworld 🥶🥶
Luca/Night shade(FL BFF)
Luca/Night shade(FL BFF)
(hesitantly) One more thing, queen. Our sources suggest Shadow might have a personal vendetta against you🥶
A personal vendetta? How intriguing. I’ll make sure to give him a warm welcome😏😈🥶🥶
Luca/Night shade(FL BFF)
Luca/Night shade(FL BFF)
(nodding) I’ll see to it. And queen... be careful. Shadow is not to be underestimated🥶🥶
Neither am I, Nightshade. Now go. We have work to do🥶🥶🥶🥶
Luca/Night shade(FL BFF)
Luca/Night shade(FL BFF)
(Bowing) Yes, queen. Right away🥶(left)
Emma Watson/Seraph(FL bff)
Emma Watson/Seraph(FL bff)
The game begin😏😈🥶🥶🥶
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... continue...

Team meeting

Come inside without knocking
Ricardo Lopez/Thunderbolt(ML BFF)
Ricardo Lopez/Thunderbolt(ML BFF)
(grinning) Hey, Aster! Long time no see. Ready to kick some mafia butt?
Aster Diversen/Shadow(ML)
Aster Diversen/Shadow(ML)
Can't you knock before coming (eyes on laptop window)
Sarah Lee/Mirage(ML BFF)
Sarah Lee/Mirage(ML BFF)
We’ve missed you, Aster. How’s life treating you here in Italy?😊👋
Aster Diversen/Shadow(ML)
Aster Diversen/Shadow(ML)
It’s just work, Sarah. Let’s focus on the mission🥶🥶🥶🥶
Ricardo Lopez/Thunderbolt(ML BFF)
Ricardo Lopez/Thunderbolt(ML BFF)
Man, you’ve become even more of a stone-cold robot since we last saw you. Lighten up a bit(joking)
Sarah Lee/Mirage(ML BFF)
Sarah Lee/Mirage(ML BFF)
Yup boss, a little fun in life is needed😆
Aster Diversen/Shadow(ML)
Aster Diversen/Shadow(ML)
Quick flashback come where sunshine saying him this same words which make him flinch🥶🥶🥶🥶
Ricardo Lopez/Thunderbolt(ML BFF)
Ricardo Lopez/Thunderbolt(ML BFF)
See Aster💭what happen to him💭(look at Sarah👀)
Sarah Lee/Mirage(ML BFF)
Sarah Lee/Mirage(ML BFF)
👀 Don't know 🤷
Justin Roy/Ghost (ML BFF)
Justin Roy/Ghost (ML BFF)
(Breezing in) Yeah, bro, did you forget how to smile? Or did the Italians steal your sense of humor?
Alastor Diversen/Eagle (ML Bro)
Alastor Diversen/Eagle (ML Bro)
(laughing) Maybe brother practicing his mafia boss impression. You know, to blend in better
Aster Diversen/Shadow(ML)
Aster Diversen/Shadow(ML)
(sign)If you’re all done, we have a mission to discuss🥶🥶🥶🥶
Ricardo Lopez/Thunderbolt(ML BFF)
Ricardo Lopez/Thunderbolt(ML BFF)
(whispering to Sarah) See? Cold as ice. I bet he’s secretly a cyborg
Sarah Lee/Mirage(ML BFF)
Sarah Lee/Mirage(ML BFF)
(giggling) I think he just needs a good joke. Or maybe a hug
Kaiser perms/Viper (ML BFF)
Kaiser perms/Viper (ML BFF)
Alright, what’s the mission, boss?
Aster Diversen/Shadow(ML)
Aster Diversen/Shadow(ML)
We’ve received intel on a resurgence of mafia activities. Our target is a key figure in their operations. We need to move quickly and efficiently(serious)🥶🥶🥶🥶
Ml BFF/Team
Ml BFF/Team
(nodding) Got it. What’s the plan?
Aster Diversen/Shadow(ML)
Aster Diversen/Shadow(ML)
(explaining) We’ll split into two teams. Ric,Rey and Justin, you’ll handle surveillance. Sarah, Kaiser, and I will handle the extraction 🥶🥶🥶🥶
Rey Miller/Hawk (ML BFF)
Rey Miller/Hawk (ML BFF)
As long as I don’t have to do paperwork, I’m in😆
Ml BFF/Team
Ml BFF/Team
Puffff 😂
Aster Diversen/Shadow(ML)
Aster Diversen/Shadow(ML)
(serious) This isn’t a joke. We need to be precise. Any mistake could cost lives🥶🥶🥶🥶
Ricardo Lopez/Thunderbolt(ML BFF)
Ricardo Lopez/Thunderbolt(ML BFF)
(whisper to kaiser) Man, he really has changed. Do you think it’s because of her?
Kaiser perms/Viper (ML BFF)
Kaiser perms/Viper (ML BFF)
(Nodding) Probably. Losing Sunshine hit him hard. But we are always with him
Sarah Lee/Mirage(ML BFF)
Sarah Lee/Mirage(ML BFF)
(to Aster) Don’t worry, boss. We’ll get this done
Aster Diversen/Shadow(ML)
Aster Diversen/Shadow(ML)
Let’s just focus on the mission. We move out in an hour. Be ready🥶🥶🥶🥶
Justin Roy/Ghost (ML BFF)
Justin Roy/Ghost (ML BFF)
(looking at the map) So, who exactly is this key figure we’re targeting?
Aster Diversen/Shadow(ML)
Aster Diversen/Shadow(ML)
(grimly) Nyx. She’s been accused of orchestrating a network of illegal activities. Drug trafficking, arms dealing
Ml BFF/Team
Ml BFF/Team
WHAT 🤯(shout)
Ricardo Lopez/Thunderbolt(ML BFF)
Ricardo Lopez/Thunderbolt(ML BFF)
You are talking about Nyx who is well known for her ruthless and operates under the radar. No one’s been able to pin anything on her(still shock)
Alastor Diversen/Eagle (ML Bro)
Alastor Diversen/Eagle (ML Bro)
The joker of underworld who turn the table like a piece of cake 🤯
Aster Diversen/Shadow(ML)
Aster Diversen/Shadow(ML)
Aster Diversen/Shadow(ML)
Aster Diversen/Shadow(ML)
Sarah find out more about her🥶🥶🥶
After 15 minutes
Sarah Lee/Mirage(ML BFF)
Sarah Lee/Mirage(ML BFF)
Sir, I don't get much but
Aster Diversen/Shadow(ML)
Aster Diversen/Shadow(ML)
How much you get it tell us🥶🥶🥶
Sarah Lee/Mirage(ML BFF)
Sarah Lee/Mirage(ML BFF)
Nyx, underworld queen who is also called joker, Yama queen, devil,schemer
Sarah Lee/Mirage(ML BFF)
Sarah Lee/Mirage(ML BFF)
No one see her till now even not her subordinaces
Sarah Lee/Mirage(ML BFF)
Sarah Lee/Mirage(ML BFF)
She’s smart, cunning, and dangerous. They say she doesn’t get her hands dirty, but controls everything from the shadows
Sarah Lee/Mirage(ML BFF)
Sarah Lee/Mirage(ML BFF)
And it is said she is master queen of manipulator
Sarah Lee/Mirage(ML BFF)
Sarah Lee/Mirage(ML BFF)
That's why people also called her chessmaster who turn the game in few seconds
Kaiser perms/Viper (ML BFF)
Kaiser perms/Viper (ML BFF)
(thoughtfully) And let me guess, she’s also got a fortress of loyal guards and a labyrinth of hideouts
Sarah Lee/Mirage(ML BFF)
Sarah Lee/Mirage(ML BFF)
(nodding) Exactly. She’s always one step ahead. That’s why we need to be meticulous with our planning. We can’t afford any mistakes
Justin Roy/Ghost (ML BFF)
Justin Roy/Ghost (ML BFF)
So, we’re up against the queen of the mafia. Sounds like a challenge. I’m in😏
Aster Diversen/Shadow(ML)
Aster Diversen/Shadow(ML)
Good work Sarah. Remember, she’s not just another criminal. She’s a master tactician. We need to approach this with caution and precision🥶🥶🥶
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.... continue...

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