NovelToon NovelToon

The Bad Sense

Chapter 1

Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
staring at her reflection in the mirror.*"
Mary black ( fl bff)
Mary black ( fl bff)
Wow! You look amazing Alisa 🙂 am sure that useless son of walker won't be able to take his eyes off you.
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
Did I honestly have to look like this because of a date.
Mary black ( fl bff)
Mary black ( fl bff)
** hugged her from behind** come on dear.... you guys are getting married in few days, you haven't spent a second with him since you got engaged.
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
And so fuckin what??
Mary black ( fl bff)
Mary black ( fl bff)
You got to know sure Davin was not that bad as everyone taught.
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
Oh really 😏 you mean that useless son of the walker family who just stepped out of jail on my engagement day, get drunk and messed up my dress even do it's does fit.
Mary black ( fl bff)
Mary black ( fl bff)
Come on.
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
** sighed** going to see that jerk was cutting off my engagement.
Mary black ( fl bff)
Mary black ( fl bff)
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
That's just it... and I don't fuckin care about what father says, am cutting off my engagement with him.
She said looking so serious.**
Davin ight up his cigarettes..
Davin walker( ml)
Davin walker( ml)
He was not just cute or handsome and this why every ladies just wish one-night stand with him.
*Most ladies are head over heels before him, if they manage to have him..they cherish that memory alot..
He got cute blue eyes and a tempting lips..,. and one of the richest supermodel in town,
He watched her walk into the V.I.P ..they are meeting again after six months that they've got engaged.
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
** fake a smile** Hey.
Davin walker( ml)
Davin walker( ml)
So we meet again Ms.....🙄 what was that your name again?
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
You don't have to know.
Davin walker( ml)
Davin walker( ml)
Does that work with most men?
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
** frown** does what works?
Davin walker( ml)
Davin walker( ml)
Ignoring them when they asked you on a they sink away with their tails tucked between their legs?.
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl) not here about the date..
She put the engagement ring on his desk as he glared down at its.*"
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
Am saying goodbye to this engagement Mr Walker.
Davin walker( ml)
Davin walker( ml)
You still haven't my answer wifey 😏
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
Are you deaf 🤬 don't you get the message?
Davin walker( ml)
Davin walker( ml)
Wrong answer, try again.
He said moving closer to her....he tugged her waist leaving her no choice but to turn around.**
Davin walker( ml)
Davin walker( ml)
I only asked a simple question wifey to be and you kept changing the topic.
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
** folded her arms against his chest and can't breathe cause of the strong smell of the cigarette, which made her realize he wasn't smoking a cigarette... but weed. **
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
Let go off me you son of jerk.
She yelled angrily hitting him hard in his chest, fluttered her eyes lashes but he was not ready to let her go.
Davin walker( ml)
Davin walker( ml)
The weight lifted from her shoulder, before she could think of a response, he pulled her down with him until they were both sitting down.**
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
*** still hitting him**
Davin walker( ml)
Davin walker( ml)
Don't fight me wifey... you gonna get hurt.
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
Glared at him**
Davin walker( ml)
Davin walker( ml)
You are not gonna deny me wifey... our wedding was just in few weeks and you suddenly think of walking away.
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
You are noth...........
She couldn't finish her speech... when he crushed his lips with her, lifting her head aside, he touches her lips to the corner of her mouth..
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
*A moaned she couldn't control escaped her.**
Her hands locked on his chest between them...their legs tangle.
She tucked into the crook of his neck.. catching her breath cause the kiss had last for a minute.*
Davin walker( ml)
Davin walker( ml)
You seem to be a horrible kisser wifey 🙂
He whispered with a smile.*
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
Nipped her lower lips and pushed him.... pulling away from him.... breathing harshly.**
Davin walker( ml)
Davin walker( ml)
Laughed softly*
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
Am done.
Davin walker( ml)
Davin walker( ml)
You are not gonna walk away wifey 🤣 you need me to teach you how to kiss perfectly 🤣🤣
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
Davin walker( ml)
Davin walker( ml)
We're getting married.
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
Breathing harshly.**
He picked up the ring... grabbed her and Force the ring back into her finger.
Davin walker( ml)
Davin walker( ml)
No woman Deny her husband to be 😏 even do he was a monster.
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
stare at him.**
Davin walker( ml)
Davin walker( ml)
** smiles without reaching his eyes....**
Those creepy smile of his was actually scary..
To be continued.*"

Chapter 2

Mary raise her head up as her best friend walks in....she was getting dinner served.
Mary black ( fl bff)
Mary black ( fl bff)
** Good timing, how is your date?
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
Mary black ( fl bff)
Mary black ( fl bff)
** take off his hand gloves** Hey sweetie what is wrong?
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
It's was awful 😭
Mary black ( fl bff)
Mary black ( fl bff)
Awful...did he hurt you?
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
** shake her head**
Mary black ( fl bff)
Mary black ( fl bff)
You caught that bastard with a lady.
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
** shakes her head** 😭
Mary black ( fl bff)
Mary black ( fl bff)
Then what??
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
He kissed me 😭
Mary black ( fl bff)
Mary black ( fl bff)
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
And made me wear the ring again 😭 I can't walk away.
Mary can't help but burst into laughter.
Mary black ( fl bff)
Mary black ( fl bff)
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
😕 it's terrible and you are making jest of me.
Mary black ( fl bff)
Mary black ( fl bff)
Does this means you are getting married in few days?
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
** cried out loudly***
Mary black ( fl bff)
Mary black ( fl bff)
Alisa is getting married 🤣🤣 am so happy for you honey.
She said hugging her.**
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
No no..😭😭 I don't want to marry that jerk.
Mary black ( fl bff)
Mary black ( fl bff)
You are getting married,☺️
Annie Hulu ( ml ex)
Annie Hulu ( ml ex)
frown and watched as Davin approached her, she really wants to deal with him.
He smile at her but she doesn't smile in return as he hugged her from behind.
Annie Hulu ( ml ex)
Annie Hulu ( ml ex)
Oh I see, you've forgotten the face of an old friend.
Davin walker( ml)
Davin walker( ml)
** laughed** how can I forget this pretty face of yours..
He peck her.*"
Davin walker( ml)
Davin walker( ml)
Am glad you are back.
Annie Hulu ( ml ex)
Annie Hulu ( ml ex)
**SMILE lightly** am worried about the rumors.... you are getting married isn't?
Davin walker( ml)
Davin walker( ml)
Oh...yes the rumors are true 😏 am getting married.
Annie Hulu ( ml ex)
Annie Hulu ( ml ex)
You love her?
Davin walker( ml)
Davin walker( ml)
What makes you think am the kind of guy who could fell in love?
Annie Hulu ( ml ex)
Annie Hulu ( ml ex)
You fell in love with me... and you still did,
Davin walker( ml)
Davin walker( ml)
** cupped her cheeks** yes I did 🙂
Annie Hulu ( ml ex)
Annie Hulu ( ml ex)
I understand why you have to marry her.... you just don't have any choice isn't?
Davin walker( ml)
Davin walker( ml)
Annie Hulu ( ml ex)
Annie Hulu ( ml ex)
Forget it 🙄 am not interested talking about your marriage, let talk about us.
She said Smiling at him.*
To be continued.**

Chapter 3

💢 Walker's massion 💢
Gina walker
Gina walker
You really want our son to marry her.
Gabriel walker
Gabriel walker
No reply... just reading his newspaper.
Gina walker
Gina walker
Am taking to you Gabriel 🤬
Gabriel walker
Gabriel walker
Adjust his glasses** the wedding is just in few days, I expected you to start making some preparation.
Gina walker
Gina walker
Gabriel walker
Gabriel walker
We should welcome our daughter in law in a grand way.
Gina walker
Gina walker
Not me.... she doesn't even stand our level 🤬
Gabriel walker
Gabriel walker
You will get to like her 😏 it's just a matter of time.
Mary rushed into the bedroom with a loud scream and glared at her friend..who was still sleeping hugging the pillow.
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
Mary black ( fl bff)
Mary black ( fl bff)
Wake up Alisa ☺️
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
Mary black ( fl bff)
Mary black ( fl bff)
You got to see this Alisa.
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
** half awake** let me sleep, am so tired.
Mary black ( fl bff)
Mary black ( fl bff)
You are famous buddy... you got to see this.
He said waving the magazine right in front of her.
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
What the hell Mary?
She sit up rubbing her left eye with a yawn.*
Mary black ( fl bff)
Mary black ( fl bff)
Look ☺️
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
** glared at the magazine in her hand.*"
Mary black ( fl bff)
Mary black ( fl bff)
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
Eyes widen seeing the front page of the magazine.**
Mary black ( fl bff)
Mary black ( fl bff)
You are famous buddy. ☺️ it's your engagement pics
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
Mary black ( fl bff)
Mary black ( fl bff)
You are famous Alisa.... you won't believe this was one of the best selling magazine right now, everyone is willing to know who the daughter in law of the walker family was ☺️ you are famous.
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
What 🔥
Mary black ( fl bff)
Mary black ( fl bff)
My baby girl is a star.
She said sounding so excited.
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
Alisa Stewart/ walker( fl)
** staring at the magazine burning with anger.**
Mary black ( fl bff)
Mary black ( fl bff)
You're famous ☺️ my best friend is famous.
She screaming out loudly.
.............M&C company........
Jasper ( ml bff)
Jasper ( ml bff)
You don't like her and you are going to far.
Davin walker( ml)
Davin walker( ml)
Just giving the city something new to talk about 😏 at least the rumors about me being a gay could die off.
Jasper ( ml bff)
Jasper ( ml bff)
That right....but putting Ms Alisa in the middle?
Davin walker( ml)
Davin walker( ml)
At least she becomes the famous daughter in law of walker out of dirt 😏
Jasper ( ml bff)
Jasper ( ml bff)
Oh...I see.
Davin walker( ml)
Davin walker( ml)
Now everyone will be eger to meet Davin's wife 😏
........... Annie apartment.....
She race into the room with the magazine and glared at Annie who was seated on the bed applying a red lipstick.
Annie Hulu ( ml ex)
Annie Hulu ( ml ex)
Annie Hulu ( ml ex)
Annie Hulu ( ml ex)
** look up at her** What the hell?
What happened to you been on the front page with Davin?
She asked in state of confusion showing her the front page of the magazine.
Annie Hulu ( ml ex)
Annie Hulu ( ml ex)
** eyes widen seeing the magazine**
Who is she?
Annie Hulu ( ml ex)
Annie Hulu ( ml ex)
*** looking shock***
Tell me...cause this magazine becomes hot in just a day.
Annie Hulu ( ml ex)
Annie Hulu ( ml ex)
** staring at the magazine with anger without a word. **
To be continued.*

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