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Kidnapping The Prosecutor

CHAPTER 1 : Kidnapping of Babies


Rheam Khean Gonzales – Prosecutor / Detective

Justine Alfonso – Assistant/Trainee

Ms. Sanchez – Lawyer

Mr. Salvador – Prosecutor

Mr. Reginald Kang – Chief prosecutor/Uncle

Timothy Anderson – Doctor

Shun Seven Morgan – Worlds' most wanted criminal

Bianca Santos – worked under seven

Jake Smith – worked under seven

Jade Villamoure – worked under seven



He solved cases.

He defends someone in the court.

He seeks for the truth and justice.

He made bad people be in jail and marked them as criminals.

He is brave enough to win in every case and solved problems in the community.

But what if one day, he was put in the situation wherein no one can defend him, no one can find him, no one can save hi..

Because he’s kidnapped.

Case: Kidnapping of the Prosecutor.

Author’s note: hi there readers. Hoping you would love to read my story. Don’t forget to vote and leave a comment. Thank you.


“Can you take care about this case Mr. Gonzales?”

Another case to handle. Damn. I just finished a case.

“What is the case all about sir?”

“Kidnapping of babies. Parents of those babies that are being kidnapped are in my office. They are waiting for a prosecutor to handle this. I know you can do it.”

“Okay sir. I’ll take care of the case.”

“Good. Let’s go, they are waiting for you.”

We left my office to face the parents who filed the case here at the agency.

“Sorry for making you wait. This is Mr. Rheam Khean Gonzales. He will be handling the case you filled here. He’s very good in handling a case.”

“I’ve heard about you. You're the one who won the case about drug trafficking, right?”

I smiled and nodded. Three pairs of parents are here.

“Yes. Nice meeting you. So, about the case, when did it happen?”

“It happened last Tuesday; we’re in the park that time. Our twin's nanny was with us. Someone just called me for a moment, when I turned around, my twins and their nanny were gone."

The first mother who spoke broke into tears.

"Same things happened with us, the only difference is, I lost mine at church, and he lost his at home."

She pointed to the girl next to him.

“So our primary suspect was the one who took care of the babies. Their nanny.”

They all nodded.

“Where are your husband’s when it happened?”

“They are in their work that time.”

I nodded. So be it, the baby sitter is the suspect. I read what was in the folder. The information about the four missing babies and I noticed one thing right away.

“Okay. I will work for this. I can assure you that we will get your baby back no matter what. We will do our best.”

“Thank you, Thank you.”

I stood up and went back to my office.

“How’s it, sir?”

“I’ll take the case. All we need to do is to rely on the information here in the case they filled.”

He nodded and read the information in the folder.

“Their addresses are suspicious.”

“Yes. I think so.”

I sat in my swivel chair and think. Justine Alfonso is my assistant/trainee. We're almost two years together.

"Sir, according to the parents, only one person applied to them as a baby sitter but the names used were different."

“Okay. Get the names used of the baby sitter. Write it all together with the address of the families. Give it to me afterwards.”

“Copy, sir.”

He immediately did what I asked him to do. I leaned on my swivel chair, then suddenly my phone rang.

“Yes mom, what is it?”

“Rheam, are you busy tonight?”

“Yes mom, why?”

“ahm, we want to have dinner with you.”

“I’ll try mom.”

“Okay, we’ll expect you in our restaurant later, 8:00 pm.”

“Okay mom. I’ll hang up now.”

I ended the call and looked at the wall clock in my office. 6:30 p.m.

“Sir, here’s the names and addresses you need.”

“Thank you Justine. Let’s call it a day. You may now go home.”

“Thank you, sir.”

I just nodded and looked at the paper he gave me.

"I'll go first, sir."

"Okay, be careful. See you tomorrow.”

He waved at me then left.

“Mr. Gonzales, aren’t you going home yet?” Mr. Salvador, prosecutor like me.

“Do you have date tonight?” Ms. Sanchez, lawyer.

“Hmm.. Nope, later I’ll go home. Take care.”

“Okay, bye bye dear.” Ms. Sanchez.

I smiled and waved at them. I just reviewed the other case I was holding.

"Mr. Gonzales, you're overtime?”

"No sir. I'm about to leave."

"Okay. I'll take my leave now."

"Take care sir."

He's Mr. Reginald Kang. Our chief prosecutor here.

I looked at the wall clock. It’s 7:15 p.m. I packed my things and went down to the ground floor.

“Take care, sir.”

“Thank you.”

I just smiled at the guard before I got in my car and went to the restaurant that we own.

When I got there, the staff immediately greeted me.

“Good evening, sir Rheam.”

“Good evening. Where’s mom and dad?”

“In the private room, sir.”

“Okay thank you.”

I went straight there and caught up with mom and dad who were laughing. I smiled.

“Did I miss something?”

“Baby! You came!”

My mom stood up to gave me a warm hug.

“Mom, Dad.”

“I’m glad you made it, Rheam.” Dad

“So what’s the matter?”

“Let’s eat first. I let the chef prepared your favorite.”

“Thanks mom.”

I sat on the chair provided for me.

“So, how’s your work, Rheam?”

“It’s fine dad.”

“Congratulations baby. You won the case on drug trafficking.”

“Thanks mom.”

She is putting foods on my plate.

“Mom, I can take care of my food.”

"Stop it, Rheam. We only have this kind of dinner together once in a while. You're always busy with your work."

I was quieted because of what mom said.

"Let's eat."

I just nodded and we started eating.

“Rheam, dear.”

“Yes dad?”

“We want to go back to U.S. We want to ask you if you want to go with us or you’ll stay here.”

“I’m so sorry dad but I do have works here. I can’t leave it.”

“We know that baby. But you can work in U.S too.”

“Mom, I have new cases to handle and they trusted me to finish and give them the justice they are looking for.”

They both heave a deep sigh.

“Rheam, hijo, to tell you the truth, we are worried about your life. Look, your work connects with dangerous people. What if something bad happened to you? We’re just protecting you.”

I smiled. I am their only child. I cannot blame them.

“Thanks for the concern mom and dad. But I chose this job of mine. I can assure you that nothing bad will happen to me.”

“I trust you baby.”

“Thank you mom, dad, I love you.”

“I love you too baby.”

“I love you too hijo.”

“Take care and enjoy your stay in U.S.”

“We will baby. We will visit you right away when you need us.”

“Uhm. Thanks dad. So when will be your flight?”

“Tomorrow, at 1:00 am.”

“Oh, okay. Just take care mom, dad. I really love you.”

They hugged me. We just talked and talked and talked until we get tired and go home.

“We’ll take our leave baby. Go home and take a rest, you look pale.”

“I will mom. Bye.”

“Bye baby.”

“Bye dad.”

“Good bye honey.”

I got into my car and drove home. And since I had already eaten, I just change clothes and went straight to my office at home.

“Let’s finish it already. What do we got here?”

I look at the paper that Justine gave me. The addresses here can form a triangle. And each address has the same number in the last digit.




These are the addresses they have.

“What’s with the number 7? Why is it in triangle shape?”

Those who lost babies were only in one barangay. I searched for logos with a triangle but no one has the number 7 on it.

"What's in the coal formation?"

I didn't stop searching but I still couldn't find it. I was busy doing research when my phone rang. New message.

[Hey baby. We’re about to enter the plane. I love you.]

I smiled. They’re so sweet. I look at the wall clock in my office. It’s already 1:00 am.

[Take care mom, dad. I love you more.]

I hit the sent button then stand up to go to my bed room. Later will be another big day.

CHAPTER 2 : Kidnapping of Babies part 2

“Good morning, Mr. Gonzales.”

“Good morning, Justine. How’s your day?"

“It’s fine, sir.”

“Good to hear that. Now, I’ll discuss the things we need to do to finish the kidnapping case.”

I sat on my swivel chair and he sat on the visitor's chair.

“Look at the addresses; they are having the same last digit. Also they are forming a triangle shape.”

He looked at what I was saying and nodded.

“We will go to that place. I have the feeling that the next victim will be today. Look at the gap of the days. The twin was kidnapped Tuesday, last week. Then the other babies were kidnapped on Monday, a week ago. And Sunday, two weeks ago. The number -07 represents the Sunday, -17 represents Monday as the first day of the week. And lastly -27 represents Tuesday as the second day of the week.”

“So it is possible that this week, Wednesday is the next target of the suspect.”

“Yes. We will check the address 1237 now and see if they have a baby.”

He nodded. I hope my calculations are correct. We are ready to go to the said place.

“Where are you going Mr. Gonzales?”

“Ms. Sanchez. We will investigate the kidnapping case of the babies.”


“We will go to the place where I calculated to be the next target.”

“That’s why I really like you. So smart. Good luck and take care.”

I just nodded.

“Let’s go Justine.”

“Yes sir.”

I went to the parking lot first to fix my car. I was looking for my key when I bumped into something.

“I’m sorry miss.”

I said. She just look at me then smirk. What was that for?

“It’s okay. Take care next time.”

She said before leaving. But something caught my attention. The tattoo in her left arm. She’s wearing a sleeve less shirt and a skirt so I saw the tattoo.

“Miss wait for a moment-“

“Sir, what’s the matter?”

I just looked at the woman until she disappeared. Her tattoo. Triangle with a dot and number 7 in the center of it. Is it only coincidence or she has something connected with the case? I don’t know.

“Let’s go Justine.”

I went inside the car and started it.

“What’s the matter sir?”

“Ah nothing. It’s just that I saw something suspicious.”

He just nodded but his facial expression shows that he is on guard. We went to the place. The house with the address of 1237. we both went out of the car and looked at the surroundings. After some time of observation, we decided to ring the doorbell. A couple went out of the house to see us.

“Good morning, how may we help you?”

“Good morning. I’m Prosecutor Rheam Khean Gonzales and this is my assistant, Justine Alfonso. We are here to investigate something.”


“Yes, can we go inside and talk about it?”

“Sure, come inside. What is it?”

With doubts visible on their faces, the couple who are residing the said address let us in.

“I just want to know if you’re aware of the current issue here in your community?”

“The kidnapping of babies?”

“Yes, I just want to know if you have a baby here in the family.”

“Yes, I have a 2 year old baby here. Actually, we’re looking for a baby sitter.”


“What do you mean?”

“I’ll be direct to the point. I will grab the opportunity. We have the feeling that your baby is the next target of the kidnapper.”


“Please, let us use this opportunity. We will assure you that we will make your child safe.”

“Prosecutor, I don’t want to put my baby in danger. What you’re saying is that you’re going to use my baby as a bait to capture the culprit. How are we going to be assured that nothing bad will happen to our child?”

The mother of the child protesting. I cannot blame them. It is their child's safety we’re talking about after all.

“Please, don’t worry and put your trust on us. I can assure you that your child will be safe.”

“You don’t even have many police with you.”

The father said. I looked at Justine. He just nodded as if he understood what I mean.

“I already called the police to standby. Here is the proof.”

He showed them the conversation she had with the police department. The couple slowly calmed down.

“This is for the better, ma’am and sir.”

They looked at me and slowly nodded.

“Okay, please. Take care of my baby.”

I just nodded and told them the plan. After lunch. We didn't made a mistake. Someone applied to be a babysitter.

"Hello. I was going to apply as a babysitter."

"Can I see your resume?"

"This is it."

The suspect handed her resume to the couple. I looked at the woman's face. She is the suspect. I didn't come out of my hiding place. We have to risk this so we can see where the other babies are. As discussed. It was as if they talked to the girl normally.

"Okay, since you are qualified, you can start right away. Because my husband and I are leaving now, there will be no one to look after our child."

"I'll take care of your child."

The couple nodded as a response to what the suspect said. They faked a trip outside as what was in the plan. I even saw the mother look at the place where I was hiding. I can see that she's really worried about the plan. I just nodded at her as if she can be comforted by it. When they left, furthermore, I looked at the woman who was now busy playing with the 2-year-old baby.

“Hello there cutie. You are all cuties. Hihi, let’s go. From now on I will be your new parent. You have, so many siblings waiting for you.”

She left the house with the baby. I quickly came out from where I was hiding and followed the woman. I also sent Justine to the police station to ask for help. He only showed the couple a fake conversation because it will be complicated if we go with the police. I followed the woman until we reached a building. It is an old building and other parts are broken. I went in and looked for the places where she can possibly put the babies. I have to make sure that the babies are safe and still alive.

“Here you go. I have five children now. All beautiful and handsome.”

I heard that in a room so I went to that room. I was relieved to see that the babies were alive and well. This girl must be crazy. I heard a rustling, so I hid to one side.

"That prosecutor is really annoying."

She seems to be talking to, someone on the cellphone.

"Did he saw you earlier? Haha, I thought he was good? Why didn't he even guess that today, I will act to get another child."

Who are they talking about and who is she talking to? Before I knew it, I texted Justine. She might even escape.

"Alright, I'll leave here first. Maybe someone was following me."

She ended the call. She was about to leave when I came out of my hiding place. I have no choice but to show myself or she will escape.

“Where do you think you’re going?”

I saw the shock on her face but it was immediately replaced by a smile.

“Oh, hello there my beloved prosecutor. You knew already.I should not have underestimated you.”

She even clapped the both of her hands. She’s crazy.

“This will serve as a concrete proof that you kidnapped those children.”

“Do you think you can arrest me alone?”

I just stared at her. I need to make a conversation to stall some time.

“Why are you doing this?”

“The heck! Of course, I want babies. I don’t want to get married, and I don’t want to get pregnant so, there, I kidnapped babies to me mine. I am brilliant, right?”

She laughs as if she is really enjoying this. Justine, hurry up, I want to throw some fist on her face.

“You’re crazy.”

“And besides I really want to get your attention, someone wants to get your attention, to be exact.”

I stopped, and was confused by what she said.

“What? Who is it? And why do that someone wants to get my attention?”

She just looked at me meaningfully and smiled.

"I will not allow you to take my children from me."

I temporarily lost my focus because of what she said.

"Those children are not yours."

"They are mine now. And no matter what you do, you can't get them from me."

She then took a sharp object. I just noticed that this building is actually a hospital. Old hospital building.

"Maybe a little scar is not bad."

Shit! What is on her mind? She's crazy. I am just avoiding her attacks. Justine, where the hell are you? Damn!


“Oops! Sorry Mr. Gonzales.”

She said with a laugh. I grabbed my arm. It hurts! Damn! I got a long cut from the scalpel she’s holding and it is bleeding.

“Sir, sorry, we’re late.”

“Arrest that woman. We need to put her in jail.”

The police immediately took action subduing the woman.

“Sir, I’ll take you to the hospital.”

“No, I can handle myself. Let’s get the babies. Let’s bring them back to their parents.”

I smiled while looking at the babies. Yes, they are too cute to be a victim of this crazy woman. Justine, one by one, put the babies inside my car.

“Get off!? Don’t touch me! Give me back the babies!”

She’s really crazy. She’s still fighting with the police while walking towards the police car.

“Thank you, thank you so much. Jesus, thank you so much for bringing our child back. We owe you so much, prosecutor.”

“You’re welcome. It’s a small thing. Take good care of the children,, and please be aware of whom you will entrust them.”

“We will keep that in mind, ma’am.”

I waved them goodbye. At last, one case is done. I sat and leaned on my swivel chair, looking at the ceiling.

“Sir, your wound.”

“I’m okay Justine. Where is the woman?”

“She’s being interrogated by the police together with Mr. Salvador.”

I went to the room where the woman was. I entered immediately.

"Oh Mr. Gonzales, why hasn't your wound treated yet?"

"I want to talk to her."

"I know what you want to ask. I won't tell you who he is."

The woman immediately answered so I looked at her. She has a smug look on her face.

"What does he want to happen? Who is he And why does he want to get my attention?"

"I will not answer all your questions."

It's annoying. What does it want to happen? I'm dizzy, maybe because of the blood I've lost.

"What are you two talking about?" – Mr. Salvador

"Haha haha, nothing."

"Mr. Gonzales, you're pale, you need someone to take you to the hospital. Justine, bring Rheam in the hospital, hurry!”

Justine immediately followed. I'm getting dizzy. I can't feel anything anymore. That's when I lost consciousness.

CHAPTER 3 : Arson Case

“Mr. Gonzales, how are you?”

“Chief, I’m fine. Thanks for the concern.”

“I told your father about what happened to you.”

“What? No, I mean. They will worry about me.”

“And you don’t want that to happen? Hijo, your life is in danger. I saw how that woman looks at you.”

I stopped and remembers the woman. Nothing bad will happen to me. It can be that she’s just crazy or that’s just empty words.

“I’m fine uncle. No need to worry about me. I’ll be more vigilant.”

He heaves a deep sigh. Chief Kang is my father’s cousin. My uncle is like a father to me beside the reason being my father entrusted me to him.

“What if you go on a vacation for a while, or go to US. You’ll be safe there. As long as it is not known who the woman is referring to.”

“No uncle. I’ll stay here, handling cases and so. I’ll never run away just to be safe. Maybe it’s just a prank.”

“Prank that can lead you to death?”

“No uncle. My decision is final. I’ll stay here.”

“If that’s what you want. But please Rheam, take more care.”

“Yes uncle, thank you.”

He just nodded and left me in my room. I’m in the hospital. There is still a tube attached to me for blood transferring. I was dumbfounded when my cell phone rang.


[Baby, how are you? Oh God. Please be safe.]

“Mom, I’m fine. I only got a short one wound. Don’t worry.”

[But please Rheam Khean Gonzales. Be more careful.]

“Yes dad. I will. Sorry for making you worry.”

[It’s fine baby. Your dad and I want you to be safe, so please.]

“Yes mom. Sorry again.”

[Okay, we’ll hang up. Bye baby, take care. I love you.]

“I love you too mom and dad.”

Then the connection went dead.

Is life really like this now? Tss. But I'm not afraid of whoever that person is. He/She’ll be in jail and I’ll stay alive or I’ll be dead and no one will be in jail. Either of the two will be the result.

“Sir, are you okay?”

“Justine. I’m fine. By the way, you did a great job.”

“Thank you, sir.”

“By the way, what happened to that girl?”

“She’s already in jail, but the chief of the police are planning to transfer her in the mental institution.”

“She’s crazy.”

This case isn’t new after all. So there’s a possibility that she’s just playing a prank with me when she said those words. No one wants my attention.

Days had passed. I'm out of the hospital and I'm going to the office now. I’m in the parking lot of my condo unit when someone called me.


“Hey, Timothy.”

“I heard what happened to you. How are you?”

“I’m fine. Thanks for the concern.”

“It’s nothing. You’re going to the office already?”

“Yeah, I have to.”

“i guess so, uhm Rheam, I want to invite you for dinner later, if that’s fine with you.”

I thought about what he said. He's Timothy Anderson, a Doctor. His unit is right next to mine, so we got to know each other. He wants to court me but I refuse. He is a guy, I mean, we both know our gender preferences and mine is actually a guy.

“I’ll think about that Timothy. I’ll let you know.”

“Thank you. I also have to go, take care.”

I just nodded and got into my car. Hoping that no one will file a case now. While in my way to the office, my phone rang.


[Hey sweetie, how are ‘ya?]

I frowned.

“Who’s this?”

[Oh, sorry dear but this isn’t the right time to introduce myself yet. I just want to know if you’re still alive.]

“Well, as you can notice. I am still alive and kicking. Tell me, are you the one who wants to be noticed by me?”

I can hear him laughing on the other side. He or she is not using his or her own voice.

[Take care always sweetie. We’re not yet done.]

I looked at my phone when the call died. Who could that person be?

“Hey dear! I’m glad you’re fine now.”

“Thank you Ms. Sanchez.”

She just giggled and gave me a cup of hot chocolate.

“Here, drink this, your favorite.”

I just nodded and went straight to my office.

“Good morning, sir.”

“Good morning, Justine.”

I have arranged my things and my table. I still have many cases that have not been completed yet.

“Sir, chief Kang wants you to handle an arson case.”

“Again? We already have a lot of cases in our hands.”

“Unfortunately, sir. He was here earlier, but there was an emergency that's why he just rely to me to tell you.”

“Okay, where are the files?”

“Here, sir.”

He handed me a thick folder. A lot of work to do, and I love this.

“And another thing sir. Here’s the copy of the case for the kidnapping of the babies.”

“Ah thank you.”

He handed over the folder of the case we finished. I opened it and was about to put it in my finished case files. Although the case is not totally closed, I already handed the case to to the lawyers. While arranging the files, something caught my eye. The pattern of targeted houses. I was suddenly nervous when I saw the whole thing. Triangle with a dot inside, then I remembered the last digits of the addresses. Seven.

“That girl.”

“Sir? Did you say something?”

“Ah nothing.”

I stood up and brought the folder. I need to know.

“Where are you going?”

“I have something to do. Stay here and review the case of arson.”

“Copy that, sir.”

I nodded at him and went out. I need to talk to that girl. The case wasn't closed yet but because of the immediate investigation, it is already in its trial, besides, I think it is connected to the one who wants my attention. It might lead me to that person.

“You will be home early, sir?"

"I'm just going somewhere."

I just smiled at him and went straight to the parking lot of the agency. This is where I met the girl with the tattoo. I was about to get into my car when someone spoke.

“Leaving so fast?”

I looked at the one who speak.

“It's you. What connection do you have with the kidnapping case?”

She just laughed and turned a little into the light. I can see her tattoo on her left arm now. I was right, the tattoo matched the pattern of the targeted houses.

"That kidnapping case was only a cover. Be ready for the big event Khean.”

She walked away from me.

"Wait! Are you behind them? The kidnapping, and the person who wants me-“

“That's not me. But I'm warning you. Be careful, that person wants to get you for good. Not just your attention.”

I stopped following her. I don't know but I felt nervous.


I decided not to leave to follow the girl. I just walked out to go to a nearby park or mall, I don't know. I'm confused. I saw a park and just sat on the bench first.

“Who are you?”

I asked. I am totally at lost as to whom is that person they are talking about. Is he or she dangerous? Should I fear him? Should I just follow what my parents and uncle said? Just who the fuck is that person?

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